[Educasup] Call for registration: Santa Maria-Grenoble Memory Workshop, 23-24 August 2019, Santa Maria, Brazil

2019-08-16 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
Registrations are invited for the Santa Maria-Grenoble Memory Workshop, to
be held on 23-24 August 2019 in Santa Maria.


Aug. 23

1.30pm – Welcome

2.00pm – Kourken Michaelian – What's Next for the Simulation Theory of
Episodic Memory?

3.00pm – Danilo Fraga Dantas – Past Not-So-Perfect: What False Memories
Teach Us about Mental Time Travel

4.00pm – Eduardo Vicentini de Medeiros – Undoing One’s Past

5.00pm – break

5.30pm – Fabrício Diniz Dutra – Memory Reconsolidation and the Dynamic
Nature of Mnemonic Trace

6.30pm – André Sant’Anna – Episodic Memory as a Representational State

Aug. 24

9.00am – Poster session

9.30am – Ramanzini et al. - Memory impairment following electroconvulsive
therapy: A short review

10.15am – Glaupy Fontana Ribas – Approaching Mnemic Causation: Levels of
Ontology and the Causation Involved in Mechanisms

1.00pm – César Schirmer dos Santos – Temporal Decentering, Episodic Memory
and Mental Time Travel

2.00pm – Giovanni Rolla – Radical Enactivism and Self-Knowledge

3.00pm – Jociane de Carvalho Myskiw – Neurobiological Mechanisms of Memory
Formation and Maintenance

Organizers: César Schirmer dos Santos, Kourken Michaelian, and Fabrício
Diniz Dutra.

The workshop, the parallel poster session and the coffee break will be held
at the room 2323 of the building 74A (3rd floor) of Universidade Federal de
Santa Maria.

For abstracts and further information, see:

Registration is free. To attend and receive a certificate as a participant,
please fill out the registration form here: https://www.mnem.xyz/sgm.

Kourken Michaelian

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] keynote added: Remembering: Analytic and Bergsonian Perspectives, 28-29 October 2019, Centre for Philosophy of Memory

2019-08-20 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
Remembering: Analytic and Bergsonian Perspectives (Franco-Japanese workshop)
28-29 October 2019
Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes

Confirmed speakers (titles and abstracts TBA):

* Keynote: Barry Dainton (University of Liverpool)

* Hisashi Fujita (Kyushu Sangyo University)

* Yasushi Hirai (Fukuoka University)

* Christopher McCarroll (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université
Grenoble Alpes)

* Sébastien Miravète (Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès)

* Reza Mosmer (Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran; visitor,
Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)

* Takuya Nagano (National Institute of Technology, Kumamoto College)

* Denis Perrin (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)

* Shin Sakuragi (Shibaura Institute of Technology)

* André Sant'Anna (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble

Workshop website: http://phil-mem.org/events/2019-bergson.html

See also the Project Bergson in Japan site:

Organizers: Yasushi Hirai (Fukuoka), Kourken Michaelian (Grenoble).

Registration is free, but space is limited. To register, please contact
Kourken Michaelian at kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr by 20
October 2019.

Kourken Michaelian

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] essay prize, philosophy of memory, 3000 EUR, Centre for Philosophy of Memory/Review of Philosophy and Psychology

2019-09-03 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
The Centre for Philosophy of Memory at the Université Grenoble Alpes is
pleased to invite submissions for an essay prize on the theme of philosophy
of memory.

The winning essay will be published in the Review of Philosophy and
Psychology. The winner will be awarded a budget of up to 3000 EUR to cover
travel and accommodation for a research visit at the Centre for Philosophy
of Memory. This will include an opportunity for the researcher to present
his work and to participate in other CPM events.

The competition is open to early-career researchers, defined as PhD
students or those who are within five years of receiving their PhDs (i.e.,
the PhD should have been received in September 2014 or later).

Submissions on all aspects of the philosophy of memory are welcome; this
includes empirically-informed philosophical work. Submissions should be
prepared for blind evaluation and should respect the Review of Philosophy
and Psychology's instructions for authors, available here:

Please send submissions with the subject line "phil mem essay prize
submission" to chrismccarr...@hotmail.com. The deadline is February 28,

For further details, see http://phil-mem.org/events/2019-essay-prize.html.

