[ECOLOG-L] MS Assistantship Position in Coastal Wetland Biogeochemistry

2014-11-20 Thread Brian Roberts
MS Assistantship Position in Coastal Wetland Biogeochemistry available 
beginning January 2015
The Roberts Lab of Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry at the Louisiana 
Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) is seeking a graduate research 
assistant at the Master of Science level to examine the influence of river 
diversions on carbon and nitrogen cycling in Louisiana freshwater, brackish, 
and salt marshes.  The student is expected to play an active role in 
designing and carrying out a thesis project that will examine the effects of 
salinity manipulations on greenhouse gas production, nitrification, and 
denitrification rates at multiple marshes along the Barataria Bay estuarine 
system salinity gradient.  The student will join a large, multi-institution 
team of researchers on the Coastal Waters Consortium (CWC) project 
(http://cwc.lumcon.edu/) funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative to 
study the impacts of the oil spill and future spills on marshes and coastal 
environments.  Specifically, the student will be collaborating with the 
wetland biogeochemistry and microbial ecology group led by Drs. Brian 
Roberts (LUMCON), Anne Giblin (Marine Biological Laboratory), and Anne 
Bernhard (Connecticut College). The student will be supported through the 
Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Coastal Science 
Assistantship Program which provides the student with the opportunity to 
complete an internship at a CPRA office during the period of CPRA funding.  
The research activities will be supported through the larger CWC project.  

Qualifications:  The candidate must have a B.S in ecology, wetland science, 
biogeochemistry or a related field.  The candidate will also be expected to 
participate in field work that may require physical effort to transport 
equipment in field sites throughout Louisiana that are accessible only by 
small boats.  The ability to work in a group setting is essential, as this 
researcher will work collaboratively with the PI’s, post docs, graduate 
students, and other research associates/technicians on this CWC project.   

Start Date:  The position can begin as early as 1 December 2014, but 
candidates must be available by January 2015 to enroll for the spring 
semester.  The MS assistantship provides a competitive stipend including 
summer support, health insurance, and covers tuition expenses.  Thesis 
research and project-related travel expenses including making at least one 
presentation at a scientific meeting will be covered by funding from the 
BP/GoMRI project.

Location:  The student will be enrolled in the Department of Oceanography 
and Coastal Sciences (http://www.oceanography.lsu.edu/) at Louisiana State 
University in Baton Rouge. The student’s thesis research will be based at 
the Louisiana University Marine Consortium (LUMCON) at the LUMCON Marine 
Center in Cocodrie, LA (visit http:///www.lumcon.edu for information on the 

To Apply:  Send 1) a letter of interest that describes your interest in the 
position, your career goals, and details your work and educational 
experience most relevant to the position, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) 
transcripts and GRE scores (unofficial copies are acceptable initially), and 
4) contact information for 3 references to Dr. Brian Roberts 
(brobe...@lumcon.edu) with “Wetland biogeochemistry MS position” in the 
subject line. Applicants should also complete the LSU DOCS graduate study 
pre-application forms that can be found at 
http://www.oceanography.lsu.edu/preapp/preapplication.shtm to help expedite 
the review process. For more information, contact Dr. Brian Roberts by email 
or phone (985-851-2821).

Deadline:  Review of applications will commence immediately and continue 
until the position is filled.  

LUMCON is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer that actively 
seeks diversity among its employees.

[ECOLOG-L] Post-doc position in data-limited fisheries assessment and management, SFU (re-advertisement)

2014-11-20 Thread Andrew Cooper
The Cooper Lab at Simon Fraser University’s School of Resource and 
Environmental Management (http://www.rem.sfu.ca/people/faculty/cooper/), in 
collaboration with Conservation International, is recruiting a postdoctoral 
researcher / staff scientist to work with an international team of fisheries 
and stock assessment scientists on the assessment and management of 
data-limited fisheries. The position will be located near Vancouver, B.C., 
begin in January 2015, and go through August 2016. Potential candidates should 
have a strong background and skills in data analysis and statistical modeling, 
stock assessment modeling, and coding in R.  The successful candidate will be 
lead author on multiple manuscripts, so a healthy publication record is 
required. Familiarity with management strategy evaluations is preferred.

