Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Flightgear-users] Traffic Manager II

2008-07-28 Thread Jon Stockill
Martin Spott wrote:
> Greg Hawkes wrote:
>> One solution to this problem is to create a shared database of every 
>> (well, every /regularly scheduled/) flight everywhere in the world. This 
>> idea is similar to FlightGear's world scenery database. That project 
>> claims to aim for world domination, so why not have the same aim for the 
>> AI traffic database? Of course, problems with this idea are that 1) 
>> maintaining the database is a huge job, [...]
> I certainly don't want to cross Durk's plans. Nevertheless, given the
> case that Durk _does_ come to the conclusion, that having such a shared
> database of AI flight plans is a solution, then I think we should
> manage to co-locate such a DB at the given infrastructure and share the
> workload of maintenance among the involved people   Your name is
> noted  ;-)

I'd started work on a db based on the current traffic manager 
requirements, and it was all getting rather complex. The changes you've 
mentioned would appear to simplify the database requirements somewhat, 
so I'd be happy to add something onto the scenery db system to support 
it. I doubt I have the time to maintain it though, so if someone wants 
to volunteer to keep an eye on things and prod me when changes to the db 
structure or front end are required then it'll make best use of the time 
I have available.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Flightgear-users] Traffic Manager II

2008-07-28 Thread Martin Spott
Greg Hawkes wrote:

> One solution to this problem is to create a shared database of every 
> (well, every /regularly scheduled/) flight everywhere in the world. This 
> idea is similar to FlightGear's world scenery database. That project 
> claims to aim for world domination, so why not have the same aim for the 
> AI traffic database? Of course, problems with this idea are that 1) 
> maintaining the database is a huge job, [...]

I certainly don't want to cross Durk's plans. Nevertheless, given the
case that Durk _does_ come to the conclusion, that having such a shared
database of AI flight plans is a solution, then I think we should
manage to co-locate such a DB at the given infrastructure and share the
workload of maintenance among the involved people   Your name is
noted  ;-)

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] windows.h

2008-07-28 Thread Durk Talsma
On Sunday 27 July 2008 21:24, James Turner wrote:

> Incidentally, a minor rant - even in the past week, I've seen the 'XXX
> is being worked on, person YYY has lots of changes which they haven't
> committed for arbitrary (justifiable) reason ZZZ'. I'd like to get
> involved in hacking on some actual user-visible changes (see a future
> email for that), but right now I'm struggling to get a handle on, for
> example, which bits of the OSG code are being worked on and which
> aren't.

Yes, it seems like a lot the old school developers have gone into hibernation. 
I know first hand that a number of previously active developers are reluctant 
to contribute, due to a disproportionate amount of unconstructive negative 
criticism bestowed upon them by a small number of people on this list. 
Unfortunately, a significant proportion of well intended new contributers has 
undergone the same fate. 

Maybe this is a good opportunity to mention that I'm really pleased to see a 
number of familiar names frequently reappear on the list (you, Erik, Fred). I 
hope the rest of the old schoolers will follow. I also hope that this will be 
the return to a more open discussion of key development issues and the 
development of a new vision for the future of FlightGear. I also hope that 
this might be the start of a return to the nice friendly, cooperative and 
friendly place that this list once was. 


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[Flightgear-devel] Project tracking

2008-07-28 Thread James Turner
(here's a can of worms, please forgive any erroneous assumptions I'm  

As someone new coming to FG, it's pretty tricky to get a handle on  
what's going on, what's being worked on, what needs fixed and so on.  
Of course this is an issue for all software projects, and there's  
different solutions depending on the nature of the team, how many  
active contributors exist and so on. FG seems to have a few potential  
tracking 'points' - the Developer Wiki, the SourceForge tracker / bug  
system, some (mandated) files in CVS (ToDos) and the usual source code  
'FIXME' annotations (which something like Doxygen can extract, if  
formatted suitably).

Notably, there's a few questions for someone looking to get involved  
and some ancillary nice ones:

  - known broken things in current CVS
  - current tasks required for a release based upon OSG (or in  
general, the next planned release)
  - things that can be improved / fixed / cleaned up using OSG, but  
can wait (for whatever reason)
  - things that are being actively worked upon

[the nice to have ones]
  - things that the aircraft / scenery modelling community would like  
to have in the near / medium / long term
  - long-standing bugs (and maybe why they're long-standing!)
  - potential quick tasks / re-factorings which could be undertaken by  
a new coder to the project
  - larger scale refactoring tasks

 From reading the code, the list, and watching CVS commits, plus the  
odd naiive email, it's possible to get partial answers to all of the  
above, but they are incomplete answers at best.