Kourken Michaelian

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] call for registration: Cologne - Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop (updated speakers list)

2019-09-09 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
Cologne-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop
1-2 November 2019, CONCEPT, University of Cologne.

Confirmed speakers (titles and abstracts TBA):

* Keynote: Dorothea Debus (University of Konstanz)

* Hans Briegel (University of Innsbruck)

* Aaron Briley (University of California, Irvine)

* Nathália de Ávila (University of Cologne/Université Grenoble Alpes)

*Fabrício Diniz Dutra (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; visitor,
Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)

* Susie Kovalczyk (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; visitor, Centre for
Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)

* Christopher McCarroll (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université
Grenoble Alpes)

* Kourken Michaelian (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble

* Reza Mosmer (Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran; visitor,
Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)

* Denis Perrin (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)

* Alonso M. Reategui (San Francisco State University)

* Urim Retkoceri (LMU Munich)

* Isaac Saldivar (University of California, Irvine)

* André Sant'Anna (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble

Organizers: Sven Bernecker (Cologne), Kourken Michaelian (Grenoble).

Registration is free, but space is limited. To register, please contact
Sibel Schmidt at s.schm...@uni-koeln.de by 25 October 2019.

Kourken Michaelian

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] CFP: Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Appr oaches/Le souvenir : Approches phénoménologique et analyti que, 6-7/05/2020, Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Grenoble

2019-10-04 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
(La version française suit.)

CFP: Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches

6-7 May 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

This workshop, intended for early-career researchers, aims to initiate a
dialogue between analytic philosophy of memory, a field that has undergone
considerable expansion in recent years, and the tradition of
phenomenological research on memory. Despite the very different
terminologies employed in these two fields, they ask remarkably similar
questions. What is memory? Which forms of memory can be differentiated? Is
there such a thing as collective memory? What is the relationship between
remembering and forgetting? What role does memory play with respect to the
self and personal identity? What are the ethical implications of memory?
There has so far been little dialogue between analytic and phenomenological
approaches to memory, but, if the success of recent rapprochements between
analytic and phenomenological approaches in other areas is any indication,
such a dialogue has the potential to be highly fruitful. The workshop will
constitute the first step in this direction.

Confirmed speakers:

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

In addition to these confirmed speakers, seven one-hour slots have been
reserved for talks by early-career researchers, defined as PhD students and
those who received their PhDs no more than five years ago. The applicants
should currently be based in France or in Germany.

Travel (within the limits of our budget), accommodation, and meals will be
covered for all early-career speakers whose submissions are accepted.

Meeting languages: English and French.

To submit, please send an abstract no more than 500 words in length to
kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr by 31 January 2020.

Note: this event is contingent on the success of a funding request. We have
previously obtained funding from the same source and anticipate success.

Organizers : Kourken Michaelian, Inga Römer, Alexander Schnell. The event
is organized as a collaboration between the Centre for Philosophy of Memory
in Grenoble and the Institute for Transcendental Philosophy and
Phenomenology in Wuppertal.

Appel à contribution : « Le souvenir : Approches phénoménologique et
analytique »

6-7 mai 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

Principalement destiné aux jeunes chercheurs, ce workshop vise à initier un
dialogue entre la philosophie analytique de la mémoire, champ qui a connu
une expansion considérable au cours de ces dernières années, et la
tradition de recherche phénoménologique consacrée à la mémoire. Malgré les
différences de terminologie qui les séparent, ces deux champs posent des
questions remarquablement similaires. Qu’est-ce que la mémoire ? Quelles
formes de mémoire peuvent être distinguées ? Y a-t-il une chose telle que
la mémoire collective ? Quel est le rapport entre le souvenir et l’oubli ?
Quel rôle la mémoire joue-t-elle vis-à-vis du soi et de l’identité
personnelle ? Quelles sont les implications éthiques de la mémoire ? Le
dialogue entre les approches analytique et phénoménologique de la mémoire a
été très limité jusqu’ici, mais à en juger par le succès de leur
rapprochement sur d’autres questions, il promet d’être très fructueux. Le
workshop a pour but d’effectuer un premier pas dans cette direction.

