[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2013-10-10 Thread jjreisert
ARLD041 DX news

DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  October 10, 2013
To all radio amateurs

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, PA3AD, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

VIET NAM, 3W.  Look for Mike, 3W2DK to be QRV from October 17 to
November 2.  Activity will be on 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters.  QSL via

GUYANA, 8R.  Alex, W1CDC plans to be QRV as 8R1A from October 13 to
November 1.  Activity will be holiday style on 80 to 10 meters with
a focus on 80, 30, 17, 12 and 6 meters using CW.  QSL to home call.

SIERRA LEONE, 9L.  Jerry, K4ZIN and William, N4WDT will be QRV as
9L1JT from October 15 to 22.  Activity will be on the HF bands with
a focus on 30, 17 and 12 meters with two stations active 12 hours
each day.  QSL direct via N4WDT.

BHUTAN, A5.  Operators JH3AEF, JH7EQW and JA3IVU are QRV as A52AEF,
A52EQW and A52IVU, respectively, until October 20.  Activity is on
160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and digital modes.  QSL to home

MOZAMBIQUE, C9.  A large group of operators plan to be QRV as C82DX
from October 15 to 22.  Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via operators' instructions.

ANGOLA, D2.  Joao, CT2HPM is QRV as D2CT from Luanda until November
15.  Activity is on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters using mostly RTTY
and PSK31.  QSL to home call.

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, E5.  Fabio, IZ0YIV is QRV as E51YIV from
Rarotonga Island, IOTA OC-013, until October 13 and then Aitutaki
Island, IOTA OC-083, from October 13 to 17.  Activity is on the HF
bands using SSB and various digital modes.  QSL to home call.

ANTARCTICA.  Max, IW0HEU will be QRV as IA0MZ from the Mario
Zucchelli Base Station beginning after October 14 until January 31,
2014.  Activity will be mainly on 20 meters SSB in his spare time.

SVALBARD, JW.  LA9DL and LA7XK are QRV as JW9DL and JW7XK,
respectively, until October 14.  They will be active as JW5X in the
Scandinavian Activity SSB contest.  QSL via operators' instructions.

LITHUANIA, LY.  The national Lithuanian ham radio organization
Lietuvos Radijo Megeju Draugija is QRV as LY75RMD during October in
celebration of its 75th anniversary.  QSL via bureau.

SEYCHELLES, S7.  Andrea, IZ1MHY is QRV as S79MHY from Praslin
Island, IOTA AF-024, until October 17.  Activity is on 160 to 10
meters using all modes.  QSL to home call.

PALAU, T8.  Kiichi, JF1LUT is QRV as T88IK from Arakabesan Island,
IOTA OC-009, until October 15.  Activity is on 17 to 6 meters using
only SSB.  QSL to home call.

TURKEY, TA.  Special event station TC90TC will be QRV from October
14 to 21 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Turkish Republic.
Activity will be on the HF bands with all modes.  QSL via TA1HZ.

will be QRV as TN2MS from October 12 to 24 while part of the 4th
DAGOE Mercy Ships Radio DX-Pedition.  Activity will be on the HF
bands using CW, SSB and RTTY as time permits.  QSL via PA3AWW.

EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA.  Special event station R100MFF will be QRV from
October 15 to December 15 to commemorate the 100th birthday of the
legendary radio operator Michail Fjodorowitsch Feofanov.  QSL via

ST. KITTS AND NEVIS ISLANDS, V4.  John, W5JON and Cathy, W5HAM are
QRV as V47JA and V47HAM, respectively, from St. Kitts until November
10.  Activity is on the HF bands using SSB and digital modes.  W5JON
will be QRV as V49J in the upcoming CQ WW SSB contest.  QSL via
operators' instructions.

MICRONESIA, V6.  Yuki, JH1NBN is QRV as V6P from Pohnpei until
October 17.  Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using SSB in his free
time.  QSL to home call.

LORD HOWE ISLAND, VK9L.  Fred, VK3DAC plans to be QRV as VK9DAC from
October 14 to 20.  Activity will be on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6
meters during his morning and evening hours.  QSL to home call.

INDONESIA, YB.  Budi, YF1AR will be QRV as YF1AR/0 from Payung Besar
Island, IOTA OC-177, from October 12 to 15.  Activity will be on 40
to 10 meters using mainly SSB with some CW.  QSL via N2OO.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  North American RTTY Sprint, Oceania DX
CW Contest, SKCC Weekend CW Sprintathon, NCCC RTTY Sprint Ladder,
NCCC Sprint, Makrothen RTTY Contest, Microwave Fall Sprint,
Scandinavian SSB Activity Contest, QRP ARCI Fall QSO CW Party, EU
Autumn CW Sprint, Arizona QSO Party, Pennsylvania QSO Party, FISTS
Fall CW Sprint, PODXS 070 Club 160-Meter Great Pumpkin PSK31 Sprint
and the UBA ON CW Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this
upcoming weekend.  Please see October QST, page 89, and the ARRL and
WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


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[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2012-10-04 Thread jjreisert
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 4, 2012
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, PT2OP, QRZ DX, The Weekly DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News,
The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all.

FIJI, 3D2.  A group of amateurs will be QRV as 3D2OP from the Viti
Levu Lighthouse, WLOTA 0055, on Levu Island, IOTA OC-016, from
October 8 to 14.  Activity will be on the HF bands.  In addition,
they will be active as 3D2AS, 3D2PT, 3D2XC, 3D2ZY and 3D2XB during
this period.  QSL 3D2OP via PT2OP and all others via operators'

NIGER, 5U.  Stations 5U5U, 5U6E and 5U8NK are QRV from Niamey until
October 15.  They are QRV on the HF bands and 6 meters with three
stations active.  QSL 5U5E direct, 5U6E via F6EXV and 5U8NK via

WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2.  Shou, JA1XXI is QRV as 9M2/JA1XXI from Port
Dickson until October 15.  Activity is on 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters.
QSL to home call.

NEPAL, 9N.  Fernando, 9N1FE has been active using PSK on 15 meters
around 1100z.  QSL via operator's instructions.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, A6.  Abdullah, A61Q has been active on 10
meters using CW between 1300 and 1500z.  QSL via EA7FTR.

SABLE ISLAND, CY0.  Murray, WA4DAN and Ron, AA4VK will be QRV as
home calls/CY0 from October 8 to 17.  Activity is on the HF bands
using low power.  QSL via operators' instructions.

MAYOTTE, FH.  Sam, F6AML is QRV as TO2M until October 19.  Activity
is on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

THAILAND, HS.  Eddy, ON4AFU will be QRV as HS0ZJF/8 from Koh Samui,
IOTA AS-101, from October 7 to 24.  Activity will be on 40 to 10
meters using only CW.  QSL to home call.

