too many procmail processes running

2005-02-11 Thread David Banning
My machine is running too many procmail processes. I believe that
they are taking too long to run.  Eventually it shuts down my machine.

Any idea what could be causing this?

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logging proftpd question

2005-02-21 Thread David Banning
Presently all my proftpd logging goes to /var/log/messages but
it is clogging that file because I have an ftp login every couple of
minutes. I want to redirect proftpd logging. I tried putting 

proftpd:*   /var/log/proftpd.log

in my /etc/syslog.conf

but syslogd complains;
syslogd: unknown facility name "proftpd"

looking at the man page for proftpd is says;

Each successful and failed ftp(1) session is logged using syslog with a
facility of LOG_FTP.  Note: LOG_FTP messages are not displayed by  sys-
logd(8) by default, and may have to be enabled in syslogd(8)'s configu-
ration file.

So I tried;

LOG_FTP:*   /var/log/proftpd.log

still no go.

I am unfamiliar with logging. Can someone help me along here?

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Re: logging proftpd question

2005-02-22 Thread David Banning
> I believe the syntax you want is
> ftp.* /var/log/proftpd.log
> Make sure the logfile exists (and is writable),
> otherwise I think syslog will complain.

Thanks, fellow Torontonian, for your reply. 

I tried your suggestion previous to my posting, with no result.

Now, could something in the;

I tried your suggestion previous to my posting, with no result.  I
also did a "touch /var/log/proftpd.log" and "chmod 600

The line;

*.notice;kern.debug;;mail.crit;news.err /var/log/messages

is what is grabbing the messages I want to redirect. (I beleive *.notice)

I just wonder if the line I just mention takes the log entry, if another
can still take it. Can a log entry only be logged once? Or can you have
it go to multiply files? (via multiple syslog.conf entries)

It sure would be easier if in the log entry it said "ftp.notice" or
some such thing so you -know- how it is being directed.

I have tried running syslog with -d and -vv and there seems to be no
indication what the facility name that is used.

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using a separate drive for swap

2004-02-04 Thread David Banning
I have been running out of swap space on my box.

I had an old 6.4 drive around which I thought would be
useful to add - just for swap - even if it's overkill.

The installation wants a root mount point. Is that 
necessary? I even tried to put a limited / root of
61 meg just to make it happy but it still gave errors.

Is there an easy way to do this? 

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gateway_enable question

2004-12-09 Thread David Banning
I have a few win boxes which use my FreeBSD box as a gateway to 
the net. I am wondering how I can keep a network connection 
between all the computers, allowing the FreeBSD box to 
still be connected to the net, but disallow all win boxes from 
connecting to the net? 

My thought was to disable the gateway configuration set in rc.conf.
How do I disable the gateway option without rebooting?

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Re: gateway_enable question

2004-12-10 Thread David Banning
> If you use nat, killing natd might be an option.  You could also put up 
> a firewall that blocks those computers ip addresses.  Maybe have 2 
> firewall configs.  You could simply run a flush and then load the new 
> ones on the command line.  (ipfw)

Thanks Lucas. I have tried killing the ppp nat that I run by killing;

/usr/sbin/ppp -quiet -ddial -nat default

and running;

/usr/sbin/ppp -quiet -ddial default

but surprisingly, the network machines can still access the internet.

To me that is strange, especially when you consider that I don't have
natd running either. There must be something doing the network translation
unseen to me. I am running squid and dansguardian - I don't know if 
they provide any nat function.

On the firewall it is difficult to block the win boxes because I -want- 
each machine to be able to contact each other,  but I don't want the
windows boxes to have internet connection.

ipfw would be great - my main problem is that I want to block the 
win boxes from using messenger which tries any and all ports,  but
I don't want to block my x-win (xwin32) terminal connection to unix
from each win box - which -also- seems to want to pick it's own port
every time it runs.
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Re: gateway_enable question

2004-12-10 Thread David Banning
> #>ipfw add  deny ip from any to any via
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Re: gateway_enable question

2004-12-10 Thread David Banning
> Lots of guys have suggested the firewall.  On ipfw, that'd be
> something like (put your rule number for N and sub your network
> in for 192.168.0):
> add <> deny ip from any 192.168.0/24 to any out via tun0
> (I'm assuming your PPP uses the first tunnel device?)

Not sure what the -first- tunnel device is;

root# ifconfig
dc0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet6 fe80::220:78ff:fe0e:13d6%dc0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 
ether 00:20:78:0e:13:d6
media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT/UTP)
status: active
rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet6 fe80::248:54ff:fe8c:13e5%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 
ether 00:48:54:8c:13:e5
media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT/UTP)
status: active
lp0: flags=8810 mtu 1500
ppp0: flags=8010 mtu 1500
sl0: flags=c010 mtu 552
faith0: flags=8002 mtu 1500
lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7 
inet netmask 0xff00 
tun0: flags=8051 mtu 1492
inet --> netmask 0x 
Opened by PID 10689

My ppp.conf sets rl0

> In another portion of this thread you stated:
> >On the firewall it is difficult to block the win boxes because I -want- 
> >each machine to be able to contact each other,  but I don't want the
> >windows boxes to have internet connection.
> Now, that seems a little weird.  Do you not have a hub or switch
> other than the BSD box on this network?  Unless you're doing
> some strange routing or something, everybody on the wire
> ought to see everybody else regardless of the settings on the
> firewall (except they maybe won't see *it* ...)

