Re: [fossil-users] Forget large set of changes

2017-12-04 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 6:29 AM, Andy Bradford <> wrote:
> Thus said Paolo Bolzoni on Fri, 01 Dec 2017 09:18:10 +0100:
> What do you mean by, ``I got an update of these files?''
> Does  that  mean  that  someone  else committed  some  changes  to  your
> repository and when you did ``fossil update'' you got all their changes?
> And you want to change them?
> Or does  that mean you  made some changes  to the working  checkout, and
> committed them?
> Or does it mean that you made  some changes to your working checkout and
> decided you don't like the changes?

Now I see why it was confusing. Let me explain, the dir1 content
comes from outside. It is basically a dump of the customer key

The customer did an update and sent me the new version.  This was
unexpected, as I from the discussion we had I understood that I was
pretty much the only one working on that. Fortunately, there were
no conflicts; but once copied the new version the mess started
as their dump changed the order of many files even if the content
were semantically the same.

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 10:10 AM, Mark Janssen <> wrote:
> Fossil cannot remove existing history. So removing only one dir and
> the associated history is not possible.
> Why don't you just update the files to be sorted and after that always
> keep adding them sorted?
> The diffs up until now will still be noisy, but from now on they will
> be more readable and you will keep the previous history.

Yes, that's what I am doing. I had a couple of large commits, but
at all things considered it is not a big deal.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Forget large set of changes

2017-12-01 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 10:06 PM, Andy Bradford
<> wrote:
> Thus said Paolo Bolzoni on Thu, 30 Nov 2017 12:40:17 +0100:
>> It worked  fairly well until  I received  an unexpected update  of the
>> original files. I  unpacked the new files in dir1  and fossil detected
>> hundreds of  changes; looking better  however this changes  are mostly
>> just order changes.
> Can you give a more concrete example? I'm not sure what you mean by they
> are ``mostly just order changes.'' What order changed?
>> So, my problem  is... what is the  best way to proceed? I  can start a
>> new fossil  repository, but I  would lose the  history in dir2.  I can
>> delete dir1  and recommit the  two versions  sorted, but it  would add
>> lots of needless changes in the repo again.
> What exactly are you doing here? How can you lose history of dir2 if the
> history is committed to Fossil?
> Again,  I think  additional details  would be  helpful. Some  fossil and
> shell  commands that  show  how  to reproduce  your  situation would  be
> useful.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> --
> TAI64 timestamp: 40005a2072ee

The dir1 files are key-value stores, a file contents look like this:

keyn,this is;an array;of values,
key2,another value,

The order of the keys is not important.

What happened is that I got an update of these files and the new
version changed the order of most the keys, but it changed only
few values. However, this changes in the order made the fossil
diffs confusing and large.

If I could go back, I would store all the files sorted, and here
comes the question. Can I make fossil forget all the changes in
dir1? so I put back them back properly sorted?

The obvious solution would be to delete the fossil repository and
do it again, but I would not like to do so as as I would lose my
changes in the second dir.

I am not sure what command lines would help, but I sorted
the files with:

$ find /directory -type f -exec ';'

where contains:

LC_ALL=C sort  <"$1"  >/tmp/"$$"_tmp
mv /tmp/"$$"_tmp "$1"
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Forget large set of changes

2017-11-30 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

I have a fairly large set of files, (a bit fewer than 60,000)
containing a simple key-value store in text format.

Being it so huge, and since I need to do edit only few files
(besides the customer needs only the changed ones) i organized my
project in this way:

dir1/ original files
dir2/ the files I changed

and kept it under fossil revision control.

However, the original files are not sorted in any way; so I
usually do the commits in two stages: (one) coping and sorting
the original file from dir1 to dir2 and committing, (two) do my
edits on the dir2 copy and commiting.
Doing so, the diffs are very clear.

It worked fairly well until I received an unexpected update of
the original files. I unpacked the new files in dir1 and fossil
detected hundreds of changes; looking better however this changes
are mostly just order changes.

I would like to see the changes better and avoid this problem in
the future.

So, my problem is... what is the best way to proceed? I can start
a new fossil repository, but I would lose the history in dir2. I
can delete dir1 and recommit the two versions sorted, but it
would add lots of needless changes in the repo again.