A few of the questions, BTW, I'd like an actual concrete answer to  
(especially the 'tasks blocking an OSG release' one) but the main  
question is about visibility, i.e if there's a place any of the above  
is recorded by a working consensus (eg, > 60%) of developers.  
Obviously I have my own preferred solution to the above list (use a  
tracking system like Bugzilla, Trac or the SF tracker) but I'm heavily  
biased by familiarity with such systems, and using them in other  
projects. I'm aware that they might not work for FG (no one is using  
the SF tracker, possibly because it's a bit of dog), and they  
definitely don't work unless enough people use them. Equally it's  
pointless (and harmful) in open-source coding to be dogmatic about  
work methodologies (which is not the same as not having any, either)

S, comments on the above? Have I missed other sources of this sort  
of information? Am I overstating the need for it, or value of it, in a  
project such as FG? Are  there incremental or experimental  
improvements to tracking the project that people would like to  
suggest? I'll say right now that I am pretty sceptical of the 'keep a  
wiki page up to date' approach to project tracking, though any system  
is only as good as the time people put into it. ToDo / BUGS files in  
CVS can work, in my experience. I'd be happy to setup a Bugzilla  
(eurgh) (or any sane alternative) on my DreamHost, as a slightly more  
usable alternative to the SF tracker, but if it's purely to indulge my  
masochistic tendencies, I'll stick with my current approach - many  
(virtual) yellow post-it notes with scrawl such as 'PROPS_STANDALONE  
can die' and 'why isn't magvar updated by the SGSubsystemMgr?'.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Flightgear-users] Traffic Manager II

2008-07-28 Thread Greg Hawkes

Durk Talsma wrote:
So what is traffic manager II? Well the main difference is that it will become 
a lot easier for users to develop their own traffic. Instead of going through 
a complicated procedure of compiling a sequence of flights into an xml file, 
the new version just requires a plain text file that specifies which aircraft 
are available and which flights are required to be operated.

Hi Durk,

My biggest problem with FlightGear's AI traffic is not the complexity of 
the XML files, nor the need to assign individual aircraft to flights 
(although anything that reduces that complexity is good). Instead, the 
biggest issue that I can see is that there is no way for FlightGear 
users to share their flight patterns with each other.

For example, my local airport is Melbourne's Tullamarine (YMML), and I 
can create AI flights from Tullamarine to various Australian and 
international destinations. There are other FlightGear users modelling 
flights arriving at their local airports, some of which will correspond 
to the flights that I have modelled leaving from Tullamarine. There is 
no way for those users to access the flights that I have created. This 
means that each user creates their own AI traffic XML database, without 
the ability to share their efforts with other users.

One solution to this problem is to create a shared database of every 
(well, every /regularly scheduled/) flight everywhere in the world. This 
idea is similar to FlightGear's world scenery database. That project 
claims to aim for world domination, so why not have the same aim for the 
AI traffic database? Of course, problems with this idea are that 1) 
maintaining the database is a huge job, 2) distributing it will be a 
large  download, and 3) I don't want my CPU burning cycles to simulate 
traffic on the other side of the world.

Another solution is similar to this, but to download only those flights 
for a specific airport -- or maybe for a specific region.

A third idea is to download flights only for a set of airports (for 
example, only those airports that I frequent).

Of course, what I really want is to fly from anywhere to anywhere, and 
to see all of the corresponding air traffic along the way. Updated 
automatically, and in real-time.  Could you add that to your to-do list, 
please?  :-)

Greg Hawkes

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[Flightgear-devel] Header cleanups (was Re: windows.h)

2008-07-28 Thread James Turner

On 28 Jul 2008, at 02:39, Tim Moore wrote:

> I'm not sure what's going on in your example, as foo needs to be  
> defined
> somewhere in order for wibble to inherit from it. Otherwise there's  
> serious bug
> there.
>> If we're requiring a never MSVC than that, I believe we're fine. And
>> perhaps you meant something else entirely?
> I'm comfortable saying that we need a more recent compiler than MSVC  
> 6.

Sorry, I probably reduced it down too much for brevity. Essentially it  
says 'if you forward declare a base class, when using it in an  
auto_ptr, then MSVC might not run a derived class' virtual dtor' - the  
fix was to include the header file for the base class, so MSVC 'saw'  
the explicit virtual dtor on the base, and generated a real destructor  
call. If you're happy that everyone is using a modern MSVC, fine. Also  
I suspect osg:::ref_ptr doesn't have this issue, because the base  
class (osg::Referenced) is visible to the osg::ref_ptr template.

As a test, I tried (last night) doing this reduction on Aircraft/ 
aircraft.hxx and Aircraft/controls.hxx.

The resulting patch is quite interesting - firstly both header files  
went from including others to pulling in either no 'real' headers (in  
the case of aircraft) or one (SGSubsystemMgr, for the base class) in  
the case of controls.hxx.

The interest comes in what I had to 'fix' to then build - explicitly  
including controls.hxx or FDM/flight.hxx since aircraft.hxx didn't  
drag it in, fine. But I had to add fg_init.hxx includes to a couple of  
files,  to some others, and  to another.

So, this is probably something I'll pursue, at a background level.  
Picking one header, cleaning it out, and fixing the resulting breakage  
is a pretty manageable chunk of work, but there's a few to do. As I go  
I'll remove any #ifndef cplusplus nonsense and fix up C standard  
library includes. I'd like to collect a list of known beneficial (and  
worthwhile) improvements, so far it's:

  - ensure source files include config.h
  - ensure header files don't include config.h
  - remove pointless cplusplus guards
  - replace C-standard library includes with C++ wrappers
  - replace includes with forward class declarations where possible  
(in headers)
  - remove 'using std::foo' (or indeed an use of 'using') in header  
  - suggestions?
  - objections?

I'll stay away from the FDM source, since my feeling is they're either  
external (JSBsim, UIUC) or more holistic chunks (yasim) than other  
parts of the code.


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