Re: The meaning of the p value

2001-02-01 Thread Will Hopkins

I've been involved in off-list discussion with Duncan Murdoch.  At one 
stage there I was about to retire in disgrace.  But sighs of relief... his 
objection is Bayesian.  OK.  The p value is a device to put in a 
publication to communicate something about precision of an estimate of an 
effect, under the assumption of no prior knowledge of the magnitude of the 
true value of the effect.  If we assume no prior knowledge of the true 
value, then my claim stands:  the p value for a one-tailed test is the 
probability of an opposite true effect--any true effect opposite in sign or 
impact to that observed.

I can't see how a Bayesian perspective dilutes or invalidates this 
interpretation.  The same Bayesian perspective would make you re-evaluate 
the p value under its conventional interpretation.  In other words, if you 
have some other reason for believing that the true value has the same sign 
as the observed value, reduce the p value in your mind.  Or if you believe 
it has opposite sign, increase it.

If we are stuck with p values, then I believe we should start showing 
one-tailed p values, along with 95% confidence limits for the 
effect.   Both these are far far easier to understand than hypothesis 
testing and statistical significance. Put a note in the Methods saying 
something like: "The p values, which were all derived from one-tailed 
tests, represent the probability that the true value of the effect is 
opposite in sign (correlations; differences or changes in means) or impact 
(relative risks, odds ratios) to that observed."


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Re: Simulating T tests for Likert scales

2001-02-01 Thread Jay Warner

I gotta reply to this one!  I've done this type of thing a number of times.

Will Hopkins wrote:

> I have an important (for me) question, but first a preamble and 
> hopefully some useful info for people using Likert scales.
> A week or so ago I initiated a discussion about how non-normal the 
> residuals have to be before you stop trusting analyses based on 
> normality.  Someone quite rightly pointed out that it depends on the 
> sample size, because the sampling distribution of almost every 
> statistic derived from a variable with almost any distribution is near 
> enough to normal for a large enough sample, thanks to the central 
> limit theorem.  Therefore you get believable confidence limits from t 
> statistics.

The distribution of the average of 12 observations, taken from a 'saw 
tooth' population, is about 1 significant line width away from a normal 
population.  n, the sample size, doesn't have to be very big.

> But how non-normal, and how big a sample? I have been doing 
> simulations to find out.  I've limited the simulations to t tests for 
> Likert scales with only a few levels, because these crop up often in 
> research, and Likert-scale variables with responses stacked up at one 
> end are not what you call normally distributed.   Yes, I know you can 
> and maybe should analyze these with logistic regression, but it's hard 
> work for statistically challenged research students, and the outcomes 
> (odds ratios) are hard for all but statisticians to understand.  
> Scoring the levels with integers and working out averages is so much 
> easier to do and interpret.
> My simulations have produced some seemingly amazingly good results.  
> For example, with a 3-point scale with values of 1, 2 and 3, samples 
> of as few as 10 in each of two groups give accurate confidence 
> intervals for the difference in the means of the groups when both 
> means are ~2.0 (i.e. in the middle) and SDs are ~0.7 (i.e. the 
> majority of observations on 2, with a reasonable number on 1 and 3).  
> They are still accurate even when one of the groups is stacked up at 
> one end with a mean of 2.6 (and SD ~0.5).  If both means are stacked 
> up at one or either end, sample sizes of 20 or more are needed, 
> depending on how extreme the stacking is.  Likert scales with more 
> than 3 levels work perfectly for anything except responses stacked up 
> in the same extreme way at either end.

Aren't these getting over toward some kind of binary distribution?

> Now, my question. Suppose in real life I have a sample of 10 
> observations of, say, a 5-point scale scored as 1 to 5.  Suppose I get 
> 1 response on 3, 5 responses on 4 and 4 responses on 5.  

You have assumed that a response must be integer - i.e., ordinal scale.  
The best 'resolution' of your scale is, roughly, 20% - one unit in 5.  
If I knew enough math, I might be able to show what is the least 
difference in two means that you could use, to demonstrate a difference 
in those means.  For a given sample size.

