Re: Different users having same home/mail_location?

2017-09-24 Thread Tapio Sokura

On 24.9.2017 15:03, Sami Ketola wrote:

On 23 Sep 2017, at 23.08, Tapio Sokura <> wrote:
I have this kind of a dual-login setup via PAM for regular system user 
authentication and it's working ok. I'm just wondering about the dovecot part, 
whether dovecot will do Unexpected Things if more than one user have the same 
home and mail_location? If it makes any difference, the users can have separate 
homes, but the mailbox should be the same for usability.

It would break things.

Easier is just to owerwrite userid from user2 to user1 after authentication 
with another passdb.

Thanks, overriding the userid seems to be working fine.

After getting this to work I realized otp tokens aren't the best for use 
at the imap layer. The first authentication goes through fine. But on 
the next imap connections (parallelizing clients and typical webmails) 
the cached password/otp token has been used already and is rightfully 
rejected by the backend authentication system.

By turning on auth caching in dovecot I jury-rigged this to work (for 
the duration of the auth cache), but the clean solution would be 
something else. Anyway I think I'll settle here for now, better than a 
static password anyway. Thanks for the comments and keep up the good 
work with Dovecot!


Re: Different users having same home/mail_location?

2017-09-23 Thread Tapio Sokura

Hello Peter,

I'm using a virtual users model in dovecot where all the mail is stored 
under the same OS user account anyway, so file/dir permissions won't be 
a problem. The system users I was referring to are actually completely 
separate user accounts at the moment with their own uid/gid (and 
passwordless sudo between them), but I guess they could use same uid/gid 
and just have separate entries in passwd/shadow.

Anyway at the moment I'm not concerned about getting the authentication 
part working, but whether there's something in dovecot that will bite my 
sitting muscles if mail_location is the same for two users. I'm aware of 
the shared folders functionality mentioned by Marcus and that will 
probably be my fallback, if sharing a mail_location is not viable. Same 
mail_location would just be simpler.


On 24.9.2017 0:34, Peter Chiochetti wrote:

Hello Tapia,

You are going to great lengths :) I assume, that PAM working means, 
"user" and "otheruser" are the names of system-users with the same uid, 
home etc? Then I do not see, why dovecot, all defaults and 
authenticating against PAM won't work out of the box, shouldn't it?


Am 2017-09-23 um 22:08 schrieb Tapio Sokura:


Will I be breaking something if I have two users share the same home 
and/or mail_location (maildir format) in dovecot? Mail will only be 
delivered to the primary user, the other would be used every now and 
then to login via imap (webmail).

This would be on a CentOS 7 box running dovecot from the packaging 
system, i.e. dovecot-2.2.10-8.el7 currently. The reason I'd like to do 
this is to have two ways to login to the same mailbox, one using 
username + password and the other otherusername + otherpassword + 
otp-token. Basically this "otherusername" would be for cases where I 
don't trust the client computer to not have a keylogger etc badness in 
it, but still need to see my mail.

I have this kind of a dual-login setup via PAM for regular system user 
authentication and it's working ok. I'm just wondering about the 
dovecot part, whether dovecot will do Unexpected Things if more than 
one user have the same home and mail_location? If it makes any 
difference, the users can have separate homes, but the mailbox should 
be the same for usability.


Different users having same home/mail_location?

2017-09-23 Thread Tapio Sokura


Will I be breaking something if I have two users share the same home 
and/or mail_location (maildir format) in dovecot? Mail will only be 
delivered to the primary user, the other would be used every now and 
then to login via imap (webmail).

This would be on a CentOS 7 box running dovecot from the packaging 
system, i.e. dovecot-2.2.10-8.el7 currently. The reason I'd like to do 
this is to have two ways to login to the same mailbox, one using 
username + password and the other otherusername + otherpassword + 
otp-token. Basically this "otherusername" would be for cases where I 
don't trust the client computer to not have a keylogger etc badness in 
it, but still need to see my mail.

I have this kind of a dual-login setup via PAM for regular system user 
authentication and it's working ok. I'm just wondering about the dovecot 
part, whether dovecot will do Unexpected Things if more than one user 
have the same home and mail_location? If it makes any difference, the 
users can have separate homes, but the mailbox should be the same for 


Re: [Dovecot] Dovecot dies, maybe ntpdate related. I'm new to dovecot

2010-06-25 Thread Tapio Sokura

On 25.6.2010 10:53, Xavi Montero wrote:

The only change done in the server one week ago has been to install
ntpdate, running once per day in cron-daily.

In the cron reports, ntpdate reports a time-jump of 9 seconds each

Time jumps, especially backwards, are not a good thing on a server. You 
should really consider changing from ntpdate to for example ntpd that 
takes care of keeping the clock synchronized, without unnecessarily 
stepping the clock. You should probably do this even if the actual cause 
of Dovecot crashing turns out not to be the time jumps.

Dovecot typically logs via syslog, so the logs go where your syslog 
writes them to. Usually something under /var/log.


Re: [Dovecot] expire-tool and userdb returned mail location

2009-12-14 Thread Tapio Sokura

Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Sat, 2009-12-12 at 13:46 +0200, Tapio Sokura wrote:
I'm having problems with expire-tool in Dovecot 1.2.6 not finding the 
mailboxes. I had

Here's a simple way that should work:

mail_location = mbox:~/mails:INDEX=~/indexes

and then you can also drop the mail field from userdb.

I did that and now expire-tool is finding the mailboxes and indexes, but 
not removing any messages. It updates the timestamps in the expires 
database table 10 days to the future for folders that have 10 day 
expiration time. It also seems to cause the addition of a save date 
(with the timestamp of expire-tool execution) to the first message in a 
folder it looks at.

I did some more digging around with idxview and talking imap to the 
server. It looks like save dates aren't stored when mail is delivered 
(via dovecot LDA) or copied to a folder via imap. I got fields 
to appear into the cache files when I fetched x-savedate via imap as 
shown on the Plugins/Expire page in the wiki. Those save dates were set 
to the time the imap fetch was performed, not to the time when the 
messages were delivered or copied to the folder.

Is this the way it should be working? I've had expire listed in 
dovecot's mail_plugins for pop3, imap and lda protocol sections for 
several weeks now.


[Dovecot] expire-tool and userdb returned mail location

2009-12-12 Thread Tapio Sokura


I'm having problems with expire-tool in Dovecot 1.2.6 not finding the 
mailboxes. I had

mail_location = 

in dovecot.conf, but that doesn't work with expire-tool. So I commented 
that out from dovecot.conf, all the data is in a database anyway. A 
userdb lookup returns the following for use...@domain:

home = /var/spool/dovecotmail/domain/userid/
mail = 

Now when running expire-tool --test, I get this:

Error: Namespace '': Mail storage autodetection failed with 

Info: User lookup failed: use...@domain

When I run expire-tool under strace, I can see that it is indeed looking 
for the mails in the typical autodetect locations (Maildir, mail, Mail) 
under user's home directory. So it appers that expire-tool takes the 
home directory from userdb, but ignores mail location returned by userdb?


Re: [Dovecot] expire-tool and userdb returned mail location

2009-12-12 Thread Tapio Sokura

Charles Marcus wrote:

You forgot dovecot -n output...

# 1.2.6: /usr/local/dovecot/etc/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 x86_64 CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
base_dir: /var/run/dovecot/
protocols: imap imaps pop3 pop3s managesieve
ssl_cert_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/dovecot.crt
ssl_key_file: /etc/pki/tls/private/dovecot.key
disable_plaintext_auth: no
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot//login
login_executable(default): /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login

login_process_per_connection: no
login_process_size: 128
verbose_proctitle: yes
first_valid_uid: 95
last_valid_uid: 95
first_valid_gid: 95
last_valid_gid: 95
mail_uid: dcmail
mail_gid: dcmail
mbox_write_locks: fcntl
mail_executable(default): /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(pop3): /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3
mail_executable(managesieve): /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/managesieve
mail_plugins(default): quota imap_quota trash expire
mail_plugins(imap): quota imap_quota trash expire
mail_plugins(pop3): quota expire
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/local/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/local/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /usr/local/dovecot/lib/dovecot/pop3
mail_plugin_dir(managesieve): /usr/local/dovecot/lib/dovecot/managesieve
imap_client_workarounds(default): delay-newmail tb-extra-mailbox-sep
imap_client_workarounds(imap): delay-newmail tb-extra-mailbox-sep
pop3_uidl_format(default): %08Xu%08Xv
pop3_uidl_format(imap): %08Xu%08Xv
pop3_uidl_format(pop3): %08Xv%08Xu
pop3_uidl_format(managesieve): %08Xu%08Xv
pop3_client_workarounds(pop3): outlook-no-nuls oe-ns-eoh
  type: private
  separator: /
  inbox: yes
  list: yes
  subscriptions: yes
  type: private
  separator: /
  prefix: INBOX/
  hidden: yes
  list: no
  subscriptions: yes
  postmaster_address: postmas...@domain
  mail_plugins: sieve quota trash expire
auth default:
  mechanisms: plain login
  cache_size: 1000
  cache_ttl: 3000
  cache_negative_ttl: 0
  user: dcauth
  username_format: %Lu
driver: sql
args: /usr/local/dovecot/etc/sql.conf
driver: prefetch
driver: sql
args: /usr/local/dovecot/etc/sql.conf
type: listen
  path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-client
  mode: 432
  user: postfix
  group: postfix
  path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
  mode: 384
  user: dcmail
  group: dcmail
  quota: dict:user::proxy::quotadict
  quota_rule: *:storage=1000M
  quota_rule2: Trash:storage=100M
  trash: /usr/local/dovecot/etc/trash.conf
  expire: Trash 10 Trash/* 10 Spam 60
  expire_dict: proxy::expire
  sieve: ~/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_dir: ~/sieve
  sieve_after: /usr/local/dovecot/etc/sieve_after.d
  quotadict: mysql:/usr/local/dovecot/etc/dovecot-dict-quota.conf
  expire: mysql:/usr/local/dovecot/etc/dovecot-dict-expire.conf