DSL Modem <> BSD Box <> HUB <> All win boxes

Everyone does see each other. I just don't want the win boxes to 
see the internet; but I -do- want them to continue to see each other.

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Re: gateway_enable question

2004-12-10 Thread David Banning
> >My thought was to disable the gateway configuration set in rc.conf.
> >How do I disable the gateway option without rebooting?
> I have gateway enabled, but natd disabled, which blocks the
> traffic from inside to outside, I believe.

I have my nat running in ppp, and when I disable it, all the network
still happily connects to the net. I don't have natd running either.
Figure that out. I may be that squid is doing some nat function.

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traffic volume monitoring - what program

2004-12-17 Thread David Banning
I am looking at a new ISP that charges for a certain number
gigabites of traffic. I have -no- idea what my traffic volume

Can anyone recommend a good traffic volume checker in the

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how is port number mapped to a directory

2004-06-26 Thread David Banning
I am just working with hylafax and notice that the reference to
the fax is something like;

recvq/fax01386.tif (

in my case, but it does not work. Somehow the port 4559 is not taking
the user to the proper directory.

I know because I have usermin and webmin installed that when I put the
port number on the address it directs the browser to a specific 
directory. I'm just wondering where is that mapped? Where does port
2 equal "go to /usr/local/lib/webmin/usermin" ?

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Re: Resizing /var

2005-06-11 Thread David Banning
On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 03:43:07PM +0200, ptitoliv wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have a big problem on a FreeBSD 5.3 Box. It is an hosted server
> installed by an hosting service. But I didn't know what they smoke when
> they have installed the system but they sized the /var filesystem only
> to 200 MB which is not sufficient for my needs.
> I used an emergency solution which was to transfer some datas on /usr
> like databases but I am afraid that the problem will come back. So I am
> asking here if there is any solution to transfer free space from ./usr
> to /var.
> But there are some constraints :
> - I have no free unpartitioned space available
> - I can't format any partition because and I can't loose datas

I ran into the same problem. I just symlinked to /usr for the 
following directories;

lrwxr-xr-x  1 rootwheel 11 Feb 10 00:05 db -> /usr/var/db
lrwxrwxr-x  1 rootmail   9 Nov 24  2003 mail -> /usr/mail
lrwxr-xr-x  1 rootwheel 11 Aug 26  2003 spool -> /usr/spool/

I don't know what risks I am running here, but I have been running this
way for years - when I purchase a new drive I will creat a larger /var
and copy all from the old drive. Considering how cheap drives are, that
may be your easiest solution.
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httpd and memory usage

2005-06-11 Thread David Banning
I seem to have a lot of memory being eaten by httpd (part output of top);

62310 nobody  18   0 26792K 21516K lockf0:04  0.00%  0.00% httpd
  162 root 2   0  4328K  2244K select   0:04  0.00%  0.00% sendmail
63909 nobody  18   0 26824K 21528K lockf0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
62311 nobody   2   0 26740K 21432K select   0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
62764 nobody  18   0 26604K 21252K lockf0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
62800 nobody  18   0 26608K 21248K lockf0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
62312 nobody  18   0 26636K 21292K lockf0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
62309 nobody  18   0 26820K 21436K lockf0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
62313 nobody  18   0 26592K 21228K lockf0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
62381 nobody  18   0 26768K 21404K lockf0:03  0.00%  0.00% httpd
  287 root 2   0 13108K  7460K select   0:02  0.00%  0.00% httpd

I have changed the timeout in httpd.conf from 300 to 100 which does not
seem to help.

Any ideas to have httpd timeout sooner to preserve memory?

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Re: httpd and memory usage

2005-06-11 Thread David Banning
On Sat, Jun 11, 2005 at 02:40:01PM -0400, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> David Banning wrote:
> >I seem to have a lot of memory being eaten by httpd (part output of top);
> >
> >62310 nobody  18   0 26792K 21516K lockf0:04  0.00%  0.00% 
> >httpd
> [ ... ]
> >I have changed the timeout in httpd.conf from 300 to 100 which does not
> >seem to help.
> It wouldn't.  Apache is normally run in a prefork mode, which means it 
> keeps lots of children (default is 5, plus the master) running all of the 
> time.
> >Any ideas to have httpd timeout sooner to preserve memory?
> If you want to reduce the memory usage, avoid using mod_perl or PHP.  httpd 
> ought to shrink down to ~5MB or so per process.

Here is the thing though. I can "apachectl restart" and memory is
plentiful. So it seems like httpd -can- operate on lower memory,
albeit maybe five as you say. Surely visitors have no need for the
page, whether it be php or not. Is there a way for those memory
consuming httpd jobs to die earlier?

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Re: httpd and memory usage

2005-06-14 Thread David Banning
> Moving things like mod_php and mod_perl stuff to FastCGI avoids each
> httpd having a copy of the interpreter and its various data structures
> each, and segments the memory of the interpreters outside httpd so it's
> easier to see what's using the memory; you'll have fewer copies running
> too, since the static:dynamic request ratio isn't normally 1:1.
> Commenting out unused modules in httpd.conf will save some memory.
> You might also consider switching to something like lighttpd, which uses
> a single process that's generally about 1/3 the size of an equivilent
> httpd process.