> The mean is therefore 4.3.  Suppose the other group is no problem 
> (e.g., 10 or more responses spread around the middle somewhere).  Now, 
> according to my simulations, it's OK for me to do a t test to get the 
> confidence limits for the difference, isn't it?  Now suppose the first 
> group was stacked more extremely, with 2 on 4 and 8 on 5.  The mean 
> for this group is now 4.8.  According to my simulations, that's too 
> extreme to apply the t test, with a sample of 10, anyway.  

Suppose I have 5 coins, weighted so p(heads) = .96.  Count a head as 1, 
a tail as 0.  Toss 5 and add up the coins.  Multile times.  Average: 
4.8  Could I use the binary caluclations to determine the sample size 
requried before the Student 't' and normal dist. could apply?  You bet!

> Is this the correct way to apply the results of my simulations?  I can 
> see how it could fall over:  you could in principle get a sample of 
> 1x3, 5x4 and 4x5 when the true distribution has a mean of 4.8, but the 
> chance of that happening is small.
> To put the question in a more general context of simulation:  if the 
> observed sample has a value of the outcome statistic that simulations 
> show has an accurate confidence interval for the given sample size 
> when that value is the population value of the statistic, is the 
> resulting confidence interval accurate?
> Will

I'm not clear why you 'give' away information by making your Likert 
scale into an ordinal value, instead of accepting fractional units, such 
as 0.5 (2.5, 4.5, etc.).  Whenever a survey respondent puts the 'x' mark 
part way between the box for 'neutral' and 'somewhat agree,' they are 
trying to tell you that they use a continuous scale.  This additional 
information the researcher throws away when they shift the 'x' to 
'neutral' or worse, throw it out altogether.

If you say that this additional information is not 'real,' because the 
respondent cannot be that 'fine' in their a

Multivariate Multiple Regression w/ Dummy Variables

2001-02-01 Thread tony . pitts

I have a very interesting question...I am currently trying to run a
Multivariate Multiple Regression model (i.e. each trial has more than
one dependent variable) and the type of independent variables that I am
using in this model are dummy variables. Now my question is why does
the square of the design matrix (i.e. the Z'Z matrix) become non-
invertable if an entire column of the design matrix (i.e. Z matrix)is
either all ones or all zero's. That is, why does Z'Z become singular if
your entrie sample population has the same answer for any given dummy


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Matrixer econometric software

2001-02-01 Thread Alexander Tsyplakov

Please, take notice of new version of Matrixer econometric

System requirements: Windows 95/98/2000/NT
Current version: 4.0 beta
Size: 527 Kb (zip)
Author: Alexander Tsyplakov
Matrixer sites: and

What's Matrixer supposed to do?
Matrixer is a piece of software especially suited for
teaching econometrics and doing medium-scale applied
research. Position it somewhere between EViews and EasyReg
(both in price and functionality).

The program provides many classical as well as more recent
econometric techniques and models
# Linear regression
# Binomial logit and probit
# Poisson regression
# Regression with multiplicative heteroskedasticity
# GARCH regression
# Regression with ARMA errors
# Box-Jenkins model (ARIMA)
# (Generalized) instrumental variables estimator
# Nonparametric regression
# Nonparametric density estimation
# Quantile regression
# Simultaneous equations, 2SLS, FIML and 3SLS
# Nonlinear regression
# Method of maximum likelihood

The program includes many other helpful features to handle
and analyze data
# Descriptive statistics (mean, variance, etc.)
# Various data plots
# Visual data description (histogram, spectral density
estimate, autocorrelation function)
# Table of correlations between variables
# Probability calculator (normal, Student t, chi-square,
Fisher F)
# Dickey-Fuller test (additional files are needed)
# Vector and matrix operations (that is why it was called
# Small build-in programming language for writing macros
# Table editor
# Fast drawing of function plots according to formulas
# Import data from text files
# History of commands

About the current beta version
The program originally had Russian interface. Recently it
was translated into English. Translation of the help file is
now in progress. As soon as it will be finished the first
complete English version will be released.

