Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> In a much, much larger community that Sarah Palin 
>> was ever mayor of. Probably a community with more 
>> population than the whole state of Alaska. 
> Maybe so, but what was the result? There is rampant
> unemployment in Chicago, but in Achorage there is a 
> surplus of jobs. Why is it that the high unemployment
> is concentrated in all the 'blue' states, the ones 
> with the liberal governors and senators?
Because nobody wants to live in cold, inhospitable Alaska.  Would you 
live there?  Why do you live in Texas (with it's high taxes)?  Everyone 
wants to live in places like California because of the weather.  They'd 
probably live in Mexico that has even better weather year around if we 
could get rid of the corruption there and it was part of the US.  Maybe 
a NAU isn't such a bad idea after but they wanted to spring it on the 
public because they knew the public would not support it.
>> And after all how did 2006 go?   
> >From what I've read, Obama was a community orgainizer
> in a small neighborhood in Chicago, most of whom used
> to go to church with Obama to listen to the Rev. 
> Wright. Apparently Obama sat next to Mr. Rezko. I
> wonder where Rezko is now?
No, that is not the question I asked.  Again, how did 2006 go or to be 
even more clear the 2006 election?
>> I suspect 2008 will go the same way.
> Well, I guess they closed down the housing project
> Mr. Obama organized in Chicago, but the library up
> in Wasilla, Alaska is still open and serving the 
> public.
Apparently with only Palin approved books or at least she attempted 
that.  Are you also a dominionist?

> Apparently Obama took up with the terrorist Bill 
> Ayers and relieved the Annenburg Foundation of 
> several million dollars. I wonder what happened to 
> all the money?
Where is your evidence of this?
>> Your party is over.
> If Obama's idea of community orgainizing can't 
> produce anything better than a big new million 
> dollar house for himself and one for the Rev Wright, 
> then probably "your party is over"!
A million dollar house isn't anything nowadays and a politician, even 
conservative ones, needs to live in a secure neighborhood.  This 
argument has little merit.  My bet as we move away from the Republican 
convention we'll see more of a surge in the polls for Obama and there is 
already a surge in Democratic Party voter registrations:

> "I don't doubt that Obama is saddened by his 
> mentor's conviction, but the rest of his statement 
> is from outer space. "This isn't the Tony Rezko 
> I knew." Deja vu, anyone? I could swear I've 
> heard it somewhere before. Sure enough--the 
> racist, anti-American Rev. Wright whom we've all 
> seen on video wasn't the Rev. Wright whom Obama 
> knew for 20 years, either. And the outrageously 
> bigoted Father Pfleger wasn't the Pfleger whom 
> Obama assiduously supported with earmarks--another 
> form of political corruption."
> Read more:
> 'The Most Wildly Inappropriate Statement Ever?'
> Posted by Posted by John Hinderaker:
> Powerline, June 4, 2008
Mudslinging the popular sport of election years through history.   What 
else is new.  Why aren't you posting Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity too?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> It's depressing to give this country over 
>> to a bunch of C students, 
> For once we seem to be in agreement. My current
> grade point average is 3.5, whats's yours?
You're still in high school after all these years?  :D

I was an honors student in college.
>  I
> wonder what kind of grades Michael Moore got
> in school? From what I've read, Sarah Palin got
> all 'A's. She graduated from college - I wonder
> how many respondents on FFL have graduated. 
> After reading here for a number of years, I'd 
> say that none of the current informants ever 
> got a degree from MUM. Correct me if I'm
> wrong on this.
The only thing I got from MUM (or MIU) was that I graduated from TTC.  
Did you?
>> dunderheads and pondscum or the lowest 
>> common denominator.
> Speaking of 'dunderheads', apparently you can't 
> even read your own scriptures without using
> Sanskrit flash cards. If so, then you'd be 
> considered an llliterate in most villages in
> India.
I didn't use any flash cards in India.  So can you read Devanagri?  I've 
asked you that a number times and you've never responded so we can 
assume not.  Hey but sign up at the American Sanskrit Institute for a 
weekend workshop.  I think they're even holding one in Texas.
> As for the 'pondscum', you're really in no
> position to be calling the poor villagers of
> rural India any names. Who said you had to be 
> a scholar in order to love God?
Pondscum is the way a number of Americans behave.  They could learn a 
lot from Indian villagers.  Frankly I don't think most people are stupid 
but lazy minded.  So for that they deserve to be called "pondscum."  
Besides that the MSM makes them feel it is important to be dumb.