I like these ideas. Thanks. What is the downside, if any, to using
lighttpd? Is it difficult to configure?
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getting DNS from DHCP IP address

2005-06-16 Thread David Banning
My problem is that the server I use for DNS keeps going dead.

My ISP is most familiar with windows users who get their DNS
automatically from their connection.  When my ISP gives me a good
DNS server number, it seems to go dead six months later, and I have to 
call them again.

Is there a way to get DNS automatically, say from the DHCP connection IP
address given to me? or, is there some great free DNS server that will 
stay in business for some time that I can plug into my resolv.conf?
I am in Toronto, Canada so I guess a DNS should be in reasonable proximity.

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Re: getting DNS from DHCP IP address

2005-06-16 Thread David Banning
> >Is there a way to get DNS automatically, say from the DHCP connection IP
> >address given to me? or, is there some great free DNS server that will 
> >stay in business for some time that I can plug into my resolv.conf?
> DHCP will normally obtain DNS servers automaticly.  It's likely that you 
> could release and renew your lease ("dhclient -r", maybe?) and cause it to 
> get new DNS info if the old values are no longer working.

Here may be the answer. I think of DHCP of being a server thing only,
to win boxes.  I hadn't considered using dhclient on the freebsd host.
I will look into this. It sounds like the answer.

Thanks -

> "Trawn-nah?"  

spoken like a true native -

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ipfw - denying all - what port for OE

2004-10-12 Thread David Banning
I am attempting to block everything except ports 80, 110, 25 and a
few others, but I can't seem to get Outlook Express mail clients
to collect mail on the network. Does anyone happen to know what
ports they use? I have tried 110, 25, 443 and about 20 others.

I tried using tcpdump to track the activity when I have all ports
open and use OE, but it seems to use a different port each time:
ports like 2843 and other non-allocated port numbers.

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Re: ipfw - denying all - what port for OE

2004-10-12 Thread David Banning
My server is my desktop. My ipfw rules follow. Whenever I take
out line 12000 is runs fine. When I put it back in I can't run

01000 allow tcp from any to any 10060
01040 allow tcp from any to any 22
10100 allow tcp from any to any 80
10200 allow tcp from any to any 10080
10300 allow tcp from any to any 3128
10400 allow tcp from any to any 8180
10600 allow tcp from any to any 8025
10700 allow tcp from any to any 110
10800 allow tcp from any to any 25
10810 allow tcp from any to any 109
10820 allow tcp from any to any 106
11001 allow tcp from any to any 389
11002 allow tcp from any to any 636
11003 allow tcp from any to any 379
11004 allow tcp from any to any 390
11005 allow tcp from any to any 3268
11006 allow tcp from any to any 3269
11007 allow tcp from any to any 143
11008 allow tcp from any to any 993
11009 allow tcp from any to any 995
11010 allow tcp from any to any 119
11011 allow tcp from any to any 563
11012 allow tcp from any to any 443
11013 allow tcp from any to any 465
11015 allow tcp from any to any 625
11016 allow tcp from any to any 135
11017 allow tcp from any to any 935
12000 deny tcp from to any

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configuring php to work with mysql

2004-10-14 Thread David Banning
I am having to reinstall my php and apache 1.3.  I installed apache13
straight from the ports with no options, and then I installed
php4_mysql from the ports also. php is running but it does not
connect to mysql. 

In looking at phpinfo() I notice the configuration options;

'./configure' '--enable-versioning' '--enable-memory-limit' '--with-layout=GNU' 
'--with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/etc/php' '--disable-all' '--with-regex=php' 
'--with-apxs=/usr/local/sbin/apxs' '--prefix=/usr/local' 'i386-portbld-freebsd4.8' 

don't seem to have any reference to mysql. Stange, considering that
the port, specifically is entitled "php4_mysql".

Any suggestions?

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apache - how to redirect page not found

2004-10-02 Thread David Banning
I notice on some web sites when you try to load a page that does not
exist, it directs the users browser to another page. How do I set
that up in apache?

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ipfw allowing browser only

2004-11-07 Thread David Banning
I am trying to filter out all traffic except browser traffic.
So I tried 

01000 allow tcp from any to 80
01100 allow udp from any to 80
01200 deny ip from any to
65535 allow ip from any to any

But this does not allow browser traffic.

I have my browser traffic redirected via ipnat - ipnat rules are;

rdr dc0 port 80 -> port 8180 tcp

I don't know what comes first, the redirect or the firewall, so maybe
I should be allowing traffic to 8180?

My host is and the win browser is at

Any help here would be appreciated.

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Re: ipfw allowing browser only

2004-11-07 Thread David Banning
> Hello
> You only need tcp 80 on regular http and 443 for ssl, https
> I don't get what exactly are you trying to do? Are you publishing a web
> server to external clients behind a firewall? Any diagram text would be nice

This is simply to block all on the network from using any port
except 80. I want to block Messenger. If it starts running on port 80
then I am told I can block it via squid/dansguardian.

