Re: [Flightgear-devel] SID, STAR, and airway data

2004-06-05 Thread Jorge Van Hemelryck
On Sun, 30 May 2004 21:58:12 +0200
Durk Talsma wrote:

 I hadn't really thought about that so much. However, while these SIDs and 
 STARs wouldn't be very useful for AI traffic, they probably wouldn't be too 
 problematic either. As long as there is an initial and a final waypoint, the 
 expect vectors  would then simply be the most direct route between these 

More precisely, you can define some arbitrary waypoints. For instance,
if the SID says climb to zzz ft, you can determine the point (distance)
at which the aircraft reaches that altitude, and have it marked as a
waypoint in the internal AI flight plan. The next waypoint would then be
the first en-route waypoint. Likewise, if the STAR says expect
vectors, and if you are supposed to go for an instrument final
approach, you can safely assume that ATC will try and vector you to a
point approximately 4-6NM before the Final Approach Point, on the same
axis as the final approach.

 I'm currently again leaning more toward a straight-in straight-out take on 
 AI traffic as the first step, because that would simplify automatic flight 
 plan/waypoint generation by quite a bit. Then next, if we have the data 
 available on approach and departure procedures, these could be used instead. 

And that's more or less the way it works in real life, usually the first
step is writing the flight plan, and for this you usually try and find
SID and STAR flight paths. If you can't find them, you fall back on
direct-to-waypoint-type paths.

A good thing to do would be to try and implement the way ATC works as
close to real life as possible. You can define these default flight
plans for AI aircraft, and implement a clearance limit, which means
that the aircraft can follow the flight plan safely up to a given point
(usually a waypoint); you can also have altitude clearance (usually in
order to avoid other traffic). Before reaching a clearance, an AI
aircraft could ask for further directions/clearance from the ATC. If
the ATC has a radar, it can detect that the aircraft is approaching the
limit and give further directions without having to be asked for them.

You might be interested in the rules of ATC (traffic separation using
time or distance or altitude), most of it should be in the ICAO document
. I don't know where to get it, but I had been given one while I was
preparing for the ATPL theory exam. I did a little search with Google,
and apparently the document (official title Procedures for Air
Navigation Services - Air Traffic Management or PANS-ATM, ICAO document
number ) is for sale for $161 on the ICAO website...

Jorge Van Hemelryck

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] SID, STAR, and airway data

2004-05-30 Thread Durk Talsma
On Wednesday 26 May 2004 23:21, David Megginson wrote:

 I agree.  Unfortunately, you will find that many SIDs consist of something
 along the lines of

 - fly runway heading
 - maintain 3,000 ft unless otherwise advised by ATC
 - expect vectors on course

 Similarily, many STARs simply provide an altitude and a starting point, and
 then state that the pilot should expect vectors to the runway.  Neither
 will be too useful for AI work, I'm afraid.

I hadn't really thought about that so much. However, while these SIDs and 
STARs wouldn't be very useful for AI traffic, they probably wouldn't be too 
problematic either. As long as there is an initial and a final waypoint, the 
expect vectors  would then simply be the most direct route between these 

I'm currently again leaning more toward a straight-in straight-out take on 
AI traffic as the first step, because that would simplify automatic flight 
plan/waypoint generation by quite a bit. Then next, if we have the data 
available on approach and departure procedures, these could be used instead. 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] SID, STAR, and airway data

2004-05-26 Thread Durk Talsma
In February Erik Hofman mentioned that Robin Peel maintains a database of  
airway data, for shared use between x-plane and FlightGear. I was wondering 
if there's also a database of SID and STAR procedures that we could use? The 
reason I'm asking is that these might be extremely useful in developing AI 

IIRC, the airway database is currently not included in the cvs base package. 
Where would I be able to find it?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] SID, STAR, and airway data

2004-05-26 Thread David Megginson
Durk Talsma wrote:
In February Erik Hofman mentioned that Robin Peel maintains a database of  
airway data, for shared use between x-plane and FlightGear. I was wondering 
if there's also a database of SID and STAR procedures that we could use? The 
reason I'm asking is that these might be extremely useful in developing AI 
It would be better than what we have now, but it wouldn't be realistic. 
SIDs and STARs are fallback procedures in case of lost comms -- in real 
life, ATC has never had me fly one all the way through, and most of the 
time, my arrivals and departures bear little resemblance to the SIDs or 
STARs, even when they were part of my initial clearance.

The reason they don't work in real life is that everyone is flying at a 
different speed.  There's typically one STAR for every arrival direction 
(often centred around a major intersection or navaid), but ATC has IFR 
traffic ranging from 100 kt Cherokee 140s to 180 kt twins and turboprops to 
jets flying just barely under the 250 kt low-altitude limit (or not, in the 
case of some military jets).  They also have to get departures off the 
runway in-between arrivals.  Obviously, they cannot send us all in on the 
same route even if the STAR does have separate altitudes for jets and props, 
so the STAR usually gets abandoned not long after the initial fix.  Jets and 
turboprops typically get vectored to a long final (say, 15 nm or more), 
while slow twins and singles get turned in just before (or sometimes on top 
of) the final approach fix so that they'll spend the minimum amount of time 
clogging up approach path.

