The 8000 year old Settlements found in Middle-east and South-Asia come under the category of Proto-Civilisations. This was the time the transistion from tribal to urban culture was taking place. The Indus-Sarasvati civilisation came to an end because of Ecological destruction and over-grazing as did some of the Central-American civilisations. There is evidence of a 400 year old drought about 4500 years ago which probably played a role in the disappearance of these civilisations in Asia. The first people who migrated to Americas 25,000 years ago are the Aborginees, related to the Australian natives and Africans. They were basicaly Negroid. Another migration from Asia 8000 years ago, The Mongolid migration completely wiped out the Aborginee population, the original human inhabitants from the Americas.
It's not clear if it's disease or genocide or just competition for resources wiped them out. The population of Americas was completely replaced by the Mongoloid stock who are the Red-indians. "Archeological findings place knowledge of Persian prehistory at middle paleolithic times (100,000 years ago)."
Genetic evidence indicates modern Humans came out of Africa 80,000 years ago. Agriculture started around 14,000-BCE to 12,000-BCE, which is around the same time sedantary cultures began to take root on form of settlements and villages. But these cannot be called as civilisations. The first true civilisations took root in or around 4000-BCE. anon_couscous_ff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 16:44:33 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] archeological evidence of civilisations 25000-35000 B.C. Time of paleo-Indian migration to Americas fromSiberia, according to genetic evidence. Groups likely traveled acrossthe Pacific in boats.Wheat and barley grown from wild ancestors in Sumer. 6000
BC 5000 BC In what many scientists regard as humankind's first andgreatest feat of genetic engineering, Indians in southern Mexicosystematically breed maize (corn) from dissimilar ancestor species.3000 BC The Americas' first urban complex, in coastal Peru, of atleast 30 closely packed cities, each centered around
largepyramid-like structuresGreat Pyramid at Giza 2650 BC 32 BC First clear evidence of Olmec use of zero--an invention, widely described as the most important mathematical discovery ever made, which did not occur in Eurasia until about 600 A.D., in India (zerowas not introduced to Europe until the 1200s and not widely used untilthe 1700s) The oldest granary yet found dates back to 9500 BCE and is located inthe Jordan Valley. The earliest known settlement in Jericho (9thmillennium BCE) in modern-day Palestine, was a PPNA culture thateventually gave way to more developed settlements later, whichincluded in one early settlement (8th millennium BCE) mud-brick houses surrounded by a stone wall, having a stone tower built into the wall.Sumer 35002334 BCEThe Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer officially began at around4000-3500 BCE, and ended at 2334 BCE with the rise of Assyria. It wasthe world's first civilization. The oldest granary yet found datesback to 9500 BCE and is located in the Jordan Valley. The earliestknown settlement in Jericho (9th millennium BCE) in modern-dayPalestine, was a PPNA culture that eventually gave way to moredeveloped settlements later, which included in one early
settlement(8th millennium BCE) mud-brick houses surrounded by a stone wall,having a stone tower built into the wall. In this time there isevidence of domesticated emmer wheat, barley and pulses and hunting ofwild animals. However, there are no indications of attempts to formcommunities (early civilizations) with surrounding peoples.Nevertheless, by the 6th millennium BCE we find what
appears to be anancient shrine and cult, which would likely indicate intercommunalreligious practices in this era. Findings include a collective burial(with not all the skeletons completely articulated, jaws removed,faces covered with plaster, cowries used for eyes). Other finds fromthis era include stone and bone tools, clay figurines and shell andmalachite beads. Around 1500 to 1200 BCE
Jericho and other cities ofCanaan had become vassals of the Egyptian empire.Several miles southwest of Ur, Eridu was the southernmost of aconglomeration of early temple-cities, in Sumer, southern Mesopotamia,with the earliest of these settlements carbon dating to around 5000BCE. The Sialk ziggurat of Kashan, Iran, also dates to this era. Bythe 4th millennium BCE, in Nippur we find, in
connection with a sortof ziggurat and shrine, a conduit built of bricks, in the form of anarch. Sumerian inscriptions written on clay also appear in Nippur. By4000 BCE an ancient city of Susa, in Mesopotamia,