Ideally I would be able to shun the whole history of dir1, so
I can add it sorted and update it.

What can I do? Any suggestion?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] socks proxy fossil sync

2015-10-20 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

I'd like to use fossil in a strangely configurated headless machine.
In that machine to connected to the internet I need to use a socks

I checked the fossil manual, but I could not find anything about it.
It is possible to clone and sync via socks proxies?
I'll be happy to read the fine manual if it is there, just point me :) Thanks.

Yours faithfully,
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] socks proxy fossil sync

2015-10-20 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
I actually found that page, but it speaks only of http proxies. Not
socks proxies.
At the moment I solved using tsocks[1].


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:21 PM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:
> On 10/20/15, Paolo Bolzoni <> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I'd like to use fossil in a strangely configurated headless machine.
>> In that machine to connected to the internet I need to use a socks
>> proxy.
>> I checked the fossil manual, but I could not find anything about it.
>> It is possible to clone and sync via socks proxies?
>> I'll be happy to read the fine manual if it is there, just point me :)
> I found the above by entering "proxy" into the search bar at the top
> of the page on 
>> Thanks.
>> Yours faithfully,
>> Paolo
>> ___
>> fossil-users mailing list
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> ___
> fossil-users mailing list
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] diff after update

2015-09-11 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

Is there a way to get a diff between what I had in the disk before
executing "fossil update" and after?
I'd be happy to read the (fine) manual, but I cannot find the place. Thanks!

Yours faithfully,
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fine(r) commit granularity

2015-07-29 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 6:34 AM, Steve Stefanovich wrote:
 From: Paolo Bolzoni
 Sent: Wednesday, 29 July 2015 08:38

 fossil commit filename
 might help you in your problem?

 It gets messy when there is a number of files, on Windows at least where 
 using pipes and xargs is limited compared to Unix.

Sorry, I have no experience with Windows.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fine(r) commit granularity

2015-07-28 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
fossil commit filename
might help you in your problem?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 5:32 PM, Gour wrote:

 recently I was submtting some package-build scripts to one Linux distro
 and had to use Git - from within Emacs along with Magit interface.

 Somehow, the nad had arisen to use Magit’t ability to split diff into
 smaller chunks and do commit with fine(r) granularity which reminded me
 of the feature which was available long ago in Darcs’ “record” command
 which has ’-i’ option to interactively record/commit changes.

 Now I wonder if there is some way to do the same with Fossil and/or what
 do you think about such feature, iow. split commit within one file
 in smaller chunks when one forgets to ’safe often, commit often’ or
 simply wants to divide single commit into several ones?


 As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results,
 the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, for the
 sake of leading people on the right path.

 fossil-users mailing list
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Ignoring merge conflicts on a binary file

2015-07-28 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

I am writing a pdf document using LaTeX, since some of the readers
have problems compiling I'd like to keep also the .pdf under revision

The .pdf is actually a binary output of other files, so it should be
ignored during merge conflicts. I know this violated the basics of a
scm, but it is possible to tell the repository to treat some file
differently and do not try to merge them, but simply replace?

Your faithfully,
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Jump between branches

2015-03-04 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

I have a project that contains a tex file about a paper and the
relative C++ code.

When I want to try some crazy idea I like to make a branch work
in it and finally mergin in truck or closing depending how well
it worked.

But in this case I want also to continue to work on the paper
that is always on trunk branch. I was working on another branch,
lets say OTHER, when I committed using

fossil commit --branch trunk

and I think something went wrong.  In the webui the last commit
does appear as descendant of the last trunk commit, but as child
of OTHER even if in the branch trunk.

I am in autosync mode, it is too late to fix?

And, in general how can I work with distinct branches without
merging? I can say: fossil, leave this branch as it is but now I
want to work in another one?

Yours faithfully,
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Jump between branches

2015-03-04 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Works great, thanks!

On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
 On 3/4/15, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
 Dear list,

 I have a project that contains a tex file about a paper and the
 relative C++ code.

 When I want to try some crazy idea I like to make a branch work
 in it and finally mergin in truck or closing depending how well
 it worked.

