Re: [DX-NEWS] DX Contest Software

2007-11-26 Thread Paul Ciezniak
I apologize to the DX-NEWS group. I inadvertently hit the Reply-All button 
on my Email program to send a response to this request from Elliott. I 
should have directed it solely to him, as he requested. I am sorry.

Please excuse me.

73 de
Paul J. Ciezniak, K1SEZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Elliott Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 7:03 PM
Subject: [DX-NEWS] DX Contest Software

I don't want to start an unappoved reflector discussion but I am interested 
in finding a "good" contest software program.  The only possibility I've 
found is WriteLog and that does RTTY etc. The old DOS programs don't work 
in XP!

Please contact me directly with any suggestions.

Thanks and 73
Elliiott WA6TLA

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
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THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
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Re: [DX-NEWS] DX Contest Software

2007-11-26 Thread Paul Ciezniak
After activating the N1MM Logger (free) program a few months ago, I heartily 
recommend it. I think there is nothing that will come close to it (Free or 
Paid) for full contest versatility including controlling your rig, running 
CW or RTTY (via the famous MMTTY program that's built into the system), and 
the PDF of the 380 page manual is astounding!

I used it in "combat" this weekend's CQ WW CW contest and is was like 
playing a video game. It controlled my TS-2000 and the macro buttons allowed 
me to fully participate in the Search & Pounce mode despite the very fast 
(30wpm+) CW speeds the running stations were using.

To help me "read" the blazing CW speeds, I also use a wonderful, separate 
software program called "CW Get" UA9OV. This is not a free program, but 
well worth the expense, in my opinion.  It "reads" CW and also presents me 
with the audio spectrum of sounds (0 to 4000 hz) from my rig's audio signal, 
which I then use to zero-beat the other guy's frequency...dead nuts on. This 
is a very good tool for adjusting your VFO B frequency when working 
split-frequencies on DX stations. You can position yourself right on top of 
the last guy who just worked the DX station!

For the full effect of the N1MM Logger capabilities, you'll need to hook up 
your rig via some interface to the shack's PC, so that it controls the 
transceiver and allows you to send CW and RTTY in contesting mode. I bought 
the microHAM USB II Interface (doesn't need a computer serial port at all) 
which comes with all the necessary hookup cabling and little black box with 
the blinking lights, but I'm sure other ones will work fine also. I was 
operational within an hour of opening up the box from microHAM.

To finish the contest, with the push of the button, you will get a download 
of your contest logging file in the required Cabrillo format to send off to 
CQ magazine too cool.

GL es 73 de
Paul J. Ciezniak, K1SEZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Elliott Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 7:03 PM
Subject: [DX-NEWS] DX Contest Software

I don't want to start an unappoved reflector discussion but I am interested 
in finding a "good" contest software program.  The only possibility I've 
found is WriteLog and that does RTTY etc. The old DOS programs don't work 
in XP!

Please contact me directly with any suggestions.

Thanks and 73
Elliiott WA6TLA

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
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[DX-NEWS] DX Contest Software

2007-11-26 Thread Elliott Lawrence
I don't want to start an unappoved reflector discussion but I am interested 
in finding a "good" contest software program.  The only possibility I've 
found is WriteLog and that does RTTY etc. The old DOS programs don't work in 

Please contact me directly with any suggestions.

Thanks and 73
Elliiott WA6TLA 

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] ARLP049 Propagation de K7RA

2007-11-26 Thread jjreisert
ARLP049 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 49  ARLP049
>From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  November 26, 2007
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP049 Propagation de K7RA

This is an off-schedule post-Thanksgiving bulletin.  Because ARRL
headquarters was closed on Friday, the day this bulletin is normally
released, and the last Propagation Forecast Bulletin ARLP048 was
written before the end of our reporting week (which is Thursday
through Wednesday), the sunspot, solar flux and geophysical numbers
normally at the end of the bulletin are in this bulletin, but were
not a part of ARLP048.  Friday, November 30 will find us back on the
regular schedule with Propagation Forecast Bulletin ARLP050.

The last propagation bulletin reported a brief return of sunspots on
November 16-17, when sunspot group 974 emerged, and the sunspot
number was 13 on both days.  There were six more days of no spots,
then November 24 saw the emergence of group 975, with a sunspot
number of 15.  The next day the sunspot number declined to 12, and
the area it covered was about half the area on the previous day.

