Re: [Dx4win] V8.01 Observations (long)

2009-08-05 Thread Randy Farmer

>I too am excited that Paul finally implemented a start date for DXCC 
>CW.  I also have QSOs dating back to 1967.  I have been comparing 
>the Summary totals and the Listing totals for CW between ver 8.0 and 
>7.07.  I personally like the way that Paul has implemented the DXCC 
>Listing for CW.  For example, I have a CW contact with ZL4OL/A from 
>1971 that I had submitted for DXCC Mixed and 20M Band credit.  Prior 
>versions would always attempt to submit this contact for DXCC CW 
>credit.  Now it does not.  When I do a DXCC Listing for CW mode, 
>there is an asterisk on 20M for that contact -- and that is correct 
>since I did make a CW contact on that band -- and I want to see it 
>since I may have submitted it for DXCC Band/Challenge credit. 
>However, the new Listing for CW does not have an asterisk for that 
>contact under the first column which is CW mode.  And that is 
>correct also, since it occurred prior to 1975.  The Listing also 
>works fine for Deleted Countries prior to 1975.  For example, I have 
>a number of KZ5 contacts on CW that prior versions would always try 
>to submit for CW credit.  The Listing shows asterisks on the bands 
>on which I made those QSOs on CW, but does not show an asterisk 
>under the CW mode column -- which is exactly the way that I would 
>want the data displayed.

Now that you explain it this way, I see your point. I was myopically 
trying to do stats only for DXCC-eligible CW contacts, but since 
there's no per band CW DXCC award there's really no point in 
segregating the older CW QSOs from the analysis. If you think of the 
asterisk as an indicator that means "Don't bother submitting this one 
for DXCC CW" as opposed to "This one has already been credited for CW 
DXCC" (a subtle but important distinction) Paul's logic all makes 
sense for the reasons you cite. I can and will live happily with this 
convention in my own offline record keeping. As you point out, the 
entity CW DXCC credits are correct now.

I'm still trying to figure out if there's some sort of a bug in 8.01 
in the Reports -> Summary function, however. No matter what 
selections I make from the dropdown list of options I ALWAYS get the 
summary for All bands / All modes. Does this happen to just me (on 
two different installations on two different computers) or does 
anyone else see this problem? It for sure worked just fine in version 
7 and earlier.

>I still do not see a way to easily submit both Lotw and Card 
>confirmations for DXCC.  I wish the Submission report would list how 
>the contacts were confirmed -- e.g. Lotw, Card, etc.  That way I 
>could more easily separate out Lotw submissions from Card 
>submissions when making an online submission of both types via the 
>Lotw website.

This is what originally drove me to set up separate tracking 
functions in Excel. Since the inception of LoTW I had nothing but 
troubles getting submissions together. It took work in Excel to 
figure out what was going on anyway, so I just started doing the 
whole submission thing that way. The fact that the program logic also 
will invariably select a Phone QSO for a Band or Mixed submission 
when there's a  perfectly good CW QSO that could fill the same bill 
doesn't help, either. I'm just a CW kind of guy, and I'll always 
submit CW stuff when I can :)

Thanks for the slap upside the head that got me out of a bad rut in 
my thinking. I'll now quit bellyaching about the handling of DXCC CW 
and enjoy the features of the new version.

Randy, W8FN 

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Re: [Dx4win] V8.01 Observations (long)

2009-08-05 Thread PY2YP
Hi Randy,

I do second your very accurate review. I've found the same CW problems; 
yes, should be nice to change the asterisk in the reports and get back 
the listing report to the version 7 format as well.

