Re: Ontario Fjord show?

2005-06-02 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd like to know about the Ontario show too!  I missed it last year and was 
really hoping to go this year.
Kay @Yellow Pony Farm

Ontario Fjord show?

2005-06-02 Thread Diana Calder
This message is from: Diana Calder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know whether there's going to be an Ontario Fjord show
this year? If so, when and where? I need to get busy and book vacation
time if I want to be certain of getting the days I ask for, so if I
want to go to the Ontario show, I need to know when it's going to take
place ASAP. I would imagine that I'm not the only one who needs to
know several months in advance, so an announcement would probably be a
very good thing for all interested parties.


Best regards,
 Diana  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help! Dates for the fall Ontario Fjord show?

2005-02-02 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I swore I wouldn't lose the name and address of the folks in charge of the 
October Ontario Fjordhorse show but I did...rats!  I was very disappointed that 
I couldn't be there last year.  I heard it was a wonderful event and I was 
really looking forward attending the 2005 shindig.  Unfortunately, the ADS is 
having it's annual meeting and rally in Michigan this year and the dates may 
conflict.  Our Carriage club is sort of the main host for these festivities and 
although I would be no great loss to their efforts, my trainer definitely 
 Sadly, I probably don't have the experience and definitely don't have the 
right-sized trailer to come to Ontario least not yet.  So what are 
the dates for this show?  Maybe they're different that the ADS weekend.  I 
really hope so - Ontario offers a zillion kinds of classes and is the closest 
all the Fjord events to my place. 

  Kay Van Natta
  Yellow Pony Farm

Ontario Fjord Show 2004 Results

2004-10-22 Thread Lori Albrough

This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The show results are posted at


Re: The wonderful Ontario Fjord Show

2004-10-06 Thread Carol Riviore
This message is from: "Carol Riviore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia ---

 . . . . . and Hi Margaret ---  Yes, I did see your young Gjest son,
Ironwood Blitzen at the Ontario Fjord show, and the first thing I noticed
was his very nice head.  It reminded me a whole lot of Gjest's beautiful
head.  The next thing I noticed was his beautiful, dappled coat.  REALLY
dappled . . . which is rather unusual in a Fjordhorse, especially this time
of year.  The next thing I noticed were his nice, short, strong canonbones
with long forearm.  A perfect arrangement for good movement.  --  To tell
you the truth, I can't remember how he did in the class.  I do remember Bob
having some nice things to say about him, particularly that he was a good,
strong type, which is VITALLY important in a Fjordhorse.
Gjest/Holunder ---  Those two stallions are all about strength and

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7
Pomquet, Nova Scotia B2G 2L4
Tel:(902) 386-2304
Fax:(902) 386-2149
Carole Rivoire, author of THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK,
only book in English on the Fjord breed, available from Beaver Dam Farm,
$36.95 US includes P&H

Re: Ontario Fjord Show

2004-10-06 Thread Carol Riviore
This message is from: "Carol Riviore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

I just returned from the Ontario FJord Show, and I wanted to add to what
Lori had to say ---

 This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I just wanted to share with everyone our experience from the Ontario Fjord
> Show held this weekend just past, in Cedar Valley, north of Toronto.
> We had a great show and found it a wonderful, worthwhile experience. Show
> organizer Cheryl Beillard of Wake-Robin Farm Fjords had invited Bob van
> Chief Inspector of Fjords in the Netherlands, and his wife Joke (Yoka), to
> be our show judges. The depth and breadth of knowledge and experience
> two possess is immediately obvious. The halter classes were operated in a
> european evaluation format, assessing each horse individually on the
> triangle and giving each animal a score in the five categories of breed
> type, conformation, legs, movement, and overall impression. The judge also
> talked at length about each animal's strong and weak points. I was really
> pleased to receive such detailed expert feedback on my horses at a horse
> show - very different from a usual horseshow where the class is pinned and
> that is that. My only regret is not bringing more horses to this show! . .
. . . .

Lori's right!  It was a WONDERFULl show, and Cheryl Beillard should receive
bouquets of roses for a month for all the organization and hard work it took
to achieve.  This was not a simple little show.  It was well-organized.
This was a classy show --- Class with a capital "C"  (Norwegian Consul
General presenting top prizes) , good food,
wonderful European judges, great stabling, fabulous facility including a
huge indoor and extensive cross-country course, prizes, ribbons, social
time, enthusiastic, kind and friendly competitors.    What more could
anyone ask for?  --  I enjoyed myself tremendously.  Enjoyed meeting new (to
me) Fjord people from the States and Canada.  --  Cheryl kindly lent me one
of her mares to drive, and that was great fun!  -- Also had fun visiting
with Pat Wolf who continuously reminded me that he and I were the "oldest"
Fjord folds:"  Not sure how I feel about that "old" stuff, but nonetheless,
it was great spending time with Pat.  ---   I was so enthused at the
show I told everybody that next year I'd bring my own horse.