SAUDI ARABIA, HZ.  A group of operators are QRV as 7Z7AB from
Al-Dhahrah Island, IOTA AS-190, until October 11.  Activity is on
160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  This is the first time
this IOTA has been activated.  QSL via 7Z1CQ.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0.  Kazuo, JH8PHT is QRV as AH0KT from Saipan,
IOTA OC-086, until October 9.  Activity is on 80 to 6 meters.  He
may also try some AM/FM activity on 10 meters.  QSL to home call.

US VIRGIN ISLANDS, KP2.  Ray, NM2O will be QRV as KP2M and KP2/NM2O
from October 9 to 16 while on vacation.  He will be active as time
allows.  This includes entries in the upcoming SAC Phone and Oceania
CW contests.  QSL KP2M via AI4U and KP2/NM2O to home call.
NETHERLANDS, PA.  The special station PB100PREFIX is QRV during the
month of October to celebrate the first official call sign prefixes
assigned 100 years ago.  QSL via PB0P.

GREECE, SV.  Members of the Radio Amateur Association of Greece are
QRV as SX100A until October 7  from the battleship memorial Georgios
Averof in Trocadero Marine Park near Athens.  QSL via bureau.

PALAU, T8.  Kiichi, JF1LUT is QRV as T88IK from Arakabesan Island,
IOTA OC-009, until October 10.  Activity is on 17 to 6 meters using
SSB.  QSL to home call.

CHAD, TT.   A group of operators are QRV as TT8TT from N'Djamena
until October 16.  Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and
RTTY.  QSL via operators' instructions.

CHRISTMAS ISLAND, VK9X.  Pekka, OH2YY and Pekka, OH1TV, will be QRV
as VK9XM from October 6 to 12.  Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters
using CW and SSB with two stations active.  QSL via OH2YY.

ANTARCTICA.  Bhagwati, VU3BPZ is QRV as VU3BPZ/3 from the Indian
Base Bharati until the end of December.  QSL direct via I1HYW.
OPERATION APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT.  The following operation is
approved for DXCC credit:  Guinea-Bissau, J5IFD, 2010 operation.

NCCC Sprint, YLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary Contest, TARA PSK Rumble
Contest, Worked All Provinces of China DX Contest, EPC Russia DX
BPSK63 Contest, Oceania DX Phone Contest, WAB HF Phone, TRC DX
Contest and the GTC CW Cup.

The California QSO Party, EU Autumn SSB Sprint, International
HELL-Contest, 4 State 4x4 QRP Sprint, UBA ON SSB Contest and the
RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this
upcoming weekend.  The RSGB 80-Meter Club CW Sprint, NAQCC Straight
Key/Bug CW Sprint, NAQCC-EU Monthly CW Sprint, CWops Mini-CWT Test,
and 10-10 International 10-10 Day Sprint are all scheduled for
October 10.  Please see October QST, page 87 and the ARRL and WA7BNM
Contest websites for details.


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This is the DX-NEWS reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2011-10-06 Thread jjreisert
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 6, 2011
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, The Weekly
DX, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM
web sites.  Thanks to all.

MALTA, 9H.  Operators DL8KX and DD8ZJ will be QRV as 9H3KX from Gozo
Island, IOTA EU-023, from October 8 to 14.  Activity will be on the
HF bands using CW and SSB.  QSL via DL8KX.

CAPE VERDE, D4.  Jim, DL1DAW, plans to be QRV as D44TZN from Sal
Island from October 12 to 18.  Activity will be holiday style on 80
to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  This includes an entry in the
upcoming Worked All Germany contest.  QSL to home call.

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DA.  Special event station DM55JES is
QRV until December 31 to commemorate 55 years of amateur radio in
the town of Jessen.  QSL via bureau.

CANARY ISLANDS, EA8.  Michael, DL3FCG will be QRV as EA8/DL3FCG from
Tenerife, IOTA AF-004, from October 9 to 17.  QSL to home call.

ENGLAND, G.  Special event station GB40HMSB is QRV until December 31
in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the arrival of the HMS
Belfast in London.  QSL via G0TOC.

SOLOMON ISLANDS, H4.  Jacek, SP5DRH will be QRV as H40KJ from Pigeon
Island, IOTA OC-065, from October 8 to 21.  Activity will be mainly
on 160, 80, 17 and 15 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via

MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1.  Take, JG8NQJ is QRV as JG8NQJ/JD1 while on
work assignment at the Minami Torishima meteorological station.
Activity is currently on 17 and 15 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL
direct via JA8CJY.

NETHERLANDS, PA.  Special event stations PG540BUFFALO and
PG540BUFFALO/J are QRV until November 3 in celebration of the
friendship between the radio groups Kennemerland and Zandvoort.  QSL
PG540BUFFALO via PA2REH and the JOTA station PG540BUFFALO/J via

MOUNT ATHOS, SV/A.  Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A has been active using RTTY
on 10 meters from around 1745 to 1900z.  QSL direct.

EAST KIRIBATI, T32.  Members of the Five Star DXers Association are
QRV as T32C from Kiritimati, IOTA OC-024, until October 25.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters with many stations active.  QSL
direct via G3NUG.

SOMALIA, T5.  Mike, PA5M is QRV as 6O0M and has been active on 10
meters using CW around 1800 to 1900z and then on 17 meters around
1900 to 2200z.  QSL via PA7FM.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS, V4.  John, W5JON, and Cathy, W5HAM, will be
QRV as V47JA and V47HAM, respectively, from Calypso Bay on St.
Kitts, IOTA NA-104, from October 10 to November 5.  Activity will be
on 80 to 6 meters using SSB.  QSL via W5JON.

CANADA, VE.  Special event station VC3ARCI celebrates the 50th
anniversary of the QRP Amateur Radio Club International.  QSL via

VIET NAM, XV.  Mio, JR3MVF and Chae, HL1KDW are QRV as XV2YL and
XV2KDW, respectively, from Ho Chi Minh City until October 12.
Activity is on 20 and 15 meters.  QSL via operators' instructions.

INDONESIA, YB.  Joni, YB9WZJ/p and Aditya, YB0MWM/9 are QRV from
Doom Island, IOTA OC-239, until October 8.  Activity is on 20 and 17
meters using SSB with some RTTY and PSK31.  QSL to YB9WZJ.

YL Anniversary Contest, SARL 80-Meter SSB QSO Party, NCCC Sprint,
Makrothen RTTY Contest, Oceania DX CW Contest, Scandinavian Activity
SSB Contest, Pennsylvania QSO Party, EU Autumn CW Sprint, Arizona
QSO Party, FISTS Fall CW Sprint, SKCC Weekend CW Sprint and UBA ON
CW Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming
weekend.  The 10-10 International 10-10 Day Sprint is scheduled for
October 10.  The NAQCC Straight Key/Bug CW Sprint, RSGB 80-Meter
Club CW Sprint, NAQCC-EU Monthly CW Sprint and CWops Mini-CWT CW
Test are scheduled for October 12.  Please see October QST, page
page 87 and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest Web Sites for details.