73 DX de PY2YP - Cesar

Randy Farmer wrote:
> I downloaded and had a look at the new version today. I don't yet 
> have my license key, but I was able to import my version 7 log and 
> check out some of the new features. Importing the Version 6/7 format 
> log file into Version 8 was absolutely trouble free. I did have to 
> re-do some of my custom Logbook Report formats to account for the new 
> fields, but this was no problem at all. All of my Selections and 
> Group definitions imported perfectly.
> I'm especially glad to see the improvements to the LOTW record 
> keeping and the elimination of the need to explicitly filter the log 
> by date selection to get accurate DXCC CW statistics. The testing 
> I've done so far has concentrated on checking out the DXCC CW 
> reporting. Unfortunately, I have found some problems.
> I have around 56K QSOs in my log, the vast majority being CW. The log 
> files go back to 1965, so there are a good many CW QSOs in the log 
> that were made prior to being eligible for CW DXCC credit. Some of 
> these have been submitted for Mixed and Band DXCC credit. I also keep 
> track of my DXCC records using a fairly elaborate Excel spreadsheet 
> and make sure it's updated every time the DX4WIN log changes and/or I 
> receive new DXCC credits from ARRL. My standard procedure is to do a 
> quick compare of the DX4WIN DXCC Summary reports against this 
> spreadsheet each time after importing LOTW data or making any other 
> changes to the log.
> I checked out the Version 8 DXCC Summary reports and found right away 
> that regardless of the selection made in the dropdown boxes the 
> Summary report ALWAYS gives the stats for All Bands / All Modes. The 
> good news is that these stats are completely accurate, including the 
> CW numbers. I tried all combinations of the "Modes" and "Bands" 
> dropdown choices and always got the All modes / All bands report.
> I then took a look at the Listing reports for various band and mode 
> combinations.To use the Listings data, I use the Write to File option 
> to dump the report data to csv format to import into Excel. It's 
> disappointing that while the Listing report format has changed 
> slightly, it STILL uses the asterisk (*) character to designate 
> "Checked" status. The asterisk is a special wild card character in 
> Excel, and directly importing the csv file makes it impossible to 
> edit and manipulate the data -- weird things happen. This means I 
> still need to first run the csv file through Wordpad or some similar 
> text editor to do a search and replace of the asterisk with some 
> other character so I can use the file in Excel. It would be real nice 
> if the report output used some other character to show "Checked" status.
>   All of the DXCC reports except for CW were completely correct. 
> There were multiple discrepancies for CW DXCC, which upon close 
> examination all turned out to be the result of counting pre-1975 QSOs 
> for CW credit. If these old records were excluded from the 
> statistics, the CW report would be totally accurate. I have taken 
> great care in setting the Mixed, Band and Mode credit flags for these 
> older QSOs in the log file, and none has the Mode credit flag set, 
> yet the report claimed that they were credited for CW. Apparently the 
> internal logic of the program looks at neither the QSO date nor the 
> status of the DXCC Mode flag when it generates the DXCC report.
> So we're almost there... The Summary gets the CW statistics correct, 
> so there's clearly some logic that runs on QSO date, but it's 
> obviously incompletely implemented.
> Also regarding the Listing report, when including Deleted entities 
> the new version sorts its output in alphabetical Prefix order without 
> regard for whether the prefix is for a Deleted entity or not. The 
> older versions put all the Deleteds in alphabetical order at the 
> bottom of the prefix list, a MUCH better way to present the data. I 
> had to immediately re-sort the imported csv files to get them in the 
> same order as the data from Version 7. Please restore the Version 8 
> Listing report to the same format as the Version 7 and earlier listings!
> There is also some sort of internal coding error that caused me a bit 
> of hair pulling. For some reason, while the prefix for Minami 
> Torishima is JD1/M, the Listing report renders it as JD1/W and thus 
> interchanges the lines for Minami Torishima and Ogasawara, JD1/O. It 
> was no fun dealing with this until I took a close look at the report 
> and saw the incorrect prefix.
> Apart from these small problems, I like the looks of the enhancements 
> to this new version of DX4WIN. I'm looking forward to getting my 
> license key and doing more testing with live

Re: [Dx4win] V8.01 Observations (long)

2009-08-05 Thread Ing . Miloš Prostecký
Yes, Randy,

I find same problem with DXCC CW statistic, that majority of checked
countries is only as confirmed! So I hope it will be solved.