The first phase of this project examined the ability of a suite of catch-only 
assessment models to estimate B/Bmsy over a wide range of simulated fisheries 
(http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/i3491e/i3491e00.htm).  The successful candidate 
will participate in the second phase of this project by collaborating with 
working group members to apply the suite of catch-only assessment models to 4 
regions: the West Coast of the US and Canada, Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape 
(ETPS; the Pacific EEZ regions of Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica), 
Brazil, and the Mediterranean to determine how performance may vary in 
different regions and to develop estimates of uncertainty in assessment 
outcomes.  The successful candidate will also examine the degree to which 
management decisions can be based on these models when applied to the simulated 
fisheries as well as to fisheries in regional case studies in the West Coast of 
the US and Canada as well as the ETPS.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, CV, and the names and 
contact information for 3 references to Dr. Andrew Cooper 
(andrew_coo...@sfu.ca). Review of applications will begin December 1, 2014 and 
continue until the position is filled. A copy of this advertisement can be 
found at 

Andrew B. Cooper 
Associate Professor 
School of Resource and Environmental Management 
Simon Fraser University 
TASC 1 Building, Room 8405 
Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA V5A 1S6 
Office: 778-782-3954 
FAX: 778-782-4968 
Twitter: @QuantEcologyABC
Web Page: http://www.rem.sfu.ca/people/faculty/cooper/ 
Lab Web Page: http://www.rem.sfu.ca/fishgrp/ 

[ECOLOG-L] Stream/River Ecosystem Ecology Ph.D. Student Opportunities

2014-11-20 Thread Suzanne Gray
*The Ohio State University, School of Environment and Natural Resources,
Stream/River Ecosystem Ecology Ph.D. Student Opportunities:*

The Stream and River Ecology Laboratory (Dr. Mazeika Sullivan:
http://go.osu.edu/mazeikasullivan) in the School of Environment and Natural
Resources is seeking two highly-qualified M.S. or Ph.D. students
(preference given to Ph.D. students). The students will have the
opportunity to develop research related to linked aquatic-terrestrial food
webs, biodiversity, and landscape change in river-riparian ecosystems. For
one of the positions, prior experience working with riparian birds is
highly desirable. Applicants should have experience in both field and
laboratory settings, be highly motivated with a strong work ethic, and have
competitive GPA and GRE scores. Candidates should provide the following
materials to Dr. Sullivan (sullivan@osu.edu) by December 12th: a brief
description of research interests, CV, GRE scores (with percentiles), and
contact information for three references.

Suzanne M. Gray, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Environment and Natural Resources
The Ohio State University
210 Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43210


Email: gray.1...@osu.edu 
Webpage: http://biology.mcgill.ca/grad/suzanne/index.html

[ECOLOG-L] Conference & Media Workshop Ryerson U. Toronto - 10 Days Left for Submission

2014-11-20 Thread Dr Samita Nandy

   Would you like your academic research to influence ideas, people, and
   public policies?

   Do you want to learn and share on how you can harness the power of media
   to reach out?

   Are you interested in discussing multidisciplinary, ground-breaking,
   speculative, and controversial ideas in an open and safe environment?

   If you think that these questions apply to you, participate in the
   international conference *Bridging Gaps: Media, Higher Education and
   Society*. The conference will be held on May 27-28, 2015 at Ryerson
   University in Toronto, Canada.

   *The details of the call are at*:


   The conference will include a professional development workshop on media
   and public relations. It will offer valuable insights in how scholars can
   become critics and experts in media.

