Helmet preference

1998-11-21 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 While the helmet topic is still fresh, I would like to give a
 recommendation for the helmet I use. Although I had used a Troxel
 from the time they were first introduced, I replaced it last year
 with a Lexington Lidlocker, which I like much better. The Lidlocker
 is lighter and cooler than the Troxel. However, the primary advantage
 of the Lidlocker is that rather than using pads to fine tune the fit,
 it uses a Velcro fastened strap behind the head. This allows the
 helmet to be easily used by more than one person. Also, I feel that
 the fit is more secure, because I can really snug it up every time I
 put the helmet on. I offer this because it seems that most people
 immediately think of Troxel when they talk about helmets, but have
 never heard of what I feel is a better alternative.

Steve McIlree & Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  It's never the horse, it's always the rider.  --Old Cavalry Adage

Re: safety/helmets

1998-11-21 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And maybe one more thought.  Make sure the helmet you buy for yourself,
customer, or child fits and is comfortable.  Not safe if it doesn't fit, and
there is a lot of difference in comfort between a helmet brand that fits
your particular head shape and one that does not.  Different brands/styles
fit different people.
>Just one last thought on helmets - 
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

No offense meant

1998-11-21 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I also meant no offense to anyone, and certainly hope everyone will hang 
in there.  But my reality is too vivid since I am married to a man who, 
after an acciednt we were in together in Siberia, didn't know I was his 
wife until someone said so, and has had to "start" a marriage in the 
middle of it.  No fun for either of us! Non-fatal, but life changing. 

Thank you to Carol

1998-11-21 Thread Doug Knutsen
This message is from: Doug Knutsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from Peg Knutsen

Carol R. - I want to extend my thanks to you for mentioning that helmet stories 
from parents were helpful.  I always find it hard to re-tell that story about 
Drew's skull fracture, because it was the single worst experience of my life!  
It didn't help that someone flamed me anonymously and privately the next day, 
calling my son Don "murderous" and hoping that the good samaritan driver 
carried a hand gun to protect him from Don.  Thank heaven that this was a story 
with a happy ending!  To read that my post was appreciated and useful helped a 

On another note, thanks also for printing a picture of Heidi, Rocky and me in 
your book - my mother always told me to dress appropriatelyNow I see why!  

In appreciation - Peg Knutsen   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Driving a pair, Driving Harness, cant wait! DRIVING CHAT LINK

1998-11-21 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hello List!   Im headed out to give the pair a work-out together... Its a
warm, breezy day here in So. Calif. and perfect weather to play!!!   We
ordered a pair harness, Smuckers, russett with brass, from John Morgan/Morgan
Carraige Works, and anxiously awaiting it !  I sure love the biothane one we
picked up at Turlock auction though, for everyday use.Now if we could find
a pair vehicle, looking for a cut-under dog cart or a bird-in-hand. Or, a
compitition vehicle, with a pole and shafts, with enough wood on it so show in
pleasure class, affordable!  ( yea right ) 

   I want to remind everyone to join PAV Aussie and I for Fjord Chat at
PetsandVets Sun. night 9:00 Eastern time, horse room # 1. Our topic this week
is DRIVING, and if you are just thinking of hitching someday, or already drive
around you're own place, or farm or logg with Fjords, ( Joel, join the Chat
set?  I dare you! ) please join us for a live discussion about DRIVING!  I
heard about a tandom, random, ( 3 horses in line ) a quadram ( 4 !!! ) and a
suicide hitch ( 5 ) on the CD-List this morning 5 ???  Cant even imagine
it. A man with Welsh ponies does it back in the mid-west at shows. ( A little
TOO much time on our hands back there, LOLOL   Anyway, hope to see you all
  ( A
suicide toot ) http://www.petsandvets.com/index.html";>PETS AND VETS

Re: safety/helmets

1998-11-21 Thread Cathy Koshman
This message is from: Cathy Koshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just one last thought on helmets - there's a move afoot around these parts
among several equine publications to discourage any photos for
advertising/sales etc where the riders are not suitably attired (ie helmets)
In all future fjord promotional material, we should also consider doing our
part in bringing up the next generation to realize that helmets are just a
part of riding and driving. Photos with people wearing helmets for driving
and riding should become the norm.  
 Cathy in Victoria where we need to consider finding some "gopherwood" It's
just never going to stop raining!!!


