Re: Implementing Machines (errata)

2011-03-11 Thread Andrew Soltau

Thanks, this is fascinating.

On 12/03/11 03:34, Stephen Paul King wrote:

fixing my typos
*From:* Stephen Paul King 
*Sent:* Friday, March 11, 2011 10:24 PM
*To:* everything-list 
*Subject:* Re: Implementing Machines
Hi Andrew,
The answer to the simple question that you see in all of this 
detail leads to is, that at its core essence, Existence is Change 
itself. Becoming is the fundamental ontological primitive, just as 
Bergson argued. This is the result that Hitoshi discovered and 
discussed in his Inconsistent Universe Paper in terms of the truth 
value of the total Universe being in an infinite oscillation between 
True and False. Bart Kosko also obtained a similar result in his 
research on Fuzzy sets.
What Barbour really found is that there does not exist a universal 
*/global /*standard of measure of this change. If there is no standard 
for a measure then there is not a determination of definiteness for 
the Total Change of existence and thus there is no global measure of 
change. Since time can be defined in generic terms as a measure of 
change, Barbour is correct in claiming that time as a global quantity 
cannot exist.
What Barbour missed, as have countless others, is that/*local 
measures of change can be defined*/. The fact that there is more than 
one measure of entropy is a huge clue of this. Chris Hillman 
has mapped out some of this. The main reason, I believe, that this 
fact continues to be overlooked is that people still insist on 
thinking of time as a scalar numerical/geometric quantity. Yes, it can 
be represented consistently as such, but we must not confuse a 
representation with its referent! Time itself is not its representation.

But I still stick to my guns! Even if existence is change itself, and 
becoming is the fundamental ontological primitive, there is still a 
fundamental difference of logical type between static existence, a 
specific state, however defined, and the time evolution of that state 
into a different state. And, with respect to such change, only something 
meta to any specific given state is in the position to encounter the 
change of state. Mundane and hackneyed though the movie analogy may be, 
it is apposite. Iteration is a nice simple to grasp example, but change 
of any kind is a different kind of thing to a state, it is of 
fundamentally different logical type.

Barbour is simply pointing out that all possible states of the world 
exist 'already'. Just because local measures of change can be defined, 
this does not address the difference in logical type. In the linear time 
dimension of spacetime, Penrose essentially endorses Weyl's view. He 
refers to the 4D reality "past which our field of observation is 
sweeping", just as Weyl says that "Only to the gaze of my consciousness, 
crawling up the life-line of my body, does the world fleetingly come to 
life". These minds are addressing the fact that there is nothing in 4D 
reality that can witness such a change.

Stepping back, all of the 4D reality complete with linear dynamics 
changes on collapse. But again, there is nothing in any 4D reality that 
can witness such a change, which is what Deutsch is saying "/Nothing/ 
can move from one moment to another. To exist at all at a particular 
moment means to exist there for ever.". So the same problem exists in 
the quantum concept of time as exists in the linear time dimension of 
spacetime. If one is defined by a state, physical or arithmetic, one is 
not in a position to encounter change of that state, just as a portrayal 
of an avatar in a frame of a movie cannot watch the movie. This is a 
logical type issue. We are rather more complex than part of a 2D 
picture, but that does not affect the basic issue. We are 4D avatars of 
flesh and blood with onboard computers so complex and clever we are not 
really clever enough to understand them, but, at any given moment, there 
is still a specific state defining the avatar. Just as with the movie 
frame, the change of the real life avatar can only be encountered from 
outside the avatar. Obviously we seem very obviously to be the 
experiencer inside the avatar, so it is natural to assume this is an 
internal process, but this is a somewhat similar mistake to the Earth 
centred cosmology. It just looks like that. But the experiencer is 
necessarily 'outside' the sequence of frames, just as one is 'outisde' 
the virtual reality one participates in venturing in second life. This 
is all entirely in accord with Existence is Change itself, it's just 
that it is Existence with a big E which encounters change! This is th

Re: Implementing Machines (errata)

