Re: [O] [PATCH] Bugfix for alignment of tag next to header name

2011-10-05 Thread Michael Brand
Hi all

This patch from me is still pending. Is something missing from my side
or is it acceptable?


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 23:43, Michael Brand  wrote:
> * org.el (org-align-tags-here): Correct calculation of alignment.
> With org-tag-column set to e. g. 0 and before this change: Adding a
> tag to an untagged heading placed the tag with a distance of 1 space
> behind the heading name like expected. After editing the heading name
> the distance was expected to remain 1 space but changed to 2 spaces.

Re: [O] The org paper manual - tools used

2011-10-05 Thread Christian Egli
Nick Dokos  writes:

> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  wrote:
>> How was the process, from org file to tex to paper? I think it'd be
>> nice if whoever did it (Carsten?) documented that on Worg. Org is
>> amazing as a publishing platform (for books and ebooks), but I feel
>> the information is still scattered around. 
> Unfortunately, the org documentation is not an org file: org.texi is the
> primary file and it has always been a texinfo file. makeinfo is used to
> turn it into an info file, and texi2pdf is used to turn it into a PDF
> file (and thence to paper): see the org Makefile.

Well, back in the olden days the documentation was simple plain text
inside of org.el which I eventually converted into a texinfo file.
Texinfo has some very nice features which at the time org-mode did not
even dream of having (it did not have an agenda and probably no

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] bug: z in agenda goes to wrong headline

2011-10-05 Thread Samuel Wales
Hi Bernt,

As I wrote, that's what I figured.  :)

I wonder though if a check should be performed in similar cases.


Re: [O] bug: z in agenda goes to wrong headline

2011-10-05 Thread Bernt Hansen
Samuel Wales  writes:

> To reproduce, RET on a line in the agenda.  Insert a line above.
> In agenda, z .

That's because the agenda uses markers to know where the item is pointed
to.  If you enter a line above it you move the headline but the agenda
marker is not updated.  You need to regenerate the agenda to keep it up
to date.


Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Memnon Anon
Le Wang  writes:

>  Use the C-u (universal prefix) to `org-refile', i.e. C-u C-c C-w.

How could I miss that?!


Re: [O] bug: z in agenda goes to wrong headline

2011-10-05 Thread Samuel Wales
To reproduce, RET on a line in the agenda.  Insert a line above.

In agenda, z .

[O] bug: z in agenda goes to wrong headline

2011-10-05 Thread Samuel Wales
I wonder if z is using a marker to go to the headline?  Inserting a
line above in the outline can cause that line to be affected by z.

Maybe the code could confirm that it is the same headline?

I don't use this command, but probably others do.

Re: [O] The org paper manual - tools used

2011-10-05 Thread Nick Dokos
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  wrote:

> How was the process, from org file to tex to paper? I think it'd be
> nice if whoever did it (Carsten?) documented that on Worg. Org is
> amazing as a publishing platform (for books and ebooks), but I feel
> the information is still scattered around. 

Unfortunately, the org documentation is not an org file: org.texi is the
primary file and it has always been a texinfo file. makeinfo is used to
turn it into an info file, and texi2pdf is used to turn it into a PDF
file (and thence to paper): see the org Makefile.

The reason is that org is part of emacs. The project *requires*
that documentation be provided in texinfo format.


Re: [O] The org paper manual - tools used

2011-10-05 Thread Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
How was the process, from org file to tex to paper? I think it'd be nice if
whoever did it (Carnsten?) documented that on Worg. Org is amazing as a
publishing platform (for books and ebooks), but I feel the information is
still scattered around.

- Marcelo.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 11:51 PM, XeCycle  wrote:

> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:
> > Hey list,
> Hello.
> > The paper org manual was an exciting idea. I might buy one soon.
> > I was wondering how was the editing work involved in turning it
> > into paper-published book? What tools did you guys use?
> TeXinfo, I think.
> --
> Carl Lei (XeCycle)
> Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
> OpenPGP public key: 7795E591
> Fingerprint: 1FB6 7F1F D45D F681 C845 27F7 8D71 8EC4 7795 E591

Re: [O] org-contacts: how to manage contacts; structure of meta data (was: No completion in Gnus)

2011-10-05 Thread Thorsten
Karl Voit  writes:

>> One further org-contacts related question: there is a predefined
>> property ADDRESS, without any inner structure. Am I supposed to write my own
>> org-capture template for that property? How would that look like - just
>> one single string? If I want something more structured (street, city,
>> zip-code etc), I have to define one property for each info-piece, or is
>> there something like a compound property? 
> I moved all of my approx. 1000 contacts from jPilot contacts to
> org-contacts a few months ago. I faced the same questions you are
> mentioning since org-contacts[1] does only mention the :EMAIL:
> property.
> A short research with my favourite search engine did not result in
> any (ISO?) standard that relates to «how to define/describe contact
> meta data».
> Without describing further attempts, I ended up with following
> yasnippet[2] template for a new contact:

Do you think that yasnippet is superior to org-capture or is it just a
casuality that you prefered it to org-capture?

> ,
> | # name : Org-contacts template for a person or a company
> | # --
> | ** $1 $2  :$1$2:
> | :TYPE: ${3:$$(yas/choose-value '("person" "company"))}
> | :TITLE:
> | :EMAIL: $4
> | :URL:
> | :MOBILE: 0043/
> | :PHONE:
> | :STREET:
> | :CITY:
> | :COUNTRY: Österreich
> | :END:
> |
> | first contact: $0
> `

Thats what I thought, that a single :ADDRESS: property is not very
usefull or practical. So there is not something like a nested property,
each piece of information needs its own property. I think your list is
pretty complete and usable. 

> My current tags for contacts are defined in the header of my
> ,[ first line of my ]
> | #+TAGS: job(j) friends(f) health(e) hotels(o) restaurants_bars(r) \
> | sport(s) students_TU(t) relatives(r) company(c)
> `

[how do you produce this nice insertions in your email?]

> A very handy bonus feature is referencing my contacts. In my .emacs
> I do have following:
> ,[ .emacs (excerpt) ]
> | (setq org-link-abbrev-alist
> |   '(
> | ("contact" . "~/org/\*.*%s/")
> | ))
> `

> Combined with following yasnippet template it results in very comfty
> contact handling:
> ,[ contact yasnippet ]
> | # name : expand link to contact
> | # --
> | [[contact:$1][${2:$$(unless yas/modified-p
> |  (let ((field (nth 0 (yas/snippet-fields (first (yas/snippets-at-point))
> |(concat (buffer-substring (yas/field-start field) (yas/field-end 
> field)}]] $0
> `
> Basically, you have to enter the name of the snippet, press «TAB»
> and then you type in the name (or anything of the heading line of a
> contact). Then it results in [[contact:foo bar][foo bar]] which is a
> clickable link to any contact which relates to «foo bar».

Great, I'll give that a try too.

Thanks for your help


Re: [O] [orgmode 7.7] - Latex export problem with footnote, macro and code block evaluation

2011-10-05 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Roland Donat  writes:

> Yes, I use orgmode 7.7-2, it seems to be the latest packaged version
> available on linux.

What gives M-x org-version ?


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] [orgmode 7.7] - Latex export problem with footnote, macro and code block evaluation

2011-10-05 Thread Roland Donat

Thank you for your answer.

Yes, I use orgmode 7.7-2, it seems to be the latest packaged version
available on linux.

I have just reproduced the bug on ubuntu this evening...

The problem only happens while latex exporting. For example, an ascii export
works fine.

Thanks again for your time.



2011/10/5 Nicolas Goaziou 

> Hello,
> Roland  writes:
> > Hello again,
> >
> > I just add some complements to the problem.
> >
> > First, here is a more compact buffer to reproduce the bug :
> >
> > == Cut here begin ==
> >
> > # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> > #+TITLE: Title
> > #+AUTHOR: Roland
> > #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} f:t TeX:t author:t
> >
> > #+LaTeX_CLASS: article #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,10pt]
> >
> > #+MACRO: TBL src_emacs-lisp[:var v=$1[$2,$3]]{v}
> >
> > #+TBLNAME: test-macro
> > | 1 | 2 |
> > | 3 | 4 |
> >
> > * A footnote
> >
> > A footnote [fn:1: yihaa!]
> >
> > * A macro
> >
> > The value (1,1) of table test-macro is {{{TBL(test-macro,1,1)}}}.
> >
> > * A code block latex
> >
> > #+begin_src latex
> > $$a^{2} = b^{2} + c^{2}$$
> > #+end_src
> >
> > == cut here end ==
> I can't reproduce it on latest Org. If you're not using that version,
> you should upgrade: some bug fixing happened to footnotes since 7.7.
> Now, if it happens on that latest version, I will look at it again.
> Regards,
> --
> Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Hyperlink to Lotus Notes documents

2011-10-05 Thread Christian Moe


Looks like someone's solved your problem -- you could try this:

...replacing "/usr/local/bin/notes" with whatever is the path to the 
Notes client on your system.


On 10/5/11 9:32 AM, bart wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a way how to create external link to Lotus Notes document?
Links work fine in MS Office, in internet browser, but I haven't found
any way, how to make it work in Org mode in Emacs... The sample links
are as follows:



These are sample links to documents in Lotus Notes. These links work
in MS Word (and browser as well), but I just cannot use it in Emacs. I
know, that there is some way, how to "program" new hyperlink type, but
I'm just a basic user...

Thanks for help


[O] Capturing tables and a small proposal for a capture enhancement

2011-10-05 Thread Shaun Johnson

I am trying to use org-capture with a template that contains an org
table. The value of org-capture-templates is:

(("b" "Blood pressure" entry
  (file "~/Org/")
  (file "~/Org/CaptureTemplates/")
  :prepend t :immediate-finish t :post-process))

The file ~/Org/CaptureTemplates/ contains:

* %U
| Systolic | Diastolic | Pulse |
| %^{Systolic} | %^{Diastolic} | %^{Pulse} |
| %^{Systolic} | %^{Diastolic} | %^{Pulse} |
| %^{Systolic} | %^{Diastolic} | %^{Pulse} |

(without the leading white space).

This works but the resulting table is not aligned, obviously I can
align it manually after capture but it would be nice if this could be
automated. I am unable to find any way to do this, am I missing
something or is this currently not possible?

A general solution to this could be to add a new :post-process
property to the template definition whose value should be a function
which is called immediately before
org-capture-before-finalize-hook. My problem would be solved with a
template like:

(("b" "Blood pressure" entry
  (file "~/Org/")
  (file "~/Org/CaptureTemplates/")
  :prepend t :immediate-finish t :post-process
  (lambda nil
(search-forward "|-")

If there is any interest I can submit a patch.

Shaun Johnson.

Re: [O] Bug: void-function org-list-struct-fix-item-end [7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)]

2011-10-05 Thread Nick Dokos
Dave Abrahams  wrote:

> > I can't reproduce it.
> Me neither.  But it happened, and I figured I'd better report it.
> >> Package: Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)
> >
> > This release doesn't exist yet. Latest is about
> > (release_7.7.349.g3d835).
> >
> > Could you make sure your Org is clean first, and then try to reproduce
> > the problem?
> Wouldn't make any difference, since I can't reproduce it at all.
> > Note: the function your Org can't find has been introduced quite
> > recently.
> It went away when I did `M-x load-library org-list' so I'm guessing
> there's some code path that fails to (require org-list) when needed.

More likely it was an artifact of how exactly you upgraded.

A possible scenario: after you pull, you do (load-library "org.el")
which picks up the new version of org.el. Now org.el requires org-list
but that does not mean that the new version of org-list gets loaded: all
that require does is check if the feature is a member of some list
(which it is, since you were using the feature before the pull). The new
org.el uses the org-list-struct-fix-item-end function, but the function
is not defined, since the old org-list.el is still in force.  When you
(load-library "org-list.el") you get the new org-list.el with the
definition of the new function and everything is consistent. Also when
you restart, you get new versions of everything and everything is

If you compile org, that creates even more ways that things can get

Moral of the story: after you pull (and possibly ``make clean; make''),
do M-x org-reload, rather than loading individual files. Even so, if you
see strange things happening, restart your emacs -- or, at the very
least, start a new ``emacs -q -l minimal.emacs'' and test the
strangeness there: chances are that it won't happen, so you'd know you
are in some twisted maze like the one described above.


