Re: [firebird-support] Re: Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-21 Thread liviuslivius [firebird-support]
16 KB page size is ok and is maximal for FB1.5 to FB3.
During problem time run gfix -h and show us the results and also gstat results 
for that tabe and indexes on it.
P.S. to recreate index you do not need to set it inactive. You can activate 
already active index. But this operation can be done (safe) only when noone 
else work on that database.Also running -mend without looking about errors on 
the database is not good option, as you can loose same data.

Regards,Karol Bieniaszewski

[firebird-support] Re: Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-21 Thread [firebird-support]
Thanks Helen.  Just a few clarifications, that might help whittle this down a 

 >Given that this table is "temporary" storage, one supposes that you
are deleting rows from it regularly. Do you happen to be deleting
900,000 rows each day before you load up the latest batch of 900,000? 

 Yes, that is correct.  Each morning it does a "kill & fill" on this table.  
All 900,000 rows are deleted, then a new set of that data is loaded from a CSV 
file via an external application.  This happens about 2 hours after the system 
has completed its backup procedures.

 >If you're not doing any particular housework on it (restoring from
 backup and/or resetting the indexes periodically), then it would be
 normal to expect degrading performance until the next time that
 housekeeping is done.

 For about the last 6 months we have put the database through a regular gfix 
mend process once a week, following with a backup of the database and then a 
restore.  This doesn't seem to have changed the behavior, however.

 The behavior is quite unpredictable.  It seems that any attempt to access the 
table after the Kill & Fill has been done, or within a few hours of it, sends 
the server off into a 100% CPU processor load for hours.  But if this is done 6 
hours after the kill & fill, then it seems to work just fine.  I have also seen 
the same issues if I attempt to access that table after a database server is 
rebooted.  Not sure if that makes any difference here at all, or signifies 
anything else that could be going on?


Re: [firebird-support] Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-21 Thread Helen Borrie [firebird-support]
Myles Wakeham wrote:

> The issue is with one very large table that contains about 900,000
> rows.  This table is used as a temporary stora  ge of data that is
> loaded every 24 hours from a CSV file, via an external program.  The
> loading takes about an hour to run, but works reliably.  We are not
> seeing this process changing in terms of time when it is run.

> What we are seeing is that for a period of about 3-4 hours after
> the morning data load is completed (about 4AM our time), any attempt
> to use that table seems to be triggering some very long loading or
> reindexing process.

Given that this table is "temporary" storage, one supposes that you
are deleting rows from it regularly.  Do you happen to be deleting
900,000 rows each day before you load up the latest batch of 900,000?
With Classic, you have cooperative garbage collection, which means the
first transaction that selects on that table following the completion
of the bulk delete will get hit with GC of all those old back

> This appears on doing certain queries that
> involve indexes, or to re-create an index.

It would be hard to say whether the dog is wagging its tail or the
tail is wagging the dog.  You don't exactly say how this table ebbs
and flows but bulk inserts of course will cause the indexes to be
updated, along with clearing out the junk in the indexes that was
created by deletes.  Indexes are not recreated;  nor are they created
until the engine is instructed to do so.  Indexes are *rebuilt* when a
database is restored from backup and also by
followed by
which you are probably doing regularly if it's true that this table is
constantly being subjected to bulk deletes and inserts.

The engine doesn't otherwise mess with indexes.

If you're not doing any particular housework on it (restoring from
backup and/or resetting the indexes periodically), then it would be
normal to expect degrading performance until the next time that
housekeeping is done.

> It seems to show some
> sort of caching between RAM and disk going on.  I have set the sort
> size in firebird.conf from the default of 500mb to about 5GB to
> handle this, but that does not seem to have made a difference.

On Classic, there's no point in this.  If anything, it will make it
worse if you have more than a handful of concurrent users.  The sort
files on a big table are going to go to disk regardless, one way or
another.  The engine can't split a sort file so that part of it is in
RAM and part in TempDirectories.  The operating system might decide to
page out some RAM to disk - I seem to recall that's possible on some
systems with older Fb versions but I can't swear to it.

