Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #216

2000-08-15 Thread Sue Harrison
This message is from: Sue Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tish Crippled up and moving in Great Pain
and Elphie Big Jump Equine

Ahhh Tish. done that, been there,and to think I bought a Fjord so
this would not happenoh me oh my...can't wait to hear the answer for
this one. I sold a beautiful 15.2 hh  Appaloosa own old mares
son, for that very reason.  He would shy and jump a great big jump
sideways I did not fall off him  through shear good luck and not
management. I pray to heaven Storm will  not do that.  As for the meds you
are taking for the pain...take it with food, and make sure it is coated.  I
was taking a 600 mg pill morning and night and it made me very sick to my
stomach.  It was for Plantar Faschiia (spelled right) in my right foot and
right now I will put up with the pain thank you very much. (:  I am going to
try 200 mg ones that are coated if the pain gets bad tho. Well gotta go get
ready to join the group of riders I am with.  Cross your fingers that I will
not get dumped off hubbys 15.2 hh gelding.  (:
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #216

2000-08-15 Thread Sue Harrison
This message is from: Sue Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As I said though, given the low fertility of a yearling and a 30+yr old
mare, I would think the odds of her being pregnant are slim to none.

Thanks Steve...when I have my regular vet out next week for the annual
shots, I will ask him what he thinks about checking out Duchess for
pregnancy.  He has been her vet for 24 years.  But thanks so much...I do
agree with you that the chances of pregnancy are remote and I sure pray you
are right.  I am heading out tonight to meet up with a group of horseback
riders to continue riding for money for therpeutic riding.  My hubby has his
gelding and also our 4-wheeler is on the trail..  We all started out early
Sunday morning and, when the old railway- cross- Canada trail, that we were
following came close to home, I got hubby to bring me home for the nite on
the wheeler.We then took his 4 wheeler back out by truck to join the group
of riders, came back spent the night and he rode off to join them on his
horse. ( We took the wheeler to haul a trailor of supplies)...there are 8
horses so far and three 4-wheelers. I will ride some on the horse to spell
hubby off and give us each a break. We are doing a 100 mile Millenium ride
from Fredericton, N.B. to Perth.  We are tenting at night in the woods along
the trail.  Having a great time.  We will be back home on Sunday.  Wish us
Sue in N.B.  (Desert Storm's mom)