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This is the DX-NEWS reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2010-10-07 Thread jjreisert
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 7, 2010
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, OH2BN, The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks
to all.

KENYA, 5Z.  Sig, NV7E is QRV as 5Z4EE from Nairobi and is here for
the next four years.  Activity is on 160 to 10 meters.  He will be
active in the upcoming CQWW SSB contest.  QSL to home call.

BAHAMAS, C6.  Rick, NE8Z will be QRV as C6AEZ from Nassau, New
Providence Island, IOTA NA-001, from October 11 to 16.  Activity
will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

EASTER ISLAND, CE0.  Rolf, DK2ZF and Martin, DK7ZB are QRV as
CE0Y/home calls until November 6.  Activity is mainly on 6 and 2
meters, and 70 cm EME.  They have also been active on 30 meters.
QSL to home calls.

BOLIVIA, CP.  Don, KV7Q and Diana, KD7TO are QRV as CP4DR and CP4DL,
respectively, for the next year or two.  Activity is on 80 to 10
meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to home calls.

CANARY ISLANDS, EA8.  Operators DJ9DW, DK1EG, DL3FCG and DL8MG are
QRV as EA8/home calls from Tenerife until October 20.  Activity is
on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK.  This includes
entries on the upcoming Worked All Germany contests.  QSL to home

FRENCH POLYNESIA, FO.  Saito, JI1JKW will be QRV as FO/home call
from Tuamotu Archipelago Tikehau Atoll, IOTA OC-066, from October 10
to 14.  Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters, except 15 meters, using
CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HI.  Jose, EA3GUO will be QRV as HI3/home call
and HI9/home call from Hispaniola Island, IOTA NA-096, and Cayo
Levantao Island, IOTA NA-122, respectively, from October 9 to 23.
Activity will be mainly on 20 meters using SSB.  QSL to home call.

REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL.  Special event station HL07CJF is QRV until
October 10 in celebration of the 7th 7080 Chung-Jang Recollection
Festival Korea.  QSL via HL4CEL.

ANTARCTICA.  Otani, JE5XYT is QRV as 8J1RL from the Syowa Antarctic
Station on Ongul Island, IOTA AN-015.  He is here until February
2011.  QSL via operator's instructions.

ALAND ISLANDS, OH0.  Martti, OH2BH will be QRV as OH0B in the SAC
SSB contest.  QSL to home call.
MARKET REEF, OJ0.  Operators OH2BO and OH2PM will be QRV as OJ0B in
the SAC SSB contest.  Before and after the contest they will be
active on all bands.  QSL via OH2BH.

CURACAO, PJ2.  During the Global Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications conference on October 11 an 12, look for PJ2A to be
QRV on most HF bands.  QSL via operators' instructions.

MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7.  Yuri, N3QQ will be QRV as V73QQ from Eniwetok
Island, IOTA OC-087, from October 12 to 15.  After this operation,
he will be active as V73RRC from Ujelang Island, IOTA OC-278, from
October 16 to 19.   Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW and
SSB.  QSL via N7RO.

ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8.  Tom, K7ZZ plans to be QRV as ZD8ZZ from
October 12 to 26.  Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW and
SSB.  QSL to home call.

ZD9AH from Tristan de Cunha from around October 10 to December 6.
Activity will be on 40, 20, 17, 12 and 10 meters using mostly SSB
with some RTTY.  This includes being entries in the upcoming Worked
All Germany, CQ WW and Japan DX contests.  QSL to home call.

be QRV as ZS8M from Marion Island, IOTA AF-021.  He is active on 40,
17 and 15 meters generally between 1000 and 1930z and then around
0300 to 0500z.  QSL via ZS1X.

OPERATIONS APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT.  The following operations are
approved for DXCC Credit:  Democratic Republic of Congo, 9Q50ON,
2010 operation, and all operations from club station 9Q50AR.  

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The North American RTTY Sprint,
Scandinavian Activity SSB Contest, YLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary
Contest, Makrothen RTTY Contest, CQ South America SSB Contest,
Oceania CW DX Contest, WAB HF Phone Contest, Pennsylvania QSO Party,
Arizona QSO Party, EU Autumn CW Sprint, FISTS Fall CW Sprint, SKCC
Weekend CW Sprint, 10-10 International 10-10 Day Sprint and the UBA
ON CW Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend.  The
NAQCC Straight Key/Bug CW Sprint and CWops Mini-CWT CW Test are
scheduled for October 13.  Please see October QST, page 84 and the
ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


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This is the DX-NEWS reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2009-10-20 Thread jjreisert
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 15, 2009
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest
Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.
Thanks to all.

MIDWAY ISLAND, K4M.  The K4M operation is in full swing.  Suggested
frequencies are:  28475, 28024, 28080, 24945, 24894, 21295, 21024,
21080, 18145, 18074, 18100, 14200, 14024, 14080, 10104, 10140, 7078,
7004, 7040, 3799, 3504, 1826.5, 50115, 50115 kHz.  See the K4M web
site for QSL information.

UNITED NATIONS, 4U.  4U1UN Activity Week will be held October 19 to
25 with operations on all bands and modes with an international team
of DX and contest operators.  Activity will be from 1200-0400Z each
day.  All-night activity is planned for October 23 and 24.  They
will also be active in the CQ WW SSB Contest in the two transmitter
M2 category.  QSL via HB9BOU.

MONTENEGRO, 4O.  Tonno, ES5TV will be active as 4O3A during the CQ
WW DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band entry.  QSL via 4O3A,
direct or by the LoTW.

SRI LANKA, 4S.  Operators Heinz, DL1IH and Salvo, DH7SA are expected
to be active as 4S7AAG and 4S7SAG, respectively, during a holiday
DXpedition sometime in October.

ISRAEL, 4X.  Yoshi, JE2EHP will be active as 4X/K1HP from Tel Aviv
and Jerusalem between October 29 and November 5.  Activity will be
on all HF bands and 6 meters, using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via the
Bureau to his home call sign, JE2EHP.

CYPRUS, 5B.  John, G4IRN will be QRV as 5B/G4IRN from November 27 to
30.  Activity will include the CQ WW DX CW Contest.  QSL via LoTW or
via G4IRN.

MALDIVES, 8Q.  Jim, G3VDB will be active as 8Q7EJ from Vilamendhoo
Island (AS-013) until October 25.  Activity will be holiday style
and subject to hotel permission and local conditions.  Look for
operations on CW, RTTY, PSK31 and possibly SSB.  He will use 100
watts into wire antennas.  QSL via his home call sign.