1998-11-21 Thread jean gayle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

ALSO, would owners please identify the horse/horses in the fotos on web
pages and other areas so we know who is whom?  Looking at so many fjörds
there is a lot to be learned about types and lineage by recognizing names.
Thanks Jean G.

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Response to Julie Will regarding Web site photos
>Thanks for the tips on where to find the photos of the ideal Fjord breed
>The only question remaining is, where do the non-computer literate members of
>the NHFR go to obtain this valuable information? That's where I think there
>needs to be some help for the membership.
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 

Re: Can you stand one more helmet post?

1998-11-21 Thread jean gayle
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jean gayle)

>Well as I said to Carol, can you imagine at 73, with squirrel cheeks, how I
look in a helmet??  But I would not be without one.  Jean Gayle
Jean Gayle  --- A Subscriber at Techline 


1998-11-21 Thread briar hill farm
This message is from: "briar hill farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >I am dying to see this picture. (Picture worth a thousand words :))  Do
> >have it in digital form - to send direct to me or arrange to put it on a
> >page somewhere?  Would love to see it.
> I am pretty sure this is the picture you are looking for.
> http://home.sol.no/~snygaard/fjord.html

Yes, That is the image in question.

Below is a message I received from Fjord Horse International when I
asked why they used Rosendalsborken
in their logo.  "Blandet" means mixed breeding. Rosendalsborken is a symbol
of the pure Fjordhorse and has historical significance in that regard.
The Board of Directors decided against using the image of Rosendalsborken
in the breed standard to avoid confusion. Although it is a beautiful
picture, and a nice horse, he is not considered the "ideal" Fjord, here or
in Norway.

Marcy Baer

Hallo Marcy Baer,
Thank you very much for your e-mail. About your question about
Rosendalsborken, so is he a symbol off pure breeding. We don't like blandet
Fjord Horses. About ca 90 years ago,was in Norway a fight between breeders,
some would like and bland them with the norwegian "Doler"Horse - it's a
heavy type and the other wouldn't. Since this it is only pure breeding with
the Fjords. It is difficult to say that Rosendalsborken is the "ideal"
Fjord Horse. I am shure that he was it in his time. We mean that the
pictures are
very nice. I think that is some times, why he will be used so much.
I'm sorry that my english is not the best, but I hope that you can
understand me.
Kind regards
Erhard Martin
Marketing coordinator


1998-11-21 Thread Dave McWethy
This message is from: "Dave McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Last night we were watching the "City of Angels" movie.  In the very
beginning my 17 year old son noted that the Meg Ryan character was riding a
bike and not wearing a helmet.  My son does mountain bike and road racing,
where no one rides without a helmet.
At the end of the movie her omission apparently made a big difference.
I see the young being much more safety conscious than us older ones.  He
felt the movie industry is irresponsible for showing a prominent character
riding without protecting her coconut.


1998-11-21 Thread Equconsult
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Response to Julie Will regarding Web site photos

Thanks for the tips on where to find the photos of the ideal Fjord breed

The only question remaining is, where do the non-computer literate members of
the NHFR go to obtain this valuable information? That's where I think there
needs to be some help for the membership.

Re: Safety and Helmets

1998-11-21 Thread Equconsult
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Response on the Question of Safety and Helmets from Wayne Hipsley

I have read with great interest the open and frank discussions on safety.
These have been very informative and one of the best subject feedbacks I have
read on the Digest. 