73, Milos, OK1MP

Message: 9
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 20:27:57 -0500
From: Randy Farmer 
Subject: [Dx4win] V8.01 Observations (long)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

I downloaded and had a look at the new version today. I don't yet 
have my license key, but I was able to import my version 7 log and 
check out some of the new features. Importing the Version 6/7 format 
log file into Version 8 was absolutely trouble free. I did have to 
re-do some of my custom Logbook Report formats to account for the new 
fields, but this was no problem at all. All of my Selections and 
Group definitions imported perfectly.

I'm especially glad to see the improvements to the LOTW record 
keeping and the elimination of the need to explicitly filter the log 
by date selection to get accurate DXCC CW statistics. The testing 
I've done so far has concentrated on checking out the DXCC CW 
reporting. Unfortunately, I have found some problems.

I have around 56K QSOs in my log, the vast majority being CW. The log 
files go back to 1965, so there are a good many CW QSOs in the log 
that were made prior to being eligible for CW DXCC credit. Some of 
these have been submitted for Mixed and Band DXCC credit. I also keep 
track of my DXCC records using a fairly elaborate Excel spreadsheet 
and make sure it's updated every time the DX4WIN log changes and/or I 
receive new DXCC credits from ARRL. My standard procedure is to do a 
quick compare of the DX4WIN DXCC Summary reports against this 
spreadsheet each time after importing LOTW data or making any other 
changes to the log.

I checked out the Version 8 DXCC Summary reports and found right away 
that regardless of the selection made in the dropdown boxes the 
Summary report ALWAYS gives the stats for All Bands / All Modes. The 
good news is that these stats are completely accurate, including the 
CW numbers. I tried all combinations of the "Modes" and "Bands" 
dropdown choices and always got the All modes / All bands report.

I then took a look at the Listing reports for various band and mode 
combinations.To use the Listings data, I use the Write to File option 
to dump the report data to csv format to import into Excel. It's 
disappointing that while the Listing report format has changed 
slightly, it STILL uses the asterisk (*) character to designate 
"Checked" status. The asterisk is a special wild card character in 
Excel, and directly importing the csv file makes it impossible to 
edit and manipulate the data -- weird things happen. This means I 
still need to first run the csv file through Wordpad or some similar 
text editor to do a search and replace of the asterisk with some 
other character so I can use the file in Excel. It would be real nice 
if the report output used some other character to show "Checked" status.

  All of the DXCC reports except for CW were completely correct. 
There were multiple discrepancies for CW DXCC, which upon close 
examination all turned out to be the result of counting pre-1975 QSOs 
for CW credit. If these old records were excluded from the 
statistics, the CW report would be totally accurate. I have taken 
great care in setting the Mixed, Band and Mode credit flags for these 
older QSOs in the log file, and none has the Mode credit flag set, 
yet the report claimed that they were credited for CW. Apparently the 
internal logic of the program looks at neither the QSO date nor the 
status of the DXCC Mode flag when it generates the DXCC report.

So we're almost there... The Summary gets the CW statistics correct, 
so there's clearly some logic that runs on QSO date, but it's 
obviously incompletely implemented.

Also regarding the Listing report, when including Deleted entities 
the new version sorts its output in alphabetical Prefix order without 
regard for whether the prefix is for a Deleted entity or not. The 
older versions put all the Deleteds in alphabetical order at the 
bottom of the prefix list, a MUCH better way to present the data. I 
had to immediately re-sort the imported csv files to get them in the 
same order as the data from Version 7. Please restore the Version 8 
Listing report to the same format as the Version 7 and earlier listings!

There is also some sort of internal coding error that caused me a bit 
of hair pulling. For some reason, while the prefix for Minami 
Torishima is JD1/M, the Listing report renders it as JD1/W and thus 
interchanges the lines for Minami Torishima and Ogasawara, JD1/O. It 
was no fun dealing with this until I took a close look at the report 
and saw the incorrect prefix.