Internet <> router 
server  client winbox (

> Internet <> router ( <> webserver(
> Is this right?


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Banning
> Sent: November 7, 2004 1:57 PM
> Subject: ipfw allowing browser only
> I am trying to filter out all traffic except browser traffic.
> So I tried 
> 01000 allow tcp from any to 80
> 01100 allow udp from any to 80
> 01200 deny ip from any to
> 65535 allow ip from any to any
> But this does not allow browser traffic.
> I have my browser traffic redirected via ipnat - ipnat rules are;
> rdr dc0 port 80 -> port 8180 tcp
> I don't know what comes first, the redirect or the firewall, so maybe
> I should be allowing traffic to 8180?
> My host is and the win browser is at
> Any help here would be appreciated.
> -- 
> ___
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Re: ipfw allowing browser only

2004-11-07 Thread David Banning
On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 08:39:24PM +0100, Emil Khatib wrote:
> You must enable also DNS queries. DNS port is 53 (i think)

I looked around and I think you are right on the port number,
but it still does not run. Here is my list now;

01150 allow tcp from any to 53
01152 allow tcp from any to 80
01153 allow udp from any to 80
01154 allow udp from any to 53
01200 deny ip from any to
65535 allow ip from any to any

Now is my client. I wonder if I should be entering this
" to any" rather than "any to" 

I have also cleared my ipnat rules to try and simplify here.

Something very basic is not working here.
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installing zope

2004-11-12 Thread David Banning
I have installed and run zope in the past with no errors. Now, with 
2.7 in the ports zope installs fine but there seems to be a number of 
shell variables that must be set, and it seems like there is something
missing. For instance, the that is supplied with zope
checks to see;

if [ -r ${instance}/etc/${name}.conf -a -x ${instance}/bin/zopectl ]; then
echo -n "   Instance ${instance} -> "
${instance}/bin/zopectl $1

but as far as I can see there is -no- zopectl anywhere in my box;

# locate zopectl

I don't see any install notes in the ports directory either.

I have scanned google and looked on the Zope site.

Any pointers would be helpful.

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how to auto connect to freebsd

2005-03-25 Thread David Banning
My win boxes are using freebsd as a gateway to the internet
through a hub. I have to set the ip address for each machine
and setup the gateway address in each winbox.

They do not find the gateway address automatically.
I have been doing it this way for years. I am just wondering if it is
possible to have the win boxes auto detect the gateway address and
agree with freebsd what each win IP address will be automatically
as is done with a router-switch.

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security question - tcpdump

2002-07-15 Thread David Banning

I am trying to determine how people would read my port info and
pickup passwords and such. From everything I have read so far
about tcpdump and similar programs, doesn't the program have to be
run as root from -within- your system?

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php-mysql question

2002-07-19 Thread David Banning

I just attempted to install php-templates. That seemed to install a newer
version of mod-php4 from the ports. It seems that apache, ssl, php
and mysql all work, but I cannot access mysql through php anymore.

How does php know where to find the database structure of mysql?
I have never had a php.ini, as I just went by the
defaults. I wonder whether the defaults have changed in newer releases?

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Re: Problem Installing Mosaic

2002-07-21 Thread David Banning

On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 12:27:43PM -0700, Parker Brown wrote:
> Makefile seems to be compromised in /usr/ports/www/Mosiac.  I get:
> make: fatal errors encountered "Makefile" line 30
> make also complains about lines 33 and 35.  How can I correct it?

Are your ports up to date?

When ever I have had problems installing from the ports it is often
because the dependencies are differnent that the ones the port is looking
for. It may accept the older port while installing but actually err
during the make or the install. I had this happen about 6 or 7 times
when I tried installing galeon, which, since we're on the subject,
I find to be a great browser. I had mosiac install fine, but found
alot of display problems as a browser. It could have been a configuration thing.

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Re: Problem Installing Mosaic

2002-07-22 Thread David Banning

On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 10:31:55AM -0700, Parker Brown wrote:
> I installed FreeBSD v4.6 when I received it (weeks ago), and since I had the disk
> space I installed the ports section during installation.  Should be current.  Also,
> running   make dependbeforemake install allseems to make no difference.
> I had success installing Mosaic from the FreeBSD v4.5 release.

script logfile make install 

will put a copy of the install log into "logfile", then
you could clip that section where the error is and
give it to us.

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Re: Problem Installing Mosaic

2002-07-23 Thread David Banning

Hi Parker.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 11:09:01AM -0700, Parker Brown wrote:
> OK, here's the logfile, replete with error messages.
> Pb

> Script started on Tue Jul 23 11:02:38 2002
> ===>  Extracting for mosaic-2.7b5
> >> Checksum OK for Mosaic-src-2.7b5.tar.gz.
> ===>   mosaic-2.7b5 depends on shared library: jpeg.9 - found
> ===>   mosaic-2.7b5 depends on shared library: png.5 - found
> ===>   mosaic-2.7b5 depends on shared library: Xm.2 - not found
> ===>Verifying install for Xm.2 in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/open-motif
> "Makefile", line 30: warning: String comparison operator should be either == or !=
> "Makefile", line 30: Malformed conditional (${XFREE86_VERSION} >= 4)
> "Makefile", line 30: Need an operator
> "Makefile", line 33: if-less else
> "Makefile", line 33: Need an operator
> "Makefile", line 35: if-less endif
> "Makefile", line 35: Need an operator
> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/www/Mosaic.

seems that the problem is with open-motif.
It seems that the error message states what the problem is.
I would go to /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/open-motif and change
the ">=" to "!=" in the Makefile, like it says.