One of the highlights of the show was Saturday night when Chief Inspector
Van Bon presented gold medals from the Dutch Fjord Studbook to some horses
he thought were of special quality.  --  And I was especially thrilled to
hear that three of the recipient horses had come from Beaver Dam Farm.

Lori Albrough's 6 yr. old mare, Sparrow, sired by Gjest received a gold
medal as Champion mare.--- 
Another of Lori's horses, Villi, a 12 yr. old gelding also sired by Gjest,
received a gold medal as the best riding horse.
. . . .   The third horse from Beaver Dam Farm to receive a gold medal was
the 8 yr. old mare, Riena, owned by Maggi Sullivan, and shown by her
mother, Ann Sullivan.  ---  Riena was hand-picked by Carol Rivoire in
Holland and imported by Beaver Dam Farm.  --  She was a Champion filly in
Holland, and since being imported to the States, and subsequently purchased
by the Sullivans, Riena has received a Blue in her Evaluation, as well as
Champion Mare at the Woodstock Fjord Show.

So, those three prestigious gold medals went to horses all either born and
bred in Europe, or sired by European imports.  The Gjest son and daughter,
Sparrow and Villi,  were out of the mare, Cindy, also imported by Beaver Dam

It's times like these that make this business worthwhile.  Worthwhile
because you know you're doing something right.


Two other Gold Medal horses at the Ontario Show were sired by the Norwegian
imported stallion, Felix, who is proving himself an outstanding breeding
stallion with a breeding record in Norway that is very impressive.

I think these results should be a 'Heads Up' to North American Fjord
breeders.  I mean the message is pretty clear!And the message is . . . .

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire

Other highlights from Lori's post . . . .

 The full results will be posted on the show website but I just wanted to
> post a few "brags" here on the list. The Overall Champion Halter horse was
> 2 year old Felix daughter Felicia out of Nagia, shown by Beth Gerst, and
> Champion Gelding was a 4 year old Felix son Uvaer out of Dora, shown by
> Nathan Vallilee. Our own 6 year old mare Sparrow, by Gjest and out of our
> mare Cindy (an Ostar daughter), was Champio

Ontario Fjord Show

2004-10-04 Thread Lori Albrough

This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share with everyone our experience from the Ontario Fjord 
Show held this weekend just past, in Cedar Valley, north of Toronto.

We had a great show and found it a wonderful, worthwhile experience. Show 
organizer Cheryl Beillard of Wake-Robin Farm Fjords had invited Bob van Bon, 
Chief Inspector of Fjords in the Netherlands, and his wife Joke (Yoka), to 
be our show judges. The depth and breadth of knowledge and experience these 
two possess is immediately obvious. The halter classes were operated in a 
european evaluation format, assessing each horse individually on the 
triangle and giving each animal a score in the five categories of breed 
type, conformation, legs, movement, and overall impression. The judge also 
talked at length about each animal's strong and weak points. I was really 
pleased to receive such detailed expert feedback on my horses at a horse 
show - very different from a usual horseshow where the class is pinned and 
that is that. My only regret is not bringing more horses to this show!

The full results will be posted on the show website but I just wanted to 
post a few "brags" here on the list. The Overall Champion Halter horse was a 
2 year old Felix daughter Felicia out of Nagia, shown by Beth Gerst, and the 
Champion Gelding was a 4 year old Felix son Uvaer out of Dora, shown by 
Nathan Vallilee. Our own 6 year old mare Sparrow, by Gjest and out of our 
mare Cindy (an Ostar daughter), was Champion mare.

On the Saturday evening dinner, Mr. van Bon gave a most interesting talk and 
presented gold medals from the Dutch studbook to recognise the special 
horses at the show - one to the best stallion, best mare, best gelding, best 
younghorse, best driving horse and best riding horse. Felix's offspring 
received the gold medals for best young horse and best gelding, Sparrow 
received the medal for best mare and her full brother, our 12 year old 
gelding Vili, received the medal for the best riding horse. Vili also had 
the highest score for Training Level dressage where he scored 75.3% in test 
2 and 72.4% in test 4.

