Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for January 1st and 2nd, 2006

2006-01-02 Thread Tom Althoff
Kevin was 579,   Tom was 339,  Fred KD6GW was 599+ with his K2/100.

I got to the 40M net late thinking it was on 7050 and by the time I heard
Tom N0SS he was closing down the net.

For the record I was using the K1 #2146 to check into the 20M net last

Wonder if Fred heard me in CA?  It seems like the propagation favored the
greater distance to the west for me.

But at list I got my QNI in!

73 de Tom K2TA

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Rock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Elecraft
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 12:26 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for January 1st and 2nd, 2006

 Good Evening and Happy New Year to you all,
  Sorry folks but I had to be reminded it was a holiday today.  I had
 been very busy all day on chores, working on lists, invitations, and
 planning for a memorial service.  I have not announced this to anyone
 other than those who have asked but I had a personal tragedy on the 10th
 of December.  My wife of ten and a half years passed away.  This net is
 good therapy for me so it will continue.

  She very much enjoyed working around my two skeds on Sunday evening
 always making a very nice meal for us to eat after the first one was
 over.  She enjoyed hearing the news from all the folks we had worked.  Pat
 had an amateur license but was more interested in public service than any
 other aspect of the service.  She and I had worked for ARES and RACES for
 a few years.  She had been trained as an EMT and a dispatcher while
 working for the local county's 911 center.  Between us we taught a number
 of ECOM classes for the local ARES/RACES group.  We had a lot of fun
 making the classes effective and the training meaniful for our area.
 Carter Craigie, N3AO, and his lovely wife Kay, N3KN, whom we had met while
 staffing the Elecraft booth at the SeaPac hamfest a few years ago, helped
 us on more than one occasion.

  I would like to post a photo of KD5PZO but the rules of this
 do not allow it.  If you'd like you could send me a note and I'll return
 it with an enigmatic photo of my very good friend.  It looks like someone
 is going to be told something but I am not sure if it would have been good
 or not ;)  She was most charming and I will miss her very, very much.

  On the first net there was some QSB but we had fun.  I chatted with
 Tom a bit before the net and then reminded myself to slow down.  When I
 called CQ the first time VE1RGB and K4TO sent simultaneously.  But Gary
 lost to Dave due to the shortness of K4TO :)  The same thing happens to me
 but there is no way I will change my call ;)  I like it and the way it
 sounds on CW so in a contest I'll just have to take my lumps!  Dave was
 medium to weak but that's OK.  Gary boomed in from NS very well.  So well
 in fact that Tom had him call CQ once or twice.  Tom, K2TA, had a good
 signal to me but as all the rest there was some QSB to contend with.
 Fred, K6DGW, checked in from CA and has he had predicted his signal was
 light.  However, my bud Karl, N7NLU near the West Hills of Portland was
 fair copy.  I never can predict how he'll come in but then he may have
 been hiking in the rain with his K1 :)  AK7A, Jason in Washington was not
 even ESP to me.  At this point Tom had Gary call the net and he landed
 KT5E, Jay in Colorado.  Jay had a very fast, warbling QSB on his signal
 but still not too hard to follow.  Then we heard from Ric, VE3XL in
 Ontario.  It was good to hear him again.  I hope he has his Elecraft rig
 back in shape!

 On to the lists.

 At 2400z on 14050.50 kHz:
 N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - oo8
 K4TO - Dave - KY - K2 - 4117
 VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
 K2TA - Tom - NY - K2 - 1117
 K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
 N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227   QNI #45!
 AK7A - Jason - WA - K1 - 2024
 KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037
 VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968 ??   QNI #80!!

 The second net began when I heard Tom tune in.  We chatted a bit and then
 I started my QRL routine.  Dave called with a much better signal than he'd
 had on 20 meters.  Tom gathered in our lost sheep Ric who must be busy
 since we've not heard much from him since just after he lost his K1 :(  I
 hope it is better now Ric.  Randy called from Idaho with a large amount of
 slow QSB.  A note about Jay further down this account.  Mark called but I
 thought I was missing a letter between K and 8 but I had totally missed
 the N the first few times.  He had the same slow, deep QSB as everyone
 East of me.  Tom was quite good before the net but as Jay mentioned
 signals went down within ten minutes of starting.  Lastly Rick showed up
 running his KX1 with a respectable signal.  Some QSB: he went from S1 to
 S6 but 80% copy is good enough to find out he enjoyed Christmas :)

 At 0256z on 7045 kHz:
 N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - oo8
 K4TO - Dave - KY - K2 - 4117   QNI #5
 VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968 ??
 K7TQ - Randy - ID - K2 - 213
 KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037
 NK8Q - Mark - PA - K2 - 4786   QNI #5

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for January 1st and 2nd, 2006

2006-01-01 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening and Happy New Year to you all,
Sorry folks but I had to be reminded it was a holiday today.  I had 
been very busy all day on chores, working on lists, invitations, and 
planning for a memorial service.  I have not announced this to anyone 
other than those who have asked but I had a personal tragedy on the 10th 
of December.  My wife of ten and a half years passed away.  This net is 
good therapy for me so it will continue.