Re: [O] Bug: void-function org-list-struct-fix-item-end [7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)]

2011-10-05 Thread Dave Abrahams

on Wed Oct 05 2011, Nicolas Goaziou  wrote:

> Hello,
> Dave Abrahams  writes:
>> I got the following backtrace doing `C-c C-c' on the "R" in PRIORITIZE
>> from the item below
>> ** TODO [#A] * Org Routine [0/4] **
>>SCHEDULED: <2011-10-05 Wed .+1d>
>>  - [#A]: must do (not completing on scheduled day has consequences)
>>  - [#B]: should do
>>  - [#C]: could do (completely optional but you want to consider it)
>>- [ ] REFILE Inbox
>>- [ ] TAG with required resource
>>  - Most of all people so you can filter and make sure all issues with 
>> that
>>person are dealt with
>>- [ ] RESCHEDULE/UNSCHEDULE until today is manageable
>>  - < 15 bite-sized tasks
>>CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 13:56]--[2011-10-04 Tue 14:02] =>  0:06
>>CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 12:06]--[2011-10-04 Tue 13:44] =>  1:38
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-03 Mon 11:52] \\
>>  yay!
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:33]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:29] \\
>>  Yay!
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-20 Mon 16:45]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-19 Sun 14:50]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-11-04 Thu 17:20]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-21 Thu 12:00]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-19 Tue 12:19]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-13 Wed 11:54]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-10 Sun 11:04]
>>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-03 Sun 11:23]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:30]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-01 Fri 13:22]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-27 Mon 10:21]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-24 Fri 13:06]
>>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-14 Tue 13:42]
>>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-10 Fri 23:51]
>>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31]
>>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-05 Sun 23:26]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-04 Sat 15:37]
>>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-03 Fri 18:23]
>>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36]
>>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]
>>CLOCK: [2010-10-04 Mon 11:41]--[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06] =>  0:25
>>CLOCK: [2010-09-14 Tue 13:18]--[2010-09-14 Tue 13:30] =>  0:12
>>CLOCK: [2010-09-07 Tue 13:59]--[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31] =>  0:32
>>CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:20]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:47] =>  0:27
>>CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:19]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:20] =>  0:01
>>CLOCK: [2010-09-05 Sun 21:29]--[2010-09-05 Sun 22:03] =>  0:34
>>CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]--[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36] =>  0:01
>>CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 01:04]--[2010-08-31 Tue 01:05] =>  0:01
>>CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 20:16]--[2010-08-30 Mon 20:17] =>  0:01
>>CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:56]--[2010-08-30 Mon 15:01] =>  0:05
>>CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:43]--[2010-08-30 Mon 14:56] =>  0:13
>>CLOCK: [2010-08-29 Sun 16:26]--[2010-08-29 Sun 16:39] =>  0:13
>>:ID:   46607C9F-3F99-4C64-A68C-621AACABE045
>>:LAST_REPEAT: [2011-10-04 Tue 15:51]
>>:LOGGING:  logdone
> I can't reproduce it.

Me neither.  But it happened, and I figured I'd better report it.

>> Package: Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)
> This release doesn't exist yet. Latest is about
> (release_7.7.349.g3d835).
> Could you make sure your Org is clean first, and then try to reproduce
> the problem?

Wouldn't make any difference, since I can't reproduce it at all.

> Note: the function your Org can't find has been introduced quite
> recently.

It went away when I did `M-x load-library org-list' so I'm guessing
there's some code path that fails to (require org-list) when needed.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

Re: [O] Bug: void-function org-list-struct-fix-item-end [7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)]

2011-10-05 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Dave Abrahams  writes:

> I got the following backtrace doing `C-c C-c' on the "R" in PRIORITIZE
> from the item below
> ** TODO [#A] * Org Routine [0/4] **
>SCHEDULED: <2011-10-05 Wed .+1d>
>  - [#A]: must do (not completing on scheduled day has consequences)
>  - [#B]: should do
>  - [#C]: could do (completely optional but you want to consider it)
>- [ ] REFILE Inbox
>- [ ] TAG with required resource
>  - Most of all people so you can filter and make sure all issues with that
>person are dealt with
>- [ ] RESCHEDULE/UNSCHEDULE until today is manageable
>  - < 15 bite-sized tasks
>CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 13:56]--[2011-10-04 Tue 14:02] =>  0:06
>CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 12:06]--[2011-10-04 Tue 13:44] =>  1:38
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-03 Mon 11:52] \\
>  yay!
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:33]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:29] \\
>  Yay!
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-20 Mon 16:45]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-19 Sun 14:50]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-11-04 Thu 17:20]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-21 Thu 12:00]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-19 Tue 12:19]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-13 Wed 11:54]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-10 Sun 11:04]
>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-03 Sun 11:23]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:30]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-01 Fri 13:22]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-27 Mon 10:21]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-24 Fri 13:06]
>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-14 Tue 13:42]
>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-10 Fri 23:51]
>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31]
>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-05 Sun 23:26]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-04 Sat 15:37]
>- State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-03 Fri 18:23]
>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36]
>- State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]
>CLOCK: [2010-10-04 Mon 11:41]--[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06] =>  0:25
>CLOCK: [2010-09-14 Tue 13:18]--[2010-09-14 Tue 13:30] =>  0:12
>CLOCK: [2010-09-07 Tue 13:59]--[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31] =>  0:32
>CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:20]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:47] =>  0:27
>CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:19]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:20] =>  0:01
>CLOCK: [2010-09-05 Sun 21:29]--[2010-09-05 Sun 22:03] =>  0:34
>CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]--[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36] =>  0:01
>CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 01:04]--[2010-08-31 Tue 01:05] =>  0:01
>CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 20:16]--[2010-08-30 Mon 20:17] =>  0:01
>CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:56]--[2010-08-30 Mon 15:01] =>  0:05
>CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:43]--[2010-08-30 Mon 14:56] =>  0:13
>CLOCK: [2010-08-29 Sun 16:26]--[2010-08-29 Sun 16:39] =>  0:13
>:ID:   46607C9F-3F99-4C64-A68C-621AACABE045
>:LAST_REPEAT: [2011-10-04 Tue 15:51]
>:LOGGING:  logdone

I can't reproduce it.

> Package: Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)

This release doesn't exist yet. Latest is about

Could you make sure your Org is clean first, and then try to reproduce
the problem?

