RE: FOP memory usage
OK. I tried the page-sequence thing at the only possible break points in my data, and went from a 90MB memory footprint down to 28MB. But I also went from a 17 page PDF to a 105 page PDF. STUPID QUESTION: Is there a way to have a page-sequence not automate a page break? Thanks. -Steve -Original Message- From: David Neumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 1:57 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: FOP memory usage Indeed, thanks to a recommendation from Mr. Lillywhite to use a sequence for each of my pages instead of one sequence for all, my memory footprint for a 500 page report went from 270+ MB to 1.4 MB. This was using 0.20.2 dave On Friday, November 9, 2001, at 12:31 PM, Lloyd McKenzie/CanWest/IBM wrote: > > I'm not sure if this will help or not, but it worked well for me. > > I was trying to process a 64 MB document, and it was taking DAYS > and was > eating gobs of memory. I did some wading through the code, looking for > ways to optimize. I found a couple of places to reduce memory, > but nothing > substantial. (I plan to run some analysis on my changes, and if > they make > a difference of more than 5%, I'll submit them for inclusion in a > future > release.) However, in my wondering through the code, I realized > that FOP > parses and stores everything until it runs into an 'End' Page sequence > marker. My XML document was one BIG page sequence, so FOP was > parsing the > entire thing before it would start to generate output. As my XML > consisted > of a large number of fairly independent sections, I modified my > XSLT to put > each section into a different page sequence. The result was that > FOP only > parses objects to the end of the page-sequence, spits out the pages for > that sequence, and garbage collects the objects before moving > on. The only > data that is retained are link references. These eat up a bit > memory, but > nothing as bad as all of the area references needed to draw the page :> > > Hope this helps, > > > Lloyd > > Lloyd McKenzie, P.Eng. I/T Architect, IBM Global Services > Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > PhoneMail: (780)421-5620 Internal Mail:AZ*K0R*1004 *EDM > > > Matt Savino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/09/2001 08:21:53 AM > > Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > cc: > Subject: Re: FOP memory usage > > > Make sure you're using -hotspot. Try setting the initial and max heap > size to 256M if you have it. Turn on verbose garbage collection to see > what's happening. Even though it says 'No garbage collection was > performed, I'm not sure that's accurate (see below). Also sometimes the > total memory used is negative. So don't assume you'll always run out of > memory. That said 15MB XML to 120MB PDF may be a littl much. The only > way to find out is to try it! > > <<< my output on Weblogic with -hotspot -verbose:gc -ms256m -mx256m >>> > > FopServlet says hi > [GC 14710K->12798K(261888K), 0.0258153 secs] > [GC 14840K->13743K(261888K), 0.0275211 secs] > [Full GC 15436K->13778K(261888K), 0.7851467 secs] > [GC 15825K->14079K(261888K), 0.0097378 secs] > [GC 16127K->14306K(261888K), 0.0203590 secs] > [GC 16354K->14835K(261888K), 0.0211491 secs] > [GC 16883K->14911K(261888K), 0.0125452 secs] > [GC 16959K->14949K(261888K), 0.0097037 secs] > [GC 16997K->14981K(261888K), 0.0080228 secs] > building formatting object tree > setting up fonts > [GC 17029K->15288K(261888K), 0.0154997 secs] > [GC 17336K->15777K(261888K), 0.0254016 secs] > [GC 17825K->16324K(261888K), 0.0199059 secs] > [1[GC 18372K->16920K(261888K), 0.0248386 secs] > [GC 18968K->17332K(261888K), 0.0178556 secs] > [GC 19380K->17702K(261888K), 0.0221106 secs] > ] [2][GC 19750K->18117K(261888K), 0.0219930 secs] > [GC 19021K->18525K(261888K), 0.0153204 secs] > [GC 19952K->19940K(261888K), 0.0163652 secs] > [GC 21009K->21005K(261888K), 0.0129846 secs] > [GC 22075K->22075K(261888K), 0.0132101 secs] > [3[GC 24122K->23293K(261888K), 0.0148726 secs] > ][GC 25341K->23623K(261888K), 0.0144110 secs] > [4[GC 25671K->23925K(261888K), 0.0167574 secs] > [GC 25973K->24281K(261888K), 0.0171810 secs] > ] > Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer > Initial heap size: 15357Kb > Current heap size: 24716Kb > Total memory used: 9358Kb > Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed > These figures should not be used comparatively > Total time used: 5117ms > Pages rendererd: 4 > Avg render time: 1279ms/page > > > > > > > "Maring, Steve" wrote: &g