Conférenciers confirmés :

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Outre les conférences confirmées, sept créneaux d’une heure sont réservés
pour les conférences de jeunes chercheurs, c’est-à-dire de doctorants et de
chercheurs ayant obtenu leur doctorat depuis moins de cinq ans. Les
candidats devront travailler en Allemagne ou en France.

Les transports (dans les limites de notre budget), l’hébergement et les
repas seront pris en charge pour tous les jeunes chercheurs dont la
contribution aura été acceptée.

Langues du workshop : anglais et français.

Pour soumettre une contribution, prière d'envoyer un résumé d’au maximum
500 mots à kourken.michael...@univs-grenoble.alpes.fr d’ici le 31 janvier

Notez que la tenue de cet événement dépend de la réussite d’une demande de
financement actuellement en cours d’évaluation. Néanmoins, nous avons déjà
obtenu un financement de la même source antérieurement et jugeons que nous
avons de bonnes chances de succès cette fois-ci encore.

Organisateurs : Kourken Michaelian, Inga Römer, Alexander Schnell.
L’organisation de cet événemen

[Educasup] final call for registration: Remembering: Analytic and Bergsonian Perspectives, 28-29/10/2019, Centre for Philosophy of Memory

2019-10-08 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
Remembering: Analytic and Bergsonian Perspectives (Franco-Japanese workshop)
28-29 October 2019
Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes


28 October 2019
Amphithéâtre, CTL.

10:00-10:20. Welcome.

10:20-11:20. What is the theoretical role of "pure memory? Yasushi Hirai
(Fukuoka University).

11:20-12:20. Against the relational view of memory. André Sant'Anna
(Université Grenoble Alpes).

12:20-14:00. Lunch.

14:00-15:00. A (post-)Bergsonian and (post-)structuralist philosophy of
memory? Sébastien Miravète (Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès).

15:00-16:00. Memory and private language. Reza Mosmer (Institute for
Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran).

16:00-16:30. Break.

16:30-17:30. The range of the voice: Appeal and personality in Bergson's
thought. Hisashi Fujita (Kyushu Sangyo University).

29 October 2019
Amphithéâtre, CTL.

10:00-11:00. Bergson on déjà vu. Denis Perrin (Université Grenoble Alpes).

11:00-12:00. Navigating intertemporal choices: Emotion in memory and mental
time travel. Christopher McCarroll (Université Grenoble Alpes).

12:00-13:30. Lunch.

13:30-14:30. Part-whole relation and Bergsonian "memory". Takuya Nagano
(National Institute of Technology, Kumamoto College).

14:30-15:30. On philosophical analysis of "remembering": From Japanese
point of view. Shin Sakuragi (Shibaura Institute of Technology).

15:30-16:00. Break.

16:00-17:00. Keynote: Memory and the flow of experience. Barry Dainton
(University of Liverpool).

Workshop website: http://phil-mem.org/events/2019-bergson.html.

See also the Project Bergson in Japan site:

For directions to the workshop venue, see here:

Organizers: Yasushi Hirai (Fukuoka), Kourken Michaelian (Grenoble).

Registration is free, but space is limited. To register, please contact
Kourken Michaelian at kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr by 20
October 2019.

Kourken Michaelian

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] final call for registration: Cologne-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop

2019-10-18 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
Cologne-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop
1-2 November 2019, CONCEPT, University of Cologne.


1 November 2019

09:00-09:30. Registration/welcome.

09:30-10:20. A formal model of episodic memory with applications in action
theory and artificial intelligence. Hans Briegel (University of Innsbruck).

10:20-11:10. Relationalism and the transparency of episodic memory. André
Sant'Anna (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)

11:10-11:20. Coffee break.

11:20-12:10. Memory‘s claim on the past. Christopher McCarroll (Centre for
Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).

12:10-13:00. What's next for the simulation theory of memory? Kourken
Michaelian (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).

13:00-14:30. Lunch break.