CUBA, CM2.  Frank, CM2IR is on 40 meters using BPSK31 on 7035 kHz.
He is also on SSB around 7150 and 7170 kHz.  QSL via EB7DX, with 2
USDs or IRCs.

MOROCCO, CN.  Jim, W7EJ will be active as CN2R during the CQ WW DX
SSB Contest.  QSL via W7EJ.

CANARY ISLANDS, EA8.  Mauri, OH2BYS will be QRV as EA8CMX from
Galdar, Isla de Gran Canaria during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  He is
testing wire yagis/beverages on lower bands.  QSL via OH2BYS.

CEUTA AND MELILLA, EA9.  A group of Spanish operators will be active
as EE9Z during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as a Multi-2 or Multi-Single
entry.  QSL via EA9LZ.

IRELAND, EI.  Marc, W4MPS will be active as EI/W4MPS from County
Cork until 26.  Most of the time he will be in Grid IO52, although
he may also travel to IO42 and IO51.  Marc uses a FT-60R at 5 watts
and an Arrow antenna on AO-51.

SAINT MARTIN, FS.  Craig, AH8DX will be active as FS/AH8DX starting
October 22.  Activity will include the CQ WW DX Contest as a
Single-Op/All-Band entry.  Operations outside of the contest will be
on 160 and 80 meters using CW and SSB.  Look for 40 meter RTTY also.
QSL via AH8DX direct or via LoTW.  Craig may also be active as
PJ7/AH8DX from St. Maarten.

GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, HC8.  A group of the contesters from Quito Radio
Club will be active as HC8N from Isla de San Cristobal during the CQ
WW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Multi entry.  QSL via W5UE.

PANAMA, HP.  Members of the Radio Club de Panama, HP1RCP, will be
active during the 2009 JOTA event, October 17 and 18, from Panama
City, Panama, Colegio La Salle assisting Troop 4.

TRINDADE ISLAND, ZY0.  The RioDXGroup, with ops PY1NB, PY1ON, PY1YB
and PY1ZV will be QRV as ZY0T from October 17 to 20.  QSL via PY1NB,
direct only.

GUINEA-BISSAU, J5.  Jose, CT1DSV will be active as J5S until October
18.  QSL via home call sign.

GUERNSEY, MU.  Gerhard, OE3GEA will be active as MU/OE3GEA between
October 27 and 29.  Activity will be on the HF bands using CW and
low power only.  QSL via home call sign, direct or by the Bureau.

ALAND ISLAND, OH0.  OH0Z will be QRV in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as
a Multi-Multi entry.  QSL via W0MM.

TURKEY, TC1.  Members of the TRAC Istanbul Branch (TA1KB) will
activate their new club station using the special call sign TC1IEM
between October 16 and 18, for the Istanbul Eurasia Marathon.  QSL
via the TA Bureau is preferred, or direct to TA1KB.

ICELAND, TF.  Siggi, TF3CW, has announced that he will be active in
the CQ WW DX SSB Contest and the CQ WW DX CW Contest as
Single-Op/Single-Band 40 meter entries.  QSL via LX1NO.

The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:  FT5GA,
Glorioso Island - 2009 Operation.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The Fall VHF Sprints, Great Pumpkin
Sprint, JARTS WW RTTY Contest, QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party, Iowa QSO
Party, Stew Perry Warmup Contest, Worked All Germany Contest, W/VE
Islands QSO Party, 10-10-10 F

[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2008-10-02 Thread jjreisert
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 2, 2008
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
SP2FAP, DT8A, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX,
DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and
WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all.

MONTENEGRO, 4O.  Operators Jorg, DL3NER, Walter, DG5NGJ, Thomas,
DG5NGI, Ivo, DL9MB, Heiko, DG8NGI and Hubert, DK9NCX will be active
as 4O/home calls until October 4.  Activity is planned for 160 to 2
meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31.  QSL via their home call

GUAM, AH2.  Akira, JR1VAY, will be active as AH2J from October 4 to
6.  Also, look for AH2J to take part in the Oceania DX SSB Contest.
QSL to JR1VAY, via JARL Bureau.

ARUBA, P4.  Operators Garry, K9WZB and Sharon, K7WZB will be active
as P40ZB between October 28 and November 6.  Activity will be on 40,
20, 15, 10 and 6 meters using SSB, RTTY, CW and PSK31.

SEYCHELLES, S7.  Operators Iwa, JA0UH and Tohru, JA0UMV will operate
from Praslin Island (AF-024), from November 9 to 14.  Iwa will sign
S79UH and Tohru will sign S79MV.  They hope to operate on 160
through 10 meters using SSB and CW.  They will not be active on
RTTY.  QSL via their home call signs, direct or via the JARL Bureau.

CRETE, SV9.  Claudio, HB9OAU, will be active as SV9/HB9OAU until
October 3.  Activity will be holiday style on 40 through 10 meters.
QSL via his home call sign.

CAMBODIA, XU.  Operators JA3AVO, JH3PBL, JA3ARJ and JA3UJR will be
active as XU7AVO, XU7PBL, XU7ARJ and XU7UJR, respectively, from
Sihanoukville between November 6 and 11.

CHINA, BA.  David, BA4DW/5, will operate holiday style from Dongtou
Island, AS-141, until October 4.  QSL via QRZ.com.

MARQUESAS ISLANDS, FO/M.  Willi, DJ7RJ, is active as FO/DJ7RJ, until
October 19.  QSLs will be confirmed via DJ7RJ after his return.

GUANTANAMO BAY, KG4.  Bill, W4WV, will be QRV on SSB as KG4WV and
Ed, KN4KL, will work RTTY, SSTV and SSB signing KG4KL on all bands
from October 7 to 21.  QSL to their home calls or via bureau.

US VIRGIN ISLANDS, KP2.  Cory, KP2/N1WON, and Ken, KP2/KF4U, will be
QRV mainly on 17 and 12 meters from October 3 to 10.  QSL via home
calls, KP2/N1WON also via LoTW.

LEBANON, OD.  Sylvain, OD5/F5TLN, will be active until February
2009.  He will work mostly on SSB but also some CW on all HF bands.
Sylvain will confirm the QSOs after his return home.
POLAND, HF.  To commemorate the 200th issue of the QTC, The Polish
Radio Amateur's Journal, three special event stations will operate
during October.  HF200Q will be active until October 10, HF200T from
October 11 to 20, and HF200C from October 21 to 31.  QSL to ARC
SP4KDX, The Editorial Office of the QTC Magazine, Suchacz-Zamek,
Wielmozy 5B, 82-430 Tolkmicko, Poland, or via the bureau.

and 6K5TET will be active as DT0HH/2 from YongHung, IOTA AS-105,
from October 3 to 5.  They plan to be on 160 through 6 meters using
CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31.  QSL via the bureau or direct via DS3FGV.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The YLRL Anniversary Party, PSK Rumble,
Oceania DX Phone Contest, EU Autumn Sprint, California QSO Party and
the RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest are all on tap for this weekend.  Please
see October QST, page 82 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites
for details.