2011-03-11 Thread Stephen Paul King
fixing my typos
From: Stephen Paul King 
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 10:24 PM
To: everything-list 
Subject: Re: Implementing Machines
Hi Andrew,

The answer to the simple question that you see in all of this detail leads 
to is, that at its core essence, Existence is Change itself. Becoming is the 
fundamental ontological primitive, just as Bergson argued. This is the result 
that Hitoshi discovered and discussed in his Inconsistent Universe Paper in 
terms of the truth value of the total Universe being in an infinite oscillation 
between True and False. Bart Kosko also obtained a similar result in his 
research on Fuzzy sets. 
What Barbour really found is that there does not exist a universal global 
standard of measure of this change. If there is no standard for a measure then 
there is not a determination of definiteness for the Total Change of existence 
and thus there is no global measure of change. Since time can be defined in 
generic terms as a measure of change, Barbour is correct in claiming that time 
as a global quantity cannot exist.

What Barbour missed, as have countless others, is that local measures of 
change can be defined. The fact that there is more than one measure of entropy 
is a huge clue of this. Chris Hillman has mapped out some of this. The main 
reason, I believe, that this fact continues to be overlooked is that people 
still insist on thinking of time as a scalar numerical/geometric quantity. Yes, 
it can be represented consistently as such, but we must not confuse a 
representation with its referent! Time itself is not its representation.



From: Andrew Soltau 
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Implementing Machines
On 11/03/11 16:54, Stephen Paul King wrote: 
  Dear Andrew and Bruno,

  Please forgive my intrusion here but I both share a concern with Andrew 
about a concept being discussed and have a series of comments.

Dear Stephen

I am delighted you have interjected. I find your thoughts most helpful and 

  -Original Message- 
  From: Andrew Soltau 
  Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 7:07 AM 
  Subject: Re: Movie cannot think 

  On 10/03/11 14:10, Bruno Marchal wrote:
  > On 10 Mar 2011, at 13:47, Andrew Soltau wrote:
  >> All the moments exist, and as Deutsch points out, as you summarise, 
  >> 'The appearance of change is already explained by the fact that there 
  >> are different frames that have an implicit sequence and in which the 
  >> observers state is different', but for change to actually happen, the 
  >> magic finger must move. Otherwise reality would be like a movie film 
  >> sitting in the can in storage.
  > The change in the "working program" is brought by the "universal 
  > machine" which interprets it.

  Yes, but you still require an explanation of how the machine actually 
  runs. All possible states of the machine exist 'already' in an 
  arithmetical universe.

  It seems that we need a definition of the implied meaning of the word 
“runs”, but we only end up in a confused state much worse than the one we 
started in when we try to get an answer to this question!!! I can only try to 
explain what this word, in this context, means to me. When I say or write the 
word “a machine runs” there are implications of many things, including the laws 
of thermodynamics. I at least expect that the running of the machine is the 
action of of a physical system that involves the conversion of energy from a 
low entropy to a high entropy state. In this discussion here, we seem to ignore 
almost all of those ideas and concepts when we say “run the machine”. 
  So what exactly are we considering Some kind of abstract version of a 
machine. OK, where is this abstract machine located? In our minds? Oh, never 
mind, we have discussed how abstract objects do not have a location per say and 
that they exist (somehow) independent of our cognition of them so the question 
is begged by undermining the premise that abstract object can exist or not 
exist at some location. Does this not imply a Cartesian duality between mental 
concepts and our physical brains? What causal relationship exists between them 
and if no causal connection exists, what explanation is there for the amazing 
synchronization that there appears to occur between physical activities and the 
mental experiences that I am having? But I digress

  We have this idea that something exists which we represent using some 
system of symbols following some set of rules and consider that the entity that 
that string of symbols represents actually exists independent of our 
representation of it. Does this scheme not implicitly involve a form of dualism 
or complementarity such that there is a categorical distinction between the 
strings of symbols (and their related ancillary rules, relations, definitions, 
etc.) an