The Norwegian Consular General was on hand on Sunday afternoon to present 
the Overall High Point award - a beautiful Norwegian plate - to Pat Wolfe 
and Prydarson, in a moving ceremony with the Norwegian national anthem 
playing. I won't mention any other placings as I don't want to forgot 
anyone, there were 77 classes in the program so it was a very full 2 days 
with something for everyone. The professional announcer said that he thought 
the breed was just a gem, as he watched the Fjordhorses perform all these 
different activities throughout both full days.

I hope other people will speak up with their own show reports and I also 
hope everyone found the show to be as fun and worthwile as I did. We had 
participants coming the distance from VA, CT, NY and Northern Ontario and 
Carol Rivoire from NS participated by driving Cheryl's mare Tunica to the 
Reserve Champion in the Green Horse driven division. I must mention the 
volunteer crew who was great, and chief volunteers Caye and Jane were just 
amazing, they really made the show happen! Thanks again go to Cheryl 
Beillard for organizing this show!!!

Photos to follow..


Lori Albrough
Bluebird Lane Fjords
Moorefield, Ontario

Ontario Fjord Show

2003-10-07 Thread Wild Flower Fjord Farm
This message is from: "Wild Flower Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to say congrats to everyone who helped and participated and
organized the
Ontario Fjord Show. It was a great time to see everyone and see all the
Cheryl you did a fabulous job and I hope this show will be hosted yet
again next year.
We had a great time at the show and it was worth the travel time.
We will for sure be there next year and hopefully with more horses and more
We posted some pictures of the show that we took at
look for Ontario Fjord Show

Renee Lafleur
Wild Flower Fjord Farm

Re: Ontario Fjord Show

2003-10-06 Thread william jones
This message is from: william jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Ms. Albrough,
I am writing to you from Barcelona, Spain.  I noticed in your e-mail that you 
referred to an article by Carol R. on things to consider when buying a Fjord.  
Would it be possible to obtain a copy of that article?  It would be very 
helpful to some of us here who are considering buying Fjords for equine therapy 
work.  Thank you for your assistance.
William Jones

Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This message is from: Lori Albrough 

Hi to everyone on the list, and best wishes for full recoveries to those 
with horses who are sick. I know what you are going through.

I wanted to post a note to the list about the Ontario Fjord Show which we 
just got back from. Starting with a big THANK YOU to Cheryl Beillard for 
organizing the show and making it happen. The facility at York Equestrian 
Centre was excellent and it was so pleasant to be able to show from our 
indoor stabling in the huge indoor area with tons of seating for spectators, 
while the fall weather outside was cool and changeable, although it cleared 
in time for the outdoor classes on Sunday. The facility manager Anne Welch 
was excellent, as were the professional announcer Alan Barnes and his 
extremely capable wife Linda, who acted as our whipper-in. The judge Karen 
Maas did a super job, and everyone appreciated how she would explain her 
placings to the crowd. Dressage judge Marilyn Dietrich was tough but fair. 
There were a number of vendors of Fjord-related items, art, apparel, etc. 
The horse show program is a keeper, including lots of neat ads, an great 
article by Carol R on things to consider when buying a Fjord, and beautiful 

We had a good turnout to the show, I think there were about 35 horses, with 
competitors coming from far and wide. Those travelling to come to the show 
included Curt Pierce from Virginia, Tim & Traci came up from Old Hickory in 
New York state, and Renee LaFleur came from up north in Timmins Ontario, 
with a contigent of horses and students. Thanks to everyone who made the trip.

The highpoint of the show for me: my coach Ute Busse rode my horse Prisco in 
a lunchtime presentation on Sunday, a musical dressage freestyle showing 
movements from 2nd and 3rd Level. People loved it and came up to me all day 
to congratulate - telling me that he really was awesome! I was so proud of 
my boy. I asked Ute to ride him because I wanted him people to be able to 
see him shown off to his absolute best and they did a super job.

It was a good show for me too, I showed our mare Sparrow (Gjest x Cindy) who 
was the first foal born on our farm and is five years old now. She won her 
halter class (mares 3-5) and her & I won champion in the Open Rider division 
with firsts in both Pleasure & Equitation. In the dressage division we 
placed first and second in our tests, too bad for me, since my goal was to 
win both tests and have high score of the day, but with a five year old at 
her second show it wasn't meant to be. Sparrow was distracted by the judges 
table with a sunbeam glowing down and lighting up the judge and scribe like 
something from heaven, and I had trouble getting her in front of my leg, but 
the second test rode much much better and I was happy. We did have two 
decent scores and came away with reserve champion in dressage. So happy with 
my girl and proud of how she has turned out.