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Serving via a non-ppp network connection.

2002-07-23 Thread David Banning

I have just changed the configuration of my connection to my ISP.

Now my -modem- has my password and login info and does the pppoe
login into the ISP. I guess you could say the modem is doing the gateway

But now I am lost as to how to connect my unix box and host my web sites.
I have only ever connected to the internet through ppp. What I want to do
is connect via a normal network connection, like any other box I have
on my network. The modem/gateway runs nat, which I can disable becuase
I would like unix to handle nat.

Forgive my terminology here. I sure there is a easier way to say this. 

Any one know how I go about connecting via a non-ppp way? I want to connect,
I guess, just like any dumb windows box would on the network, by plugging into
the hub.

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Re: Problem Installing Mosaic

2002-07-24 Thread David Banning

On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 11:07:21AM -0700, Parker Brown wrote:
> OK, that worked, and Mosaic did seem to install porperly.  A final question: what did
> that change do?  I haven't written a line of code since the 70's and I feel that I 
> more-or-less read C, but I've never coded C.  It *looks* to me like the modification
> from   >=   to   !=   in that particular line indicates that the situation is true if
> I *don't* have X ver 4, rather than ver greater than or equal to ver 4.  However I am
> using ver 4.
I am not expert on coding either. It simply did not -understand- the >= argument.
You would think that the code, as originally written, should have run.
Given your version of X, it seems that maybe you should have used == instead of !=.
I guess that is always an option if you run into trouble, although I installed
my open-motif previous to upgrading X to version 4 and it hasn't cause me any 

Glad it works -

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straight network connection - how?

2002-07-24 Thread David Banning

I would like to have my freebsd machine access a hub to get internet
connection in the same way that my windows machines are attached.
Just access an already existing and up and running hub.

I am only familiar with connecting with my FreeBSD directly to the
ISP via ppp.

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OLE in ports?

2002-09-22 Thread David Banning

I am running a perl application and it is asking for;

Can't locate Win32/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach 
/usr/libdata/perl/5.00503 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at ./ line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 12.

Is that available in the ports somewhere?

I saw the port;  
p5-OLE-Storage_Lite, but when installed it doesn't seem to recognize it.
I am in the dark here becuase I am not so familiar with perl.

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program to create partial invisable gifs

2002-09-30 Thread David Banning

Is there anything in the ports to create a gif image with invisable 

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disappearing job

2002-10-10 Thread David Banning

I was editing a job in vi, then my hand slipped and I was back at
the shell. When I went to edit the file again, it said the file was
locked. A "ps ax | grep vi" showed that the application was still 
running. Where did it go? 

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Re: disappearing job

2002-10-10 Thread David Banning

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 05:22:36PM +0100, Barry Byrne wrote:
> Did you do Alt + Fn perhaps? On a console this generally lets you switch to
> another virtual console.
> Try Alt + F1 to bring you back?
I believe now, that I hit ctrl-Z, which has the exact effect 
I described. As it turns out "fg" from the command prompt brings
it back.

Thanks -

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dsp busy error

2002-10-11 Thread David Banning

When I try and use the sound port, I get this error;

/dev/dsp: Device busy
audio: Device busy
I could restart the machine, but I wondered how I would  go about fixing
this without restarting the machine.


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Re: server reboot's on it's own.

2002-10-23 Thread David Banning
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 08:10:38PM -0400, JoeB wrote:
> Replace the power supply.

I'd second this. 

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Re: Jukebox Port for FreeBSD?

2002-10-23 Thread David Banning
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 09:33:17AM -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> I've been searching the web for software that might allow me to build
> a mp3 jukebox that is controllable remotely via a web interface.  In
> other words, I want to put the jukebox behind my entertainment center
> and control it with other PCs in my network.

I run a unix xterm window on my PC's. On any box I can run
mp3blaster which I use to select and play my 
selections.  You don't need a graphical term emulator since 
mp3blaster is ascii.

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how to config usb port for sony clie

2002-10-25 Thread David Banning
I thought that usb support for palm devices has been around now for some
time, but I was not able to find much info for fbsd.

Has anyone had success with this? It seems several different 
devices have been used; ugen0, usb0 and some others. usb is configured in my 
kernel. I am using;


Errors are;

$ pilot-xfer  -p /dev/usb0 -i myfile.prc   

   ERROR: Invalid argument
   Unable to bind to port '/dev/usb'
   Please use --help for more information

$ pilot-xfer  -p /dev/ugen0 -i myfile.prc

   ERROR: Device not configured
   Unable to bind to port '/dev/ugen0'
   Please use --help for more information

Is the sony clie supported? Any ideas what I can do?

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Re: Jukebox Port for FreeBSD?