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Re: [DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2007-10-04 Thread jjreisert

Nope -   do not...


- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

Jim do you subscribe to the Daily DX or any stuff like that ?

Just wondering if there's much use to it nowadays.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 5:56 PM
Subject: [DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
From ARRL Headquarters  

Newington CT  October 4, 2007
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, 425 DX News, The Daily DX,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

QRV as 3C7Y from Bioko Island, IOTA AF-010, until October 14.
Activity is on all bands and modes with two stations.  QSL via

TANZANIA, 5H.  Pat, W8FV will be QRV as 5H9PD from October 6 to 9
from the southern lake front of Lake Victoria.  QSL to home call.

BURUNDI, 9U.  A group of operators are QRV as 9U0A until October 9.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31.
QSL via DL7DF.

TEMOTU ISLANDS, H40.  Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG will be QRV as
H40MY from Tikopia Island, IOTA OC-178.  Their length of stay is
unknown.  QSL via OM2SA.

SWITZERLAND, HB.  Special event station HB9SPACE is QRV from Payerne
until October 10 in celebration of 50 years of space flight.  QSL
via HB4FR.

ITALY, I.  Members of the ARI Ivrea are QRV as IU1ARI until the end
of October in celebration of the 80th anniversary of the
Associazione Radioamatori Italiani.  QSL via IQ1IV.

LEBANON, OD.  OD5NF has been active using RTTY on 20 meters from
around 0800 to 1900z at various times.  QSL via HB9CRV.

will be QRV possibly as P29VLR from Kilinalau Island, IOTA OC-256,
from October 6 to 9.  Activity will be on all HF bands, with three
to four stations running simultaneously.  QSL via SM6CVX.

SWEDEN, SM.  A group of operators will be QRV as SM7DAY/7, SD7W,
SE7T and SD7V from Ven Island, IOTA EU-137, from October 7 to 13.
Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL SD7W
via DL2SWW, SE7T via DL2RTK, SD7V via DL2VFR and SM7DAY/7 to home
DODECANESE, SV5.  Andy, DL4OK is QRV as SV5/NX1S from Kos Island,

IOTA EU-001, until October 13 while on holiday.  If possible he will
also activate the Akra Ayios Foukas Lighthouse, LH 1730.  Activity
is on 20 meters using QRP power.   QSL to home call.

CAMEROON, TJ.  Lionel is QRV as TJ3SL and has been active on 20
meters around 0830z and 17 meters around 1400 to 1600z.  QSL via

CORSICA, TK.  Mike, DL3VTA and Wolfgang, DL1DVP will be QRV as
TK/homecalls from October 7 to 14.  Activity will be on all bands
using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK.  QSL to home calls.

KAZAKHSTAN, UN.  Members of the editorial staff of the journal
''Radio Work'' are QRV as UP50SAT from the Baikonur territory during
the month of October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sputnik.
QSL via RV3AR.

LORD HOWE ISLAND, VK9L.  Jack, HB9TL will be QRV as VK9CLF from
October 8 to 18.  Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using SSB.
QSL direct via HB9QR.

ST. HELENA, ZD7.  Tom is QRV as ZD7X and has been active on 20
meters using SSB around 2130z.  QSL via W0MM.

CHATHAM ISLANDS, ZL7.  Operators SP5EAQ, SP9PT and SP9BQJ are QRV as

ZL7/home calls until October 18.  They are accompanied by Jozef,
SP9-31029.  Activity is on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL
to home calls.

Sprint, TARA PSK Rumble Contest, Logbook of the World Phone Contest,
International HELL-Contest, California QSO Party, EU Autumn SSB
Sprint, PRO CW Contest, UBA ON 6-Meter Contest and the RSGB 21/28
MHz Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend.  The
YLRL Anniversary SSB Party is scheduled for October 9 to 11.  The
SKCC CW Sprint, 10-10 International 10-10 Day Sprint and NAQCC
Straight Key/Bug CW Sprint are all scheduled for October 10.  The
ALE On-The-Air Week runs until October 15.  Please see October QST,
page 90, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX A

Re: [DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2007-10-04 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Jim do you subscribe to the Daily DX or any stuff like that ?
> Just wondering if there's much use to it nowadays.
> TU
> Matt

Who sent this to me?  I didn't send to myself as it appears.  Please contact me

Jim Reisert AD1C/0, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us

Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

Re: [DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2007-10-04 Thread jjreisert

Jim do you subscribe to the Daily DX or any stuff like that ?

Just wondering if there's much use to it nowadays.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 5:56 PM
Subject: [DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
From ARRL Headquarters  

Newington CT  October 4, 2007
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, 425 DX News, The Daily DX,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

QRV as 3C7Y from Bioko Island, IOTA AF-010, until October 14.
Activity is on all bands and modes with two stations.  QSL via

TANZANIA, 5H.  Pat, W8FV will be QRV as 5H9PD from October 6 to 9
from the southern lake front of Lake Victoria.  QSL to home call.

BURUNDI, 9U.  A group of operators are QRV as 9U0A until October 9.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31.
QSL via DL7DF.

TEMOTU ISLANDS, H40.  Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG will be QRV as
H40MY from Tikopia Island, IOTA OC-178.  Their length of stay is
unknown.  QSL via OM2SA.

SWITZERLAND, HB.  Special event station HB9SPACE is QRV from Payerne
until October 10 in celebration of 50 years of space flight.  QSL
via HB4FR.

ITALY, I.  Members of the ARI Ivrea are QRV as IU1ARI until the end
of October in celebration of the 80th anniversary of the
Associazione Radioamatori Italiani.  QSL via IQ1IV.

LEBANON, OD.  OD5NF has been active using RTTY on 20 meters from
around 0800 to 1900z at various times.  QSL via HB9CRV.

will be QRV possibly as P29VLR from Kilinalau Island, IOTA OC-256,
from October 6 to 9.  Activity will be on all HF bands, with three
to four stations running simultaneously.  QSL via SM6CVX.

SWEDEN, SM.  A group of operators will be QRV as SM7DAY/7, SD7W,
SE7T and SD7V from Ven Island, IOTA EU-137, from October 7 to 13.
Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL SD7W
via DL2SWW, SE7T via DL2RTK, SD7V via DL2VFR and SM7DAY/7 to home
DODECANESE, SV5.  Andy, DL4OK is QRV as SV5/NX1S from Kos Island,

IOTA EU-001, until October 13 while on holiday.  If possible he will
also activate the Akra Ayios Foukas Lighthouse, LH 1730.  Activity
is on 20 meters using QRP power.   QSL to home call.