 But in this case I want also to continue to work on the paper
 that is always on trunk branch. I was working on another branch,
 lets say OTHER, when I committed using

 fossil commit --branch trunk

 The command above say:  Create a new check-in using my local edits,
 and put the new check-in on a new branch named trunk.

 Presumably you already have one branch named trunk.  The command
 above simply created another.

 and I think something went wrong.  In the webui the last commit
 does appear as descendant of the last trunk commit, but as child
 of OTHER even if in the branch trunk.

 I am in autosync mode, it is too late to fix?

 No.  You have not lost any work.  Everything can be fixed.

 And, in general how can I work with distinct branches without
 merging? I can say: fossil, leave this branch as it is but now I
 want to work in another one?

 Always first move your local check-out to the specific version you want to 

   fossil update trunk   # Move to the latest trunk check-in
   fossil update branch-xyz   # Move to a branch named branch-xyz
   fossil update 951f7a6b5f3# Move to a specific check-in 951f7a6b5f3

 After your check-out is on the version you want to change, then you
 start editing.  After you make the desired changes, then do fossil

 Fossil shows what version you currently have checked out in the
 fossil status command.


 In the Web-ui, find the anomalous check-in and click on the Edit
 link.  Change it's branch name to something other than trunk.  Maybe
 call the branch mistake or oops.

 In your check-out do:

 fossil update trunk

 That will take your check-out to the latest trunk version.  Maybe also
 run fossil changes to make sure you have in your check-out is
 exactly what is checked in and has not been edited.  If you do have
 edits, use fossil diff to see them.  To get rid of unwanted edits,
 use fossil revert.

 Now bring in the changes from the mistake or oops branch:

 fossil merge --cherrypick oops

 This imports into your current check-out changes corresponding to the
 oops check-in (or mistake or whatever you decided to call the
 anomalous check-in.)  Verify that the correct changes were brought in
 using fossil diff.

 Once you have everything the way you like it, then do fossil commit
 to commit those changes to trunk.

 After editing trunk, if you want to go back and work on the branch
 again, first do:

  fossil update branch-xyz

 Then start editing.

 Or, you can create a separate directory (someplace else) and open a
 new check-out on the branch:

  cd ..
  mkdir the_branch
  cd the_branch
  fossil open ../repos/myrepo.fossil  branch-xyz

 It is fine to have two or three or a hundred different check-outs of
 Fossil, each pointing at a separate branch.

 D. Richard Hipp
 fossil-users mailing list
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Abort commit on empty message

2015-02-02 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

Something I actually like of git is that to abort a commit you just
have to leave the editor without saving.
It somewhat works with fossil too, but you have to confirm you want to
abort the commit. So, I was wondering, it is possible to abort the
commit on empty commit message?

yours faithfully,
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] ticket that depends on another ticket

2014-09-30 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

I am using fossil for bug tracking in a project where (not my
decision) we use git for revision control.  I was wondering if
there is a way to explicitly mark a ticket as children of
another. So it is clear that the root one must worked on before
the child one.

It is possible do something like that?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Reorder Ticket report format

2014-06-01 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Dear list,

It is possible to reoder the ticket report format?
I made a new one that hides the Fixed issuesa
and I would like to show it first.

Yours sincerely,
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Run fossil behind stunnel?

2013-10-04 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
I remember having this exact problem in the past.
The documentation should be improved.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Ron Wilson wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Francis Daly wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 02:58:09PM +0200, Jakob Eriksson wrote:
  How do I run fossil behind stunnel?


  Certainly, putting SSL on Fossil is NOT as simple as just drop it
  stunnel as implied
  on the web page.

 Could you provide a link to the web page? Perhaps someone on the list will
 have access to edit it to be more clear or correct, for the next person.

 Just looked myself - The Fossil as an inetd/xinetd or stunnel service
 section on

 There is nothing in that section about the --https option to fossil.

 fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Version 1.27

2013-09-11 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Maybe it is time to leave Windows?

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Warren Young wrote:

 Software can't go unmaintained indefinitely without consequences.

 The primary consequence being that people eventually upgrade ;).

 - stephan beal

 fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Inofficial naming contest...