2002-10-25 Thread David Banning
> > I run a unix xterm window on my PC's. On any box I can run
> > mp3blaster which I use to select and play my
> > selections.  You don't need a graphical term emulator since
> > mp3blaster is ascii.
> Thanks for your suggestion.  However, I'm looking for something that
> anyone can use, even if they don't have *nix experience.  This is why I
> really like the Globcom Jukebox at
> Unfortunately, it's not in the ports tree.  I'm sure that a seasoned
> hacker would have no trouble getting it to compile and running on
> FreeBSD but I'm still pretty green.  Although I guess it couldn't hurt
> to try!  How else would one become a seasoned hacker?  :)

It looks like a neat program. The program itself looks like it is 
written in perl, which would run on any machine. The supporting
programs, like nvramwakeup and a few others would have to be installed
to freebsd. My guess is, that would be a bigger job. 
The down side, in my opinion to this program is speed. I would 
grow impatient waiting for the browser to repaint the screen for 
a task that I want to execute in a seconds.

Regarding using mp3blaster, my 8 year-old son uses it.  He doesn't
even know what unix is.  On my windows boxes, there is always a
unix window up and running. In fact, I have the unix window execute
from the startup in windows so everytime windows boots, the xterm
window logs in as me and is waiting for a command. I renamed
mp3blaster to simply "music".  My son simply types "music" at the
prompt.  The menu comes up in a fraction of a second, and he can
have songs playing in another 2 seconds.
One of the great things I like about unix, is how many programs
are not pigs, using all the resouces of the computer for elaborate 
and often unnecessary graphics.

Good luck -

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mergemaster question

2002-10-26 Thread David Banning
I am just in the process of upgrading from 4.5S to 4.7 and I will
be running mergemaster.

One thing I notice using mergemaster is that it seems to take such a long
time. Is there a quicker way? It wants to replace alot of files,
and that's OK for me 95% of the time.
Only a few I want to keep or merge.

Am I missing something, or is it just a part of upgrading that you must
decide, file by file which will be modified or replaced?

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how-to run javascript on my server

2003-08-15 Thread David Banning
I have some menu server java applets I would like to run on my fbsd server
but I have no idea where to get started. Some initial inquiries on Google
have not brought any luck.

Is there any sites that deal with this, or does anyone have a suggestion?

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Re: how-to run javascript on my server

2003-08-17 Thread David Banning
> First of all.  Java and Java script are two different things. I take it 
> you use Java. Your Java applets don't run on the server but on the 
> client. The main problem from a server point of view is that you need 
> to make sure that the class files can be handed out by the webserver.
> You could check these thing:
> - Does your client Java installed?
> - Does your client the Java version installed that you use? (I.e you 
>   use commands of version 2.0 and you client has 1.2)
> - Does your client know how to get the class files?
> - Does your server hand them corretly out? (You could check 
>   /var/log/httpd-*.log if you use apache)
> As far for websites: is the main site you want to look at. 
> It has great tutorials, howtos and user support groups.

Thanks alot for your help Alex. I was able to get them running rather
easily. I just put the files in the web directly and the clients
-do- read them just fine. Thanks for your help.

For some reason I thought that I need the apache-jserv modules to be
loaded. I guess I don't. That still leaves me wondering what apache-jserv
"Servlet Engine" which exists in the ports -does-, but since I am already
where I need to be, I will read on that perhaps some other day.
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[no subject]

2003-08-18 Thread David Banning

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upgrading from 4.0 to 4.8

2003-08-18 Thread David Banning
I am wondering about upgrading from 4.0 to 4.8.
I did a cvsup and then I did "make world" I get
errors. It seems to me that you have to upgrade
in stages. It this so? If so, what stages should
I do it in?
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how to reset password with nologin shell?

2003-08-27 Thread David Banning
If I have a user that has a nologin shell and they forget
thier password, is there a way to give them a new password?

Right now I am resetting their password to nil, then
giving them a shell like /bin/sh, logging in on their behalf,
setting up a password, and then changing their shell back
to /bin/nologin.

I would like to elliminate the noshell to shell and then
back to noshell part.

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how to run a program as a daemon

2003-09-03 Thread David Banning
I am running tmda-ofmipd for my smtp server and occasionally
it dies. I wonder how I could set it up to run so that if it
dies for some reason, it will start up again. Right now, it 
starts in my rc.local like so;

/usr/local/bin/tmda-ofmipd  -R imap://localhost -u tofmipd

The only way I can think of doing it is to set up a crontab
entry to a program that would check if it is still running, 
and if it is not, then have it start it again. 

I was hoping there is an easier way, maybe by putting it in inetd.conf
or something...

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Re: User PPP connection problems

2003-09-09 Thread David Banning
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 04:03:33AM +0100, Tadimeti Keshav wrote:
> Hi all,
> I a newbie here. 
> I compiled the kernel with COM3 and COM4 enabled.
> I tried connecting to the internet but failed.
> I am pasting the relavant portion of /var/ppp/ppp.log.
> Please help!!
> Thanks in advance
> Keshav

I agree with Mark. It looks like your box is not seeing the modem.
You could try "cu -l cuaa0" for com1, cuaa0 for com2.   
Then you can try some hayes command from the prompt.
Try "ATZ" (reset). "AT" to check OK response". 
Then try "ATDT12345678" for dialing (the 12345678 is to be replaced
with a phone number.)

