Re: Saddles, winter coats

1998-09-17 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: "Alison Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Winter Coats - I don't think you can forecast your winter weather based
> onyour Fjord's coats.

I missed the original line of dialogue, although I can tell you you can't
predict from their coats.  two years ago, we had -30 celcius allot, and last
year because of el ninio,  it was pleasant all winter. yet to look at Fj's
coat, you would have thought it the other way around.

Re: Saddles, winter coats

1998-09-16 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone riding in hilly country use a breast collar and ?. I
> find them necessary to keep my saddle from going up Tank's neck or
> down his tail.

I used a breast collar and crupper on my mare, Nansy, with her
Circle-Y Arab-tree saddle.  That kept it from rolling all the way over
when I mounted (a sign of poor saddle fit, BTW).

I currently use a crupper on my gelding, Sleepy, with his OrthoFlex
Express (western-like tree, no horn, english-like flaps and stirrup
rigging, lots of Ds for hanging equipment).  It keeps his saddle from
creeping up into his shoulders on downhills (after which it would try
to dive into his loins on the next uphill).

My husband, Lynn, used a crupper on his gelding, Rom, with his
OrthoFlex Traditional (custom-fit western tree, no horn, western
stirrup rigging), for a while.  However, after he managed to poke Rom
under the tail with the buckle once, they both decided they did just
fine without it.  The McClellan-like girth arrangement on that saddle
tends to keep it from moving around, much.

> Winter Coats - I don't think you can forecast your winter weather
> based on your Fjord's coats. Tank starts getting his winter coat in
> August. It is already longer than most local horses have all winter.

Mine all have different coats right this instant.  The 29-year-old
mare has been shedding continuously since last December, and never did
look "slick" this year.  The 15-year-old gelding is already getting
that "scruffy" look from the longer hair starting to grow in.  The
12-year-old gelding still looks fairly slick, although he is shedding
lots of little short hairs, so it won't be long before he starts to
look like a plush stuffed toy, again.

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
30 mi SSE of San Francisco, Calif.

Saddles, winter coats

1998-09-16 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The orthoflex I use is a dresseur model. I find it great for trail riding.
I have heard that one mountain guide (in North Carolina) uses it
exclusively for her saddle due to its comfort and ridability (this is a
word?) It's deep seat leaves me feeling secure and the knee rolls help keep
me in the saddle. I have safety stirrups on the saddle - can't remember
what they are called this minute. Orthoflex does make western saddle models
too as mentioned earlier. Does anyone riding in hilly country use a breast
collar and ?. I find them necessary to keep my saddle from going up
Tank's neck or down his tail.

Winter Coats - I don't think you can forecast your winter weather based on
your Fjord's coats. Tank starts getting his winter coat in August. It is
already longer than most local horses have all winter. 4,000+ years of
breeding in an arctic climate make them prepare early and well for winter
no matter where they live. They would be more comfortable in Alaska or
Canada this time of year where the weather is already very cool. Jean,
didn't it snow already in Alaska?

We are getting to go to our last show of the season this weekend in Grand
Island at the Stuhr Museum of the Prairie - really wonderful place if you
are ever going across I-80 and have the time. This is a fun show where
everybody just has a real good time knowing we probably won't see one
another again till Spring.

Well, our trails have finally dried out, the roads have been graded, the
weather is cool and deer hunting season begin yesterday!

Cynthia Madden, Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Only in we use the word "politics" to describe the process  so
well: "Poli" in Latin meaning "many" and "tics" meaning  "bloodsucking