Re: [DNSOP] Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-negative-trust-anchors

2015-05-11 Thread Evan Hunt
 Does this mean:
 A: All implementations that conform to this document should prefer the
NTA over the positive anchor in such a case, or
 B: This is implementation-dependent, but if an implementation allows
the coexistence of positive and negative anchors, it should prefer
the NTA, or
 C: something else?

Good point.  I personally favor A, but would be fine with B.

I'd be interested in input from other implementors; if there's a
constituency for B then fine, but if we're all going to allow
coexistence anyway, we might as well specify it that way.

 I don't have a strong opinion between A and B, but I'd like this
 document to be clear on this.  And, if it means A, I'd use an RFC2119
 keyword (it's probably a SHOULD).

With respect to the precedence rule, I would use MUST rather than SHOULD.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] A comparison of IANA Considerations for .onion

2015-05-11 Thread hellekin
Hash: SHA512

Since Alec Muffett seems to have better things to do, I feel obligated
to do what he should have done before publishing his draft: comparing
the IANA Considerations for .onion in the
draft-grothoff-iesg-special-use-p2p-names-04 (P2PNames) and
draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-01 (OnionTLD).


draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-01 came as way to fast-track the
processing of .onion special-use TLD, as the P2PNames draft was
considered too controversial (and maybe too complicated?).  But this
work, although sporting the name of a co-author of the P2PNames draft
and claiming support by the Tor Project community, did not benefit
neither from concerted action with, nor consideration for the existing w

A simple comparison of the IANA Considerations for the P2PNames and the
OnionTLD drafts highlights critical flaws in the OnionTLD draft that
curiously didn't receive any attention at all so far (except my own, but
I reserved my comments up until now for others to come up with this, in

I noticed 3 major issues in the OnionTLD draft:

1. the users considerations pretend that users must use onion-aware
software in order to access Onionspace, but I assert that you and I can
use an ordinary Web browser, type in a .onion address, and access the
requested service.  Not only OnionTLD conflicts with P2PNames on that
point, it also confuses users' awareness and application software
responsibility (and possibly the scope of IANA Considerations' first

2. more importantly, where P2PNames imposes NXDOMAIN response to
authoritative name servers, OnionTLD makes it a soft requirement, thus
leaving the possibility for name servers to hijack Onionspace without
user consent nor awareness.

3. this error is confirmed for DNS server operators, where OnionTLD
makes it a soft requirement not to override responses.

Given the complementarity of 2. and 3. for successful dragnet abuse, I
have difficulty believing in a coincidence, and am very concerned that
such points could go through an IETF process without an itch.

That the P2PNames draft remains controversial should not remove from its
qualities, and notably its technical fitness and attention to detail.
As the editor of this draft, I apologize for the shameless
self-promotion and urge the DNSOP WG members to not confuse diligence
and precipitation.


This verbose section details point by point the differences and put them
in context with RFC6761 questionnaire.

## 1. Users

- From RFC6761: Are human users expected to recognize these names as
special and use them differently?  In what way?

The OnionTLD interpretation is wrong.  I want for proof that I can
browse Onionspace with an ordinary Web browser that does not treat
.onion sites any differently from a .org or a .net.  The OnionTLD
interpretation also contradicts the P2PNames interpretation, and pushes
responsibility to the users (who should know what they're doing).
Moreover, the OnionTLD interpretation also says that onion addresses are
only available through [onion-aware] software, which is not the case.

P2PNames says:  Users can use these names as they would other domain
names, entering them anywhere that they would otherwise enter a
conventional DNS domain name.

Since there is no central authority necessary or possible for assigning
.onion names, and those names correspond to cryptographic keys, users
need to be aware that they do not belong to regular DNS, but are still
global in their scope.

OnionTLD contradicts this: Users: human users are expected to recognize
.onion names as having different security properties, and also being
only available through software that is aware of onion addresses.

## 2. Application Software

- From RFC6761: Are writers of application software expected to make
their software recognize these names as special and treat them
differently?  In what way?  (For example, if a human user enters such a
name, should the application software reject it with an error message?)

The OnionTLD interpretation only covers the case of onion-aware
applications, and then do not specify the response.

P2PNames says: Application software MAY recognize .onion domains as
special, and SHOULD use these names as they would other domain names.