14:30-15:20. Memory, personal identity, personhood, and transhumanism: A
brief analysis of memory enhancement. Isaac Saldivar (University of
California, Irvine).

15:20-16:10. What we talk about when we talk about quasi-memories? Alonso
M. Reategui (San Francisco State University).

16:10-16:30. Coffee break.

16:30-17:50. Keynote: Learning from the Past: On the Different Roles of
Testimony and Personal Memory. Dorothea Debus (University of Konstanz).

18:30. Dinner.

2 November 2019

09:30-10:20. An update on neurobiology of memory traces. Fabrício Diniz
Dutra (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; visitor, Centre for Philosophy
of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).

10:20-10:40. Coffee break.

10:40-11:30. Morally regrettable forgetting. Aaron Briley (University of
California, Irvine).

11:30-12:20. Veracity of memories and moral responsibility. Urim Retkoceri
(LMU Munich).

12:20-13:50. Lunch break.

13:50-14:40. On episodic self and working memory. Susie Kovalczyk
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; visitor, Centre for Philosophy of
Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).

14:40-15:30. Memory and private language argument. Reza Mosmer (Institute
for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran; visitor, Centre for Philosophy of
Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).

15:30-15:50. Coffee break.

15:50-16:40. Memory and temporal causality. Nathália de Ávila (University
of Cologne/Université Grenoble Alpes).

16:40-17:30. The nature of the phenomenology of episodic memories. Denis
Perrin (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).

Organizers: Sven Bernecker (Cologne), Kourken Michaelian (Grenoble).

For more information, see http://phil-mem.org/events/2019-cologne.html.

Registration is free, but space is limited. To register, please contact
Sibel Schmidt at s.schm...@uni-koeln.de by 25 October 2019.

Kourken Michaelian

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] reminder: essay prize, philosophy of memory, 3000 EUR, Centre for Philosophy of Memory/Review of Philosophy and Psychology

2019-11-04 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
The Centre for Philosophy of Memory at the Université Grenoble Alpes is
pleased to invite submissions for an essay prize on the theme of philosophy
of memory.

The winning essay will be published in the Review of Philosophy and
Psychology. The winner will be awarded a budget of up to 3000 EUR to cover
travel and accommodation for a research visit at the Centre for Philosophy
of Memory. This will include an opportunity for the researcher to present
his work and to participate in other CPM events.

The competition is open to early-career researchers, defined as PhD
students or those who are within five years of receiving their PhDs (i.e.,
the PhD should have been received in September 2014 or later).

Submissions on all aspects of the philosophy of memory are welcome; this
includes empirically-informed philosophical work. Submissions should be
prepared for blind evaluation and should respect the Review of Philosophy
and Psychology's instructions for authors, available here:

Please send submissions with the subject line "phil mem essay prize
submission" to chrismccarr...@hotmail.com. The deadline is February 28,

For further details, see http://phil-mem.org/events/2019-essay-prize.html.

Kourken Michaelian


[Educasup] 2nd CFP/2e AAC : Remembering: Phenomenological and A nalytic Approaches/Le souvenir : Approches phénoménologiqu e et analytique

2019-11-15 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
(La version française suit.)

CFP: Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches

6-7 May 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

This workshop, intended for early-career researchers, aims to initiate a
dialogue between analytic philosophy of memory, a field that has undergone
considerable expansion in recent years, and the tradition of
phenomenological research on memory. Despite the very different
terminologies employed in these two fields, they ask remarkably similar
questions. What is memory? Which forms of memory can be differentiated? Is
there such a thing as collective memory? What is the relationship between
remembering and forgetting? What role does memory play with respect to the
self and personal identity? What are the ethical implications of memory?
There has so far been little dialogue between analytic and phenomenological
approaches to memory, but, if the success of recent rapprochements between
analytic and phenomenological approaches in other areas is any indication,
such a dialogue has the potential to be highly fruitful. The workshop will
constitute the first step in this direction.

Confirmed speakers:

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

In addition to these confirmed speakers, seven one-hour slots have been
reserved for talks by early-career researchers, defined as PhD students and
those who received their PhDs no more than five years ago. The applicants
should currently be based in France or in Germany.

