FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-04 Thread
I've tried using FrameMaker v7.1 and its "heroic open" (Esc o H) to open five 
different FrameMaker files. It hasn't worked.

The only real progress is that it tries... it begins with a dialog box that 
says "Opening a FrameMaker 3 document. OK to continue?" But then a second 
dialog box appears that says "There was a problem reading this file. Please 
check your file system, disk, and network."

Anyone have any ideas?

FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-06 Thread
Just for those who might someday have to tread this path:

I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.1.1, and no joy. That far back, the "heroic 
open" doesn't even exist.
I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.5.6, and the "heroic open" fails just as it 
does for FM7.1.

Since Scott Prentice of Leximation has very decently offered to see if FM4 will 
do the job, I still have hope. (Also glad I bought his BookVars plugin.)

FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-06 Thread

I really appreciate that you tried! I've been able to resurrect some of the 
text using text editors, but the ideal scenario would have recovered the 
diagrams as well.

My heartfelt thanks,

- Original Message -
From: Scott Prentice
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: FrameMaker 3 files

Hi Doug...

Got your files, but unfortunately I've been unable to open them in FM4. 
When I try I'm told that they are damaged. I tried using a heroic open, 
but that doesn't seem to have existed in FM4 (when I use it I end up 
with a "H" in the current document, which indicates that the Esc o H key 
sequence isn't defined).

I suppose that it *is* possible that these files are in fact corrupt. 
When I open them in a text editor, they have the basic chunks of stuff 
that you'd expect, but there could be some extra binary bits at the end 
that may be causing the problem. FM4 doesn't have a "SaveAs FM3" option 
so I can't compare a "good" file against yours. You can open them in a 
text editor and pick out some of the words in plain text, but that's 
probably not terribly useful.

Perhaps someone else actually has a copy of FM3 .. or if you're lucky 
you could find one for sale on eBay.

Sorry I wasn't able to help!


Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread
Thanks to everyone for their help. You've all been generous with it!

to: Jeremy H. Griffith

Thanks for the tip about file length. As it happens, all five files have sizes 
evenly divisible by 1024 bytes. I also examined a couple of files to see if 
they ended (or even began) with a spurious "0D 0A" (or either, singly), and 
that's not the case either. Good thought, though. I'm going to add this tip to 
my toolbox.

to: Frank Stearns

I'm betting you're right; the files are corrupt. At least I have been able to 
resurrect some of the information, even if I haven't been able to fully recover 
the files.

I asked the developer who supplied the files how the files were stored, and he 
told me that the files were stored on hard drives (no further information; see 
next paragraph), in a CVS repository. There's more--the CVS repository was 
imported from an older revision history system. The history for the older 
system notes that the files were added to the system in 1993, but doesn't have 
information on modifications. (Which could mean either no modifications or no 
tracking.) The files were checked in to the older system by someone other than 
the original authors. The files have not been modified since they were added to 

Given all that, our developer notes that it is perfectly possible that the 
files were corrupted before they were introduced to the older system, with the 
usual caveat about CVS's habit of messing with CRs and LFs. (I did try altering 
the files to compensate for this, with no result.) One additional complicating 
factor is that several of our file servers used to be on-site, and that quite a 
lot of them are now networked drives in distant cities.

Sorry if this isn't quite the information you were hoping for.

to: Shlomo Perets

Thanks for the FM3 file. It opened easily enough without my having even to 
resort to "heroic open." As far as I'm concerned, this is the final nail in the 
coffin--the files are corrupted.

The good news is that the preliminary work I put into resurrecting data from 
the files hasn't been wasted. In the end, only the diagrams have been lost, and 
some of the context of the largest file is a little tricky to reconstruct. 
That's not too hard to bear at all.

to: all those who wrote me off-list

Thanks! I will reply soon if I haven't already. (I'm temporarily separated from 
my mail client, and am relying on webmail.)


FrameMaker 3 files--SOLVED

2010-05-07 Thread
With the help of Simon BUCH, I have recovered all the files. Mr Buch 
successfully converted the first of the files. With his sample, and the 
knowledge that it was possible, I converted the remaining files.

The core of the problem is to replace CR/LF (0D 0A) with LF (0A). That much I 
had already tried.

But apparently it's crucial to reinstate the CR/LF after the  
line at the start of the line. That much I missed!

Thanks to you all for your help, plus an extra doff of my cap to Simon Buch.

Final score: all 5 files recovered, including diagrams


FrameMaker 11 and referenced graphics pointing to wrong drive: nightmare alley

2013-05-15 Thread
Could you save all the chapters in the book as MIF and do a couple of search 
and replace runs? Once to correct ImportObFileDI and once to correct  

I used to have a TextPipe script that automated this for me, although in my 
case I was trying to solve the problem of relative pathnames that had become 

If that's as clear a concrete, let me know and I'll provide actual help.