Re: took my breath away.....

2000-02-06 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/6/00 1:06:17 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

   If I have ever seemed that way to 
 anyone else, I certainly apologize.  Would ask that if we ever meet at a 
 horse show or event, that folks don't misinterpret my focus for aloofness!

I remember meeting you briefly, very briefly g at the Evaluation in Oregon. 
 It was easy to see your focus and dedication, and your hard work, making it 
run smoothly.  Still, in all that, with all the commotion whipping around 
you, I found you were quite friendly.  Someday in the near future, I'd love 
to see you and Dusty work.  Maybe in Albany, but we'll just be getting back 
from Hawaii.  And I tend to want to be with my ponies when I've been away 
more than a day or two.


Re: took my breath away.....

2000-02-06 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/5/00 12:37:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

 when you were at Libby last year, as Dusty was galluping up the side of the
 arena during the Freestyle Reining demonstration {sorry about the poorly 
constructed sentence} I could see how much
 heart he had and what a great team you guys were and I had to catch my
 breath{actually I started crying}afterwards I was going to go up and
 talk to you but I chickened out. The other day I remembered that moment so I
 thought I'd tell you about it.see ya...Linda 
Hi Everyone,

I just received this letter in a private email from Linda.  I wanted to share 
this with everyone, particularly in light of several recent postings 
regarding training of our Fjords.  I have heard this comment on many 
occasions about the relationship between Dusty and I.  My explanation is that 
we have become soul-mates.  We nearly read each other's minds.

This has come from spending time with each other, wet saddle blankets, 
whatever you wish to call it.  Perseverance, patience, persistence has always 
been my advice to serious students and was similarly stated by one of our 
listers today and in Carol Rivoire's recent posts.  There are NO SHORTCUTS!  
It takes years to achieve any high level of accomplishment, not 30-60 days!

My point in sharing this with all of you is that this type of relationship 
can be achieved by each and every one of you if you are dedicated and 
committed enough to make it happen!  It is rewarding beyond belief!

By the way, in my answer to Linda, I told her that she made me feel bad for 
'chickening out' to talk to me.  Gosh, I never thought that I was very 
intimidating!  Perhaps intense and concentrating on the job before me, 
especially when I have several horses and students under my wing, but sure 
have never meant to seem beyond approach.  If I have ever seemed that way to 
anyone else, I certainly apologize.  Would ask that if we ever meet at a 
horse show or event, that folks don't misinterpret my focus for aloofness!

Good luck to everyone in the pursuit of your Fjord goals and remember, there 
is no substitute for perseverance, patience, and persistence!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR