Re: dovecot warns (non-fatal) "invalid EHLO response line: Unexpected character in EHLO keyword" connecting to submission relay ?

2020-09-28 Thread @lbutlr
On 26 Sep 2020, at 07:45, Alec Moskvin  wrote:

I believe this is not really an issue. The warning is just that, a warning. 
Some (broken) mail clients, Immagonnaguess Microsoft ones, expected the =, so 
many mail servers provide it.

AFAIK, It is safe to ignore the warning.

Ah, yes, I think this is it? (At least for Postfix)

> broken_sasl_auth_clients (default: no)
> Enable interoperability with remote SMTP clients that implement an obsolete 
> version of the AUTH command (RFC 4954). Examples of such clients are 
> MicroSoft Outlook Express version 4 and MicroSoft Exchange version 5.0.
> Specify "broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes" to have Postfix advertise AUTH 
> support in a non-standard way.

It is probably safe for anyone to disable that, however, as I don't think those 
old versions support modern TLS.

showing snuffy is when Sesame Street jumped the shark

Re-sieve emails

2020-09-28 Thread @lbutlr
Is it possible to take the contents of a mailbox and feed them to the account's 
.active_sieve file for reprocessing?

(For example, when editing the sieve file for my list account I introduced a 
typo, so a hundred or some list messages ended up in the inbox instead of filed 
properly into the maildir hierarchy. Not a huge deal, as it was simple enough 
to move them manually, but it got me wondering.

This would also be useful for testing.

Clarke's Law: Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
Clark's Law: Sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from
Clark Slaw: Anything that has been severely damaged or destroyed by application
of Clark's Law

Re: managesieve script 'redirect' fails @ "Error: sieve: ... aborted due to temporary failure; Error: smtp-server: ... failed: SSL_accept() failed: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong ve

2020-09-28 Thread PGNet Dev
On 9/27/20 2:07 PM, PGNet Dev wrote:
> so the problem appears not to be the result of a general sieve-processing 
> fail,
> but rather tied to the the redirect action/transaction

For anyone interested, having dovecot sieve submit to its own submission proxy 
appears to be causal.

Specifically, setting

submission_host =

to submit to @ an UNencrypted port, or

submission_host =

to submit @ an ENcrypted port results in the errors I've seen.

direct submission to the dovecot submission proxy certainly works, an in the 
non-sieve-triggering tests above^.


in brief mention here,

Sieve and SMTP submission

an alternative is to set sendmail_path, using the sendmail binary.

in this setup, that's postfix's sendmail; so, here, that's

sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix"

once changed, the sieve filter redirection works.

notably, using

submission_host =

, submitting to postfix's listener _also_ fails.

that _suggests_ that the problem's in dovecot's submission code, as used by 

custom userdb server, Exim, and proxying

2020-09-28 Thread Felipe Gasper
Hi all,

We have Exim using Dovecot for authentication. Dovecot, in turn, 
consults a custom internal server that answers Dovecot’s userdb queries.

When IMAP connections arrive, for some users we want to forward those 
connections--without authentication--to an external IMAP server. For these 
users, we return “proxy_maybe” and “nopassword” in the authn response from our 
userdb server. This tells Dovecot to proxy the connection to a new server 
without trying to authenticate.

Exim, though, doesn’t grok “proxy_maybe”, so it just sees “nopassword”. 
In response, it just skips SMTP authentication entirely.

We could address this if our custom service could know whether the 
authn is for Exim or not. Exim does send a “service=smtp” in its request to 
/var/run/dovecot/auth-client, but thus far I don’t see that that’s being passed 
on to the userdb server.

Is there any way I can configure Dovecot so that our userdb server can 
detect when it’s Exim doing the authentication? Alternatively we could just 
authenticate on the proxy (i.e., stop sending “nopassword”), but that will 
entail a new requirements for passwords to be in sync; ideally we’d like to 
avoid that.

Any insight from this group would be much appreciated. Thank you!

-Felipe Gasper

RE: Providers running dovecot?

2020-09-28 Thread Marc Roos

>> I am looking for providers of free e-mail addresses known to run 
>> Dovecot (or a variant thereof) for IMAP access.
>Possibly Posteo.  Not free IIRC, but very inexpensive (~1EUR/month).

I already offered him a free account to test with, and some GB's
of testing mail. But him seem to have disappeared already ;)

Dsync issues since

2020-09-28 Thread Reio Remma


I've started seeing intermittent dsync failures since upgrading Dovecot 
to (CentOS 8 using the official Dovecot repo).

Sep 27 17:49:04 host dovecot[130]: 
dsync-local(user@host)<5GWFD2CmcF+TJwAAsNnMGQ>: Warning: Failed to do 
incremental sync for mailbox INBOX, retry with a full sync (Modseq 66543 
no longer in transaction log (highest=66547, last_common_uid=46346, 
Sep 27 17:49:04 host dovecot[130]: 
dsync-local(user@host)<5GWFD2CmcF+TJwAAsNnMGQ>: Error: Remote command 
returned error 75: ssh  doveadm dsync-server -u user@host

It seems to happen at random times to random users.

My setup has 2 servers - users are connecting to the main server and the 
secondary server is just for backup - noone is actually connecting to it.

Any suggestions?