   *Conference registration structure*:


   $59 for paper presentation

   $149 for presentation and workshop participation

   $300 for complete conference attendance and publication in edited book.
   Publication of extended papers in a peer-reviewed journal for selected best

   *Submission guidelines*:


   250-word abstract or panel / workshop proposal

   Include a title, your name, e-mail address, and affiliation if applicable

   Submit to conference Chair Dr. Louis Massey at *sub...@esicore.org

   Deadline for submission: November 30, 2014

   Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2015

   Authors interested in panel / workshop proposal: contact the conference
   chair as soon as possible for guidelines and benefits

*Dr Samita Nandy*Director, Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS)
Reviewer, SAGE Publications and Wilfred Laurier Press
PhD Curtin University, Australia (Media)
MA and BA York University, Canada (Communication)
URL : 
http://www.cmc-centre.com/ | www.samitanandy.com

[ECOLOG-L] REU in Ethiopia

2014-11-20 Thread Cat Collins
In December we will begin accepting applications for a NSF Research 
Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)program based at Colby College and 
in Ethiopia. This REU will provide eight American undergraduate students 
from diverse academic backgrounds an opportunity to conduct path-
breaking interdisciplinary research on the ecological, economic and 
cultural roles of church forests. Church forests are patches of 
Afromontane forest surrounding Ethiopian Orthodox churches. Preserved 
for centuries by church leaders and communities as religious 
sanctuaries, church forests are, in many parts of Ethiopia, the only 
indigenous forests left. 

Under the eight-week summer REU program students will receive training 
at Colby College in ecological field methods, spatial analysis using 
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), social survey research, and 
written and oral communication. They will then travel to South Gondar, 
Ethiopia to conduct hands-on fieldwork with mentors from Colby College, 
the California Academy of Sciences, and local academic and government 

Applications will be accepted beginning in Dec 2014. The application 
deadline is January 30, 2015.

Details about the project can be found at: http://www.colby.edu/reu-in-

[ECOLOG-L] Department head opening, University of Arkansas, Bio & Ag Engineering

2014-11-20 Thread Benjamin Runkle
Dear Ecologgers,

My department is hiring a new head. We are the Department of Biological &
Agricultural Engineering at the University of Arkansas
(http://baeg.uark.edu/), and the position is here:

It would be great to have applicants from this community! Please feel free
to pass around as appropriate.  The file should be submitted by Jan 15, 2015
at the latest. 

Best regards,
Ben Runkle

Benjamin R. K. Runkle
Assistant Professor, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR 72701 
ENGR 231
Phone: 479-575-2878

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc position in Arctic ecosystem science

2014-11-20 Thread Jim Tang
We invite applications for a postdoctoral scientist who will study how locally 
adapted populations of tussock species (Eriophorum vaginatum) respond 
differently to changing climate and affect ecosystem function and 
biogeochemical cycling in the Arctic tundra in northern Alaska. The candidate 
will use and further develop new techniques to measure photosynthesis, 
respiration, phenology, growth, and decomposition in reciprocal transplant 
gardens under warming treatments. The candidate is encouraged to develop and 
implement his/her own idea within the project. The candidate is expected to 
reside in the Toolik Field Station (http://toolik.alaska.edu/) from the end of 
May through the end of August and then work at the Marine Biological Laboratory 
(MBL), Woods Hole, MA, for the rest of the year. MBL manages the long-term 
ecology research (LTER) project at Toolik and is home to dozens of scientists, 
postdocs, and research assistants studying the Arctic system. The postdoc may 
have an opportunity to teach at Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA, to gain 
teaching experience in an undergraduate institution. The postdoc will join an 
interdisciplinary team including Drs. Jim Tang (MBL), Ned Fetcher (Wilkes 
University), and Michael Moody (University of Texas-El Paso). Two-year funding 
is available and could be extended to the third year.

A Ph.D. in ecology or evolutionary biology is required. The ideal candidate 
will have a strong background in evolution with additional experience in 
physiological ecology or ecosystem ecology. Candidates should have fieldwork 
experience with a productive publication record and the ability to work 
collaboratively within an interdisciplinary team. Previous experience with gas 
analyzers and gas flux measurement is encouraged. A perspective of integrating 
evolution with ecosystem processes is desired.

To apply, please send your cover letter, CV, publication samples, and names of 
three references to Dr. Jim Tang (jt...@mbl.edu) and Dr. Ned Fetcher 
(ned.fetc...@wilkes.edu). Review of applications will start Jan. 15, 2015. We 
expect that the successful applicant will be available May 1, 2015. 

[ECOLOG-L] Permanent USGS research position, Lakewood, CO. Ecology/Remote sensing/Statistics/Geography

2014-11-20 Thread Diffendorfer, James
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is seeking applicants for a permanent
Research Ecologist/Research Geographer/Research Physical Scientist/Research
Statistician position at the Geosciences and Environmental Change Science
Center (GECSC; Lakewood, CO).  Scientists at the GECSC conduct research on
(1) climatic, environmental and landscape change, (2) the geologic
framework of natural resources and hazards, (3) ecological disturbance
patterns resulting from natural and anthropogenic changes, and (4) the
interactions among geologic, biologic, hydrologic, and human systems.
Additional details of the GECSC (research scientists, support staff, and
facilities) may be viewed online at:http://esp.cr.usgs.gov.

Specific duties for this position will include:

• Conduct complex, novel scientific investigations requiring the
development, validation, or use of remotely sensed data products.

• Pursue research focusing on one or more of the following areas: (1)
statistical validation and assessment of uncertainties in remotely sensed
data and derived products, (2) spatial and temporal patterns of change and
their relationships to climate, land-use, policy, and a range of other
potential drivers, or (3) impacts of landscape change assessed through the
assimilation of remotely sensed data products into climate or ecosystem
process models, or (4) the development of new or improved techniques for
remotely sensed change detection, characterization of vegetation, and

• Serve as a team member in interdisciplinary research teams, coordinate
and communicate to teammates and clients, support the mission of teams,
serve at committees, represent USGS.

• Contribute to professional and scientific knowledge by publishing
peer-reviewed scientific journals and USGS reports as well as presenting
their work at scientific conferences.

View the position announcement at
https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/386813400 for more details.

Applications must be submitted through www.USAJobs.gov
 before Friday, November 28th, 2014.   Please read
the announcement carefully for qualifications and instructions about how to
apply.  For question about eligibility and how to apply, please contact
Joseline Martinez (jmartinezlo...@usgs.gov; 303-236-9559).  For questions
about the position and the Geosciences and Environmental Change Science
Center, please contact Todd Hawbaker (tjhawba...@usgs.gov; 303-236-1371).

Jay Diffendorfer
Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Denver Federal Center, Bldg 25, room 1719, MS 980
Denver, Co. 80225

[ECOLOG-L] Faculty position in Marine Conservation/Natural Resource Economics/Policy

2014-11-20 Thread Kelly Dorgan
The Department of Marine Sciences at the University of South Alabama and the
Dauphin Island Sea Lab invite applications for an Assistant/Associate
Professor (tenure-track) position in the areas of Marine Conservation,
Natural Resource Economics or Policy. Examples of areas of expertise sought
include, but not limited to, ecology and biology of species and communities
with conservation interest; conservation-based approaches to sustainability;
valuation and management of estuarine and marine resources; environmental
policy regulations; and, multi-faceted strategies for enhanced resilience. 
The successful candidate will compliment and strengthen the existing
research and teaching capabilities of our existing graduate (M.S and Ph.D.)
program in Marine Sciences, and will participate in a newly developed
professional MS program in Marine Conservation and Resource Management.   

