
1998-04-09 Thread Percy
This message is from: Percy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Saskia and list !

Saskia , just some short comments to your mail:
Your reflexion about Sybrens place in the heard hierarchy is "logical human
thinking"  which are not so much in use among horses. When you are together
with Sybren it is you two and all that matters is, who is Alpha then.
About backing a young horse I did not mean that you back him any long
distance, it is only for the purpose of leadership, so one step at a time
initiated by you is fully enough. Then he should get release and a smile
from you so he knows what you want from him. Horses are reading much more
from our bodies than we think so a smile in the right moment could be all
the difference.
You should try to establish your personal space in which he has no right to
come unless invited.

Ursula wrote about the unmovable colt :
My advice: Leave any system or manual like wiggling the rope. The method is
not important what matters is the result.
Result comes  out of doing things so the horse will understand. If you try
wiggling the rope and then give up trying to move the colts feets, than he
has just started to teach you to quit if he only resists long enough. Then
he is the Alpha.
You must get him to move, so use your fantasy , take the end of the rope
swing it in front of his nose, quit and smile as soon as he as much as think
of backing up.

Have a nice time all of you with your fjords!
Horse & Human in Harmony

Re: Horse-thinking

1998-04-09 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Percy!

>When you are together
>with Sybren it is you two and all that matters is, who is Alpha then.
yes. I made a rope halter for him today and tomorrow I'll take him into 
the "picadero" (square penn of 10 by 10 meters that is euh... 30 by 30 
feet???) because it is true that the two others are always *jealously 
interfering* when I try to do something with him, so maybe it's good to 
be in an isolated place with him.

>About backing a young horse I did not mean that you back him any long
>distance, it is only for the purpose of leadership, so one step at a time
>initiated by you is fully enough.

>Then he should get release and a smile
>from you so he knows what you want from him.
That makes me think about something: Unna (my Fjord mare) used to smile. 
Did one of you ever see a horse smiling? I never saw it before Unna did 
it. I was so astonished, Tom and I were building her stable and she stood 
there, smiling and I thought: "I'm imagining things." and Tom (the 
non-horse-sensitive) looked at her and said: "Look! Unna is smiling!". 
The corners of her mouth really were up, like when humans smile, and she 
looked so happy! Strange!!!