IIRC, the airway database is currently not included in the cvs base package. 
Where would I be able to find it?
DAFIF has a complete airway database.  I actually used it once for real-life 
flight planning when I had my notebook with me but couldn't get online and 
had left my charts in the plane.

All the best,
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] SID, STAR, and airway data

2004-05-26 Thread Durk Talsma
On Wednesday 26 May 2004 19:15, David Megginson wrote:

 The reason they don't work in real life is that everyone is flying at a
 different speed.  There's typically one STAR for every arrival direction
 (often centred around a major intersection or navaid), but ATC has IFR
 traffic ranging from 100 kt Cherokee 140s to 180 kt twins and turboprops to
 jets flying just barely under the 250 kt low-altitude limit (or not, in the
 case of some military jets).  They also have to get departures off the
 runway in-between arrivals.  Obviously, they cannot send us all in on the
 same route even if the STAR does have separate altitudes for jets and
 props, so the STAR usually gets abandoned not long after the initial fix. 
 Jets and turboprops typically get vectored to a long final (say, 15 nm or
 more), while slow twins and singles get turned in just before (or sometimes
 on top of) the final approach fix so that they'll spend the minimum amount
 of time clogging up approach path.


Thanks for your real-life perspective. Let me just add a little bit of back 
ground information about my request and add a little bit of a perspective 
from a software development point of view. During the last couple of weeks, I 
finished a first draft of a traffic manager for FlightGear. The traffic 
manager is a subsystem that generates AI Aircraft, by calling David Culp's 
AIModel code. Curently, this is done on the basis of a time table stored in a 
database, but this could be easily be expanded to randomly, or heuristically 
generated traffic. David and I have exchanged some ideas on how to integrate 
the traffic manager with the AIModel system, and in the mean time, David Luff 
and I have talked about some possibilities of implementing ATC in this system 
(Please correct me if I'm wrong guys). 

So, initially I proposed to develop the FlightGear AI traffic system roughly 
guided by the following schedule, or at least that's probably how I would 
approach the problem if I had to do this myself. 

1: Write a top level traffic manager
2: Make sure the traffic manager  can create AI Aircraft entities (for 
visuals, radar contact, and a more detailed simulation of the route taken). 
3: Make sure the whole system works without worrying about the details (e.g., 
separation conflicts, parking problems, or approaches and departures. Just 
let every aircraft make a straight out straight in)
4: Add SID/STAR support
5: Add code to detect and predict separation conflicts.
6: Add support for more sophisticated parking/taxiing. 
7: Add FIR support

With each additional step, the system would become more complex and add 
sophistication. Also, the role of air traffic control would become more 
sophisticated with each additional step. However, as reality turns out to be 
more diverse and complex than schedules, I'm currently working pretty much on 
points 1 trhough 4 simultaneously. The traffic manager runs fairly well now 
on my system and it is capable (albeit still very crudely), of communicating 
with the AIModel code. There are a few issues that we need to solve, but in 
my opinion  this could be done best after I've submitted the initial code, 
because then all parties involved can have a look at it.

Point three, is the one  that I'm currently spending most of my evening hours 
on. All the flights that I've listed sofar in the traffic manager's database 
require a flight plan, and I still need to create a few of these . In future 
versions, it's likely that a lot of these flightplans can be created 
dynamically, but we're currenly not yet at that stage. And this is also where 
my question came from: We need to create these plans anyhow, so if we could 
pick the approaches or departures from a database, instead of hand typing 
them, that would speed up the development of this system by quite a bit. 

Now, points 4 and 5, are specifically interesting with regard to your real 
world experience. The way I currently see AI traffc in FlightGear is that it 
is accomplished by three subsystems running in parrallel. The first system is 
the traffic manager, which determines when and where traffic should be 
generated. The second system is the AI Model manager, which actually 
generates the aircraft, and flies it according to the flight plan it has been 
assigned. The third subsystem, the ATC manager, has the important role of 
monitoring all traffic and the authority to modify the routes taken by each 
AI aircraft, for example by changing it's waypoints. If properly implimented, 
and provided that the combined IQ of this developers list can make the ATC 
manager smart enough, this could then lead to the situation that you 
describe: The standard procedures are a theoretical requirement, but in 
practice, more often than not, the ATC module decides to give instructions 
that are more appropriate for the local situation. 

However, until we are at that point of sophistication, I would rather see some 
standard approach and departure patterns 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] SID, STAR, and airway data

2004-05-26 Thread David Megginson
Durk Talsma wrote:
However, until we are at that point of sophistication, I would rather see some 
standard approach and departure patterns being used than nothing at all. 
I agree.  Unfortunately, you will find that many SIDs consist of something 
along the lines of

- fly runway heading
- maintain 3,000 ft unless otherwise advised by ATC
- expect vectors on course
Similarily, many STARs simply provide an altitude and a starting point, and 
then state that the pilot should expect vectors to the runway.  Neither will 
be too useful for AI work, I'm afraid.

All the best,
Flightgear-devel mailing list