Application software MAY implement mechanisms helping the user to ensure
their privacy expectations are met, such as warning the user if they do
not detect an active local Tor resolver, displaying a warning on
first-use of an .onion domain to explain the necessity of a Tor resolver
to reach such domains, etc.

If an application knows how to differenciate between DNS and P2P name
resolution, it:

   *  SHOULD NOT pass requests for .onion domains to DNS resolvers
  or libraries,

   *  MUST expect NXDOMAIN as the only valid DNS response, and

   *  SHOULD treat other answers from DNS as errors.

Tor-aware applications MAY also use Tor resolvers directly.

Re: [DNSOP] A comparison of IANA Considerations for .onion

2015-05-11 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Hi there,

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 06:15:47PM -0300, hellekin wrote:

 draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-01 came as way to fast-track the
 processing of .onion special-use TLD, as the P2PNames draft was
 considered too controversial (and maybe too complicated?).

As one of the people who has objected to the p2pnames draft, I would
say that appelbaum-dnsop-onion is an attempt to break out one of the
candidate special names from the others, so that all the applications
don't share fate. 

 A simple comparison of the IANA Considerations for the P2PNames and the
 OnionTLD drafts highlights critical flaws in the OnionTLD draft that
 curiously didn't receive any attention at all so far (except my own, but
 I reserved my comments up until now for others to come up with this, in

Well, they're different drafts, and therefore it's not completely
surprising that they don't agree.  I suspect part of the issue here is
that appelbaum-dnsop-onion has been adjusted because of some comments
some of us made.

 1. the users considerations pretend that users must use onion-aware
 software in order to access Onionspace, but I assert that you and I can
 use an ordinary Web browser, type in a .onion address, and access the
 requested service.  Not only OnionTLD conflicts with P2PNames on that
 point, it also confuses users' awareness and application software
 responsibility (and possibly the scope of IANA Considerations' first

I've asked about this issue several times, and I keep getting
different answers.  What isn't clear to me is whether there is
somewhere in the user's stack -- maybe it's the resolver, maybe it's
the application, whatever -- that knows that onion is special and
therefore shouldn't be looked up in the public DNS.  I assume there
has to be _somewhere_ that is special, or the alternative resolution
obviously wouldn't work.  I think that needs to be indicated
somewhere, because this fact is what makes onion a candidate under
6761, I think.

 2. more importantly, where P2PNames imposes NXDOMAIN response to
 authoritative name servers, OnionTLD makes it a soft requirement, thus
 leaving the possibility for name servers to hijack Onionspace without
 user consent nor awareness.

Yes.  That is in fact a possibility.  There is no way for a protocol
document to make it impossible for someone to redirect this name, and
if your queries for onion leak into the public DNS you have to be
prepared for the possibility that someone will provide a local answer.
It's a plain fact of working on the Internet, and trying to legislate
this in a protocol document provides inoperative assurances.  In fact,
the way that onion was deployed without a registration with the policy
authority over the root zone rather nicely illustrates this fact about
the DNS: the global DNS only works because everyone uses the same
root.  If people start fraying that use, then the DNS itself is in

 3. this error is confirmed for DNS server operators, where OnionTLD
 makes it a soft requirement not to override responses.

But again, you simply can't legislate that.  People do this all the
time.  Indeed, some people pay for services in which the answers from
their resolvers are munged to prevent access to bad sites and so on.

You could make this sort of fiddling with the data possible to detect
using something like DNSSEC, but you can't make it impossible to do.

 That the P2PNames draft remains controversial should not remove from its
 qualities, and notably its technical fitness and attention to detail.

Issues 2 and 3 were problems with the p2pnames draft when it first
surfaced, and I believe I included them in the comments I sent on it
in the first place.  If I didn't I apologise.

 The OnionTLD interpretation is wrong.  I want for proof that I can
 browse Onionspace with an ordinary Web browser that does not treat
 .onion sites any differently from a .org or a .net.

Well, surely _this_ isn't what you want, because if that were the case
then the onion TLD would fail to resolve at all, since it isn't

 OnionTLD contradicts this: Users: human users are expected to recognize
 .onion names as having different security properties, and also being
 only available through software that is aware of onion addresses.

But the point is, you need to know whether you have an onion-aware
resolution path available, or else you will leak your queries to the
public DNS.  I think that's all it says.

 OnionTLD says: Application Software: Applications that implement the
 Tor protocol MUST recognize .onion names as special by either accessing
 them directly, or using a proxy (e.g., SOCKS [RFC1928]) to do so.
 Applications that do not implement the Tor protocol SHOULD generate an
 error upon the use of .onion, and SHOULD NOT perform a DNS lookup.

What's the problem with this?  Isn't this what you want, that the
onion queries don't leak?

 In P2PNames, immediate negative responses is not specified yet (for
 lack of discussion 

Re: [DNSOP] A comparison of IANA Considerations for .onion

2015-05-11 Thread Richard Barnes
On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Alec Muffett wrote:

 Hi Hellekin!

  Since Alec Muffett seems to have better things to do

 I'm sorry if you've been waiting for my input - I am not the primary
 author of the document; Jacob Appelbaum's name is in the document's
 title for a good reason, and my involvement has been one of tuning a
 few paragraphs, providing some wordsmithing, and cheerleading loudly.

 Jake is - as I am sure you are aware - working for Tor, and is a busy
 guy (last I heard was off in China doing something amazing) hence I
 mailed out the latest draft when there was in extended (and ongoing)
 lull in the desire for anyone on our editorial maillist to tweak it.

 I'll do my best to respond to your points, albeit Jake and other
 (wiser?) heads may have additional insights that I may miss by dint of
 this being dropped on me at 10pm the night before the big phone call
 to discuss such matters.

 On that basis, you'll also please forgive me excising brevity.

   1. the users considerations pretend that users must use onion-aware
  software in order to access Onionspace, but I assert that you and I
  can use an ordinary Web browser, type in a .onion address, and
  access the requested service.

 If you are consciously running TAILS, I suppose so [ED: TAILS is a
 Linux distribution which funnels almost all communication through Tor]
 albeit that Tor would likely recommend against using a vanilla browser
 in default configuration to access any part of Tor, let alone .onion
 addresses, because risk of deanonymisation is too high with normal
 browsers.  Hence the imprecations in favour of informed users,
 reflecting Tor user-policy.

 If you are not talking about running TAILS (or similar) then I must be
 misapprehending what you mean by can use an ordinary Web browser,
 type in a .onion address, and access the requested service because
 your average browser - say Chrome - cannot access .onion without Tor
 software help and some fiddly configuration.

   2. more importantly, where P2PNames imposes NXDOMAIN response to
  authoritative name servers, OnionTLD makes it a soft requirement,
  thus leaving the possibility for name servers to hijack Onionspace
  without user consent nor awareness.

 Yeah, we tossed that one back and forth a bit, and eventually if
 slightly grudgingly went with the SHOULD on the basis that we wanted
 the draft to be adopted more than we wanted to be thinking wishfully.

   3. this error is confirmed for DNS server operators, where OnionTLD
  makes it a soft requirement not to override responses.

 This might be an issue so long as your threat model includes blindly
 unaware users who are typing .onion addresses into non-Tor-capable
 browsers in the (presumably first-time) expectation that it will work,
 and using resolver libraries which don't honour the imprecation that:

 Resolvers that implement theTor protocol MUST either respond to
 requests for .onion names by resolving them (see [tor-rendezvous]
 [ED: A TOR-INTERNAL THING]) or by responding with NXDOMAIN.

 ...on a network infrastructure which is thoroughly pwned by a capable
 bad actor.  Not totally impossible, I'll grant you, but threat models
 which start from the assumption of a wholly ignorant userbase are
 (joking aside) pretty flawed.



  Since there is no central authority necessary or possible for
  assigning .onion names, and those names correspond to cryptographic
  keys, users need to be aware that they do not belong to regular DNS,
  but are still global in their scope.
  OnionTLD contradicts this: Users: human users are expected to
  recognize .onion names as having different security properties, and
  also being only available through software that is aware of onion

 Please explain the contradiction, I fail to see it?


  This is the main conflicting point: OnionTLD does not recognize
  .onion as special and allows Authoritative DNS servers to respond
  for .onion (SHOULD).  From the P2PNames perspective, this is
  unacceptable, and a complete failure to address the privacy concerns
  set forth by the draft.  If OnionTLD would be accepted in that form,
  it would allow the root servers to capture leaked onion requests AND

 There are entire papers about that.  Thank you for raising that point,
 I wanted an excuse to post this URL to the DNSOP list:

 Measuring the Leakage of Onion at the Root - A measurement of
 Tor’s .onion pseudo-top-level domain in the global domain name
 system help drive home the need for making .onion special.

To save some time, the headline number is: The rate of .onion requests
hitting the A and J roots is ~200k requests per day and growing.


 As before, ignoring the potential for privacy-leakage of which site
 you are 

Re: [DNSOP] A comparison of IANA Considerations for .onion

2015-05-11 Thread hellekin
Hash: SHA512

On 05/11/2015 08:21 PM, Alec Muffett wrote:
 This might be an issue so long as your threat model includes blindly
 unaware users who are typing .onion addresses into non-Tor-capable
 browsers in the (presumably first-time) expectation that it will work

*** You probably mean to say: human beings.

 ...on a network infrastructure which is thoroughly pwned by a capable
 bad actor.

*** You probably mean: the Internet.

 Please explain the contradiction, I fail to see it?

*** How can you fail to see that P2PNames says Users can use these
names as they would other domain names, while OnionTLD says they cannot

 As before, ignoring the potential for privacy-leakage of which site
 you are seeking to connect to, this notion of ZOMG THEY COULD HIJACK
 THE SITE is not a problem if you're using Tor-enabled software
 and have awareness of the issue, per the draft security

*** So you recognize that if your Tor setup is wrong, and you're not
aware of this, then it could happen that a malicious entity could serve
a copy of the original site, but resolved over the DNS.  This to me,
sounds like the well-documented--not hypothetical--abuses of NXDOMAIN
that were historically performed by Verisign, Comcast, and others.  Are
you sure you still don't see any difference at all between MUST and SHOU

Version: GnuPG v2


DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Interim DNSOP WG meeting on Special Use Names: some reading material

2015-05-11 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 08:10:41PM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 - Will the IETF require some specific metrics for RFC 6761 reservations?
   - If yes, what are those metrics?
   - If no, who makes the non-specific decision?

Increasingly it strikes me that RFC 6761 is trying to do too much.

It was, as we all know, created as a _post hoc_ rule to permit the
creation of local, on which Apple squatted to create Bonjour.  That
was one particular use of a namespace: the namespace amounts to a
protocol-shifting mechanism.  We can expect to see this again (and
indeed, several of the names that are in the p2pnames draft are
effectively in this class).

In order to create that set of rules, however, the special use names
registry came about.  That registry includes all sorts of other
special-use names that are in fact reserved for _policy_ reasons.  For
instance, example, test, and invalid are there because of the policy
of needing certain names for testing, documentation, and so on.
Similar arguments can be made about the RFC1918 addresses in arpa:
these are special only because of a different policy decision to
reserve chunks of v4 space for local use.

The interesting case is localhost, which I think might have elements
of each of these properties, though because of the binding to the
127.0.0 network you might be able to argue that the policy is actually

It seems to me that making new reservations solely on _policy_ grounds
is overstepping our role, because we actually gave that management
function away to someone else many years ago.  But if there are
additional protocol-shift registrations, it would be appropriate to do

This makes me think that what we ought to offer ICANN is a mechanism
to make insertions into the special-names registry by different
criteria than the protocol-shift cases.  The latter all fit neatly
into 6761's 7 questions, but policy-based ones sort of don't.

Anyway, that's a suggestion.


Andrew Sullivan

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] A comparison of IANA Considerations for .onion

2015-05-11 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 09:29:02PM -0300, hellekin wrote:
 *** How can you fail to see that P2PNames says Users can use these
 names as they would other domain names, while OnionTLD says they cannot

I think people can see that, and they disagree with you.

If you put an onion name into an application and your system (somehow)
is onion-aware, it will behave differently than if it is
onion-unaware.  If you put a com name into an application, it Just
Works, because DNS resolvers are basically universal.  That's an
important difference.  (Note that I picked com on purpose.  Ask the
users of info domains how many problems they still have, 14 years
after that TLD was first delegated.)