Also wanted to share this cute story. Near the end of the show we had a few 
fun classes, including the bareback Sit-a-Ten, and Jacki Brooks, the 
Canadian Team Dressage Rider who just returned from winning Team Silver at 
the Pan-Am Games heard about this class and came running up to ask me if she 
could ride one of my horses. I agreed and let her ride Prisco, and what a 
hoot it was. Jacki had her $10 dollar bill clamped so firmly under her leg 
that she left a sweat spot there on Prisco's side. Prisco felt this leg 
pressure and kept going faster and faster and faster. By the time the judge 
asked for hand gallop - trying to dislodge the bills from under the riders - 
Prisco was already flying and at that point he really opened up. He was 
having a ball just flying around that huge arena! One of Renee's students 
ultimately ended up winning the class, and Jacki said it was the most fun 
she'd had and said "I almost beat that little girl" :-)

Looking forward to hearing other's accounts and impressions of the show.


Lori Albrough
Moorefield, Ontario
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

Ontario Fjord Show

2003-10-06 Thread Lori Albrough

This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi to everyone on the list, and best wishes for full recoveries to those 
with horses who are sick. I know what you are going through.

I wanted to post a note to the list about the Ontario Fjord Show which we 
just got back from. Starting with a big THANK YOU to Cheryl Beillard for 
organizing the show and making it happen. The facility at York Equestrian 
Centre was excellent and it was so pleasant to be able to show from our 
indoor stabling in the huge indoor area with tons of seating for spectators, 
while the fall weather outside was cool and changeable, although it cleared 
in time for the outdoor classes on Sunday. The facility manager Anne Welch 
was excellent, as were the professional announcer Alan Barnes and his 
extremely capable wife Linda, who acted as our whipper-in. The judge Karen 
Maas did a super job, and everyone appreciated how she would explain her 
placings to the crowd. Dressage judge Marilyn Dietrich was tough but fair. 
There were a number of vendors of Fjord-related items, art, apparel, etc. 
The horse show program is a keeper, including lots of neat ads, an great 
article by Carol R on things to consider when buying a Fjord, and beautiful 

We had a good turnout to the show, I think there were about 35 horses, with 
competitors coming from far and wide. Those travelling to come to the show 
included Curt Pierce from Virginia, Tim & Traci came up from Old Hickory in 
New York state, and Renee LaFleur came from up north in Timmins Ontario, 
with a contigent of horses and students. Thanks to everyone who made the trip.

The highpoint of the show for me: my coach Ute Busse rode my horse Prisco in 
a lunchtime presentation on Sunday, a musical dressage freestyle showing 
movements from 2nd and 3rd Level. People loved it and came up to me all day 
to congratulate - telling me that he really was awesome! I was so proud of 
my boy. I asked Ute to ride him because I wanted him people to be able to 
see him shown off to his absolute best and they did a super job.

It was a good show for me too, I showed our mare Sparrow (Gjest x Cindy) who 
was the first foal born on our farm and is five years old now. She won her 
halter class (mares 3-5) and her & I won champion in the Open Rider division 
with firsts in both Pleasure & Equitation. In the dressage division we 
placed first and second in our tests, too bad for me, since my goal was to 
win both tests and have high score of the day, but with a five year old at 
her second show it wasn't meant to be. Sparrow was distracted by the judges 
table with a sunbeam glowing down and lighting up the judge and scribe like 
something from heaven, and I had trouble getting her in front of my leg, but 
the second test rode much much better and I was happy. We did have two 
decent scores and came away with reserve champion in dressage. So happy with 
my girl and proud of how she has turned out.

Also wanted to share this cute story. Near the end of the show we had a few 
fun classes, including the bareback Sit-a-Ten, and Jacki Brooks, the 
Canadian Team Dressage Rider who just returned from winning Team Silver at 
the Pan-Am Games heard about this class and came running up to ask me if she 
could ride one of my horses. I agreed and let her ride Prisco, and what a 
hoot it was. Jacki had her $10 dollar bill clamped so firmly under her leg 
that she left a sweat spot there on Prisco's side. Prisco felt this leg 
pressure and kept going faster and faster and faster. By the time the judge 
asked for hand gallop - trying to dislodge the bills from under the riders - 
Prisco was already flying and at that point he really opened up. He was 
having a ball just flying around that huge arena! One of Renee's students 
ultimately ended up winning the class, and Jacki said it was the most fun 
she'd had and said "I almost beat that little girl" :-)

Looking forward to hearing other's accounts and impressions of the show.


Lori Albrough
Moorefield, Ontario