Apart from these small problems, I like the looks of the enhan

Re: [Dx4win] V8.01 Observations (long)

2009-08-04 Thread Dave Perry N4QS

I too am excited that Paul finally implemented a start date for DXCC CW.  I 
also have QSOs dating back to 1967.  I have been comparing the Summary 
totals and the Listing totals for CW between ver 8.0 and 7.07.  I personally 
like the way that Paul has implemented the DXCC Listing for CW.  For 
example, I have a CW contact with ZL4OL/A from 1971 that I had submitted for 
DXCC Mixed and 20M Band credit.  Prior versions would always attempt to 
submit this contact for DXCC CW credit.  Now it does not.  When I do a DXCC 
Listing for CW mode, there is an asterisk on 20M for that contact -- and 
that is correct since I did make a CW contact on that band -- and I want to 
see it since I may have submitted it for DXCC Band/Challenge credit. 
However, the new Listing for CW does not have an asterisk for that contact 
under the first column which is CW mode.  And that is correct also, since it 
occurred prior to 1975.  The Listing also works fine for Deleted Countries 
prior to 1975.  For example, I have a number of KZ5 contacts on CW that 
prior versions would always try to submit for CW credit.  The Listing shows 
asterisks on the bands on which I made those QSOs on CW, but does not show 
an asterisk under the CW mode column -- which is exactly the way that I 
would want the data displayed.

I also like the new band map.  I still do not see a way to easily submit 
both Lotw and Card confirmations for DXCC.  I wish the Submission report 
would list how the contacts were confirmed -- e.g. Lotw, Card, etc.  That 
way I could more easily separate out Lotw submissions from Card submissions 
when making an online submission of both types via the Lotw website.

But I am placing my order for 8.0 tonight!

Dave, N4QS

- Original Message - 
From: "Randy Farmer" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 8:27 PM
Subject: [Dx4win] V8.01 Observations (long)

>I downloaded and had a look at the new version today. I don't yet
> have my license key, but I was able to import my version 7 log and
> check out some of the new features. Importing the Version 6/7 format
> log file into Version 8 was absolutely trouble free. I did have to
> re-do some of my custom Logbook Report formats to account for the new
> fields, but this was no problem at all. All of my Selections and
> Group definitions imported perfectly.
> I'm especially glad to see the improvements to the LOTW record
> keeping and the elimination of the need to explicitly filter the log
> by date selection to get accurate DXCC CW statistics. The testing
> I've done so far has concentrated on checking out the DXCC CW
> reporting. Unfortunately, I have found some problems.
> I have around 56K QSOs in my log, the vast majority being CW. The log
> files go back to 1965, so there are a good many CW QSOs in the log
> that were made prior to being eligible for CW DXCC credit. Some of
> these have been submitted for Mixed and Band DXCC credit. I also keep
> track of my DXCC records using a fairly elaborate Excel spreadsheet
> and make sure it's updated every time the DX4WIN log changes and/or I
> receive new DXCC credits from ARRL. My standard procedure is to do a
> quick compare of the DX4WIN DXCC Summary reports against this
> spreadsheet each time after importing LOTW data or making any other
> changes to the log.
> I checked out the Version 8 DXCC Summary reports and found right away
> that regardless of the selection made in the dropdown boxes the
> Summary report ALWAYS gives the stats for All Bands / All Modes. The
> good news is that these stats are completely accurate, including the
> CW numbers. I tried all combinations of the "Modes" and "Bands"
> dropdown choices and always got the All modes / All bands report.
> I then took a look at the Listing reports for various band and mode
> combinations.To use the Listings data, I use the Write to File option
> to dump the report data to csv format to import into Excel. It's
> disappointing that while the Listing report format has changed
> slightly, it STILL uses the asterisk (*) character to designate
> "Checked" status. The asterisk is a special wild card character in
> Excel, and directly importing the csv file makes it impossible to
> edit and manipulate the data -- weird things happen. This means I
> still need to first run the csv file through Wordpad or some similar
> text editor to do a search and replace of the asterisk with some
> other character so I can use the file in Excel. It would be real nice
> if the report output used some other character to show "Checked" status.
>  All of the DXCC reports except for CW were completely correct.
> There were multiple discrepancies for CW DXCC, which upon close
> examination all turned out to be the result of counting pre-1975 QSOs

[Dx4win] V8.01 Observations (long)

2009-08-04 Thread Randy Farmer
I downloaded and had a look at the new version today. I don't yet 
have my license key, but I was able to import my version 7 log and 
check out some of the new features. Importing the Version 6/7 format 
log file into Version 8 was absolutely trouble free. I did have to 
re-do some of my custom Logbook Report formats to account for the new 
fields, but this was no problem at all. All of my Selections and 
Group definitions imported perfectly.