Once you have the right port and you are talking to your modem, then
we can look at the ppp.log again.
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Re: FreeBSD 4.8 local startup issues

2003-09-09 Thread David Banning
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:34:06PM -0800, admin wrote:
> running:
> FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE
> okay I am having a strange issue.
> after the last reboot after my FreeBSD machine became unreachable - and
> required a power cycle.  mostly all processes listed in /usr/local/etc/rc.d
> did not start.  this only happens very rarely and has happens after FreeBSD
> crashed or is not brought down very cleanly.  can somebody recommend a way to
> auto run these scripts - and make sure these files get executed on boot up.

I am no script pro but something like this should do the job;

if ! ps a | grep mysqld;
  /bin/sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
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2003-09-11 Thread David Banning
I get the following message in my mailbox from time to time. Is it really
necessary to keep it there? Where does it come from, and why is it 
From: Mail System Internal Data <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not
a real message.  It is created automatically by the mail system software.
If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created
with the data reset to initial values.
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setting up a second ppp connection

2003-09-13 Thread David Banning
Sometimes my pppoe connection goes down, and since I want to find
out about it right away, I was thinking it would be helpful to have
my freebsd box connect to the net via a dialup line, and then 
email my cell phone that the connection is down. I don 't want to 
disable the pppoe connection which is still attempting to connect.

Any idea if something like this is possible? 

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adduser will not add user

2003-09-17 Thread David Banning
I have run into a problem here where adduser seems to behave
normally to interact with, but will not add the user.
There are no messages in the log file. I wonder where to 
go to track this down.

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Re: CUPS vs. apsfilter--newbie setup problems

2003-09-19 Thread David Banning
On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 11:39:58AM -0400, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:
> I'm trying to get my 4.8-running laptop hooked up to
> some printers, and I'm having trouble getting it configured
> with either CUPS or apsfilter (as someone here had recommended).
> I've tried to look over the docs, and search through here, but
> am still stumped for what I'm supposed to be doing.
> I'm also not clear on why these systems don't interoperate, or,
> rather, why an entry in /etc/printcap generated from apsfilter
> doesn't show up in CUPS. It would be nice if you could use 
> these together.

As I recall there is an option like "WITHOUT_CUPS=yes" or something
similar. If you havn't look into whether that is set or not it might
be worth looking into. As I recollect, apsfilter installs -with-
CUPS, but that caused me much headache at one point. I am not sure
if it is still the default.

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perl question about @INC

2003-01-19 Thread David Banning
I got the error running a perl script;

Can't locate Getopt/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 
. /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503) at ./ line 28.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 28.

su-2.03# locate
Where is the @INC alluded to in the error message and how would
I go about adding the real location of the file it is seeking?

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xhost command problem

2003-01-25 Thread David Banning

I am trying to run an xterm remotely (over the web).

I understand the IP address must be entered using the xhost command.

My problem is that the xhost command wants X running on the main terminal,
but main terminal is using an ascii screen only.
The xhost command gives an error stating that the command
must be run from X on the main terminal.

Is there another way I can maybe bypass the xhost command and
register the IP address in the same place that xhost does?

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how to fix a botched directory

2003-01-27 Thread David Banning
I was linking the directory /C to my windows box C drive using shlight,
but now, for an unknown reason the directory is still there, but 
is not viewable with ls. I can not re-create it, as the system states
that it exists. Here is the result of some of my commands;

su-2.03# cd /
su-2.03# ls -ld C
ls: C: Input/output error
su-2.03# mkdir C
mkdir: C: File exists
su-2.03# rm -r C
rm: C: Input/output error
su-2.03# mv C Z
mv: C: Input/output error

Any idea what I can do? There is nothing in the directory so it is 
unimportant, but I would like to get this cleared up.

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Re: xhost command problem

2003-01-27 Thread David Banning
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 11:16:52AM -0800, Nathan Kinkade wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 01:05:45PM -0500, David Banning wrote:
> > 
> > I am trying to run an xterm remotely (over the web).
> > 
> > I understand the IP address must be entered using the xhost command.
> > 
> > My problem is that the xhost command wants X running on the main terminal,
> > but main terminal is using an ascii screen only.
> > The xhost command gives an error stating that the command
> > must be run from X on the main terminal.
> > 
> > Is there another way I can maybe bypass the xhost command and
> > register the IP address in the same place that xhost does?
> What is the exact error you are getting?  If you are working from a
> console, make sure that your DISPLAY environment variable is set, and
> that you export it.
> Assuming X is running on display 0 try (and that you are using bash):
> # export DISPLAY=:0
> # xhost +the.ip.address.or.hostname

The exact error is;

_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2

which is the same error you get if you try and fire up X and the
DISPLAY variable is wrong or X is configured wrong.
I also tried DISPLAY=:0

It is trying to fire up X I guess, but as I mentioned, I don't have
graphics running on my main box. The main box -is- hosting X for
windows desktops on the local network which use x-win32, so it
-should- be feasable to do what I want over the internet if it is
aleady working over the local network.

It seems to be just a permission thing that I have to overcome.

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how to delete a file called ????

2003-02-12 Thread David Banning
I have a file called ???

Yes, the file is a bunch of question marks.

I can't seem to clean it away.

rm ''
rm ""

all do not work.