 *** So you recognize that if your Tor setup is wrong, and you're not
 aware of this, then it could happen that a malicious entity could serve
 a copy of the original site, but resolved over the DNS.  This to me,
 sounds like the well-documented--not hypothetical--abuses of NXDOMAIN
 that were historically performed by Verisign, Comcast, and others.  Are
 you sure you still don't see any difference at all between MUST and SHOU

Not every network is a public-access one.  For instance, there might
be a local policy at my employer that onion names are not to be
resolved.  I can certainly imagine them installing a resolver that
captured and redirected onion resolution attempts.  (That is not, of
course, a policy at _my_ employer, but I can imagine such a case
without trouble.)

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] A comparison of IANA Considerations for .onion

2015-05-11 Thread Alec Muffett
Hi Hellekin!

 Since Alec Muffett seems to have better things to do

I'm sorry if you've been waiting for my input - I am not the primary
author of the document; Jacob Appelbaum's name is in the document's
title for a good reason, and my involvement has been one of tuning a
few paragraphs, providing some wordsmithing, and cheerleading loudly.

Jake is - as I am sure you are aware - working for Tor, and is a busy
guy (last I heard was off in China doing something amazing) hence I
mailed out the latest draft when there was in extended (and ongoing)
lull in the desire for anyone on our editorial maillist to tweak it.

I'll do my best to respond to your points, albeit Jake and other
(wiser?) heads may have additional insights that I may miss by dint of
this being dropped on me at 10pm the night before the big phone call
to discuss such matters.

On that basis, you'll also please forgive me excising brevity.

  1. the users considerations pretend that users must use onion-aware
 software in order to access Onionspace, but I assert that you and I
 can use an ordinary Web browser, type in a .onion address, and
 access the requested service.

If you are consciously running TAILS, I suppose so [ED: TAILS is a
Linux distribution which funnels almost all communication through Tor]
albeit that Tor would likely recommend against using a vanilla browser
in default configuration to access any part of Tor, let alone .onion
addresses, because risk of deanonymisation is too high with normal
browsers.  Hence the imprecations in favour of informed users,
reflecting Tor user-policy.

If you are not talking about running TAILS (or similar) then I must be
misapprehending what you mean by can use an ordinary Web browser,
type in a .onion address, and access the requested service because
your average browser - say Chrome - cannot access .onion without Tor
software help and some fiddly configuration.

  2. more importantly, where P2PNames imposes NXDOMAIN response to
 authoritative name servers, OnionTLD makes it a soft requirement,
 thus leaving the possibility for name servers to hijack Onionspace
 without user consent nor awareness.

Yeah, we tossed that one back and forth a bit, and eventually if
slightly grudgingly went with the SHOULD on the basis that we wanted
the draft to be adopted more than we wanted to be thinking wishfully.

  3. this error is confirmed for DNS server operators, where OnionTLD
 makes it a soft requirement not to override responses.

This might be an issue so long as your threat model includes blindly
unaware users who are typing .onion addresses into non-Tor-capable
browsers in the (presumably first-time) expectation that it will work,
and using resolver libraries which don't honour the imprecation that:

Resolvers that implement theTor protocol MUST either respond to
requests for .onion names by resolving them (see [tor-rendezvous]
[ED: A TOR-INTERNAL THING]) or by responding with NXDOMAIN.

...on a network infrastructure which is thoroughly pwned by a capable
bad actor.  Not totally impossible, I'll grant you, but threat models
which start from the assumption of a wholly ignorant userbase are
(joking aside) pretty flawed.



 Since there is no central authority necessary or possible for
 assigning .onion names, and those names correspond to cryptographic
 keys, users need to be aware that they do not belong to regular DNS,
 but are still global in their scope.
 OnionTLD contradicts this: Users: human users are expected to
 recognize .onion names as having different security properties, and
 also being only available through software that is aware of onion

Please explain the contradiction, I fail to see it?


 This is the main conflicting point: OnionTLD does not recognize
 .onion as special and allows Authoritative DNS servers to respond
 for .onion (SHOULD).  From the P2PNames perspective, this is
 unacceptable, and a complete failure to address the privacy concerns
 set forth by the draft.  If OnionTLD would be accepted in that form,
 it would allow the root servers to capture leaked onion requests AND

There are entire papers about that.  Thank you for raising that point,
I wanted an excuse to post this URL to the DNSOP list:

Measuring the Leakage of Onion at the Root - A measurement of
Tor’s .onion pseudo-top-level domain in the global domain name
system help drive home the need for making .onion special.

