RE: JRun exited abnormally...

2001-07-13 Thread wali

Thank you very much Alex and Jacob. I have reinstalled JRun and have put
the jars in the server's lib as mentioned by Jacob. It is working fine now
Thanx again

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RE: JRun exited abnormally...

2001-07-13 Thread Peter Jacobs

I'll try to help , but I am no expert...

The problem is that JRun and Fop both need an XML parser. In "F:\Program
Files\Allaire\JRun\lib\ext" is a XML parser, but it's an old one (Dom level
1). To use Fop and Cocoon, you need an xml parser with Dom level 2 (e.g.
Xerces). If the old one is in the classpath before Xerces, it will load
first and Fop will not work.
Normally people suggest to put Xerces in this folder and rename it to
aaXerces.jar. That way, it will load first. JRun will then also use Xerces
for its own XML-parsing. But this solution is messy, and no system
administrator will allow it on a production server, because it may interfere
with other projects on that server.

After some searching on the archives of fop-dev and cocoon-users and Allaire
JRUN web support (very interesting!) I found the following solution which is
much clearer (I think :-)

The idea is that every server in JRun has its own java virtual machine. You
change the classpath for that particular server so it loads first the
classes in a local directory of that server, and then the classes in
"\JRun\lib\ext". That way you don't have to put anything in the
"JRun\lib\ext" folder and the JRun application and the other servers (Admin,
Default) are not affected by your experiments.

Step 1: restore JRun to the original configuration or reinstall JRun so it
works again.

Step 2: create a new server (e.g. "Fopserver" )  (see setup guide). Now you
have 3 servers in "F:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers" : "admin",
"default" and "Fopserver" .
This step is not really necessary, you can also use the existing default
server if you want. In that case replace in the following steps "Fopserver"
with "default".

Step 3: edit the file
"F:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers\Fopserver\" :
Change (or add if it doesn't exist) the line that starts with
"java.classpath=" to:


For a definition of all these {...} see "F:\Program
Items in of a server override for that server the ones in

Step 4: put all the apache jars(Xerces,Xalan,Fop,...) and other jars you
need in the folder "F:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers\Fopserver\lib".
They will be available to all apps in that server.

works for me on Win2000/JRun3.0 and Solaris/JRun3.1

Peter Jacobs

> Hi all!
>  I have installed JRun 3.0 on Win 2000 machine. I installed it as
> application not as windows services. It was working quite fine but then i
> added a couple of jar files in JRUN\servers\lib\ext and some jsps and
> classes in my web application while the server was running. Then i
> restarted the server. The server did not start and gave the error
> "JRun exited abnormally Check evenet log". I checked the log file
> and found
> out that it gave error on loading default-app.
> The error is
> "error (JRun) JRun Aborting! [javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError:
> java.lang.classNotFoundException:
> org.apache.Crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl]"
> Now no server is running even the admin server. Can anybody help me out of
> this.???
> Thanx
> Wajid

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Re: JRun exited abnormally...

2001-07-13 Thread Alex McLintock

Ok - so what does this tell you?

a) Your JRun failed for some reason
b) You should be using a proper servlet engine.

Now what has this got to do with FOP? 

Oh ok - I'll try to be helpful for a few minutes.

Basically by adding classes to JRun's classpath you have added to the classes and
packages available to it. Jrun needs certain standard things - like an XML parser.
What you have probably done is to replace the old XML parser used by JRun with 
a later one from Apache. This would be fine if it worked - but it looks like you
haven't fully installed it.

Now ideally JRun should have two totally separate classpaths - one for the 
servlet engine itself - which you don't change - and one for each 
servlet zone  for servlets(and jsp's)  (I think JRun calls them "jsm"s.)

If you want to install FOP you should be ideally be installing FOP as part of a


Ok - now if this is all old hat to you and you are pointing out the mistakes in
the above explanation lets think about what you can do:

1) put the all FOP classes onto the *end* of your classpath of a single JSM.
You might find a file called (but that is from my experience of
a really old version of JRun on unix). Alternatively you might be able to set this
up with the GUI.

2) Ask in a JRun mailing list how to add new classes properly.

3) If you ammend the setup of some software you really should be able to back out
your changes in case you mess up. If you can't then you only have yourself to blame.


 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > 
> Hi all!
>  I have installed JRun 3.0 on Win 2000 machine. I installed it as
> application not as windows services. It was working quite fine but then i
> added a couple of jar files in JRUN\servers\lib\ext and some jsps and
> classes in my web application while the server was running. Then i
> restarted the server. The server did not start and gave the error
> "JRun exited abnormally Check evenet log". I checked the log file and found
> out that it gave error on loading default-app.
> The error is
> "error (JRun) JRun Aborting! [javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError:
> java.lang.classNotFoundException:
> org.apache.Crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl]"
> Now no server is running even the admin server. Can anybody help me out of
> this.???
> Thanx
> Wajid

Alex McLintock[EMAIL PROTECTED]Open Source Consultancy in London
OpenWeb Analysts Ltd, 
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JRun exited abnormally...

2001-07-13 Thread wali

Hi all!

 I have installed JRun 3.0 on Win 2000 machine. I installed it as
application not as windows services. It was working quite fine but then i
added a couple of jar files in JRUN\servers\lib\ext and some jsps and
classes in my web application while the server was running. Then i
restarted the server. The server did not start and gave the error
"JRun exited abnormally Check evenet log". I checked the log file and found
out that it gave error on loading default-app.
The error is
"error (JRun) JRun Aborting! [javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError:

Now no server is running even the admin server. Can anybody help me out of

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