CAMEROON, TJ.  Lionel is QRV as TJ3SL and has been active on 20
meters around 0830z and 17 meters around 1400 to 1600z.  QSL via

CORSICA, TK.  Mike, DL3VTA and Wolfgang, DL1DVP will be QRV as
TK/homecalls from October 7 to 14.  Activity will be on all bands
using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK.  QSL to home calls.

KAZAKHSTAN, UN.  Members of the editorial staff of the journal
''Radio Work'' are QRV as UP50SAT from the Baikonur territory during
the month of October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sputnik.
QSL via RV3AR.

LORD HOWE ISLAND, VK9L.  Jack, HB9TL will be QRV as VK9CLF from
October 8 to 18.  Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using SSB.
QSL direct via HB9QR.

ST. HELENA, ZD7.  Tom is QRV as ZD7X and has been active on 20
meters using SSB around 2130z.  QSL via W0MM.

CHATHAM ISLANDS, ZL7.  Operators SP5EAQ, SP9PT and SP9BQJ are QRV as

ZL7/home calls until October 18.  They are accompanied by Jozef,
SP9-31029.  Activity is on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL
to home calls.

Sprint, TARA PSK Rumble Contest, Logbook of the World Phone Contest,
International HELL-Contest, California QSO Party, EU Autumn SSB
Sprint, PRO CW Contest, UBA ON 6-Meter Contest and the RSGB 21/28
MHz Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend.  The
YLRL Anniversary SSB Party is scheduled for October 9 to 11.  The
SKCC CW Sprint, 10-10 International 10-10 Day Sprint and NAQCC
Straight Key/Bug CW Sprint are all scheduled for October 10.  The
ALE On-The-Air Week runs until October 15.  Please see October QST,
page 90, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2007-10-04 Thread jjreisert
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 4, 2007
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, 425 DX News, The Daily DX,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

QRV as 3C7Y from Bioko Island, IOTA AF-010, until October 14.
Activity is on all bands and modes with two stations.  QSL via

TANZANIA, 5H.  Pat, W8FV will be QRV as 5H9PD from October 6 to 9
from the southern lake front of Lake Victoria.  QSL to home call.

BURUNDI, 9U.  A group of operators are QRV as 9U0A until October 9.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31.
QSL via DL7DF.

TEMOTU ISLANDS, H40.  Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG will be QRV as
H40MY from Tikopia Island, IOTA OC-178.  Their length of stay is
unknown.  QSL via OM2SA.
SWITZERLAND, HB.  Special event station HB9SPACE is QRV from Payerne
until October 10 in celebration of 50 years of space flight.  QSL
via HB4FR.

ITALY, I.  Members of the ARI Ivrea are QRV as IU1ARI until the end
of October in celebration of the 80th anniversary of the
Associazione Radioamatori Italiani.  QSL via IQ1IV.

LEBANON, OD.  OD5NF has been active using RTTY on 20 meters from
around 0800 to 1900z at various times.  QSL via HB9CRV.

will be QRV possibly as P29VLR from Kilinalau Island, IOTA OC-256,
from October 6 to 9.  Activity will be on all HF bands, with three
to four stations running simultaneously.  QSL via SM6CVX.

SWEDEN, SM.  A group of operators will be QRV as SM7DAY/7, SD7W,
SE7T and SD7V from Ven Island, IOTA EU-137, from October 7 to 13.
Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL SD7W
via DL2SWW, SE7T via DL2RTK, SD7V via DL2VFR and SM7DAY/7 to home
DODECANESE, SV5.  Andy, DL4OK is QRV as SV5/NX1S from Kos Island,
IOTA EU-001, until October 13 while on holiday.  If possible he will
also activate the Akra Ayios Foukas Lighthouse, LH 1730.  Activity
is on 20 meters using QRP power.   QSL to home call.

CAMEROON, TJ.  Lionel is QRV as TJ3SL and has been active on 20
meters around 0830z and 17 meters around 1400 to 1600z.  QSL via

CORSICA, TK.  Mike, DL3VTA and Wolfgang, DL1DVP will be QRV as
TK/homecalls from October 7 to 14.  Activity will be on all bands
using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK.  QSL to home calls.

KAZAKHSTAN, UN.  Members of the editorial staff of the journal
''Radio Work'' are QRV as UP50SAT from the Baikonur territory during
the month of October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sputnik.
QSL via RV3AR.

LORD HOWE ISLAND, VK9L.  Jack, HB9TL will be QRV as VK9CLF from
October 8 to 18.  Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using SSB.
QSL direct via HB9QR.

ST. HELENA, ZD7.  Tom is QRV as ZD7X and has been active on 20
meters using SSB around 2130z.  QSL via W0MM.
CHATHAM ISLANDS, ZL7.  Operators SP5EAQ, SP9PT and SP9BQJ are QRV as
ZL7/home calls until October 18.  They are accompanied by Jozef,
SP9-31029.  Activity is on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL
to home calls.

Sprint, TARA PSK Rumble Contest, Logbook of the World Phone Contest,
International HELL-Contest, California QSO Party, EU Autumn SSB
Sprint, PRO CW Contest, UBA ON 6-Meter Contest and the RSGB 21/28
MHz Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend.  The
YLRL Anniversary SSB Party is scheduled for October 9 to 11.  The
SKCC CW Sprint, 10-10 International 10-10 Day Sprint and NAQCC
Straight Key/Bug CW Sprint are all scheduled for October 10.  The
ALE On-The-Air Week runs until October 15.  Please see October QST,
page 90, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2006-09-28 Thread W1AW
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  September 28, 2006
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks
to all.

as 9Q1D, 9Q1TB and 9Q1EK, respectively.  Activity is on the HF bands
using CW and SSB when conditions permit.  QSL to home calls.

BOTSWANA, A2.  Hardy is QRV as A25/DF3GY and has been active on 20,
17 and 15 meters using RTTY at various times.  QSL to home call.

TAIWAN, BV.  Juergen, DJ3KR will be QRV as BX3/homecall from
September 30 to October 18.  QSL to home call.

CAPE VERDE, D4.  Angelo, D44BS has been active on 17 meters around
1700z.  He will soon be active on 6 meters as well.

SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS.  Station DT8A has been active on 20 meters
using RTTY around 2300z.

are QRV until October 4.  Activity is on 80 to 12 meters using CW,
SSB and digital modes using mostly QRP power.  QSL to home calls.

HUNGARY, HA.  Special event stations HA506NF and HA501DAE will be
QRV from October 1 to December 31 to commemorate the Hungarian
uprising of 50 years ago.  QSL via HA6NF and HA1DAE, respectively.

October 2 to 28.  He will be active 20 and 17 meters using SSB and
RTTY.  He plans to operate from Catalina Island on October 26 and
27.  QSL via the bureau.

