New Foals!

2005-06-11 Thread Lori Albrough

This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to share our birth announcements this year Felix had a new 
daughter and a new son born here at Bluebird Lane!

All went well and the mommas and little ones are doing great! Raldiene, who 
is by Prisco's sire, Halstor, had a fantastic little filly who has just 
captured my heart. This filly is so typey and so charming, I just love 
everything about her. Her name is Ibis (EYE-biss) and when I call her, even 
if she is way out in pasture, she throws up her head and answers 
"mee-he-he-heee" then comes to greet me.

Cindy (Ostar) at 23 years of age had a super athletic little colt, his name 
is Koel, and the moves on him are so entertaining, sometimes he scarcely 
touches the ground. He keeps his mom busy, that is for sure. I guess that is 
nature's way of getting the figure back in a hurry.

Our foal watch system, consisting of an infrared camera which I can rotate 
by remote control, infrared spotlight so it all works in the pitch dark, 
microwave receiver and transmitter (no cables from barn to house) and 
monitor in our bedroom - the whole system constructed by my electronics 
hobbyist husband Stefan - worked perfectly again this year, and I was 
present for both births.

Raldiene foaled at 3:30 am on the first night of watching her, I woke at 
3:20 and saw her circle and lay down, her tail was twitching in that way it 
does. We sprinted out there and attended the birth of wonderful Ibis.

Cindy I had been watching every hour through the night for two nights and 
she was acting totally casual, although the signs from her udder said it was 
time. I put her out on grass Friday morning and started cleaning her stall 
when I got a funny feeling and looked out the window in time to see her lay 
down and the water break. So she foaled outside, which was quite lovely with 
the grass, dandelions, sun and breeze. I sat behind her, and when she sat up 
in between contractions to have a bite of grass, I moved his feet to remind 
her to concentrate and get this baby born. Other than that, she really 
didn't need my help, but I feel I owe it to my mares to make every effort to 
be there for them. At any rate, I sure didn't need to worry that Cindy was 
too old :-) This is Cindy's 9th foal and she looks so great, is totally 
sound, and before getting big in foal was being ridden 6 days per week.

You can see photos of our new arrivals on our web site at

Also, I have one horse left on my sales list, a super gelding sired by 
Flotren, he is five years old and grey in colour. This horse has a SOLID 
temperament and wonderful gaits, with an especially good canter. I have 
owned him since he was a yearling and he has been brought along by me in 
dressage training. He has a great attitude to work, he loves it. He's 
entered for his first open dressage show next weekend, I can't wait! This is 
a great horse for a timid rider as he is so steady, and for anyone 
interested in riding dressage because he is well trained and such a nice 
mover. Our National FEI Pony Dressage Coach said Valebu is one Fjord that 
truly moves like a dressage horse. Check him out if interested!


Lori Albrough
Bluebird Lane Fjords
Moorefield Ontario

Re: congrats to all new with new foals..

2002-05-20 Thread Conerstonefjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,
 It is very exciting to hear about all the new arrivals!  I just brought 
home our younger mare Budeia after what we hope was a successful insemination 
on Sat.  I was a bit embarassed going to Fed-Ex asking for a semen experiences..:)  Our older mare Agneta is at 318 days and we 
are axiously awaiting the arrival of her little one.  She is definately 
"nesting".  Each night she walks straight to her stall which is very deep in 
straw and she gives me that big doe-eyed look and a big sigh.  We are getting 
some needed rain and everything is so green.  As I headed out after midnight 
to check on  Aggie I smelled skunk.  I kept thinking what a sight I would be 
in my flannel nightie coverered with horse hair and skunk!  Spring days are 
exciting..  Have a great day:)  Kathy Rollins 

Re: New Foals at Beaver Dam Farm & SALE HORSES

2000-07-06 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol I like Ranier better than Remco which sounds like a company logo.  How
wonderful to get the worries over with in one fell swoop Congratulations

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: New Foals at Beaver Dam Farm & SALE HORSES

2000-07-05 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur Rivoire)

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

We've had our two foals for the year, and Boy!, am I glad that's over.  I
was really nervous this year fearing that one of the mares would have a
difficult birth.  I was particularly concerned about Riena, a 4 yr. old
imported from Holland.  Not that I had any reason to be particularly
concerned, other than the fact that this was her first foal.  No real
reason, but nevertheless, I was worried!!!

