Re: Re: Re: אוגוסט פ ינגווין 5 - 2006

2006-02-16 חוט Orna Agmon
IIRC, after brave negotiations, Limor got the hall for upto 400 people
for AP4 for 6K-8K shekels.

The whole budget of AP4 was about 15K shekels.

Renting the cinemateque's small hall (130 seats) for API cost about 2500

Just so that you will have some "finger numbers" to work with.


On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Samion Rodov wrote:

> Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 18:22:01 +0200
> From: Samion Rodov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Orna Agmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Alon Altman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Ha'makor Discussions list 
> Subject: [UTF-8] Re: Re: ��•�’�•���˜ �¤[UTF-8] �™� �’�•�•�™�Ÿ 5 - 2006
> �� �™ �ž�×�›�•�•�Ÿ �œ�ž�§�•�
�›�“�™ �©�‘�ž�§�¨�” �”�’�¨�•�¢ �©�™�© �œ� �• �¨�§ ��•�œ� ��—�“ �’�“�•�œ 
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On 2/16/06, Orna Agmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Samion Rodov wrote:
> > Subject: [UTF-8] Re: ן�½�ן�½�•ן�½'ן�½�•ן�½ן�½ן�½�˜ 
> > ן�½�¤ן�½�™ן�½ן�½'ן�½�•ן�½�•ן�½�™ן�½�Ÿ 5 - 2006
> >
> > ן�½�§ן�½�¤ן�½�™ן�½(c)
> ן�½�¨ן�½�§ ן�½�¨ן�½�¦ן�½�™ן�½�—ן�½�™ ן�½�œן�½"ן�½�¢ן�½�— ן�½�žן�½" 
> ן�½"ן�½�žן�½�™ן�½ן�½�™ן�½�žן�½�•ן�½� ן�½(c)ן�½�™ן�½(c) 
> ן�½�œן�½(c)ן�½�›ן�½�™ן�½�¨ן�½�— ן�½�ן�½�•ן�½�œן�½�
> ן�½�ן�½�—ן�½" ן�½�žן�½ן�½ן�½�¤ן�½�™ן�½�§ ן�½'ן�½"ן�½�•ן�½�œ (2000 
> ן�½�ן�½�™ן�½(c) ן�½'ן�½�¢ן�½�¨ן�½�š)
> ן�½�•ן�½�ן�½'ן�½�˜ן�½�—ן�½"
> ן�½ן�½ן�½�žן�½�™ן�½�•ן�½�Ÿ
> 2000?
> So far we had:
> AP1 - 130
> AP2 - 130
> AP3 - over 220 (we prepared for upto 180)
> AP4 - about 200 ? (we prepared for upto 400)
> Orna.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Orna Agmon
ICQ: 348759096

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Re: Re: אוגוסט פ ינגווין 5 - 2006

2006-02-15 חוט Orna Agmon
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Samion Rodov wrote:

> Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 22:18:34 +0200
> From: Samion Rodov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Orna Agmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject: [UTF-8] Re: Re: ��•�’�•���˜ �¤[UTF-8] �™� �’�•�•�™�Ÿ 5 - 2006
> On 2/14/06, Orna Agmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Samion Rodov wrote:
> ן�½�œן�½�žן�½�™ן�½(c)ן�½"ן�½�• ן�½�ן�½�•ן�½�œן�½�™ ן�½�™ן�½(c) 
> ן�½�¨ן�½(c)ן�½�™ן�½�žן�½" ן�½�žן�½�¤ן�½�•ן�½�¨ן�½�˜ן�½�— ן�½(c)ן�½�œ 
> ן�½�¢ן�½�œ ן�½�žן�½" ן�½�¦ן�½�¨ן�½�™ן�½�š
> ן�½�ן�½�—ן�½�¨ן�½�ן�½�™ן�½� ן�½�žן�½" ן�½�¦ן�½�¨ן�½�™ן�½�š 
> ן�½�œן�½�¢ן�½(c)ן�½�•ן�½�— ן�½�•ן�½�žן�½" ן�½�¦ן�½�¨ן�½�™ן�½�š
> ן�½'ן�½�›ן�½�œן�½�œן�½�™ ן�½'ן�½(c)ן�½'ן�½�™ן�½�œ 
> ן�½"ן�½�›ן�½�™ן�½ן�½�•ן�½ן�½ ?
> ן�½ן�½ן�½�žן�½�™ן�½�•ן�½�Ÿ
> What we need most of all is the person who will _prepare_ this list and
> coordinate the people working on the project. Someone who will commit to
> this project from now until all the money from the sponsors is collected.
> So far, about 5 people have volunteered to HELP. We need a person TO WHOM
> those people will help.
> Without a person who will coordinate the work and the other volunteers, we
> cannot start working on the conference at all.
> Orna.
> --
> Orna Agmon
> ICQ: 348759096

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Limor Ben Yossef, CC-ed here, who did the coordination last year, may be
able to help the new organizer with this.

Orna Agmon
ICQ: 348759096

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