Pat Wolfe is to be complimented for his outstanding remarks, they really hit
home. I have known and worked with Pat for several years, and when he talks I
listen. I listened. There was a very clear message. 

If you have any doubts about the matter of safety, re-read Pat's comments and
ponder the options. And, remember Pat is a horseman. 

Thanks to Pat and all the others for a great review of the topic. 



1998-11-21 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR
This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All of this talk about helmets reminds me of a couple of personal
experiences with our past 4H club.  The one that really sticks in my memory
is the one where one of the kids got dumped off in the warm up ring at our
county horse show.  She went off the front of the horse over his head.  If
I remember it right she was warming up over a couple of jumps and the horse
refused one.  Anyway she went off and just laid there not moving for
awhile.  She did have a helmet on of course (They are required for 4H
here).  Several people were with her very fast and we were able to keep
people from moving her at all.  The paramedics were called and arrived
pretty quickly.  By this time she was talking and wanting to get up again.
She was able to talk the paramedics into taking her helmet off before they
transported her to the hospital for a checkout.  I still remember talking
her helmet from the paramedic for safekeeping and seeing the imprint of the
horse shoe on the side of the helmet.  If she hadn't had it on I doubt that
she would be with us today.  

As it turned out she was back with us for the afternoon part of the show.
A few bruises but otherwise totally unharmed by her fall.

The other story I have for helmets is the "How to decide which one to buy"
story.  This one is from back when I was in my 20's & decided to buy a
snomobile.  I rode it it very high rates of speed for awhile with just a
hat & goggles on.  I noticed that a lot of riders were wearing helmets and
thought it probably would be a good idea to get one too.  

So back to the snomobile dealer to give him some more money I go.  He had a
whole wall full of helmets there for sale.  They were all prices from about
$25 - $200+ (remember this was back in the early 70's).  So I asked the guy
- "How do I know which one to get?"  His answer was the best ever.  He
said:  "Well if you've got a $10 head get a 10 dollar helmet.  If you have
a hundred dollar head then you better get a hundred dollar helmet"  

So it really all depends on the value you place on your own head as to how
much to protect it.  Seems to me that the people that don't wear them don't
place a lot of value on their own heads.  So how much is your head worth?

Please check your riding helmets often too.  They do get thrown around
sometimes and should be checked for damage.  Make sure they fit right too.
One that doesn't fit isn't going to help a lot if your head can bounce back
and forth in it.  And the one you had when you were 10 years old probably
isn't going to do your adult head much good either.  Also make sure you get
the ones with the harness one them to hold it on your head with.  And then
snap the snap when you use it.  It won't do much good if it falls off when
you do.

Ok soapbox mode off for now.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497


Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #253

1998-11-21 Thread Ford37truc
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this message is from Mike & Joyce Cook, West Church Fjords/Swanton,Ohio
Hello Everyone! Cold here in Ohio. Still driving my team though! All this talk
of the breed "standard" and Mr. Hipsley's last remark regarding the absence
thereof in Europe. Are we to assume then that whatever "type" we want for our
needs will be recognized as a good Fjord as long as it passes the guidelines
that the evaluation judges use? I don't know if I'm the only one who seems
totally confused now or not but
 By the way, Joyce and I are putting out some feelers for a new filly or
mare for our breeding program. If any of you have any suggestions, please e-
mail us privatly. And Ms. Revoire.we just recieved your latest mailing so
we know what you have.
  Lastly, We wish everyone a safe a warm Thanksgiving!
  Mike & Joyce
Cook, West Church Fjords  

Re: Re: The helmet issue and driving events in Europe

1998-11-21 Thread Ernie_Botte
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

11/21/98 07:19 AM
Thanks Vivian for the info on Europe.  We will check out the web as you
suggested.  And once again congrats on the fine job at Fairhill.  We
enjoyed the show and watching you compete.  Hope to have our pictures soon.