Qualifications include a PhD degree and a demonstrated history of excellence
in research. Teaching experience is also highly preferred. The successful
candidate is expected to develop a vigorous extramurally funded research
program and to interact with biological oceanographers and marine ecologists
on interdisciplinary research questions. Teaching expectations are two
courses per year, senior level undergraduate and graduate course. The
position will be based at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Salary and start-up
packages are competitive based upon qualifications. 
The University of South Alabama is a rapidly growing institution known for
quality research and teaching that enrolls over 16,000 graduate and
undergraduate students. It is located in a thriving metropolitan area with a
population of 500,000 on the scenic northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
The Department of Marine Sciences has 11 full-time faculty members and 42
graduate students. Information on faculty research interests and teaching
can be found at http://www.southalabama.edu/marinesciences/.  Candidates
should send an application letter, curriculum vita, research and teaching
philosophy statements, and the names and contact information of three
references to Dr. Just Cebrian, Chair, Marine Conservation/Economics/Policy
search, Department of Marine Sciences, 5871 USA Drive North Blvd., LSCB Room
025, Mobile, Alabama 36688

Electronic applications can be emailed to nmerr...@southalabama.edu. To
ensure a timely review, applications should be received by January 5, 2015.
For more information about the position, please visit the department's
website. The University of South Alabama is an Equal Opportunity Employer

[ECOLOG-L] Google analytics and searchable databases

2014-11-20 Thread Timothy Jones
Announcing a  new study that shows seven years (see discussion) of Google
Analytics data for plant biodiversity websites that includes specimen data
from over four hundred institutions.
The article is available via open access here:

Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] JOB: NOAA/AOML - Director of the Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division

2014-11-20 Thread Geoff Cook
Please contact Alan Leonardi (please see below) for position details.

NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory in Miami, FL is 
seeking applicants to fill the position of director of the Ocean Chemistry 
and Ecosystems Division (OCED).

The position requires a significant publication record, a history of 
obtaining funding, the ability to organize and lead research projects, and 
recognition as a leading scientist in ocean, climate, and/or ecosystem 
research. The OCED director will manage science and personnel in OCED while 
maintaining a strong research effort in an area that complements current 
divisional research. OCED has 8 principal investigators and 28 support 
scientists and staff involved in ecological, microbiological, ocean 
acidification, coral reef, eutrophication, and global carbon cycle 
research. Additional information can be found at 
http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/ocd/ocdweb/index.html. The position is for a 
Supervisory Research Physical Scientist, ZP-V, GS-15 equivalent. 
Application must be completed online at http://www.usajobs.gov/, with 
reference Announcement Numbers OAR-AOML-2014-0004 for current federal 
government employees and OAR-AOML-2014-0002 for non-federal applicants by 
December 19, 2014. For details on the position you can contact Alan 
Leonardi (alan.leona...@noaa.gov) and for questions regarding the 
application process please contact Shanen Lacy 

Major Duties
·  Provide scientific leadership for AOML's Ocean Chemistry and 
Ecosystems Division (AOML/OCED) by developing and maintaining a divisional 
science program that supports NOAA's mission and results in peer-reviewed 
publications and science products of value to NOAA/AOML stakeholders.
·  Supervise and mentor AOML/OCED principal investigators.
·  Procure sufficient funding to support the divisional research 
program in conjunction with AOML/OCED principal investigators.
·  Contribute to the development of major scientific programs within 
NOAA and other federal agencies. 
·  Publish research results in peer-reviewed literature and present 
findings at national and international scientific meetings.
·  Contribute to the development of research projects that will advance 
our scientific and technical knowledge of chemical oceanography, biological 
oceanography, or a related discipline by formulating research ideas, 
obtaining funding for research projects, and leading research projects.
·  Manage AOML/OCED personnel, including administrative, technical, and 
scientific employees.
·  Manage AOML/OCED finances to ensure accountable and efficient 
utilization of resources.
·  Serve as spokesperson and advocate of AOML/OCED at AOML and OAR.

[ECOLOG-L] "Ivory Tower" on CNN right now

2014-11-20 Thread Aaron T. Dossey
Many of you may be interested in this - it is relevant to the future of 
all fields of science:


ATD of ATB and ISI
Aaron T. Dossey, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Founder/Owner: All Things Bugs LLC
Capitalizing on Low-Crawling Fruit from Insect-Based Innovation