As before, ignoring the potential for privacy-leakage of which site
you are seeking to connect to, this notion of ZOMG THEY COULD HIJACK
THE SITE is not a problem if you're using Tor-enabled software
and have awareness of the issue, per the draft security


Your conclusions mostly seem to be a 

Re: [DNSOP] Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-negative-trust-anchors

2015-05-11 Thread 神明達哉
At Sat, 9 May 2015 15:08:11 +0200,
Warren Kumari wrote:

  1. In my very original comment on this matter:
 I noted one other corner case, which we might also want to clarify:
   On a related note, there are some corner cases which may also be
   worth noting: queries for DS or DLV (or anything similar to that).
   So, for example, should still be validated even
   if there's an NTA for  Again, this might sound
   obvious, but I think it's worthwhile.

 I have spent some time trying to figure out some text that explains
 this without becoming really complex and wordy. If anyone has some
 text that they would be willing to send I'd appreciate it...

I didn't think we'd need wordy text to explain this, but I wouldn't be
opposed to omitting this topic from this document.  In practice, it
wouldn't matter much whether we validate in the
example case since everything else on and under
won't be validated anyway.

JINMEI, Tatuya

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-negative-trust-anchors

2015-05-11 Thread Bob Harold
On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 12:10 PM, 神明達哉 wrote:

 At Sat, 9 May 2015 18:50:28 +,
 Evan Hunt wrote:

  Actually, weirdly enough, after I implemented NTA's in BIND, one of the
  very first applications somebody came up with for them was to temporarily
  disable DNSSEC validation by setting an NTA for ..  This was seen as
  better than rndc validation off because he didn't have to send rndc
  validation on afterward; it would just quiety switch itself back on
  after a minute.  It's... actually a pretty clever hack, and I don't
  really want to disable it.
  May I suggest: An NTA placed at a node where there is a configured
  positive trust anchor takes precendence over that trust anchor,
  disabling it.  Implementations MAY issue a warning when this occurs.

 Does this mean:

 A: All implementations that conform to this document should prefer the
NTA over the positive anchor in such a case, or
 B: This is implementation-dependent, but if an implementation allows
the coexistence of positive and negative anchors, it should prefer
the NTA, or
 C: something else?

 I don't have a strong opinion between A and B, but I'd like this
 document to be clear on this.  And, if it means A, I'd use an RFC2119
 keyword (it's probably a SHOULD).

 JINMEI, Tatuya

I think A is the right answer.  Otherwise you run into situations where
you need an NTA, but it won't work.
I am not even sure there is a good reason for a  warning.  The zone is
supposed to be signed, but the signing is broken, and the resolver operator
has determined that it is due to a mistake, and decided to apply an NTA,
same as any other situation.  Whether the signing comes from the root or a
positive anchor seems irrelevant to me.

Bob Harold
DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-negative-trust-anchors

2015-05-11 Thread Evan Hunt
On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 12:19:19PM -0400, Bob Harold wrote:
 I am not even sure there is a good reason for a warning.

In BIND, NTA's are set by an rndc command, but in other implementations
they might be set up in a config file. If you have both a TA and an NTA
for the same node in the same configuration, that would be sensible to
warn about; it's the sort of oddity that might have been unintentional.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-negative-trust-anchors

2015-05-11 Thread 神明達哉
At Sat, 9 May 2015 18:50:28 +,
Evan Hunt wrote:

 Actually, weirdly enough, after I implemented NTA's in BIND, one of the
 very first applications somebody came up with for them was to temporarily
 disable DNSSEC validation by setting an NTA for ..  This was seen as
 better than rndc validation off because he didn't have to send rndc
 validation on afterward; it would just quiety switch itself back on
 after a minute.  It's... actually a pretty clever hack, and I don't
 really want to disable it.

 May I suggest: An NTA placed at a node where there is a configured
 positive trust anchor takes precendence over that trust anchor, effectively
 disabling it.  Implementations MAY issue a warning when this occurs.

Does this mean:

A: All implementations that conform to this document should prefer the
   NTA over the positive anchor in such a case, or
B: This is implementation-dependent, but if an implementation allows
   the coexistence of positive and negative anchors, it should prefer
   the NTA, or
C: something else?

I don't have a strong opinion between A and B, but I'd like this
document to be clear on this.  And, if it means A, I'd use an RFC2119
keyword (it's probably a SHOULD).

JINMEI, Tatuya

DNSOP mailing list