The program is planned to be shareware. Price will be
approximately $30-$40 per copy.

The current beta version has two limitations.

First, it has very short help file. However, any person with
average computer skills would be able to use it, because
Matrixer is menu-driven.

Second, the number of observations was artificially limited
to a maximum of 400. This was made in order to encourage
paying for the future complete version of Matrixer.

The purpose of releasing this beta is to test whether the
English translation of the program interface is adequate.

The author would be grateful for comments and bug reports.
Several parts of Matrixer help system are available at
Matrixer sites as HTML. Please, spend a minute to look
through them to find possible language errors.

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the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: 95% confidence interval

2001-02-01 Thread Radford Neal

>Radford Neal wrote:

>> ... the median is probably not
>> the best thing to look at, whatever you might have been taught.  What
>> to look at depends not just on the shape of the distribution, but also
>> on what your purpose is.  Ask yourself whether there are very many
>> purposes for which it would make no difference if the upper 49% of the
>> incomes were doubled, leaving the median unchanged.

Alan Hutson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Yes, the median may not change,  but the confidence interval and/or
>the variance estimate for  the median will reflect the fact that 
>something is different in the upper tail.  Also, in your
>hypothetical above you are assuming one would estimate the median 
>with "middle" order statistic.

My point is not anything to do with problems of estimating the median,
but rather with whether you should be interested in the median at all.
Since the population median would be the same even if the upper 49% of
the values were doubled, it seems unlikely that it's what you really
are interested in.  In contrast, the mean corresponds to the sort of
aggregate that is of interest in many contexts.  Mean income, for
instance, will tell you something about how much money is available to
spend on goods.  Of course, for many purposes, no single number will
be an adequate description of the situation.

As a technical point, a confidence interval for the median is not
necessarily going to be influenced by the upper tail.  If you are
interested in the shape of the tails, you should look at them.

   Radford Neal

Radford M. Neal   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Statistics and Dept. of Computer Science [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Toronto

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Re: 95% confidence interval

2001-02-01 Thread Robert J. MacG. Dawson

Radford Neal wrote:

> As another poster has said, one reason is technical convenience.  A
> more fundamental reason, though, is that the median is probably not
> the best thing to look at, whatever you might have been taught.  What
> to look at depends not just on the shape of the distribution, but also
> on what your purpose is.  Ask yourself whether there are very many
> purposes for which it would make no difference if the upper 49% of the
> incomes were doubled, leaving the median unchanged.

If one assumes that that *could* happen, then no single summary
statistic will be of much use - one is implicitly assuming a very
general family of models. 

-Robert Dawson

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Re: The meaning of the p value

2001-02-01 Thread Robert J. MacG. Dawson

Will Hopkins wrote:
> I accept that there are unusual cases where the null hypothesis has a
> finite probability of being be true, but I still can't see the point in
> hypothesizing a null, not in biomedical disciplines, anyway.
> If only we could replace the p value with a probability that the true
> effect is negative (or has the opposite sign to the observed effect).  The
> easiest way would be to insist on one-tailed tests for everything.  Then
> the p value would mean exactly that.  An example of two wrongs making a right.

No, a one-tailed test doesn't work; it is still computed using the null
value. To find what you want you need Bayesian techniques... but then
(if your prior distribution is valid) you can answer the question you
*really* wanted to answer - "what is the probability that the effect
Or even "what is the distribution of the parameter value?"

-Robert Dawson

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Re: 95% confidence interval

2001-02-01 Thread Robert J. MacG. Dawson

Radford Neal wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> James Ankeny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >... if the distribution is
> >heavily skewed to the right, say like income, why do we want an interval for
> >the population mean, when we are taught that the median is a better measure
> >of central tendency for skewed distributions?
> As another poster has said, one reason is technical convenience.  A
> more fundamental reason, though, is that the median is probably not
> the best thing to look at, whatever you might have been taught. 

But that's not what he said - he said it was _better_ than the mean, as
a criticism of using the mean. 

-Robert Dawson

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