Riena was overdue by about 10 days.  Stine, the other pregnant mare wasn't
due for about 10 days.  Guess what?  They both foaled early Thursday
morning at about the same time.  We could tell because both foals were
equally wet.  They also foaled within 20' of each other as that's where we
found the placentas.  Isn't that amazing?  I wish somebody could tell me
how this happens.  ---  Since last Thursdays 'Miracle', I've heard that
women living together will menstruate at the same time.  Must be the same

I told you sometime ago that I wanted to name at least one of the foals
after the two mares that died in the barn fire in Newfoundland, RANI and
REINE.  I thought we'd get a filly this year after three colts last year.
Now, I have to figure a way to "masculinize" the names Rani & Reine.  I was
thinking one of the colts could be - BDF RAN REINER.  It has a nice, strong
ring to it, I think.  I'd also like to name one of them after a young man
from Holland who was with us several years ago.  We've stayed in touch and
maintained the friendship.  His name is REMCO.  This is Beaver Dam Farm's
"R" year.  

Riena's colt is perfectly formed, cute, very lively, and little only in
comparison to Stine's colt who is unbelievably HUGE, MUSCLED & TRULY
GORGEOUS & IMPRESSIVE.  He's a full brother to BDF Kanada King, BDF
Obelisk, and BDF Malcolm Locke.  He's terribly long-legged, and was born
with his hooves knuckled over.  However, I wasn't too concerned as I've
seen this before and it corrects itself quite quickly.  This colt couldn't
even walk on his feet, he was so over at the fetlocks.  So, we put him in a
stall, and stared Physical Therapy . . . a really useful kind of Imprint
Training.  We just pulled on his pasterns and gently stretched the tendon.
The next day, he was much better, and by Saturday, he was walking flat on
his hooves.  

We think Stine's colt may be a red dun, and if so he'll be stunning because
the stripe is very distinct, just not black . . . so far, anyway.  We'll
have to wait and see, but I'm hoping for a gorgeous red dun.  There are
other signs as well.  One hoof is definitely lighter.  And, most
interesting of all, is that the skin of his scrotum is not black.  ---
We're betting on a beautiful red dun. 



MIRA - 14 yr. old Norwegian imported mare.  In foal to Gjest.  Drives.
Green broke to ride.  Excellent quality mare that produces beautiful foals
with her gorgeous head.  ---  Offered at very attractive price.

JACOB - 5 yr. old gelding.  Tall, big & good looking.  A really nice horse
professionally trained to ride and drive.  Has had (so far) 5 months
professional driving training.  Great character and temperament.  Ideal
competetive or family horse.  A hands down favorite here with everybody.
Our trainer is begging me to keep him for our Beginner Driving Vacations.  

SASKA - 8 yr. old mare.  Daughter of the wonderful imported stallion,
Holunder.  At BDF on consignment and for re-training.  She's super gentle
and kind.  Rides & drives.  Going well, but needs more good quality
training.  I really like this mare.  I find her extremely soft and
pleasant.  She deserves a kind and permanent home.  You will like her as
much as I do.

KASPAR -  4 yr. old gelding.  Son of Solar.  Very nice and good looking.
Just started his driving training, and going well. 

JARLE - 2 yr. old gelding, sired by Solar, and out of top Dutch "Keur"
mare.  A very high quality horse.  Good looking with excellent temperament.
 Started his driving training with us last Fall, then went back to his
owner.  Now he's back to start in harness, and for sale.  An excellent
horse for a good owner.