2013-07-30 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Or libfeather in honor to the fact we now know all dinosaurs had feathers. ;)

Kidding a part I like libfossil, but maybe it is a good occasion to remove the
ambiguity with that filesystem.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Gautier DI FOLCO wrote:
 2013/7/30 Remigiusz Modrzejewski

 On Jul 30, 2013, at 12:06 , Stephan Beal wrote:

  Hi, all,
  As most of you know, work has begun on a prototype of what i
  dubbed fossil v2. As it turns out, everything i want to do can be done
  top of current repos, with no repo-level incompatibilities (so far, at
  least). That means it's not really v2, but instead provides an
  interface for v1 repos[1].

 That just shows how good is the design :)

  - libfossil - nothing wrong with that, IMO

 I'm for this one - just keep things simple.


 But if you really want a joke call it librush (like stiff brushes use during
 the fossils cleaning).

 fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Random thoughts on Fossil v2

2013-07-28 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Baruch Burstein wrote:
 This is drifting from the point of this thread, but what is modern OO as
 opposed to C++ style OO?
Marketing I am afraid. In C++ many of the concept that other languages
give as keywords like: interface or module are set of idioms.
Of course whoever is interested in selling other languages will mark the
C++ way as older. In the case of Java it becomes ridiculous as the language
is more blocked in the '80 vision of OO than C++...
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Compile Fossil with Tiny C Compiler

2013-01-30 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:46 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
 i've written the tcc team expressing my amazement at this type of result,
 but they respond to my excitement with a sober, but the runtime code is not
 as fast as gcc's. (Also, tcc's warning/error messages are, in general, not
 nearly as detailed.) Nonetheless, tcc's compile times are absolutely amazing
 - i regularly see 10x+ increases in compile speed with tcc.

I can understand tcc team answer, after all most of the users of a
program do not
see the compiling time.

But it does sound cool for development!
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil on https, fix site links

2012-12-27 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Question, while it was not difficult maybe it might be a good
idea to write a wiki article about how to serve fossil via https.

What do you think?

On 12/27/12, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
 I changed the command line in xined adding --https.
 Now it works fine.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Improvements to side-by-side diff

2012-12-17 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Maybe joining both ideas? Like coloring the whole word of a more neutral
color and the difference with the usual bright color?

I think it would be the best as I agree with both point of views.

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Martijn Coppoolse wrote:
 On 17-12-2012 8:33, Baruch Burstein wrote:

 Another suggestion:
 Since visual diffs are always for text files (I think), it doesn't make
 much sense to mark partial words as changed. If the whole word is not
 unchanged, then the whole word is changed. I am referring to things like
 line 73817 on the left in the fourth link below.

 Respectfully disagree.

 The line you refer to works perfectly fine; I see no reason to reduce
 granularity to word level, and every reason to keep it the way it works now:
 if a word is partially changed, I like to see _what_ part was changed.

 IMO, diff highlighting should highlight changes, not words.  I can recognize
 words by myself just fine; seeing what exactly changed is what I need the
 highlighting for.

 Also, in my case (at least), visual diffs are usually for text files
 representing source code. In code, especially for a case-sensitive language,
 a change to a single character can be crucial.  Reducing highlighting to
 only indicate changes per word makes it more difficult to see this.

 On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 4:16 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 Reposted from fossil-dev:



 ˙uʍop-ǝpısdn sı ɹoʇıuoɯ ɹnoʎ 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎɟı

 ˙pɐǝɥ ʎɯ uo buıʇʇıs uǝɥʍ ǝuıɟ ʇsnظ uʍop ǝpısdn pɐǝɹ uɐɔ ı ¡ʎןןıs ǝq ʇ’uop

 Martijn Coppoolse

 fossil-users mailing list
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] server SSL support

2012-11-13 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
On the other hand I think that what has been said in this topic should
be in the FAQ of the fossil site. Maybe with a link to an fool proof

2012/11/13, Cunningham, Robert
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:fossil-users-] On Behalf Of Remigiusz Modrzejewski
 Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 6:12 AM
 To: Fossil SCM user's discussion
 Subject: Re: [fossil-users] server SSL support

 On Nov 13, 2012, at 15:09 , ST wrote:

  why not put it inside in order not to bother with 3rd party stuff?