Travel (within the limits of our budget), accommodation, and meals will be
covered for all early-career speakers whose submissions are accepted.

Meeting languages: English and French.

To submit, please send an abstract no more than 500 words in length to
kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr by 31 January 2020.

Note: this event is contingent on the success of a funding request. We have
previously obtained funding from the same source and anticipate success.

Organizers : Kourken Michaelian, Denis Perrin, Inga Römer, André Sant'Anna,
Alexander Schnell. The event is organized as a collaboration between the
Centre for Philosophy of Memory in Grenoble and the Institute for
Transcendental Philosophy and Phenomenology in Wuppertal.

Webpage : http://phil-mem.org/events/2020-phenomenology.html

Appel à contribution : « Le souvenir : Approches phénoménologique et
analytique »

6-7 mai 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

Principalement destiné aux jeunes chercheurs, ce workshop vise à initier un
dialogue entre la philosophie analytique de la mémoire, champ qui a connu
une expansion considérable au cours de ces dernières années, et la
tradition de recherche phénoménologique consacrée à la mémoire. Malgré les
différences de terminologie qui les séparent, ces deux champs posent des
questions remarquablement similaires. Qu’est-ce que la mémoire ? Quelles
formes de mémoire peuvent être distinguées ? Y a-t-il une chose telle que
la mémoire collective ? Quel est le rapport entre le souvenir et l’oubli ?
Quel rôle la mémoire joue-t-elle vis-à-vis du soi et de l’identité
personnelle ? Quelles sont les implications éthiques de la mémoire ? Le
dialogue entre les approches analytique et phénoménologique de la mémoire a
été très limité jusqu’ici, mais à en juger par le succès de leur
rapprochement sur d’autres questions, il promet d’être très fructueux. Le
workshop a pour but d’effectuer un premier pas dans cette direction.

Conférenciers confirmés :

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Outre les conférences confirmées, sept créneaux d’une heure sont réservés
pour les conférences de jeunes chercheurs, c’est-à-dire de doctorants et de
chercheurs ayant obtenu leur doctorat depuis moins de cinq ans. Les
candidats devront travailler en Allemagne ou en France.

Les transports (dans les limites de notre budget), l’hébergement et les
repas seront pris en charge pour tous les jeunes chercheurs dont la
contribution aura été acceptée.

Langues du workshop : anglais et français.

Pour soumettre une contribution, prière d'envoyer un résumé d’au maximum
500 mots à kourken.michael...@univs-grenoble.alpes.fr d’ici le 31 janvier

Notez que la tenue de cet événement dépend de la réussite d’une demande de
financement actuellement en cours d’évaluation. Néanmoins, nous avons déjà
obtenu un financement de la même source antérieurement et jugeons que nous
avons de bonnes chances de succès cette fois-ci encore.


[Educasup] (updated eligibility conditions/conditions d'éligibilité mises à jour) 2nd CFP/2e AAC : Remembering: Phenomen ological and Analytic Approaches/Le souvenir : Approches ph énoménologique et a

2019-11-24 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
2nd CFP/2e AAC : Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches/Le
souvenir : Approches phénoménologique et analytique

Please note : the previous version of this call indicated that applicants
for funding had to be based in France or Germany; this is no longer the

Veuillez noter : contrairement au texte des versions précédentes de cet
appel, il n'est pas nécessaire pour un jeune chercheur de travailler en
France ou en Allemagne afin que sa participation soit éligible pour

(La version française suit.)

CFP: Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches

6-7 May 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

This workshop, intended for early-career researchers, aims to initiate a
dialogue between analytic philosophy of memory, a field that has undergone
considerable expansion in recent years, and the tradition of
phenomenological research on memory. Despite the very different
terminologies employed in these two fields, they ask remarkably similar
questions. What is memory? Which forms of memory can be differentiated? Is
there such a thing as collective memory? What is the relationship between
remembering and forgetting? What role does memory play with respect to the
self and personal identity? What are the ethical implications of memory?
There has so far been little dialogue between analytic and phenomenological
approaches to memory, but, if the success of recent rapprochements between
analytic and phenomenological approaches in other areas is any indication,
such a dialogue has the potential to be highly fruitful. The workshop will
constitute the first step in this direction.

