runfcgi - complete lack of joy.

2007-10-17 Thread jtm

Hi all,

django 6525,  Apache 1.3, Mac OS  X Server 10.4.7, python 2.5.1
(darwin ports)

Following: , except I've
added another
folder into the nest:


Added these lines to my httpd.conf (which, besides turning on php, are
the only changes I've made to the default httpd.conf):

FastCGIExternalServer /Library/WebServer/Documents/django/django.fcgi -

Servername django.local
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/django-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/django-access.log combined
DocumentRoot /Library/WebServer/Documents/django
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(/django/m/.*)$ $1 [L] # for custom media
RewriteRule ^(/django/media.*)$ $1 [L] # for admin media
RewriteRule ^(/django/.*\.)(jpg|gif|png|ico)$ $1$2 [L] # some
other media (mostly "accidentaly"
in the root)
RewriteRule ^(/django/admin.*)$ /django.fcgi$1 [L] # admin
RewriteRule ^(/django/myapp.*)$ /django.fcgi$1 [L] # your own
RewriteRule ^(/django/.*)$ /django.fcgi$1 [L] # the rest of django
(only if needed from the web

Command line I'm launching inside /Library/WebServer/Documents/django/
myapp is:

./ runfcgi host= port=3033

I have also tried using the complete path to the

The server lives at There are other php things
being served out of their own subdirectories in /Library/WebServer/
Documents which are working just fine. gives a 403 gives a 404 gives a 403

myapp - there are no applications there yet. I was hoping that the
admin site (which I can access when I run the development server), or
that nice first error page from Tutorial 1, might be accessible.

If I change the VirtualHost line to another port, such as 8247, I get
"unable to connect" errors instead of the 404s and 403s.

I've also tried not using VirtualHost as detailed in:

Nothing is throwing off any interesting errors or logs that I can

I would welcome any suggestions that would get things running in the
form of: or or

Thanks for your help,


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Multi-tiered edit-inline or multi-page admin screens?

2005-08-02 Thread jtm


I can't seem to get edit-inline to work deeper than
one level. Simplified example:

class A(meta.Model):
fields = (

admin = meta.Admin()

class B(meta.Model):
fields = (
meta.ForeignKey(A, edit_inline=True),

class C(meta.Model):
fields = (
meta.ForeignKey(B, edit_inline=True)

B will show up under A, but C won't be included within B.
I'm attempting to get all the data entry on one page.
Is this possible?

If it requires some hacking, what would be easier - multi-
level inline editing, or a multi-page admin section?

Any hints and starters/pointers greatly appreciated.


Re: Multi-tiered edit-inline or multi-page admin screens?

2005-08-03 Thread jtm


Are there any hooks that would make it possible to do
recursive edit_inlines from within the application, or
would it have to be set up in the Django code?

Is there anything like a "render, validate, update_me, insert_me,
delete_me" base class that my models I can inherit from to do
such things?

Otherwise, any pointers into the Django code base and
headspace would be handy.

Thanks for your reply,


Re: Adding Record Problem

2005-08-19 Thread jtm

If I understand things correctly, Django creates an 'id' field for each
model automatically, I assume set to unique and to auto-increment, thus
avoiding the problem you are seeing.

The easiest thing to do is not to create your own 'id' field and use
the one Django puts in place for you.


Questions about Django model exceptions and request data

2005-08-20 Thread jtm


Do exceptions like "PollDoesNotExist" get generated in a similar manner
that the lookups do?

I find that when processing a request, Django is throwing me exceptions
like "RespondentDoesNotExist", but if I try and catch that exception,
rather than using a bare "except:" statement, I get this:

NameError: global name 'RespondentDoesNotExist' is not defined

Should I just be using ObjectDoesNotExist, or is there a way of getting
the more accurately named exceptions?

While I have you, how do you get the data from a form out of a
manipulator after this step:


or don't you, and I should stick to re-using the POST data like so:


And a final question, is there a better way to get HTTP header info out
of a request than this (which I haven't yet check to see if it even


Thanks for your help. I've got a dozen Django and Python related tabs
open in Firefox and I can't locate the answer in any of them. :)


DateTimeField TypeError: replace() takes no keyword arguments?

2005-08-20 Thread jtm

This one has me stumped.

I have a mySession class with three DateTimeFields along these lines:

meta.DateTimeField('session_start', 'Session Start Time',

when I create a new mySession instance and try to .save() it, I get the
following Traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "D:\python24\lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers\",
line 64, in get_response
response = callback(request, **param_dict)

  File "D:\python24\lib\site-packages\dcm\apps\survey\views\",
line 110, in checkLogin

  File "D:\python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\", line
3, in _curried
return args[0](*(args[1:]+moreargs), **dict(kwargs.items() +

  File "D:\python24\lib\site-packages\django\core\meta\",
line 739, in method_save
db_values = [f.get_db_prep_save(f.pre_save(getattr(self,,
False)) for f in non_pks]

  File "D:\python24\lib\site-packages\django\core\meta\", line
308, in get_db_prep_save
value = value.replace(microsecond=0)

TypeError: replace() takes no keyword arguments

Anyone have any hints about this? I fiddled a little, like putting an
"if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError" kind of
thing above line 308, and it was throwing the exception, but I have no
idea how to progress things from there.