 To keep the core small?

 A recent survey of apps that provided built-in SSH implementations found
 that nearly 70% included significant security flaws not present in external
 packages.  The main problems were cutpaste errors, and failure to track
 updates to borrowed or hard-linked code.

 On the flip side, including encryption may make your app illegal for export
 to, or use within, certain countries.

 If a highly-regarded external app will provide the needed encryption, use


 fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Questions about fossil

2012-10-21 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
I love fossil and use it in all my projects, and using I got few
questions I cannot find the answers...

- Can I change the zip archive name in the check-in page?
- Can I change the directory name inside the zip archive?
- It is possible to change a typo in a commit message in autosync mode?
  (without dumping the fossil database, changing the dump, remaking it)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Default leaf when clicking on ``Files''

2012-09-18 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
Thanks, the /dir=ci=trunk trick is fairly good.

For my situation the ideal would be pointing to the trunk check-in leaf.
But is it good enough, and users might like the file list anyhow.


2012/9/18, Martijn Coppoolse
 On 17-9-2012 19:19, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
 I host few small projects on Fossil, and I also use Fossil to distribute
 the files.

 I openend a branch for an experimental feature I wanted to try.
 Now when I click on ``File'' the site does not show the last check-in
 of Trunk, but the last check-in of the experimental branch.

 Is there a way to set that Files shows the files of the trunk leaf?
 So visitors can download the ``stable'' version with ease?

 Yes. Under the [Admin] section, edit the 'Header' HTML.
 In that HTML, there, you'll find the following code to create the
 'Files' menu:

  if {[hascap oh]} {
 menulink dir /dir?ci=tip Files

 If you change /dir?ci=tip to /dir?ci=trunk, clicking the 'Files'
 button will show all the files of 'trunk':

  if {[hascap oh]} {
 menulink dir /dir?ci=trunk Files

 If you change it to /dir (leaving out the 'ci' parameter altogether),
 you'll get the list of files across all the versions; and clicking on a
 single file will lead to that file's history, instead of the contents of
 one specific version.  It’s probably not what you want in the case you

 Martijn Coppoolse

 fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Default leaf when clicking on ``Files''

2012-09-17 Thread Paolo Bolzoni
I host few small projects on Fossil, and I also use Fossil to distribute
the files.

I openend a branch for an experimental feature I wanted to try.
Now when I click on ``File'' the site does not show the last check-in
of Trunk, but the last check-in of the experimental branch.

Is there a way to set that Files shows the files of the trunk leaf?
So visitors can download the ``stable'' version with ease?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Using althttpd.c

2011-11-10 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

Today I tried to use althttpd.c as HTTP server for serving few fossil
scm. But I cannot execute CGI scripts.

The althttpd.c file I am speaking of is this one:

So I downloaded it, compiled it, copied in /usr/local/bin/httpd .

My distribution uses xinetd so I made a configuration file to start httpd.

Here is the configuration file content:

service http
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    port = 80
    wait = no
    user = root
    group = root
    server = /usr/bin/httpd
    server_args = -logfile logfile -root /home/paolo/tmp -user nobody

I set the root directory as /home/paolo/tmp just as test.

Inside the directory /home/paolo/tmp/ are two files:

a.txt a text file a script with this content:

echo A

Now once I start xinetd if I go to with my browser
the server greets me saying there is no document in / that is fine.

Also works fine, but if I try the page
loads for some seconds and it shows an empty page.

What I am doing wrong? Why the CGI does not work?

I thought if could be a problem with the root jail but
even if I copy sh in the directory and change
the interpreter to #!/sh nothing changes.

Help please.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil halts before push.

2011-06-09 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

 I executed `fossil --httptrace sync' and waited until
 `netstat -tu' shown an empty list.

 A request was sent and it never got a reply, suggesting that the server
 is stuck in a loop or something. Can you verify that the server
 process is still running?
Well, if there was no server process the website should not appear
at all. And the website is working.

 Fossil normally tries to limit each HTTP round-trip to 5MB or less.
 Did you change this in your settings? Or do you have an 80MB file that
 you are trying to check in?
Nope, I did not changed any technical setting. I only changed something
for users. And yes, I have a single 80MB file that are the results of
a long numerical experiment (an Octave session).