>> Such is the  road to idiocracy and the flaw 
>> in democracy.
> India is the world's largest democracy and I'm
> sure it has some flaws, but what how would you
> be knowing since you can't even read a Hindi 
> newspaper, much less the Indian Constitution.
> You probably don't even own a single copy of the
> Times of India.
ROTFL!  I can read "Times of India" any day online if I want and have 
for years.  It's in English anyway though they probably have a Hindi 
edition you can read since you're so fluent in reading Devanagri and 
Hindi. :D :D :D :D
>> I suppose the best thing you can do is separate 
>> them and their money (which a lot of people 
>> will be and are doing since they are easy marks.
> Why do almost all your solutions to government 
> include violence, anarchy, or scams to get money?
Thomas Jefferson even suggested that the country might need a revolution 
ever twenty years to keep functioning.  So Ford and GM (and Toyota) for 
that matter are running scams?  How 'bout a big SUV to go with that big 
pickup truck.  Then you can really feel like a man (since you're so in 
need of that feeling).
>> Hey dummy, wanna buy a big pickup truck?) 
> What happened to all that money you sent to the
> Marshy for all those TM 'initiations'? 
Half of it came back when I was teaching.  What about you?
>> I'm a little more optimistic than that and hope
>> that the masses see the wisdom in electing 
>> someone who can hold an thoughtful and intelligent 
>> conversation with other world leaders of their 
>> IQ
> Maybe we could set up a debate between Barak Obama 
> and Osama bin Laden, without any pre-conditions.
> That would really be a thoughtful and intelligent
> conversation and would really resolve a lot of
> issues. Maybe they could debate women attending
> school like Sarah Palin did. 
That would probably go a lot farther than anything the Bush 
administration has done.  However as I understand it Obama would have to 
hold a seance to have a conversation with Osama or is he still hiding 
under your bed?
>> and not some guy who wants to remind you every 
>> ten minutes that he was a POW so you feel sorry 
>> for him with a VP who should not even be elected 
>> a PTA chairman.
> You could cast another spoiler vote if you wanted 
> to. Or, you could vote for a community organizer
> who never even joined the PTA or fought in a war.
In a much, much larger community that Sarah Palin was ever mayor of.   
Probably a community with more population than the whole state of 
Alaska.   And after all how did 2006 go?  I suspect 2008 will go the 
same way.  Your party is over.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Richard Williams
> > Houston we have a big F'n problem here.
> >
Judy wrote:
> If we spend all our energy deconstructing Sarah 
> while neglecting to do the same for McCain, 
> those who are moved to protest our treatment of 
> her by voting for the Republican ticket won't have 
> been given any reason *not* to.
Sarah Palin has more exuctive experience than Joe
Biden and she probably has better judgement as well.

Biden voted *against* gulf war 1 and the U.S. won 
the war. If we had listened to Joe Biden, Saddam 
would be in control of Kuwait and probably Saudi 
Arabia as well - Saddam would be the head of OPEC 
by now.

This was a monumental blunder by Joe Biden - he was
wrong about gulf war 1 and wrong about gulf war 2.

He was wrong about the surge - Obama says that the 
surge was a success. If we had listened to Joe Biden 
there would be a civil war in Iraq now. 

Joe Biden was wrong, he's wrong for America. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 6, 2008, at 10:34 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:

Democrats may want to tread carefully before you go down that road.

Remember what happened in the 2004 election: Dems dumped on Bush for
having not so great grades while at Yale until it was revealed
Kerrey, at Yale, had even worse grades.

Um, no it wasn't, shemp--repeating the same old lies
don't make them true.

Bush never revealed his grades, as I recall.  The source
for his terrific GPA was that fount of integrity,  his mother.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 7:40 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin


After reading here for a number of years, I'd 
say that none of the current informants ever 
got a degree from MUM. Correct me if I'm
wrong on this.

I have an MSCI from there and did the coursework for the Ph.D. in SCI, but
dropped out after that.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 6, 2008, at 9:20 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Sara is applying to run for president (in the case of a 3-4
time,cancer surviving, 72 year old, having a serious medical problem
in the next 4 years)

You got that right, Curtis.

and unlike all the other candidates, we have not
had enough time to understand who we are dealing with.  McCain is
bum-rushing us with her and we have two months to get to know her
before deciding if she should occupy the second most important
political position in the world. (That's right my European friends,
till China rises up and crushes us all, we are the last super power.)

The biggest problem we have with her is not people making sexist
comments.  That distraction is appropriate to any woman here who is
being treated that way in her own personal life. But it nothing to do
with how fast we have to find out who the person is who might end up
commanding a military that has only recently justified a pre-emptive
strike on another sovereign nation. (Same party, don't be fooled by
the frantic distancing going on.) So if you want to mention her
"prom-ready updo" while being very critical of her, consider yourself
forgiven in advance.  (women on FFL's mileage may vary)  The biggest
problem with Mitt Romney was not that he had Ken Doll hair, it was
what was under it that mattered, and the same is true with Sara.

The American press got cowered after 9-11 by their fear of not seeming
"patriotic" enough.  They betrayed our public trust.  That goes double
for the Democratic party.  Bush used name-calling to dismantle the
whole system of checks and balances in our country.

Name calling!

Doesn't take much, does it?

So my advise to the press and the Democratic party is to ignore all
the word shields being used to keep you from sandblasting Sara Palin
from head to toe.  I want you so far up her ass I only see the heels
of your shoes.  I will forgive you if you need to apologize afterwards
for being a little rough on her.  We don't have the time to play nice
and she can take it if she is the real deal.  But I will never forgive
you if let he slip by with little scrutiny and she turns out to be
another George Bush disaster.

Oh yeah, and the fact that she did not try to shove her wacky beliefs
about creationism being taught alongside intelligent design down the
throats of her independently oriented fellow Alaskans doesn't help the
fact that she equates these two completely different positions as
having equal scientific merit. Houston we have a big F'n problem here.
 I've already been down this road with George.  I understand the
implications when science and scripture are viewed as equally valid
POVs. (See I didn't call them old books either!)

So do me proud American press and Democratic party.

You can be sure neither will.
Go ahead, press and Democratic Party--prove me wrong.

I need to know,
and I need to know fast.

The real difference between a pit bull and a "hockey mom" is that a
pit bull never gets deluded that it can be a heartbeat away from being
the president without being qualified, but a "hockey mom" can. I've
seen the lipstick (and lip liner) so I'm sure we are not dealing with
a pit bull here.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 6, 2008, at 8:30 AM, mainstream20016 wrote:

For once we seem to be in agreement. My current
grade point average is 3.5, whats's yours? I
wonder what kind of grades Michael Moore got
in school? From what I've read, Sarah Palin got
all 'A's. She graduated from college - I wonder
how many respondents on FFL have graduated.

After reading here for a number of years, I'd
say that none of the current informants ever
got a degree from MUM. Correct me if I'm
wrong on this.

Your wrong.

Sarah Palin apparently went to 5 or 6 colleges
before graduating, and her grades are unknown.