> All other tables are working just fine.  It is only this one table
> and this problem only has appeared in the past 3 weeks or so.& 
> nbsp; Prior to that, it ran without issue.  This suggests to me that
> it has something to do with us reaching some critical volume (as the
> row count has increased at about 20% per year and continues to).

There's nothing like that and 900K rows is not an excessive size.
Rebuilding the indexes on that table would be an easy thing to try
during some time when the table isn't in use. It would be worth
considering how long it has been since the last backup-and-restore
cycle, too.


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[firebird-support] Re: Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-21 Thread [firebird-support]
Thank you for your comment.  Very helpful.  I ran gstat on the database, and on 
the table in question.  It is the default 16K page size.  Are you saying that a 
larger page size would be more appropriate?  If so, how large would you 
suggest?  And is it correct that the only way to change the page size would be 
to backup the database and then restore it with a page option to change out the 

ODP: [firebird-support] Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-21 Thread Karol Bieniaszewski [firebird-support]

Run gstat and look at info about this table.
Look also at page size of your database. It can be small in 1.5 version, if 
yes, change it to bigger value especially 16K.

PS.  900,000 rows is quite small table also for Firebird 1.5

Karol Bieniaszewski

[firebird-support] Re: UDFs for Firebird 1.5 on CentOS 7 64 Bit

2019-02-21 Thread [firebird-support]
Thanks for your reply.  The problem isn't that what you are saying *should* be 
done.  The problem is that this database has over 200 tables, and 1200 stored 
procedures and the process to do it is long (ie. over a month of work likely).  
I did manage to get a solution here by converting all stored procedures away 
from rfunc library over to FreeAdhocUDF library and finding similar UDF 
function and using that.  This seems to work with later CentOS 7 64 bit 
environments, and this has become a stop-gap solution.  But clearly you are 
correct in that this needs to be upgraded.  It is really just a matter of 
timing and choosing the right platform to move it to.  I also have to deal with 
client applications and libraries since the bulk of the client apps that 
connect to the database are PHP and there are issues with what client libraries 
for what versions work with what PHP versions.  The whole stack has to be 
upgraded at the same time, making this process even more burdensome. 


[firebird-support] Strange behavior on very large table

2019-02-21 Thread [firebird-support]
I have a client with a Firebird 1.5 Classic server that is in the process of 
being upgraded to a later version.  The database is quite complex and this 
upgrade will take some time.  However the database has been working well for 
the past 8 years, and just in the past few weeks we have seen something unusual.

 The database server is runnnig on CentOS Linux, and has 16GB of RAM.  The disk 
capacity is at about 60%, so it has plenty of space to grow.  It has about 75 
users, but even in peak times we see no more than about 3 active threads in the 
process logs on Linux.  I'm not seeing this being bound by CPU at all.  The 
system has sweep turned off, and is backed up once every 24 hours with no 
settings to stop sweep at the time of backup.

 The issue is with one very large table that contains about 900,000 rows.  This 
table is used as a temporary storage of data that is loaded every 24 hours from 
a CSV file, via an external program.  The loading takes about an hour to run, 
but works reliably.  We are not seeing this process changing in terms of time 
when it is run.

 What we are seeing is that for a period of about 3-4 hours after the morning 
data load is completed (about 4AM our time), any attempt to use that table 
seems to be triggering some very long loading or reindexing process.  This 
appears on doing certain queries that involve indexes, or to re-create an 
index.  It seems to show some sort of caching between RAM and disk going on.  I 
have set the sort size in firebird.conf from the default of 500mb to about 5GB 
to handle this, but that does not seem to have made a difference.

 All other tables are working just fine.  It is only this one table and this 
problem only has appeared in the past 3 weeks or so.  Prior to that, it ran 
without issue.  This suggests to me that it has something to do with us 
reaching some critical volume (as the row count has increased at about 20% per 
year and continues to).

 Has anyone seen this behavior before, and was able to remedy it?  Clearly this 
is an old and no longer supported server version, so we are migrating to FB 2.5 
Classic however this will take time and I was hoping that there might be a 
solution we can implement as an interim measure.

 Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