I'm especially glad to see the improvements to the LOTW record 
keeping and the elimination of the need to explicitly filter the log 
by date selection to get accurate DXCC CW statistics. The testing 
I've done so far has concentrated on checking out the DXCC CW 
reporting. Unfortunately, I have found some problems.

I have around 56K QSOs in my log, the vast majority being CW. The log 
files go back to 1965, so there are a good many CW QSOs in the log 
that were made prior to being eligible for CW DXCC credit. Some of 
these have been submitted for Mixed and Band DXCC credit. I also keep 
track of my DXCC records using a fairly elaborate Excel spreadsheet 
and make sure it's updated every time the DX4WIN log changes and/or I 
receive new DXCC credits from ARRL. My standard procedure is to do a 
quick compare of the DX4WIN DXCC Summary reports against this 
spreadsheet each time after importing LOTW data or making any other 
changes to the log.

I checked out the Version 8 DXCC Summary reports and found right away 
that regardless of the selection made in the dropdown boxes the 
Summary report ALWAYS gives the stats for All Bands / All Modes. The 
good news is that these stats are completely accurate, including the 
CW numbers. I tried all combinations of the "Modes" and "Bands" 
dropdown choices and always got the All modes / All bands report.

I then took a look at the Listing reports for various band and mode 
combinations.To use the Listings data, I use the Write to File option 
to dump the report data to csv format to import into Excel. It's 
disappointing that while the Listing report format has changed 
slightly, it STILL uses the asterisk (*) character to designate 
"Checked" status. The asterisk is a special wild card character in 
Excel, and directly importing the csv file makes it impossible to 
edit and manipulate the data -- weird things happen. This means I 
still need to first run the csv file through Wordpad or some similar 
text editor to do a search and replace of the asterisk with some 
other character so I can use the file in Excel. It would be real nice 
if the report output used some other character to show "Checked" status.

  All of the DXCC reports except for CW were completely correct. 
There were multiple discrepancies for CW DXCC, which upon close 
examination all turned out to be the result of counting pre-1975 QSOs 
for CW credit. If these old records were excluded from the 
statistics, the CW report would be totally accurate. I have taken 
great care in setting the Mixed, Band and Mode credit flags for these 
older QSOs in the log file, and none has the Mode credit flag set, 
yet the report claimed that they were credited for CW. Apparently the 
internal logic of the program looks at neither the QSO date nor the 
status of the DXCC Mode flag when it generates the DXCC report.

So we're almost there... The Summary gets the CW statistics correct, 
so there's clearly some logic that runs on QSO date, but it's 
obviously incompletely implemented.

Also regarding the Listing report, when including Deleted entities 
the new version sorts its output in alphabetical Prefix order without 
regard for whether the prefix is for a Deleted entity or not. The 
older versions put all the Deleteds in alphabetical order at the 
bottom of the prefix list, a MUCH better way to present the data. I 
had to immediately re-sort the imported csv files to get them in the 
same order as the data from Version 7. Please restore the Version 8 
Listing report to the same format as the Version 7 and earlier listings!

There is also some sort of internal coding error that caused me a bit 
of hair pulling. For some reason, while the prefix for Minami 
Torishima is JD1/M, the Listing report renders it as JD1/W and thus 
interchanges the lines for Minami Torishima and Ogasawara, JD1/O. It 
was no fun dealing with this until I took a close look at the report 
and saw the incorrect prefix.

Apart from these small problems, I like the looks of the enhancements 
to this new version of DX4WIN. I'm looking forward to getting my 
license key and doing more testing with live hardware. Thanks to Paul 
for a significant improvement in this new generation of the program. 
With a little tuning it will be a great leap forward.

Randy, W8FN

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