Re: [Felvtalk] 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia

2015-06-29 Thread Sally Dwyer
Hi Kathleen,
I have used LTCI and I live in Hamilton, Ontario.  My cat was IFA positive for 
FeLV (meaning persistently infected as the virus was in bone marrow) and he 
went negative a few months after starting the LTCI, so in my opinion, it is 
definitely worth a shot for your little Oreo.  Your vet can call Terry 
Beardsley at LTCI and he will help explain the paper work.  Should only take a 
week for Health Canada to make an exception.  Otherwise LTCI can be shipped to 
a vet in the states virtually overnight.  Hope this helps and best of luck with 
your little guy.  just curious, where in Canada are you from?

 On Sunday, June 28, 2015 10:13 AM, KATHLEEN BUSO  wrote:

 #yiv7320785890 p {margin:0;}Hi, I am looking for advice about our little Oreo. 
We adopted him at 9 weeks from a rescue group. His mom was a stray who was ill 
when she had her kittens. The kittens were eventually bottle fed and had a 
rough start in life, but then seemed to recover and were adopted out. About two 
weeks ago, our Oreo started to show signs of illness. His inner third eyelid 
came out, and then he started running a fever. I took him to the Rescue's vet, 
and she gave me antibiotics and some metacam to bring down the fever. She said 
the mom had been tested for a bunch of viruses, including feline leukemia and 
came back negative, so there was no reason to test Oreo. A week later, he was 
worse so I took him to another vet and she tested him and told me he tested 
positive for feline leukemia. Up until yesterday, he seemed to still have a 
fairly good appetite but was sleeping a lot and showing symptoms of upper 
respiratory infection. Today he is uninterested in food and seems much worse. I 
was wondering if anyone had any suggestions that would help, or should I just 
accept that there's nothing that can be done? We were considering trying the 
LCTI drug but we live in Canada so we would have to travel into the States to 
get it. It would be about a 3.5 hour drive there and would be hard on Oreo, as 
he hates the car. Has anyone used LCTI and had any success with it? Is there 
anything else I can do for Oreo now, to help him feel better, like steroids? 
Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated. 
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Re: [Felvtalk] Please help! Anemic felv kitty, what can be done??

2015-03-01 Thread Sally Dwyer
Hi there,
Sounds like you are doing and have so much to help your little guy.  I was just 
curious to know if they have done a pcr to determine if there is a mycoplasma? 
I know you are treating presumptively with Doxy for this, but it would be good 
to know.
My guy, Rumi had a pcv of 8 three days after we got him from the SPCA  - he did 
have a mycoplasma and was also diagnosed with felv and fiv as well as immune 
mediated hymoltic anemia.  He is still with us 2 + years latter.  We gave him 
doxy, 10 mg of prednislone a day and a gastro protectant.  His PCV climbed very 
slowly over the course of 3 weeks. The transfusions were necessary even though 
I remember feeling like we were pouring water into a bucket with a hole in it.  
We crossed our fingers and prayed that the doxy and pred would eventually seal 
up "the hole."  

We started LTCI a year latter (wish I had started sooner) when he went IFA (in 
the bone marrow) positive.  I live in Canada and the internists we were working 
with were very negative about LTCI and had me sign a statement acknowledging 
that they did not recommend using it.6 months latter  we had him tested again 
and he was IFA negative!!!

I have used Dr. Donna Spector as a consultant .  She is extremely competent - 
consults with upwards of (40 vets a day) and she recommended the LTCI.  You can 
check out her website - she will look at all the medical records, do a phone 
consult with you and also talk to/make recommendations to your vet.  I find her 
to be a wonderful combination of very sharp and compassionate as well as 
affordable.  She has often picked up on things that other vets have missed and 
I continue to run lab results by her

Terry Beardsly, director and discoverer of LTCI is also very approachable.  He 
has lots of documented cases of cats responding very quickly in terms of PCV 
numbers ( in a couple of days).  Perhaps you can give him a call at Tcyte (800 
483-2104 ext 88) and get his recommendations.  His wife Gale does the ordering 
end of things and they have shipped to my vet same day.   I kind of figure at 
this point you don't have a lot to lose.      

Hope this is helpful  and I will keep you in my thoughts,


 On Friday, February 27, 2015 3:01 PM, N. E. Juskowich  

 Time is of the essence for us and I need to know if there's something else 
that can be done for my sweet little just-turned-one-year-old boy.  He had a 
PCV of 12% and received a blood transfusion, his PCV went up a little, then 
back down, then up to 17% over the course of 24 hours.  He was put on 7.5 mg. 
prednisone, 25 mg. mycophenolate, 18.75 mg. plavix (to prevent clots from the 
pred/mycophenolate combo), 25 mg. doxycycline (in case of mycoplasma 
infection), and 5 mg. famotidine to prevent GI issues from the pred.  
His anemia is currently non-regenerative with two most likely potential causes: 
he was agglutination positive, a sign of immune mediated red blood cell 
destruction; he may have leukemia in the marrow.  We did not do a bone marrow 
aspirate because cancer would be too advanced at this stage, the severe anemia 
indicating this to be the case.  The doctor said it could take a few days of 
immunosuppressant therapy for the bone marrow to respond.  
Two days after the PCV of 17% we had a recheck and it is now down to 14%.  He 
is going to receive another transfusion.  
I need to know as quickly as possible: Is there anything else that can be done 
at this stage?  I was looking into treatment with TCyte (LTCI), but my vet said 
it would be a waste of time and money.  I'd read on a forum that a severely 
anemic felv kitty responded very well to the drug and I would've been willing 
to give it a shot.  My vet is of the opinion that I should not have bothered 
with this second transfusion (he had to go to emergency hospital for it) and 
the TCyte is "hogwash".  I'm sitting here feeling hopeless and wondering if 
this really is the end and what do I do now if he doesn't respond to the 
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  No sugar coating necessary, but 
please be gentle.  If nothing can be done, what can I do for him to keep him 
happy and comfortable?  Will he need euthanized or will he pass peacefully?
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[Felvtalk] (no subject)

2013-04-05 Thread Sally Dwyer
Hi Folks,

My kitty Rumi was just diagnosed with Felv and Fiv today.  He had been treated 
for a severe anemaia over the past few weeks (transfusions and antibiotics + 
pred) and as recently as 3 weeks ago was FIV and Felv negative on blood samples.

His PCV went from 8 to 26 today - a great recovery.  My daughter an I noticed 
some swollen lymph nodes yesterday and when we showed them to the vets today 
they said that his prognosis is grave given that we now know he is Felv 
positve. They beleive there is probably an underlying fast growing cancer 
responsible for the nodes and have said evenif they find it and treat with 
chemo he will only have 4 or 5 months at best ( they said take the weekend to 
think about it).  So hard to beleive when you see him running around and 
purring in your lap and gaining weight.  We are pretty broken up about it - he 
is an awesome 2 year old cat that we got from a shelter only a month ago.  
Anyone have experiences that are similar or other thoughts?  


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