Confirmed speakers:

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

In addition to these confirmed speakers, seven one-hour slots have been
reserved for talks by early-career researchers, defined as PhD students and
those who received their PhDs no more than five years ago.

Travel (within the limits of our budget), accommodation, and meals will be
covered for all early-career speakers whose submissions are accepted.

Meeting languages: English and French.

To submit, please send an abstract no more than 500 words in length to
kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr by 31 January 2020.

Note: this event is contingent on the success of a funding request. We have
previously obtained funding from the same source and anticipate success.

Organizers : Kourken Michaelian, Denis Perrin, Inga Römer, André Sant'Anna,
Alexander Schnell. The event is organized as a collaboration between the
Centre for Philosophy of Memory in Grenoble and the Institute for
Transcendental Philosophy and Phenomenology in Wuppertal.

Webpage : http://phil-mem.org/events/2020-phenomenology.html

Appel à contribution : « Le souvenir : Approches phénoménologique et
analytique »

6-7 mai 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

Principalement destiné aux jeunes chercheurs, ce workshop vise à initier un
dialogue entre la philosophie analytique de la mémoire, champ qui a connu
une expansion considérable au cours de ces dernières années, et la
tradition de recherche phénoménologique consacrée à la mémoire. Malgré les
différences de terminologie qui les séparent, ces deux champs posent des
questions remarquablement similaires. Qu’est-ce que la mémoire ? Quelles
formes de mémoire peuvent être distinguées ? Y a-t-il une chose telle que
la mémoire collective ? Quel est le rapport entre le souvenir et l’oubli ?
Quel rôle la mémoire joue-t-elle vis-à-vis du soi et de l’identité
personnelle ? Quelles sont les implications éthiques de la mémoire ? Le
dialogue entre les approches analytique et phénoménologique de la mémoire a
été très limité jusqu’ici, mais à en juger par le succès de leur
rapprochement sur d’autres questions, il promet d’être très fructueux. Le
workshop a pour but d’effectuer un premier pas dans cette direction.

Conférenciers confirmés :

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Outre les conférences confirmées, sept créneaux d’une heure sont réservés
pour les conférences de jeunes chercheurs, c’est-à-dire de doctorants et de
chercheurs ayant obtenu leur doctorat depuis moins de cinq ans.

Les transports (dans les limites de notre budget), l’hébergement et les
repas seront pris en charge pour tous les jeunes chercheurs dont la
contribution aura été acceptée.

Langues du workshop : anglais et français.

Pour soumettre une contribution, prière d'envoyer un résum

[Educasup] final call: essay prize, philosophy of memory, 3000 EUR, Centre for Philosophy of Memory/Review of Philosophy and Psychology

2020-01-02 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
Essay prize, philosophy of memory, 3000 EUR, Centre for Philosophy of
Memory/Review of Philosophy and Psychology

The Centre for Philosophy of Memory at the Université Grenoble Alpes is
pleased to invite submissions for an essay prize on the theme of philosophy
of memory.

The winning essay will be published in the Review of Philosophy and
Psychology. The winner will be awarded a budget of up to 3000 EUR to cover
travel and accommodation for a research visit at the Centre for Philosophy
of Memory. This will include an opportunity for the researcher to present
his work and to participate in other CPM events.

The competition is open to early-career researchers, defined as PhD
students or those who are within five years of receiving their PhDs (i.e.,
the PhD should have been received in September 2014 or later).

Submissions on all aspects of the philosophy of memory are welcome; this
includes empirically-informed philosophical work. Submissions should be
prepared for blind evaluation and should respect the Review of Philosophy
and Psychology's instructions for authors, available here:

Please send submissions with the subject line "phil mem essay prize
submission" to chrismccarr...@hotmail.com. The deadline is February 28,

For further details, see http://phil-mem.org/events/2019-essay-prize.html.

