This "dattatreya siva baba" would be the fraud and his teaching false.

--- In, Robert <babajii...@...> wrote:
> Grace from the Siddhas: Breaking the Grip of the 9 Planets 
> Posted by Siddhas | Thursday, February 5, 2009 | Labels: Grace from 
the Siddhas: Breaking the Grip of the 9 Planets | 0 comments 
> .fullpost{display:none;}
> In the temples of India, the 9 planets are arranged in a cyclical 
pattern reflecting their positioning in the sky. The Sun is in the 
middle with other planets rotating around them. The knowledge that the 
world was round and the Sun was the center of the Solar system was 
known to the ancients of India long before the Western counterparts of 
Galileo and Columbus proposed these ideas.
> It was the Maharishis, the Great Seers, who gained keen insight into 
our solar system and how we as humans are influenced by each planet. 
They established statue representations of the planets and invoked the 
energy of the planet into the statue. Through praying to the statue 
representation of the planet a person was able to more easily 
establish a connection to the planetary energies and shift their own 
consciousness and karma. This served to help many humans mitigate 
their bad karma. 
> But around 3500 B.C., one the powerful 18 Tamil Siddhas of Southern 
India by the name of Idaikkadar saw that a devastating drought that 
had set in was going to last for 12 years, causing untold sorrows and 
death for the people. Idaikkadar lived in the remote jungles, but he 
still decided to act on behalf of humanity. By use of his yogic skills 
he was able to change the directions of how the planets faced each 
> Originally, all the planets were positioned to the face the Sun. 
However, Idaikkadar saw that the original arrangement would feed the 
cycle of karmas of an individual. With each planet facing each other 
and  coordinating their efforts, an individual would have a more 
difficult time breaking the grip of karmas that the planets deliver. 
In a brilliant move, Idaikkadar used his powers to change the 
directions of the planets so that no two planets would face each 
other. In this way, a person who remedies a bad Saturn or bad Mars, 
would be able to deal one-on-one with the powerful planets, instead of 
by committee. It is Idaikkadar who is responsible for the modern day 
arrangement of the planets used in all the temples throughout India. 
The current arrangement is as follows:
> In 2008 the most powerful of seers by name of Brghu requested Sri 
Dattatreya Siva Baba through a jeeva nadi reading to again rearrange 
the planets for the benefit of mankind. The siddha Brghu saw that 
because the planets are still arranged in a circle, karmas will return 
to an individual again and again as the planets rotate. While you can 
mitigate a bad karma, the next cycle will bring the same problem.
> In October 2008, Dattatreya Siva Baba aligned the planets in a 
linear fashion, in which the circular nature is broken and the karmas 
have a much harder time returning to an individual. The planets were 
organized in the following manner, all of them facing West:
> Readmore »»

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