Note: the function your Org can't find has been introduced quite


Nicolas Goaziou

[O] Hyperlink to Lotus Notes documents

2011-10-05 Thread bart
Hi all,

Is there a way how to create external link to Lotus Notes document? Links
work fine in MS Office, in internet browser, but I haven't found any way,
how to make it work in Org mode in Emacs... The sample links are as follows:



These are sample links to documents in Lotus Notes. These links work in MS
Word (and browser as well), but I just cannot use it in Emacs. I know, that
there is some way, how to "program" new hyperlink type, but I'm just a basic

Thanks for help


[O] Bug: void-function org-list-struct-fix-item-end [7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)]

2011-10-05 Thread Dave Abrahams

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See

Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.

I got the following backtrace doing `C-c C-c' on the "R" in PRIORITIZE
from the item below

--8<---cut here---start->8---
** TODO [#A] * Org Routine [0/4] **
   SCHEDULED: <2011-10-05 Wed .+1d>
 - [#A]: must do (not completing on scheduled day has consequences)
 - [#B]: should do
 - [#C]: could do (completely optional but you want to consider it)
   - [ ] REFILE Inbox
   - [ ] TAG with required resource
 - Most of all people so you can filter and make sure all issues with that
   person are dealt with
   - [ ] RESCHEDULE/UNSCHEDULE until today is manageable
 - < 15 bite-sized tasks
   CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 13:56]--[2011-10-04 Tue 14:02] =>  0:06
   CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 12:06]--[2011-10-04 Tue 13:44] =>  1:38
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-03 Mon 11:52] \\
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:33]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:29] \\
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-20 Mon 16:45]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-19 Sun 14:50]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-11-04 Thu 17:20]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-21 Thu 12:00]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-19 Tue 12:19]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-13 Wed 11:54]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-10 Sun 11:04]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-03 Sun 11:23]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:30]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-01 Fri 13:22]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-27 Mon 10:21]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-24 Fri 13:06]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-14 Tue 13:42]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-10 Fri 23:51]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-05 Sun 23:26]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-04 Sat 15:37]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-03 Fri 18:23]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]
   CLOCK: [2010-10-04 Mon 11:41]--[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06] =>  0:25
   CLOCK: [2010-09-14 Tue 13:18]--[2010-09-14 Tue 13:30] =>  0:12
   CLOCK: [2010-09-07 Tue 13:59]--[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31] =>  0:32
   CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:20]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:47] =>  0:27
   CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:19]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:20] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-09-05 Sun 21:29]--[2010-09-05 Sun 22:03] =>  0:34
   CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]--[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 01:04]--[2010-08-31 Tue 01:05] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 20:16]--[2010-08-30 Mon 20:17] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:56]--[2010-08-30 Mon 15:01] =>  0:05
   CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:43]--[2010-08-30 Mon 14:56] =>  0:13
   CLOCK: [2010-08-29 Sun 16:26]--[2010-08-29 Sun 16:39] =>  0:13
   :ID:   46607C9F-3F99-4C64-A68C-621AACABE045
   :LAST_REPEAT: [2011-10-04 Tue 15:51]
   :LOGGING:  logdone
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

--8<---cut here---start->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-list-struct-fix-item-end)
  (org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct)
  (let* ((cbox ...) (struct ...) (old-struct ...) (parents ...) (orderedp ...) 
(firstp ...) block-item) (org-list-set-checkbox (point-at-bol) struct (cond ... 
... ... ...)) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2) 
(org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct) (let (...) (org-list-struct-fix-bul 
struct prevs) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents) (setq block-item ...)) 
(org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct) 
(org-update-checkbox-count-maybe) (when block-item (message "Checkboxes were 
removed due to unchecked box at line %d" ...)) (when firstp (org-list-send-list 
  (cond ((or ... org-occur-highlights org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (and 
... ...) (org-remove-occur-highlights) 
(org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (message "Temporary 
highlights/overlays removed from current buffer")) ((and ... ...) (funcall 
org-finish-function)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success ...)) ((

[O] Bug: void-function org-list-struct-fix-item-end [7.7 (release_7.7.396.g25c21)]

2011-10-05 Thread Dave Abrahams

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See

Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.

I got the following backtrace doing `C-c C-c' on the "R" in PRIORITIZE
from the item below

--8<---cut here---start->8---
** TODO [#A] * Org Routine [0/4] **
   SCHEDULED: <2011-10-05 Wed .+1d>
 - [#A]: must do (not completing on scheduled day has consequences)
 - [#B]: should do
 - [#C]: could do (completely optional but you want to consider it)
   - [ ] REFILE Inbox
   - [ ] TAG with required resource
 - Most of all people so you can filter and make sure all issues with that
   person are dealt with
   - [ ] RESCHEDULE/UNSCHEDULE until today is manageable
 - < 15 bite-sized tasks
   CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 13:56]--[2011-10-04 Tue 14:02] =>  0:06
   CLOCK: [2011-10-04 Tue 12:06]--[2011-10-04 Tue 13:44] =>  1:38
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-03 Mon 11:52] \\
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:33]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2011-10-01 Sat 13:29] \\
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-20 Mon 16:45]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-12-19 Sun 14:50]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-11-04 Thu 17:20]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-21 Thu 12:00]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-19 Tue 12:19]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-13 Wed 11:54]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-10 Sun 11:04]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-03 Sun 11:23]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:30]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-02 Sat 16:29]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-10-01 Fri 13:22]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-27 Mon 10:21]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-24 Fri 13:06]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-14 Tue 13:42]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-10 Fri 23:51]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-09-05 Sun 23:26]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-04 Sat 15:37]
   - State "DONE"   from "TODO"   [2010-09-03 Fri 18:23]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36]
   - State "DONE"   from "STARTED"[2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]
   CLOCK: [2010-10-04 Mon 11:41]--[2010-10-04 Mon 12:06] =>  0:25
   CLOCK: [2010-09-14 Tue 13:18]--[2010-09-14 Tue 13:30] =>  0:12
   CLOCK: [2010-09-07 Tue 13:59]--[2010-09-07 Tue 14:31] =>  0:32
   CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:20]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:47] =>  0:27
   CLOCK: [2010-09-06 Mon 16:19]--[2010-09-06 Mon 16:20] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-09-05 Sun 21:29]--[2010-09-05 Sun 22:03] =>  0:34
   CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 10:35]--[2010-08-31 Tue 10:36] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-08-31 Tue 01:04]--[2010-08-31 Tue 01:05] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 20:16]--[2010-08-30 Mon 20:17] =>  0:01
   CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:56]--[2010-08-30 Mon 15:01] =>  0:05
   CLOCK: [2010-08-30 Mon 14:43]--[2010-08-30 Mon 14:56] =>  0:13
   CLOCK: [2010-08-29 Sun 16:26]--[2010-08-29 Sun 16:39] =>  0:13
   :ID:   46607C9F-3F99-4C64-A68C-621AACABE045
   :LAST_REPEAT: [2011-10-04 Tue 15:51]
   :LOGGING:  logdone
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

