RE: Emailing: Implanted Microchips Cause Cancer

2007-01-06 Thread Frederick J Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wow, this message must have come by Alpha Centuri...sent December 22,
2006 posted today.

Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 7:31 PM
Subject: Emailing: Implanted Microchips Cause Cancer

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Emailing: Implanted Microchips Cause Cancer

2007-01-06 Thread Frederick J. Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wow, this message must have come by Alpha Centuri...sent December 22, 2006
posted today. 

Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 7:31 PM
Subject: Emailing: Implanted Microchips Cause Cancer

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Emailing: Implanted Microchips Cause Cancer

2007-01-05 Thread Uli Schnabl
This message is from: "Uli Schnabl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A friend of mine who breeds Morgans e-mailed me this article. I never
thought about the possible negative effects of microchips before, but
find this atricle quite interesting. Have there been any reported
cases of cancer in Fjordhorses because of their implanted microchip?

On a more positive note: Merry Christmas to All and Happy
Trails in 2007!

Uli Schnabl,Chase BC

Implanted Microchips Cause Cancer

By Jane Williams

December 20, 2006

At the National ID Expo in Kansas City, Arkansas Animal Producer’s
Association President Michael Steenbergen asked, “What safety studies
have been conducted on the chips that are inserted into animals?” His
question was met with total silence. Did these manufacturers not know,
or were they unwilling to admit that research has confirmed that
implanted microchips cause cancer?

Melvin T. Massey, DVM from Brownsboro, Texas, brought this to the
attention of the American Horse Council when he wrote, “I am a retired
Equine Veterinarian and still breed a few horses. Because of
migration-infections-increased risk of sarcoids I will not want to
have microchips in my horses.”

The Institute of Experimental Pathology at Hannover Medical School in
Germany reported , “An experiment using 4279 CBA/J mice of two
generations was carried out to investigate the influence of parental
preconceptual exposure to X-ray radiation or to chemical carcinogens.
Microchips were implanted subcutaneously in the dorsolateral back for
unique indentification of each animal. The animals were kept for
lifespan under standard laboratory conditions. In 36 mice a
circumscribed neoplasm occurred in the area of the implanted
microchip. Macroscopically, firm, pale white nodules up to 25 mm in
diameter with the microchip in its center were found. Macroscopically,
soft tissue tumors such as fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrous
histiocytoma were detected.”

Ecole Nationale Veterinaire of Unite d’Anatomie Pathologique in
Nantes, France, reported, “Fifty-two subcutaneous tumors associated
with microchip were collected from three carcinigenicity B6C3F1 mice
studies. Two of these 52 tumours were adenocarcinoma of the mammary
gland located on the dorsal region forming around the chip. All the
other 50 were mesenchymal in origin and were difficult to classify on
morphological grounds with haematoxylin-eosin.”

Marta Vascellari of Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle
Venezie at Viale dell’Universita in Legnaro, Italy reported examining
a 9-year-old male French Bulldog for a subcutaneous mass located at
the site of a microchip implant. “The mass was confirmed as a
high-grade infiltrative fibrosarcoma, with multifocal necrosis and
peripheral lymphoid aggregates.”

The Toxicology Department of Bayer Corporation in Stillwell, Kansas
reported, “Tumors surrounding implanted microchip animal
identification devices were noted in two separate chronic
toxicity/oncogenicity studies using F344 rats. The tumors occurred at
a low incidence rate (approximately 1%), but did result in the early
sacrifice of most affected animals, due to tumor size and occasional
metastases. No sex-related trends were noted. All tumors occurred
during the second year of the studies, were located in the
subcutaneous dorsal thoracic area (the site of microchip implantation)
and contained embedded microchip devices. All were mesenchymal in
origin and consisted of the following types, listed on order of
frequency: malignant schwannoma, fibrosarcoma, anaplastic sarcoma, and
histiocytic sarcoma. The following diagnostic techniques were
employed: light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and
immunohistochemistry. The mechanism of carcinogenicity appeared to be
that of foreign body induced tumorigenesis.”

Additional studies related to cancer tumors at the site of microchip
implants have been conduced in China; however, at this time these
studies are not available in English. At this time, no long term
studies are available covering more than two years. It only seems
logical to conclude that if carcinogenic tumors occur within one
percent of animals implanted within two years of the implant that the
percentage would increase with the passage of time. Additional studies
need to be conducted, but don’t hold your breath for the manufacturers
of microchips to conduct such research and be leery of any such
“research” they may conduct. Even the limited research available
clearly indicates that implantation of microchips within an animal is
gambling with the animal’s well being. Copyright © 2006
All rights reserved.

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