A solar wind stream on November 20 caused the most active recent
geomagnetic day, with the planetary A index rising to 28, and
Alaska's high-latitude college A index going to 48.  Geomagnetic
indices were somewhat unsettled over the last weekend (November
24-25), but are quieting down now, with the expected planetary A
index at 10 for today, November 26, and then 5 until December 11.
The planetary A index over November 22-25 was 13, 10, 12, and 11.
The numbers for the seven days previous to that are listed below.

Unexpected bottom-of-the-cycle propagation still crops up.  On
November 21, a number of Northeast United States stations reported
working Central and South America on 10 meters.  W1RM worked
Mozambique on 12 meters and Ecuador on 10 meters.

In Propagation Forecast Bulletin ARLP047 on November 16 we mentioned
briefly some unusual daylight DX on 75 meters.  Note that most of
these stations had what many of us would consider monster
directional antenna arrays for 75 meters, such as 2-3 element Yagis
anywhere from 100-165 feet.

Glenn Rattmann, K6NA of Valley Center, California wrote, "I have
been a serious DXer on 75/80m for more than 35 years, and we
observed something there on November 10 that hasn't been seen much
before, at least among the west coast 75m morning longpath DX crowd.
A number of folks here worked a group of ZS stations on 3795 kHz
under unusual circumstances."

He continues, "As you know, working into the Middle East, Diego
Garcia, and Europe on 75m longpath from the west coast is a fairly
routine occurrence during the period November through February.
Northeast Africa would also be commonly worked on this grayline
path, but for the lack of activity in places like SU, J28, ET3."

He goes on to say, "However, historically there has not been
propagation to the southern part of Africa during the west coast
sunrise-grayline window, because the position of the grayline is not
favorable.  Although we in the northern hemisphere are moving into
shorter and shorter days (later sunrise too), in the southern
latitudes they are moving into more and more daylight.  It is
possible that a far northwestern station in Seattle, or VE7 land,
with the latest sunrise time, has worked a 5R8.  Speaking
personally, I have never heard of someone working a ZS--even
further west than 5R8--on this path.  The other significant item is
that normally the most easterly and southerly stations in California
(that would be San Diego, where I am) have the earliest sunrise, and
therefore tend to lose the band earlier than others north and west
of us.  Typically one hears long path signals fading completely by
about 25 minutes after local sunrise on our end."

Glenn continues, "The short story regarding why we don't hear ZS
stations on the longpath on 75m is:  Sunrise occurs on the west
coast 'too soon,' in conjunction with the sunset period occurring
'too late' in South Africa (southern latitudes), even for stations
in WA or BC.  However, on November 10th such an opening did occur to

He goes on to say, "I came to the band a bit late that morning, and
immediately  heard K7ZV and W6KW working a ZS.  I listened a while,
and they worked several ZS stations in a roundtable.  I called in at
1555Z--already one hour and forty minutes after my sunrise!--and
logged ZS4TX who gave me a 59 plus report.  He was true S-7 on my
S-meter.  The other California stations received similar reports for
the most part.  I copied perfectly several other ZS stations but
didn't bother to work them; some were using low power and low dipole
antennas.  All said they had never worked a US west coast station
prior to this.  I heard ZS4TX say that his sunset would be 'after
1700Z sometime.'  So all stations on both ends of the path were in
full daylight with significant overlap, although of cours

Re: [DX-NEWS] Unsubscribing & more

2007-11-26 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
--- Fred Stevens K2FRD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

The NJDXA web site seems broken.

I found this page:

It says, "You can subscribe, or unsubscribe to either the DX News or DX Chat
reflectors using the form on the bottom of any page on the NJDXA website."

I could not find *any* form at the bottom of the pages of the web site, either
in Firefox or Internet Explorer.

I did find this page using google:

There is a form, but when you try to enter an address to subscribe or
unsubscribe, you get this:

  Object not found!
  The requested URL was not found on this server.

One subscriber has been trying to get off the list for several weeks.  I
forwarded several of his requests to Steve and Urb but it doesn't seem to help.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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