Re: Kerry - -Something for Bandy's ringworm maybe???

2006-07-04 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks Belinda, I will check that out..I think I saw that in one of my natural books..I am putting goldenseal on it at times, too..I have ordered the gel from the site that you sent last week so that should be here in a day or so...I also called his internal med specialist and asked about giving him the fulvicin orally which I didn't want to do cause it is so toxic...It may be the only way at this point...She said to watch his stool, appetite and if he vomits...then the dose would need to be lowered or stopped...I really hate to make him sick like that as that is one thing that hasn't bothered him..I think he has an iron stomach with all the stuff he has had in the last year..It is supposed to be given for 40 days...I won't do that..I think I am going to start the IR next Monday..  He is suppose to go to the eye doctor in Dallas on Thurs, but I may not go since he isn't feeling well and it is an all day least 7 hrs on the road by the time we get
 there and back..Way too much stress on him...  Anyway, thank you again and I will look into to this..  Kerry and Bandy 
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Kerry -- Something For Bandy's ringworm maybe???

2006-07-03 Thread Belinda

   Kerry this was on one of my other lists, thought I'd send it to
you to check into for Bandy's ringworm problem, I've never used it so
don't know anything about it personally.

I am wondering if you can get calendula officinalis ( marigold)
Medicinal Use: here from one of the many websites about calendula

antiseptic, and improves blood flow to the affected area. As an
agent, it can be used to treat athlete's foot, ringworm, and candida.
tincture applied neat to cold sores encourages healing >>>

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