FOP memory usage
I'm using fop-0.20.1. I started with a 650KB XML file that I transformed into a 4MB XSL:FO file. Running this file through FOP to generate a PDF used about 90MB of memory. Initial heap size: 807Kb Current heap size: 91637Kb Total memory used: 90829Kb Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed These figures should not be used comparatively Total time used: 31265ms Pages rendererd: 17 Avg render time: 1839ms/page I have XML files in excess of 15MB that need to be converted to PDF. Assuming that a linear extrapolation is possible, it would suggest that the JVM running the FOP process would need in excess of 2GB of memory for this to avoid the dreaded java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. Are there any optimizations that can be done to FOP? Thanks. -Steve Maring Nielsen Media Research - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RE: svg probs with 0.19.0 and 0.20.1
I just tried FOP 0.20.1 using the fill-rule:evenodd example from with a modified DTD reference since the one mentioned didn't exist. The fill-rule:evenodd worked(I must not have been doing it right) but viewBox still did not. The size of the svg in the pdf makes it look like it chose to convert this 1200 unit wide graphic into a 1200px graphic at 72dpi( i.e. BIG; not 12cm ). What version of Batik is in the lib dir? When I open this svg in the Batik 1.0 svg browser the viewBox works. The Batik 1.0 distro now comes with some umteen jars. Anybody now which ones I need short of sticking every single one in a classpath?";>";> Example fillrule-evenodd - demonstrates fill-rule:evenodd -Original Message- From: Michel Lehon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:30 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: svg probs with 0.19.0 I thought FOP 0.19.0 + used Batik for SVG. Am I Wrong ? Michel. > -Original Message- > From: Alex McLintock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, 14 August, 2001 10:22 > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: svg probs with 0.19.0 > > > --- "Maring, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I'm not sure why this is happening. Maybe somebody can help me? My svg > > gets improperly generated through FOP 0.19.0 (I have not tried > others). The > > viewBox seems to be ignored and fill-rule:evenodd does not > work. Is this a > > Batik thing? When I run the rasterizer in Batik 1.0 it seems > to understand > > what I'm asking for. The Adobe SVG viewer thinks my svg is OK too. > > > > I don't know for certain but I don't think viewBox is implemented yet - > though I could be thinking of V 0.18 > > I think it is fair to say that a lot of the SVG spec is not yet > implemented. > > Alex > > > = > Alex McLintock[EMAIL PROTECTED]Open Source Consultancy in London > OpenWeb Analysts Ltd, > SF and Computing Book News and Reviews: > Get Your XML T-Shirt at > > > Do You Yahoo!? > Get your free address at > or your free address at > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
svg probs with 0.19.0
I'm not sure why this is happening. Maybe somebody can help me? My svg gets improperly generated through FOP 0.19.0 (I have not tried others). The viewBox seems to be ignored and fill-rule:evenodd does not work. Is this a Batik thing? When I run the rasterizer in Batik 1.0 it seems to understand what I'm asking for. The Adobe SVG viewer thinks my svg is OK too. -Steve Maring";> [file: logo.svg]";> Zettamedia Logo - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
positioning of blocks
I need to position blocks at very specific places on a page. These blocks corespond to the location of fields that need to be filled in on a form which was originally just paper based. Can I get an example of how I might use absolute or relative positioning to achieve this? Or do I need to do something else? Thanks. -Steve Maring - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]