I read something about sqlite and fossil limits and I recall them
much larger than that.

I do not know if it counts, but the Settings webpage under max-uploads
shows 25.

 I know that the above won't work on my server because I have my server
 configured to silently discard HTTP requests that are larger than a few
 MB - as a security measure. What web server are you using? Do you
 have size limits configured?

I am using thttpd 2.25b. I had to make a little patch because thttpd does not
set the HTTP_HOST variable for CGI scripts correctly as explained in this
mailing list:

And the configuration file contains:

I read again the man page, but I could not find anything interesting
about size limits.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil halts before push.

2011-06-09 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

 Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 09:38:03 -0400
 Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Fossil halts before push.

 Please run this experiment for me:

 scp the repository from your server down to your local machine. Call
 it (say) copy.fossil. Then run fossil ui copy.fossil. Then in a
 separate window, go to your check-out and run fossil push --once
 http://localhost:8080/;. In other words, please try doing the same
 push using only the loop-back interface and the web server that is
 built into fossil. Please let us know whether or not that works.

It worked fine, I just added the name and password:
$ fossil push --once 'http://A:B@localhost:8080'
    Bytes  Cards  Artifacts Deltas
Sent:    4270 91  0  0
Received: 126  3  0  0
Sent:    79242063 92  1  0
Received:  79  2  0  0
Sent:    5076 91  0  1
Received:  32  1  0  0
Total network traffic: 18176299 bytes sent, 855 bytes received

Considering the total network traffic it even seems there is
some kind of compression.

So... I can assume is there an thttpd bug somewhere?
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil halts before push.

2011-06-08 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

Ops... I was obviously sleepy for not noticing that.

Thanks, I try to wait longer. Considering the speed
of my connection I have probably to wait about half

 Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 23:55:05 +0200
 Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Fossil halts before push.

 On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 11:48:18PM +0200, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
  I am using fossil version [0448438c56] 2011-05-28 18:51:22 UTC
  and when I try to push one of my projects fossil hangs on the
  'waiting for server' phase.

 How fast is the connection? According to the output, it tries to write
 almost 80MB, that can take a while.

 fossil-users mailing list
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Fossil halts before push.

2011-06-07 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

I am using fossil version [0448438c56] 2011-05-28 18:51:22 UTC
and when I try to push one of my projects fossil hangs on the
'waiting for server' phase.

Copy 'n' pasted:
$ fossil push
Server:   X
    Bytes  Cards  Artifacts Deltas
Sent:    4270 91  0  0
Received: 126  3  0  0
Sent:    79242063 92  1  0
waiting for server...^C

I waited some whole minutes before pressing CTRL-C.

I have no idea of the problem, the same server hosts
another two lines cgi script with another fossil repo
and it works fine,

What can I try?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Change mime type of an artifact.

2010-11-12 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

Browsing the source I see there is an optional parameter in the /raw page
called `m'. But I did not find a way to change the default mime for a certain
artifact. Is it possible?

The page address is:


And I read about it in the source file info.c.

I my repository there is few text files that are downloaded
as pdf files so I'd like to change the default mime with 
the classical text/plain.


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil push 302 error.

2010-10-19 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

$ fossil push
    Bytes  Cards  Artifacts Deltas
Send:    67653989 48  2  0
fossil: location: missing from 302 redirect reply

I got this error, I simple have no idea how to try to
work it out, nor what it does mean.

In this repo I put few fairly large files (.pdf), but
I should be well under the sqlite limits as all the
books are less than 1gb and each one is about 50MB.

Any insight?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] 401 Error cloning a repository from a http server with auth.

2010-10-18 Thread Paolo Bolzoni

dear list,
I would like to use fossil as cgi program on a thttpd server.

The problem is that it seems fossil cannot connect to a server that requires 
This problem manifests only when using the command line, when I use fossil via 
browser it works fine.

In other words, when I browse (with firefox or elinks) this address it works 

when I use this command in my command line it does not:
fossil clone project1
fossil answers 401.

In other to use the authorization feature of thttpd I made a .htpasswd using 

What I am doing wrong?

fossil-users mailing list