Kourken Michaelian


[Educasup] last CFP/dernier AAC : Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches/Le souvenir : Approches phénoméno logique et analytique

2020-01-02 Par sujet Kourken Michaelian
Please note : a previous version of this call indicated that applicants for
funding had to be based in France or Germany; this is no longer the case.

Veuillez noter : contrairement au texte d'une version précédente de cet
appel, il n'est pas nécessaire pour un jeune chercheur de travailler en
France ou en Allemagne afin que sa participation soit éligible pour

(La version française suit.)

CFP: Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches

6-7 May 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

This workshop, intended for early-career researchers, aims to initiate a
dialogue between analytic philosophy of memory, a field that has undergone
considerable expansion in recent years, and the tradition of
phenomenological research on memory. Despite the very different
terminologies employed in these two fields, they ask remarkably similar
questions. What is memory? Which forms of memory can be differentiated? Is
there such a thing as collective memory? What is the relationship between
remembering and forgetting? What role does memory play with respect to the
self and personal identity? What are the ethical implications of memory?
There has so far been little dialogue between analytic and phenomenological
approaches to memory, but, if the success of recent rapprochements between
analytic and phenomenological approaches in other areas is any indication,
such a dialogue has the potential to be highly fruitful. The workshop will
constitute the first step in this direction.

Confirmed speakers:

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

In addition to these confirmed speakers, seven one-hour slots have been
reserved for talks by early-career researchers, defined as PhD students and
those who received their PhDs no more than five years ago.

Travel (within the limits of our budget), accommodation, and meals will be
covered for all early-career speakers whose submissions are accepted.

Meeting languages: English and French.

To submit, please send an abstract no more than 500 words in length to
kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr by 31 January 2020.

Note: this event is contingent on the success of a funding request. We have
previously obtained funding from the same source and anticipate success.

Organizers : Kourken Michaelian, Denis Perrin, Inga Römer, André Sant'Anna,
Alexander Schnell. The event is organized as a collaboration between the
Centre for Philosophy of Memory in Grenoble and the Institute for
Transcendental Philosophy and Phenomenology in Wuppertal.

Webpage : http://phil-mem.org/events/2020-phenomenology.html

Appel à contribution : « Le souvenir : Approches phénoménologique et
analytique »

6-7 mai 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

Principalement destiné aux jeunes chercheurs, ce workshop vise à initier un
dialogue entre la philosophie analytique de la mémoire, champ qui a connu
une expansion considérable au cours de ces dernières années, et la
tradition de recherche phénoménologique consacrée à la mémoire. Malgré les
différences de terminologie qui les séparent, ces deux champs posent des
questions remarquablement similaires. Qu’est-ce que la mémoire ? Quelles
formes de mémoire peuvent être distinguées ? Y a-t-il une chose telle que
la mémoire collective ? Quel est le rapport entre le souvenir et l’oubli ?
Quel rôle la mémoire joue-t-elle vis-à-vis du soi et de l’identité
personnelle ? Quelles sont les implications éthiques de la mémoire ? Le
dialogue entre les approches analytique et phénoménologique de la mémoire a
été très limité jusqu’ici, mais à en juger par le succès de leur
rapprochement sur d’autres questions, il promet d’être très fructueux. Le
workshop a pour but d’effectuer un premier pas dans cette direction.

Conférenciers confirmés :

* Nicolas de Warren, Pennsylvania State University

* Christoph Hoerl, University of Warwick

* Christopher McCarroll, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Denis Perrin, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Inga Römer, Université Grenoble Alpes

* André Sant'Anna, Université Grenoble Alpes

* Alexander Schnell, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Outre les conférences confirmées, sept créneaux d’une heure sont réservés
pour les conférences de jeunes chercheurs, c’est-à-dire de doctorants et de
chercheurs ayant obtenu leur doctorat depuis moins de cinq ans.

Les transports (dans les limites de notre budget), l’hébergement et les
repas seront pris en charge pour tous les jeunes chercheurs dont la
contribution aura été acceptée.

Langues du workshop : anglais et français.

Pour soumettre une contribution, prière d'envoyer un résumé d’au maximum
500 mots à kourken.michael...@univs-grenoble.alpes.fr d’ici le 31 janvier

Notez que la tenue de cet é

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