RE: horse related accidents

1998-11-19 Thread Werner, Kristine
This message is from: Werner, Kristine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ann - 

right on - I think people who say who cares ? I´m going to die anyway 
don`t really believe it`s true and are therefore so careless - what they
really seem to mean is it can`t happen to me. If they are lucky, they
feel confirmed in their belief - if not, they regret their decision for
a long,
long time.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark and Ann Restad [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Donnerstag, 19. November 1998 16:43
 Subject:  Re:horse related accidents
 This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi, I want to respond to Pat Wolf and others comments on helmets, not 
 because I am so experienced in horses, but in medicine.  Head injuries
 are fairly common, and as Pat said, can mean anything from killing
 causing a vegetable situation, prolonged hospitalization, head
 and a lot of other, more subtle symptoms such a a person's personality
 changing, usually towards irritability- not nicer!  People often say, 
 well if i am going to go, I am going to go or such comments, but the
 thing we should really consider is living on, but having your life 
 changed forever by one of these conditions.  Enough from me.  Happy 
 Ann Restad, PA-C

Horse related accidents.

1998-11-18 Thread Pat Wolfe
This message is from: Pat Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There has been quite a bit of discussion on the subject if you should wear
a hard hat or not.  I would like to add a little more thaught to that by
telling you of some of my experiences.  This will be done by questions and

1,  How many years have you been working with horses?  28
2,  How many horse related accidents have you had that caused body injury?
3,  How many could have been avoided if you had the experience that you
have now?  3
4,  How many carriage or sleigh accidents have you had?  2
5,  How many riding accidents have you had?  1
6,  How many draft accidents have you had?  1
7,  How many of these happend when you were alone on the farm working the
horses?  1
8,  Where you unconscious the time you were alone?  Yes
9,  How long where you unconscious?  1 hour.
10. Do you remember anything about the accident?  No
11, What is the first thing you remember?  My wife standing over me
her eyes out wondering if I was going to live or not.
12, What is the next thing you remembered?  The ambulance driver asking me
what day it was.  I can't remember my answer.
13, How was the ambulance ride?.  Horrible.  Every little bump felt like
someone was stabbing me in the back with a knife.
14  What is the next thing you remember?  In the emergency ward I remember
asking the Dr. to take off the collar that they had on my neck because
because it was aching like hell.  His answer was.  Mr. Wolfe we think
you have a broken back or a broken neck and if we take this collar off
you may be paralized for the rest of your life.  That scared the hell
out of me and I have never forgotten that moment.
15, How many hours where you in the emergency ward?  9
16, How many days where you in the hospital?   6
17, What were your injuries caused from that accident?  Broken collar
broken ribs and the rest crack on the left side, bruised lung, smaller
lung space and a concussion.
18, How much work time have you missed because of horse related accidents?
4 months.
19, Do you carry any accident insurance to cover you while you are off
20, Where you wearing a hard hat when these accidents occurred?  No
21, Are you wearing a hard hat now when you are working with the horses?
22, Since you have been wearing a hard hat has it saved you from a head
injury?  Yes
23, What advise can you give too other horse owners.  Keep safety in
mind at
all times and NEVER trust a horse, even the quiet ones.
When there is an accident in a family it effects more than just the person
that was injured.