JAPAN, JA.  JJ4UEL/4 is QRV from Nino Island, IOTA AS-117.  Activity
is on all HF bands using SSB.  QSL to home call.

SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS.  Oleg is QRV as LU/R1ANF from the Argentine
Jubany Base and has been active on 40, 30 and 20 meters using CW.

ARUBA, P4.  Larry, WO0Z will be QRV as P40LL from September 30 to
October 6.  Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and
possibly RTTY.  QSL to home call.

BONAIRE, CURACAO, PJ2.  Peter, PA3CNX will be QRV as PJ4/PA3CNX from
Bonaire, IOTA SA-006, from October 1 to November 3.  Activity will
be on 80 to 6 meters using CW and SSB, mostly between 2000 to 0200z.
QSL to home call.
ANTARCTICA.  Alex, UA1ZCK is QRV as R1ANC Vostok Base, IOTA AN-016.
He is usually QRV on 20 meters around 0600 to 1000z.  QSL via RU1ZC.

FRANZ JOSEF LAND, R1FJ.  Station R1FJT has been QRV on 20 meters
from around 1200 to 1500z.  QSL via UA4RC.

SUDAN, ST.  Jovica is QRV as ST2A and has been QRV on 30 meters
between 1800 and 1930z.  QSL via T93Y.
CORSICA, TK.  Members of the Equipo de DX4DX are QRV as TK9Z until
October 5.  Activity is 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK.  QSL via EA4BT.

NAMIBIA, V5.  Operators V5/DJ8VC, V5/DF6QP and V5/DL8JS are QRV
until October 13.  Activity is on all bands, especially on 20
meters.  QSL to home calls.

until October 3 from Tortola, IOTA NA-023.  Activity is on 20, 17
and 15 meters using SSB.  QSL direct to home call.

Contest, Arkansas QSO Party, FISTS Coast to Coast CW Contest, the
UBA ON 6-Meter Contest and the RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest are all
scheduled for this weekend.  The ARS Spartan CW Sprint and German
Telegraphy Contest are scheduled for October 3.  The YLRL
Anniversary CW Party is scheduled for October 3 to 5.  The 432 MHz
Fall Sprint is scheduled for October 4.  Please see October QST,
page 101 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.


Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2005-10-13 Thread W1AW
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 13, 2005
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
LA9VDA, NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, 425DXnews,
DXNL, WA7BNM and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

MONACO, 3A.  Kaz, SP2FAX and Slavek, SP2JMB will be QRV as
3A/homecalls from October 15 to 18.  Activity will be on 80 to 6
meters using CW and SSB.  QSL both calls via SP2PI.

TANZANIA, 5H.  Hans, DL6JGN and Jan, DJ8NK are QRV from Zanzibar,
IOTA AF-032, as 5H1GHW and 5H1JCH, respectively, until October 20.
Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL to home

FRANCE, F.  Special event call TM0GPK is QRV until October 23 during
the Karting FFSA Grand Prix.  Activity is on all HF bands using SSB,
with SSTV on 40 and 20 meters.  QSL via F4ERQ.  Meanwhile, look for
special event call TM1NOR to be QRV on October 14 to 16 to celebrate
the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings in 1066.  QSL via F8LDX.

SCOTLAND, GM.  John, GM6LYJ and Andy, GM4JR will be QRV as GB4SLH
from the Southerness Lighthouse during the weekends in October.  QSL
via operators' instructions.

GUERNSEY, GU.  Operators MU3SDE/p, GU5XW/p, MU0JZE/p, GU1OCN/p and
2U1DQZ/p are QRV from Alderney, IOTA EU-114, until October 19.
Activity is on all HF bands, including 6 meters.  QSL MU3SDE via
M3SDE and all others via G5XW.

ITALY, I.  Look for the first radio station of the Italian Red
Cross, IZ4GQA, to be QRV on October 16, 23 and 30.  Activity will be
on 40 and 20 meters, with an APRS station on 2 meters.  QSL via
operators' instructions.

ITALY, I.  Special event stations IO1ALP, IO1BIA, IO1BOB, IO1CRO and
IO1CUR are QRV until November 9 as part of the activities associated
with the approach march to the XX Olympic Winter Games that will
take place in Torino in February 2006.  QSL all calls via I1JQJ.

SVALBARD, JW.  Hugo, LA5YJ is QRV as JW5YJ and has been active on 30
meters around 0015z.  QSL to home call.  Meanwhile, Vegard, LA9LMA
is QRV as JW9LMA and has been active on 20 meters using SSB around
2300 to 0200z.  QSL to home call.

NORWAY, LA.  Look for LA6YEA, LA8AJA and LA9VDA to be QRV as LA6Q
from Helligvaer Island, IOTA EU-062, from October 19 to 26.
Activity will be on 80 to 17 meters using CW, SSB and some RTTY.
QSL via operators' instructions.

DENMARK, OZ.  Tom, OZ/DL4VM will be QRV from Fano Island, IOTA
EU-125, from October 15 to 31.  Activity will be on 40, 20 and 15
meters using CW.  QSL to home call.

NETHERLAND ANTILLES, PJ2.  Andy, W9NJY is QRV as PJ4/homecall from
Bonaire, IOTA SA-006, until October 19.  Activity is on 40 to 10
meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via WD9DZV.

BANGLADESH, S2.  Bangladesh Scouts will operate the Jamboree-On-The
Air special event station S21SHQ from Shitakundo, Chittagong.  They
will be active on the usual JOTA frequencies on 40, 20, 17, 15 and
10 meters.  The BARL station S21HQ will also be active.  QSL S21SHQ
via S21D and S21HQ via operators' instructions.

DODECANESE, SV5.  Al, SV5/DJ5AA and Wolfgang, SV5/DL3DRN can usually
be found on 30 to 15 meters between 2200 and 0400z.  QSL to home

UZBEKISTAN, UJ.  Karl, K4YT is QRV as UK4YT from Tashkent until
October 27.  He is active mostly on the weekends and during his
afternoons and evenings.  QSL to home call.

AUSTRALIA, VK.  Dirk, PA9KW will be QRV as VK5AUQ from Kangaroo
Island, IOTA OC-139, from October 16 to November 14.  He will
eventually be joined by Ben, VK5ZMM.  QSL direct to PA9KW.

GIBRALTAR, ZB.  ZB2FK has been QRV on 160 meters around 0100z.  QSL
direct to home call.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The Jamboree-On-The-Air, NCCC Thursday
CW Sprint, YLRL Anniversary SSB Party, JARTS WW RTTY Contest,
Microwave Fall Sprint, Worked All Germany Contest, Asia-Pacific Fall
CW Sprint, UBA ON 2-meter Contest, RSGB 21/28 MHz CW Contest, the
Illinois QSO Party and the Bill Windle CW QSO Party will certainly
keep contesters busy this weekend.  Please see October QST, page
100, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.