She very much enjoyed working around my two skeds on Sunday evening 
always making a very nice meal for us to eat after the first one was 
over.  She enjoyed hearing the news from all the folks we had worked.  Pat 
had an amateur license but was more interested in public service than any 
other aspect of the service.  She and I had worked for ARES and RACES for 
a few years.  She had been trained as an EMT and a dispatcher while 
working for the local county's 911 center.  Between us we taught a number 
of ECOM classes for the local ARES/RACES group.  We had a lot of fun 
making the classes effective and the training meaniful for our area.  
Carter Craigie, N3AO, and his lovely wife Kay, N3KN, whom we had met while 
staffing the Elecraft booth at the SeaPac hamfest a few years ago, helped 
us on more than one occasion.

I would like to post a photo of KD5PZO but the rules of this Reflector 
do not allow it.  If you'd like you could send me a note and I'll return 
it with an enigmatic photo of my very good friend.  It looks like someone 
is going to be told something but I am not sure if it would have been good 
or not ;)  She was most charming and I will miss her very, very much.

On the first net there was some QSB but we had fun.  I chatted with 
Tom a bit before the net and then reminded myself to slow down.  When I 
called CQ the first time VE1RGB and K4TO sent simultaneously.  But Gary 
lost to Dave due to the shortness of K4TO :)  The same thing happens to me 
but there is no way I will change my call ;)  I like it and the way it 
sounds on CW so in a contest I'll just have to take my lumps!  Dave was 
medium to weak but that's OK.  Gary boomed in from NS very well.  So well 
in fact that Tom had him call CQ once or twice.  Tom, K2TA, had a good 
signal to me but as all the rest there was some QSB to contend with.  
Fred, K6DGW, checked in from CA and has he had predicted his signal was 
light.  However, my bud Karl, N7NLU near the West Hills of Portland was 
fair copy.  I never can predict how he'll come in but then he may have 
been hiking in the rain with his K1 :)  AK7A, Jason in Washington was not 
even ESP to me.  At this point Tom had Gary call the net and he landed 
KT5E, Jay in Colorado.  Jay had a very fast, warbling QSB on his signal 
but still not too hard to follow.  Then we heard from Ric, VE3XL in 
Ontario.  It was good to hear him again.  I hope he has his Elecraft rig 
back in shape!

On to the lists.

At 2400z on 14050.50 kHz:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - oo8
K4TO - Dave - KY - K2 - 4117
VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
K2TA - Tom - NY - K2 - 1117
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227   QNI #45!
AK7A - Jason - WA - K1 - 2024
KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968 ??   QNI #80!!

The second net began when I heard Tom tune in.  We chatted a bit and then 
I started my QRL routine.  Dave called with a much better signal than he'd 
had on 20 meters.  Tom gathered in our lost sheep Ric who must be busy 
since we've not heard much from him since just after he lost his K1 :(  I 
hope it is better now Ric.  Randy called from Idaho with a large amount of 
slow QSB.  A note about Jay further down this account.  Mark called but I 
thought I was missing a letter between K and 8 but I had totally missed 
the N the first few times.  He had the same slow, deep QSB as everyone 
East of me.  Tom was quite good before the net but as Jay mentioned 
signals went down within ten minutes of starting.  Lastly Rick showed up 
running his KX1 with a respectable signal.  Some QSB: he went from S1 to 
S6 but 80% copy is good enough to find out he enjoyed Christmas :)

At 0256z on 7045 kHz:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - oo8
K4TO - Dave - KY - K2 - 4117   QNI #5
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968 ??
K7TQ - Randy - ID - K2 - 213
KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037
NK8Q - Mark - PA - K2 - 4786   QNI #5
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798

I am still awaiting Tom since I sent him off on a mission and did not hear 
him call back.  QSB was INTERESTing to say the least.  The difference 
between 20 and 40 meters was pronounced, most especially on KT5E's 
signal.  On 20 I could make him out through the rapid flutter but on 40 it 
was a very slow surf.  He was easy copy but could not hear me.  Much like 
talking to my deaf aunt :)  She is very nice and has great stories but my 
part of the conversation is pretty much left to nodding and smiling!  Tom 
may have gained further QNI on 40 meters but we'll list those later.  I 
still have further chores to do and am