Any tips on the best ways to get debugging output from django when
you're in the browser would be warmly received.

Thanks again,


Re: DateTimeField TypeError: replace() takes no keyword arguments?

2005-08-20 Thread jtm

It's not Django, it's me.

Between the caffeine and lack of sleep and looming deadline, skimming
the Django documentation led me to believe that you attach foreign keys
like so:

a = aClass()
b = add_aClass(a)

where is I should have been saying:

a = aClass(

Unless there is another way to add foreign keys?



Table not found error when ordering by foreign key

2006-03-12 Thread jtm

Here is a simplified version of what I am trying to do:

App X:
class A:
shortname = meta.CharField(maxlength=6)

App Y:
class B:
the_A = meta.ForeignKey(A)

blist = bs.get_list(order_by=['as.shortname'])

But Django is telling me that there is no table named 'as'.
Everything seems to be importing fine. Does anyone have any



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Re: Table not found error when ordering by foreign key

2006-03-16 Thread jtm

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the reply.

I did try using the full table names without success.

This is the error and traceback (with real class names):

 OperationalError at /debtors/current/
 (1109, "Unknown table 'matterlist_matters' in order clause")

Traceback (most recent call last):
in get_response
  74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/Users/jimmy/simpsons/debtors/" in debtorlist
  29. dbtrs = debtreports.get_list(order_by=ordering)
"/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/utils/" in
  3. return args[0](*(args[1:]+moreargs), **dict(kwargs.items() +
in function_get_list
  1396. return list(function_get_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs))
in function_get_iterator
  1379. cursor.execute("SELECT " + (kwargs.get('distinct') and
"DISTINCT " or "") + ",".join(select) + sql, params)
File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/db/" in
  10. result = self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
in execute
  32. return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/" in
  137. self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
File "/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/" in
  33. raise errorclass, errorvalue

the local vars for my view show:


I'm running revision 2524.

Everything else is working fine (ordering by fields in the class in the
app, ordering using a full table name -
debtors_debtreports.fees_to_date -
for a class in the app, and tracing relationships in the template -, it's just when I am ordering by a
in a ForeignKey, or a field in the ForeignKey of a ForeignKey.

Am I expecting too much magic and should I be doing some SQL and/or
python myself to handle this kind of ordering (not to mention the
which I haven't got to yet, and aggregates).

thanks again,


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Solved: Table not found error when ordering by foreign key

2006-03-19 Thread jtm

My original question

Here is a simplified version of what I am trying to do:

App X:
class A:
shortname = meta.CharField(maxlength=6)

App Y:
class B:
the_A = meta.ForeignKey(A)

blist = bs.get_list(order_by=['as.shortname'])

But Django is telling me that there is no table named 'as'.
Everything seems to be importing fine. Does anyone have any

I even used fully qualified table names
(eg bs.get_list(order_by=['x_as.shortname']) ).

The answer was:

blist = bs.get_list(order_by=['as.shortname'], select_related=True)

Looking at the generated SQL in db.queries, adding select_related makes
bring in every field in every related table, thereby making any field
you wish available
for use by the ORDER BY clause. Not the most efficient query for my
purposes, but
it will do for now.


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Re: numeric formatting

2006-03-27 Thread jtm

Quick and nasty:

from django.core import template
register = template.Library()

def commas(value):
return "".join(commafy(value))

def commafy(s):
pieces = s.split(".")
l = len(pieces[0])
for i in range(0,l):
if (l - i) % 3 or not i:
yield pieces[0][i]
yield ","
yield pieces[0][i]
if len(pieces) > 1:
yield "." + pieces[1]

value should be a string (eg your preformatted number).
obviously does not care about your locale.


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Improving performance of lighttpd, flup and combo

2006-04-06 Thread jtm


I've just got lighttpd running under Mac OS X 10.3.9 and I am
using Georg Bauer's as the dispatcher. django
is .91.

The machine I am running it on is, admittedly, pretty lightweight
(G4 400 MHz, 832MB), but I have not seen much improvement
over the development server.

The pages are obviously being streamed faster once they are
ready, but there is a noticeable delay at the beginning of the

Does this combination of software mean that for every request
django is starting from scratch and having to re-import everything?

If yes, is there any way around this?

If no, are there any hints I need that I am not going to find in the



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Re: Improving performance of lighttpd, flup and combo

2006-04-06 Thread jtm

James Bennett wrote:
> On 4/6/06, jtm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does this combination of software mean that for every request
> > django is starting from scratch and having to re-import everything?
> No, pretty much the whole point of FastCGI is that you have a
> long-running process which handles lots of requests, rather than
> starting up and shutting down on every request. I haven't noticed any
> particular speed problems with running Georg's script, but I've also
> been running it on a shared hosting account that has a pretty beefy
> server.

That's what I figured, but the big delay at the request has me stumped.

Does anybody have any hints on how I should go about finding the


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