BDF QUENTIN DURWARD -  1 yr. gelding sired by Gjest, out of beautiful Dutch
mare.  This is a gorgeous horse with a temperament you won't believe.  FULL
BROTHER TO BDF IDAR, the dressage horse owned by Elaine Olsen in Los
Angeles.  FULL BROTHER TO BDF MISS NAVETA, the beautiful driving horse
owned by Betsy and Michael Scott in MN.  A lovely gelding sired by Gjest,
out of one of our best mares.

QUINTESSA - Yearling filly sired by KONGGARD, out of imported Norwegian
mare.  Absolutely beautiful filly with excellent character.  Well mannered
and very sociable.  Can do anything with her.

IMPORTED 2 YR. OLD FILLIES -  Still a few available.  Call for details.

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire   

Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam

Re: New foals, BEARS, Colored Fjords, Gelding SOLD

1999-05-28 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everyone from warm, ( 87 ) overcast, humid :  (  So. Calif.Ek. 

   Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend planned, we are stuck in a 
holding pattern, watching this eating machine mare, that is now due to foal. 
( 30th ) We ran a cable from our old cam corder, to our VCR, strung it up 
over her stall with baling twine, ( very high tech ) and watch her big belly 
twich and jump from our recliner chair. We have caught all other foalings 
here using this method, just a little tough when there is a breeze, makes you 
a bit sea sick ! So far, shes all bagged up, nipples full, softend up back 
end, VERY uncomfortable, but no waxW I want wax!!!  My 
mare streams milk on her last day, so we always know, but this one is going 
to try and trick us.  ;  (
 Congrats Suzan on your new foal.!  I would tease you about taking a 
refresher class in A+P, but have prob. heard it by now. Sophie is a tough one 
to change to a male sounding name, so would suggest picking out a new name 
ASAP to avoid gender confusion.  Cant wait to see him in July !  BTW my 
Belgian is named Sophie.

I have an opinion on BEAR SIGHTINGS while trail riding. 


   I heard that some old packers in Mt. call those little bells you can hang 
off your horse, DINNER BELLS.enough said on that !

   Interesting thread on the colors of the Fjords, I have a mare, very light, 
almost white, with a black stripe, that is out of Leigjo N-1945, the imported 
Stallion who has sired some white / light Fjords. I sure would love a picture 
of him, ( Anita ) if you are still on the list.  Will send you some of Jule'. 

   Diane, I also love the Durango area of Colorado, and also up the hill from 
you in Uray (sp?)  May be seeing the sites there this summer.

   Michele, I own a filly " Oscars Sweet Korina " out of Opal, your new mare. 
I remember her, she is LOVELY and I will be interested to see Korinas 
sibling, who is she bred too?  Korina is a sweet, beautiful tall filly, who 
is begining to assert herself in the herd, by keeping her buddies away from 
the feed ! Cant wait till she slows down growing a bit, typical 2 yr old butt 
in the air, and all legs. 

  * Jackie ( PAV AUSSIE ) and I are playing hookey this weekend, for the 
Holiday, so there will be NO FJORD CHAT this Sun. evening. We will be back 
next week at 9 PM Eastern time, horse room # 1, at PetsandVets.

   Last but not least..Thanks for all the interest in our big Gelding we 
offered for sale, Knute was sold yesterday, and left this AM for No. Calif. 
Knute will be ridden by a nice lady, Denise, for trail, and some playing 
gymcanna. Hope we sparked an interest in her to drive him, and we are sure 
glad to sell Knute to such a wonderful home !   Miss him 
already.Congratulations Denise !

   Be safe everyone, wear those helmets, and drive a little too fast !   
Lisa Pedersen   PAV FJORDS

Names for your new Foals

1998-05-19 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I found this interesting site yesterday.  It lists names for babies for
you.  If you pick the ethnic orgin of Scandinavian, it will list only
Scandinavian names.  You can pick the letter with which the name begins or
ends if you want and of course the gender.  

Try it out.  The URL is:



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Webster, NY, USA (Suburb of Rochester)

 Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497