--8<---cut here---start->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-list-struct-fix-item-end)
  (org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct)
  (let* ((cbox ...) (struct ...) (old-struct ...) (parents ...) (orderedp ...) 
(firstp ...) block-item) (org-list-set-checkbox (point-at-bol) struct (cond ... 
... ... ...)) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2) 
(org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct) (let (...) (org-list-struct-fix-bul 
struct prevs) (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents) (setq block-item ...)) 
(org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct) 
(org-update-checkbox-count-maybe) (when block-item (message "Checkboxes were 
removed due to unchecked box at line %d" ...)) (when firstp (org-list-send-list 
  (cond ((or ... org-occur-highlights org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (and 
... ...) (org-remove-occur-highlights) 
(org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (message "Temporary 
highlights/overlays removed from current buffer")) ((and ... ...) (funcall 
org-finish-function)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success ...)) ((

Re: [O] Bug: org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift shifts CREATED property

2011-10-05 Thread Bernt Hansen
Karl Voit  writes:

> Hi!
> When an entry got processed by org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift,
> its :CREATED: property gets shifted too:
> #+begin_example
> * <2011-10-04 Tue> test
> SCHEDULED: <2011-10-05 Wed>
> :CREATED: <2011-10-04 Tue 17:27>
> :END:
> * <2011-10-11 Tue> test
> SCHEDULED: <2011-10-12 Wed>
> :CREATED: <2011-10-11 Tue 17:27>
> :END:
> #+end_example
> Although this *might* be on purpose, I strongly argue to stop this behaviour
> because of:
> * the entry is not really created in the future. It is created
>   either at the original :CREATED: timestamp _or_ it is created at the
>   timestamp when org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift is executed.
> * the user gets heavily irritated when the generated entries keep
>   popping up on future days.
> I suggest that at least for :CREATED: properties, the time stamp
> does not get changed by org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift.

Where does this :CREATED: property come from?  The only code I can find
is in contrib/lisp/org-expiry.el and since that isn't officially part of
org-mode yet I don't know if it makes sense to have code in the cloning
function to handle it.

Maybe (if there isn't already) the clone function could use some list of
properties for special handling (ie drop this property, don't shift the
date on that property, etc)

If it can be generically handled then whatever code you include that
adds functionality for the :CREATED: property can also update that list
so it is handled in a sensible way.


[O] org-contacts: how to manage contacts; structure of meta data (was: No completion in Gnus)

2011-10-05 Thread Karl Voit
* Thorsten  wrote:
> I have a org-contacts file with a few contacts with EMAIL property,
> taken from gnus using org-capture as described in the org-contacts
> manual. The contacts are tagged with some tags. 


> PS
> One further org-contacts related question: there is a predefined
> property ADDRESS, without any inner structure. Am I supposed to write my own
> org-capture template for that property? How would that look like - just
> one single string? If I want something more structured (street, city,
> zip-code etc), I have to define one property for each info-piece, or is
> there something like a compound property? 

I moved all of my approx. 1000 contacts from jPilot contacts to
org-contacts a few months ago. I faced the same questions you are
mentioning since org-contacts[1] does only mention the :EMAIL:

A short research with my favourite search engine did not result in
any (ISO?) standard that relates to «how to define/describe contact
meta data».

Without describing further attempts, I ended up with following
yasnippet[2] template for a new contact:

| # name : Org-contacts template for a person or a company
| # --
| ** $1 $2  :$1$2:
| :TYPE: ${3:$$(yas/choose-value '("person" "company"))}
| :EMAIL: $4
| :URL:
| :MOBILE: 0043/
| :CITY:
| :COUNTRY: Österreich
| :END:
| first contact: $0

My current tags for contacts are defined in the header of my

,[ first line of my ]
| #+TAGS: job(j) friends(f) health(e) hotels(o) restaurants_bars(r) \
| sport(s) students_TU(t) relatives(r) company(c)

... but this is pretty much related to my previous system
(jPilot/datebk6/PalmOS) which offered only one single category for
each contact. I might re-think these tags in future.

A very handy bonus feature is referencing my contacts. In my .emacs
I do have following:

,[ .emacs (excerpt) ]
| (setq org-link-abbrev-alist
|   '(
| ("contact" . "~/org/\*.*%s/")
| ))

Combined with following yasnippet template it results in very comfty
contact handling:

,[ contact yasnippet ]
| # name : expand link to contact
| # --
| [[contact:$1][${2:$$(unless yas/modified-p
|  (let ((field (nth 0 (yas/snippet-fields (first (yas/snippets-at-point))
|(concat (buffer-substring (yas/field-start field) (yas/field-end 
field)}]] $0

Basically, you have to enter the name of the snippet, press «TAB»
and then you type in the name (or anything of the heading line of a
contact). Then it results in [[contact:foo bar][foo bar]] which is a
clickable link to any contact which relates to «foo bar».

Whenever I rename my or put it in another folder, I
just have to modify the line in my .emacs and not each link.

I like this system.


Karl Voit

Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Le Wang
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Dave Abrahams  wrote:
> on Wed Oct 05 2011, Le Wang  wrote:
>> But doesn't the fact that a user didn't know he could navigate with
>> org-refile speak laudly for refactoring it into its own key-stroke?
> So... is anyone going to clue me in?

So sorry, I thought it was answered.  Use the C-u (universal prefix)
to `org-refile', i.e. C-u C-c C-w.


Re: [O] [ANN] Org Mode parser v0.0.1 for NodeJs

2011-10-05 Thread Giovanni Giorgi


 you can find a simple example
here [4] 

with the source
code too. 