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[DX-NEWS] ARLD041 DX news

2004-10-14 Thread W1AW
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 14, 2004
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, 425DXnews, DXNL,
WA7BNM and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

MAURITANIA, 5T.  Nicolas, 5T5SN has been QRV on 160 meters.  QSL via

SINGAPORE, 9V.  Bob, 9V1GO has been QRV on 20 meter using RTTY
around 1400z.  QSL via OK1DOT.
PHILIPPINES, DU.  DK6PD and DL1PBC will be QRV as DU6/DL1PBC from
Visaya Island, IOTA OC-129, from October 16 to 30.  Activity will be
on all bands using CW and SSB.  They will also participate in the
Worked All Germany contest.  QSL via DL1PBC.
CANARY ISLANDS, EA8.  Herman, EA8/ON4QX is QRV from Gran Canaria,
IOTA AF-004, until October 24.  QSL to home call.

LIBERIA, EL.  Pat, EI5IF is QRV as EL2PM and is here for the next
three months.  QSL to home call.

CHESTERFIELD ISLANDS, FK/C.  The German team is now QRV using the
special callsign TX9.  They are active for about 10 days on 160 to 6
meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL all CW and 6-meter QSOs via

AMSTERDAM  ST. PAUL ISLANDS, FT5Z.  Seb, FT1ZL is stationed on
Amsterdam until either December 2004 or January 2005.  He may be
active on HF as his time permits.  QSL via F2YT.

JAPAN, JA.  Steve, JA1SKY is QRV as JA1SKY/6 from Kuroshima, Yaeyama
Island, IOTA AS-024, until October 18.  Activity is on 40, 30, 20
and 15 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

NETHERLANDS, PA.  Will, PE1OPM/p will be QRV from Schouwen
Duiveland, IOTA EU-146, on October 16 and 17.  Activity will be on
80, 40, 20, 17 and 15 meters.  QSL to home call.

EGYPT, SU.  Gab, HA3JB is QRV as SU8BHI from Cairo until December
12.  Activity is on all bands using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK.
QSL to home call.
DODECANESE, SV5.  SV5, Bob, OK2BOB is QRV as SV5/OK2BOB from Rhodos
Island, IOTA EU-001, until 0300z on October 19.  Activity is on 160
to 10 meters using mainly CW, but some SSB.  QSL to home call.

SOMALIA, T5.  Joe, VA6JWT expects to be QRV as 6O0JT from Galkayo,
an autonomous area in the Puntland Province, beginning October 14.
He will be here for at least six months, and possibly longer.  QSL
via operator's instructions.

MICRONESIA, V6.  Lanny, W5BOS will be QRV as V6O from Pulop Island,
West Chuuk, IOTA OC-155, from October 18 to 23.  QSL via N6AWD.

LAOS, XW.  Alex, RK3DT is QRV as XW3DT from Vientiane, and should be
here until 2005.  He is active in his spare time.  QSL via
operator's instructions.

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, ZK1.  Victor, ZK1CG has been QRV on 160 meters
around 1000z.  He is also active on 80 meters around 0600z.  QSL

Operations approved for DXCC credit:  Burundi, 9U6PM, current
operation effective August 20, 2004; Prince Edward and Marion
Island, ZS8MI, from April 1 through May 9, 2004.

Fall Sprint, Worked All Germany Contest, Asia-Pacific Fall CW
Sprint, UBA ON 2-Meter Contest, RSGB 21/28 MHz CW Contest, Illinois
QSO Party and the Bill Windle CW QSO Party will certainly keep
contesters busy this weekend.  Please see October QST, page 98, and
the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.


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[DX-News] ARLD041 DX news

2003-10-09 Thread W1AW
ARLD041 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 41  ARLD041
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 9, 2003
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD041 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, 425DXnews, DXNL, WA7BNM and Contest
Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

KENYA, 5Z.  Mirko, DJ1AA expects to be QRV as 5Z4/DJ1AA from Nairobi
until October 23.  Activity is on all HF bands.  He plans to be
active in the German WAG Contest as well.  QSL to home call.

THE GAMBIA, C5.  Henryk is QRV as C56JHF and has been active on 30
meters between 2200 and 0200z.  QSL via SM0JHF.

SCOTLAND, GM.  Leo, W3LEO will be QRV as MM0LEO from Portpatrick in
southwest Scotland from October 13 to November 15.  This includes an
entry in the upcoming CQ WW SSB contest.  QSL to home call.

until October 13.  They are active on 40 to 10 meters, including the
newer bands, using CW and SSB.  QSL via G4DIY.

THAILAND, HS.  Members of the Chumporn Amateur Radio Society will
demonstrate Amateur Radio operations on the 160th anniversary of the
Langsuan traditional long boat race.  They will be QRV as HS8AC/p on
October 11 to 12.  Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters, and possibly
160 and 80 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31.  QSL via

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0.  Look for KH0/JA1DM, KH0T, KH0V and NH0B to be
QRV from Saipan, IOTA OC-086, until October 13.  Activity is on 40
to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via JA1DM, JA1SGU, JJ1KZI
and JI1JMK, respectively.

NETHERLANDS, PA.  Martin, VE3MR is active as PA9MR from IOTA EU-146
until October 25.  QSL to home call.

EGYPT, SU.  Tom, SU9NC has been QRV on 160 meters just before 2030z.
QSL direct via OM2SA.

TUVALU, T2.  Willi, DJ7RJ is QRV as T20MW until October 15.  Look
for activity on 30 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, ZK1.  Henrik, OZ6TL will be QRV as ZK1TLA from
Rarotonga, IOTA OC-013, from October 11 to November 6.  He plans to
be active using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 in his spare time.  QSL to
home call.

NEW ZEALAND, ZL.  Chas, ZL3CED is QRV using the special callsign
ZL6FF until October 11.  He will be an entry in the Oceania DX CW
Contest, probably with his home call.  Activity is on 40 to 10
meters, including 30 meters, using CW.  QSL to home call.

KERMADEC ISLANDS, ZL8.  Jacky, F2CW is QRV as ZM8CW from Raoul
Island, IOTA OC-039, until October 18.  This is not a DXpedition, so
he will operate in his spare time.  QSL via ZL1AMO.

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit: 4W2DN, YA1D,
YA0J and YI/KV4EB.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The 10-10 Day Sprint, Oceania DX CW
Contest, EU Autumn CW Sprint, Pennsylvania QSO Party, FISTS Fall
Sprint and the North American RTTY Sprint will certainly keep
contesters busy this weekend.  The YLRL Anniversary Phone Party is
scheduled for October 15 to 17.  Please see October QST, page 100
and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.


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