Anyway, the simpler way is to install the package (via npm)
and use the makelist(...) function to read and parse in an asyncronous
way the org-nodes: 

function (nodelist){
 // Here nodelist is a list of Orgnode objects

I have just pushed the
revision 0.0.2.

Take a look here for unit testing

On Wed, 5 Oct 2011 08:21:09 -0700, Chris Malone wrote: 

> Hi Gio,

> Perhaps it is my ignorance of how this all works, but do you have a
small example of how/why one would use this? As is obvious from my
question, I'm not familiar with nodejs. 
> Chris
> On Oct 4, 2011, at
6:43 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote: 
>> I was procrastinating on this as well.
There's one for ruby as well which I've been playing with, this could
give me some inspiration to contribute back. 
>> Keep up the great
>> - Marcelo.
>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Giovanni
Giorgi wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have just published my org-mode
parser for the node-js javascript based server: 
>>> [1] 
>>> It is a Javascript
parser for the Emacs Org-mode file format. 
>>> I use org-mode as a
database for some programs (like games) where I need to mix meta
information to a bunch of long textual data. 
>>> I wrote it
because I was unable to find an implementation for my needs. 
>>> I
like too much org-mode to let nodejs without a parser, and as expected
the simple org-mode format was easy to parse.
>>> I started from the
Charles Cave's OrgNode python parser, but I need to modify it a lot
because of JavaScript different nature. 
>>> Please feel free to
give me your feedback 
>>> ---
>>> Gio's Blog


Re: [O] [BUG] Re: Time range end in agenda view not displayed

2011-10-05 Thread Niels Giesen
> Thanks, this patch has been accepted.
> - Carsten

Thank you.


Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Dave Abrahams

on Wed Oct 05 2011, Le Wang  wrote:

> But doesn't the fact that a user didn't know he could navigate with
> org-refile speak laudly for refactoring it into its own key-stroke?

So... is anyone going to clue me in?

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Suvayu Ali
Hi Carsten,

On Wed, 5 Oct 2011 16:34:20 +0200
Carsten Dominik  wrote:

> > Not a part of org, but I think this occur based library is
> > brilliant:   
> This is good and should be part of Org-mode.  Anyone knows who wrote
> this?

This was writetn by Tom (I don't know his last name).

> - Carsten


Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Re: [O] [contacts] No completion in Gnus

2011-10-05 Thread Michael Markert
On  5 Oct 2011, wrote:

> Julien Danjou  writes:
>> On Wed, Oct 05 2011, Jason Dunsmore wrote:
>>> Is there anything else I'm missing?
>> Are you using Emacs 24?
> I'm running Emacs 23.2.1.  Does it require Emacs 24?

As Julien said: It does require Emacs 24.

But you can bind `org-contacts-message-complete-function' directly to a
key (You need to wrap it though) and bypass

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

(add-to-hook 'message-mode-hook
 (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "TAB")
   (lambda ()



Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] [ANN] Org Mode parser v0.0.1 for NodeJs

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Malone
Hi Gio,

Perhaps it is my ignorance of how this all works, but do you have a small 
example of how/why one would use this?  As is obvious from my question, I'm not 
familiar with nodejs.

On Oct 4, 2011, at 6:43 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

> I was procrastinating on this as well. There's one for ruby as well which 
> I've been playing with, this could give me some inspiration to contribute 
> back. 
> Keep up the great work,
> - Marcelo.
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Giovanni Giorgi  wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I have just published my org-mode parser for the node-js javascript based 
> server:
> It is a Javascript parser for the Emacs Org-mode file format.
> I use org-mode as a database for some programs (like games) where I need to 
> mix meta information to a bunch of long textual data.
> I wrote it because I was unable to find an implementation for my needs.
> I like too much org-mode to let nodejs without a parser, and as expected the 
> simple org-mode format was easy to parse.
> I started from the Charles Cave's OrgNode python parser, but I need to modify 
> it a lot because of JavaScript different nature.
> Please feel free to give me your feedback
> ---
> Gio's Blog

Re: [O] [contacts] No completion in Gnus

2011-10-05 Thread Thorsten
Achim Gratz  writes:

> The current release version for Emacs is 23.3.
> I've switched to Emacs24 about half a year ago (they are just now going
> into pre-test, so things should stabilize) and it has been smooth
> sailing for me, but I'd recommend to keep the 23.3 version around as a
> fallback.  There are quite a few changes vs. Emacs23 that you may have
> to think about, read the NEWS file.  I've compiled Emacs24 myself (from
> Git), most pre-compiled packages represent a much older state from the
> beginning of this year.  I've backed out a dodgy change once or twice
> and this is so much easier to do in Git; even though there would have
> been other workarounds.

Since I always expect unexpected things to happen when upgrading, I
would rather go directly to Emacs 24 when its more or less stable
already - and thats what it seems to be.

I might use the opportunity to change from 32bit to 64bit, from Ubuntu
to Arch Linux (which looks good) and from Gnome to Stump-WM. That looks
like a nice combination to me. 


Re: [O] [contacts] No completion in Gnus

2011-10-05 Thread Jason Dunsmore
I'm trying to get org-contacts completion working using Jambunathan's

Jambunathan K  writes:

> In such cases, typically there is an insinuate function. Yes, there is
> one
> (org-contacts-gnus-insinuate)

I've added this function to my config and I'm still not seeing email
address completion in Gnus.

When I do an "M-x org-contacts" search for one of my contacts, I get the
expected results.

> So while composing the mail, check the value of variable
> completion-at-point-functions and make sure you see some org-contacts
> related entries there.

My completion-at-point-functions's value is

> Looks like the guts of completion happen in
> org-contacts-complete-name. So you can place your cursor on a message
> header and try doing
> M-: (org-contacts-complete-name)

When I do this, I see:

(5 8 (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply #[... "ÃÄJ
\"\"‡" [G73503 G73502 args2 apply append] 5] (quote --args1--) (quote --fun--) 

Is there anything else I'm missing?


Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Michael Brand
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 16:54, Carsten Dominik  wrote:
>> The same also for the whole set of all agenda files similar to "C-c a
>> /" would be even better.
> Care to make the necessary changes?

It was only a suggestion, I'll prefer to start on other of my
someday/maybe Org things more important to me.


Re: [O] [contacts] No completion in Gnus

2011-10-05 Thread Julien Danjou
On Wed, Oct 05 2011, wrote:

> I'm running Emacs 23.2.1.  Does it require Emacs 24?


Julien Danjou

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] [contacts] No completion in Gnus

2011-10-05 Thread jasondunsmore
Julien Danjou  writes:

> On Wed, Oct 05 2011, Jason Dunsmore wrote:
>> Is there anything else I'm missing?
> Are you using Emacs 24?

I'm running Emacs 23.2.1.  Does it require Emacs 24?

Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Le Wang
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Carsten Dominik
> On 5.10.2011, at 12:05, Le Wang wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I like using the org-refile interface to navigate.  It's very
>> intuitive to me.  But I want to navigate to headlines deeper than my
>> org-refile-target :max-level.  Is there anything to do other than
>> rolling my own?  I can see wouldn't be hard.
> You can write a little wrapper and set a special value for the refile targets:
> (defun my-goto-with-refile ()
>  (interactive)
>  (let ((org-refile-targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 10)
>    (org-refile t)))

Yes, this is what I had in mind.

>> It feels headline navigation was just bolted onto org-refile.
> THis is how this happened, historically.

Okay, that's fine.  But doesn't the fact that a user didn't know he
could navigate with org-refile speak laudly for refactoring it into
its own key-stroke?

The audience of org-mode is growing larger than just emacs hackers or
even emacs users, as I hear of people coming to Emacs just for
org-mode all the time.  So this universal arg bolt-on for such an
important piece of functionality should be up for discussion.

> - Carsten


Re: [O] [BUG] Re: Time range end in agenda view not displayed

2011-10-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

Niels Giesen> writes:

>   (1+ (- d0 d1)) (1+ (- d2 d1)))
>  head category tags
> -(cond ((= d1 d0)
> +(cond ((and (= d1 d0) (= d2 d0))
> +   (concat "<" start-time ">--<" end-time 
> ">"))
> + ((= d1 d0)
> (concat "<" start-time ">"))
>((= d2 d0)
> (concat "<" end-time ">"))

Thanks, this patch has been accepted.

- Carsten

Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

On 5.10.2011, at 16:50, Michael Brand wrote:

> Hi Carsten
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 16:34, Carsten Dominik  
> wrote:
>> On 5.10.2011, at 13:02, suvayu ali wrote:
>>> Not a part of org, but I think this occur based library is brilliant:
>> This is good and should be part of Org-mode.
> +1
> The same also for the whole set of all agenda files similar to "C-c a
> /" would be even better.

Care to make the necessary changes?

- Carsten

>> Anyone knows who wrote this?
> I took it from Tom's original post
> Michael

Re: [O] [contacts] No completion in Gnus

2011-10-05 Thread Julien Danjou
On Wed, Oct 05 2011, Jason Dunsmore wrote:

> Is there anything else I'm missing?

Are you using Emacs 24?

Julien Danjou

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Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Michael Brand
Hi Carsten

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 16:34, Carsten Dominik  wrote:
> On 5.10.2011, at 13:02, suvayu ali wrote:
>> Not a part of org, but I think this occur based library is brilliant:
> This is good and should be part of Org-mode.


The same also for the whole set of all agenda files similar to "C-c a
/" would be even better.

> Anyone knows who wrote this?

I took it from Tom's original post


Re: [O] [orgmode 7.7] - Latex export problem with footnote, macro and code block evaluation

2011-10-05 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Roland  writes:

> Hello again,
> I just add some complements to the problem.
> First, here is a more compact buffer to reproduce the bug :
> == Cut here begin ==
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> #+TITLE: Title
> #+AUTHOR: Roland
> #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} f:t TeX:t author:t
> #+LaTeX_CLASS: article #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,10pt]
> #+MACRO: TBL src_emacs-lisp[:var v=$1[$2,$3]]{v}
> #+TBLNAME: test-macro
> | 1 | 2 |
> | 3 | 4 |
> * A footnote
> A footnote [fn:1: yihaa!] 
> * A macro
> The value (1,1) of table test-macro is {{{TBL(test-macro,1,1)}}}.
> * A code block latex
> #+begin_src latex
> $$a^{2} = b^{2} + c^{2}$$
> #+end_src
> == cut here end ==

I can't reproduce it on latest Org. If you're not using that version,
you should upgrade: some bug fixing happened to footnotes since 7.7.

Now, if it happens on that latest version, I will look at it again.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

On 5.10.2011, at 13:02, suvayu ali wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Le Wang  wrote:
>> I like using the org-refile interface to navigate.  It's very
>> intuitive to me.  But I want to navigate to headlines deeper than my
>> org-refile-target :max-level.  Is there anything to do other than
>> rolling my own?  I can see wouldn't be hard.
>> It feels headline navigation was just bolted onto org-refile.  Should
>> they really be the same command?
> Not a part of org, but I think this occur based library is brilliant:

This is good and should be part of Org-mode.  Anyone knows who wrote this?

- Carsten

>> --
>> Le
> -- 
> Suvayu
> Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

On 5.10.2011, at 12:05, Le Wang wrote:

> Hi all,
> I like using the org-refile interface to navigate.  It's very
> intuitive to me.  But I want to navigate to headlines deeper than my
> org-refile-target :max-level.  Is there anything to do other than
> rolling my own?  I can see wouldn't be hard.

You can write a little wrapper and set a special value for the refile targets:

(defun my-goto-with-refile ()
  (let ((org-refile-targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 10)
(org-refile t)))

> It feels headline navigation was just bolted onto org-refile.

THis is how this happened, historically.

>  Should they really be the same command?

Why not?

- Carsten

> -- 
> Le

Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Dave Abrahams

on Wed Oct 05 2011, Le Wang  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I like using the org-refile interface to navigate.  

Without actually refiling?  How do you do that?

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

Re: [O] [orgmode 7.7] - Latex export problem with footnote, macro and code block evaluation

2011-10-05 Thread Roland
Hello again,

I just add some complements to the problem.

First, here is a more compact buffer to reproduce the bug :

== Cut here begin ==

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#+TITLE: Title
#+AUTHOR: Roland

#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} f:t TeX:t author:t

#+LaTeX_CLASS: article
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,10pt]

#+MACRO: TBL src_emacs-lisp[:var v=$1[$2,$3]]{v}

#+TBLNAME: test-macro
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |

* A footnote

A footnote [fn:1: yihaa!] 

* A macro

The value (1,1) of table test-macro is {{{TBL(test-macro,1,1)}}}.

* A code block latex

#+begin_src latex
$$a^{2} = b^{2} + c^{2}$$

== cut here end ==

Remember if you try to export to latex, you get a "org-export-latex-preprocess: 
Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil" message.

But if you comment at least the content under one of the three headlines, it 

And I have just noticed that if you add a new headline, say "* test" after the 
latex source block, the export is done just fine without commenting anything. 

Please help me before I get crazy...



[O] pycallgraph to org-mode

2011-10-05 Thread Andrea Crotti

I'm programming in Python and I have to understand how a quite complicated
code base actually works.

So I thought that using pycallgraph might help me, but the resulting figures
are just normally too big, and also it's annoying to go and look at the code
from the graph.

So I had the following idea, add some functionalities to pycallgraph, to 

a text file in org-mode format, where in every function there is also a link
the actual file in the filesystem.

I think it might come very handy, is there anything already to convert a 

directed graph into an org-mode file (it might speed up the process)?
Or any code I should take a look at?

[O] [orgmode 7.7] - Latex export problem with footnote, macro and code block evaluation

2011-10-05 Thread Roland Donat
Hello everyone,

I am experience a very strange problem so that any help would be

I precise that I use org-mode 7.7 on Linux/Debian.

I tried to perform latex export of the following org file :

=== cut here begin ===
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#+TITLE: Title
#+AUTHOR: Roland

#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} f:t TeX:t author:t

#+LaTeX_CLASS: article
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,10pt]

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{booktabs}

#+MACRO: TBL src_emacs-lisp[:var v=$1[$2,$3]]{v}

#+TBLNAME: test-macro
| 1 |

#+TBLNAME: Test-latex
| A | B |
| 1 | 3 |
| 2 | 4 |

* The footnote
A footnote [fn:a: youhou!]

* The macro
The value (0,0) of table test-macro is {{{TBL(test-macro,0,0)}}}.

* The code block

#+begin_src latex :noweb yes

#+srcname: booktabs-2
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table='((:head) hline (:body))
(flet ((to-tab (tab)
(mapcar (lambda (lis)
  (if (listp lis)
  (mapcar (lambda (el)
(if (stringp el)
  (format "%S" el))) lis)
lis)) tab)
(list :lend " " :sep " & " :hline "\\hline"
(cons "table"
  ;; only use \midrule if it looks like there are column headers
  (if (equal 'hline (second table))
  (concat (to-tab (list (first table)))
  (to-tab (cddr table)))
(to-tab table))

=== cut here end ===

Unfortunately, I get the error message : org-export-latex-preprocess: Wrong
type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil

But when I comment the content of one of the 3 headers, the export is done
just fine. The combination of a footnote, a macro call and a code block
evaluation seems to be not compatible. Sounds weird, doesn't it?

Anybody see what is happening?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Re: [O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread suvayu ali
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Le Wang  wrote:
> I like using the org-refile interface to navigate.  It's very
> intuitive to me.  But I want to navigate to headlines deeper than my
> org-refile-target :max-level.  Is there anything to do other than
> rolling my own?  I can see wouldn't be hard.
> It feels headline navigation was just bolted onto org-refile.  Should
> they really be the same command?

Not a part of org, but I think this occur based library is brilliant:

> --
> Le



Open source is the future. It sets us free.

[O] headline navigation and refiling.

2011-10-05 Thread Le Wang
Hi all,

I like using the org-refile interface to navigate.  It's very
intuitive to me.  But I want to navigate to headlines deeper than my
org-refile-target :max-level.  Is there anything to do other than
rolling my own?  I can see wouldn't be hard.

It feels headline navigation was just bolted onto org-refile.  Should
they really be the same command?


Re: [O] [OT] How to save and restore window and frame layout and position of windows on monitor - session management

2011-10-05 Thread Rainer M Krug
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:13 PM, John Wiegley  wrote:

> > Rainer M Krug  writes:
> > I am already using desktop-save, but I have the feeling that it sometimes
> > does not work.
> Just to note (and yes, this is very OT, so I won't say more):

Well - I want to use it with org-mode (org file, R session, second org file,
...) so it is not *that* OT, but only slightly.

> WorkgroupsForWindows solves a different problem than desktop-save.  In
> fact,
> there are three aspects to the problem, best addressed by three different
> packages:
>  session.el  -- Remembers:
>  - the values of global variables (like history rings)
>  - where point and mark were in re-opened files
>  - gives you a C-x C-/ binding: pop to last change
>  workgroups.el   -- Remembers:
>  - one or more window configurations per-frame
>  - these can be saved and reloaded
>  - does *not* reload files, or rerun apps,
>to populate those windows
>  - lets you have a "base" and "active" state for
>each named configuration, making it easy to
>revert back to the base state for each
>  desktop.el  -- Remembers:
>  - What files were open, and which apps were running,
>and tries to re-open and re-run them so that Emacs
>looks just like it did when you exited.

Thanks for this info - I am using desktop.el, trying to get into
workgroups.el, and have not thought about session.el yet - but I might look
at it.

Thanks for all the info,


> I use the first two, and I've used the third, but I find that I prefer
> beginning with a fresh start each time I run Emacs, rather than seeing
> again
> all the hundreds of files I had open yesterday.
> John

Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology,
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax (F):   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

Re: [O] [contacts] No completion in Gnus

2011-10-05 Thread Achim Gratz
Thorsten  writes:
> Thats the culprit - I use Emacs 23.1.1, and it seems that variable
> completion-at-point-functions has been added to Emacs just recently
> with version 23.2. So I have to update my Emacs - should I go for Emacs
> 24 right away, or is that to early?

The current release version for Emacs is 23.3.

I've switched to Emacs24 about half a year ago (they are just now going
into pre-test, so things should stabilize) and it has been smooth
sailing for me, but I'd recommend to keep the 23.3 version around as a
fallback.  There are quite a few changes vs. Emacs23 that you may have
to think about, read the NEWS file.  I've compiled Emacs24 myself (from
Git), most pre-compiled packages represent a much older state from the
beginning of this year.  I've backed out a dodgy change once or twice
and this is so much easier to do in Git; even though there would have
been other workarounds.

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