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shell prompt question

2003-02-16 Thread David Banning
My normal prompt is;

david $

and my superuser prompt is;


How do I get the super-user prompt when I just use the "su" command
rather than the full "su -" command?

I want to stay in the same directory I am in sometimes but have su
authority. The problem is that my prompt doesn't change, so I forget
that I am su.

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Re: shell prompt question

2003-02-17 Thread David Banning
> The way that the shell prompt is set depends on the particular shell.
> What shell does your `david' user have?  What shell does `root' have?

they both use bash.

> > How do I get the super-user prompt when I just use the "su" command
> > rather than the full "su -" command?
> The default behavior of su is to run an interactive, but not login,
> shell AFAIK.  How to set the prompt for interactive invocations of
> your root user's shell depends on the shell.
I took out my "PS1=david$" line in my .profile, and now I have it working
again. My user shell is simply "bash-2.03$" and my su shell is

Thanks for your help.

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procmail - unsafe for mailing to programs

2003-02-18 Thread David Banning
Here is the problem;

david$ mail david
Subject: test to david
test to david
david$ /usr/david/.forward: line 1: "| /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"... Address 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is unsafe for mailing to programs
/usr/david/dead.letter... Saved message in /usr/david/dead.letter


$ cd 
$ pwd
$ cat .forward
"| /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"
$ ls -ld .forward
-rw-r--r--  1 david  wheel  39 Feb 18 15:24 .forward
$ cd ../
$ ls -ld david
drwxr-xr-x  174 david  wheel  12800 Feb 18 15:28 david
$ ls -ld /usr/local/bin/procmail
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root  mail  66708 Apr 24  2002 /usr/local/bin/procmail
$ ls -ld /usr/libexec/sm.bin
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Dec  6 00:31 /usr/libexec/sm.bin
$ ls -l /usr/libexec/sm.bin
total 0
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  23 Dec  6 00:31 procmail -> /usr/local/bin/procmail

I have looked all over the net to find the answer to this problem.
There are many people who have the problem, and everyone's response is
that there are file/folder permission problems. 
I cannot find any file permission

The problem is only sending locally with the program /usr/bin/mail.

Inbound recieving mail is OK.  Procmail even sorts properly.
Sending outgoing mail is OK.
Sending locally with mutt even works.

I have tried to pick at this problem every 6 months or so, each time 
with no result.

Any idea would be helpful.

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Re: procmail - unsafe for mailing to programs

2003-02-18 Thread David Banning
On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 02:27:34PM -0800, Ken McGlothlen wrote:
> David Banning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | david$ /usr/david/.forward: line 1: "| /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"... 
>Address [EMAIL PROTECTED] is unsafe for mailing to programs
> and later
> | $ cat .forward
> | "| /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"
> The manpage suggests
> "|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"
> I'm not sure whether that's the problem or not.
> My .forward file has always been
> "|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/local/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -Yf-||exit 75 #mcglk"

I have tried about every combination of .forward lines that anyone has 
suggested with all of them working / not working about the same.
It seem from doing some reading that the actual error statement I am 
getting is generated from sendmail. I added a few more details and put
it on the sendmail list. 

What is queer, is that I can send from root to david locally, but
not from david to david, or david to root. So it is a permission thing,
as sendmail suggests, but where that problem exists is a mystery as yet.

Thanks for the input.

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Re: procmail - unsafe for mailing to programs

2003-02-18 Thread David Banning
On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 12:39:05AM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2003-02-18 15:54, David Banning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here is the problem;
> >
> > david$ mail david
> > Subject: test to david
> > test to david
> > EOT
> > david$ /usr/david/.forward: line 1: "| /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"... 
>Address [EMAIL PROTECTED] is unsafe for mailing to programs
> > /usr/david/dead.letter... Saved message in /usr/david/dead.letter
> Read the sendmail FAQ entries about ``smrsh''.
Yes, I did some smrsh reading. It seems like I am not running smrsh,
and I am not sure that I have to, as it would, if I understand it,
restrict me more. I tried making the changes to and putting
links to mail and procmail executables in the /usr/libexec/sm.bin
directory but none of that seems to help. 

Thanks for the pointer, however.

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linux_base-7.1_1 fails

2002-10-28 Thread David Banning
On install, I get the following error on a port;

execution of glibc-2.2.4-29 script failed, exit status 0
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base.
*** Error code 1

I have done a "make clean", and deleted the rpm in the distfile
and restarted the install with the same effect.
Any idea what is causing this? 

I am not sure if it's related, but I recently did an upgrade from
4.5Stable to 4.7Stable which caused netscape(linux) to not work.
One thing led to another and I am attempting to install netscape again
and linux base along with it.

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question on su use

2002-10-30 Thread David Banning
I am attempting to create a simple user shell executable which will
execute a root command.


su root killall squid

requests root's password, and then issues a;

killall: /usr/bin/killall: cannot execute binary file

while killall executes by root no problem.
Any idea what's going on here?

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usb recognition problem

2002-11-06 Thread David Banning
I am attempting to compile coldsync. During the configure process it
attempts to verify whether there is USB support or not on the FreeBSD 
machine. It does this by attempting to compile a simple program.

I get this error in the config log;

configure:3713: checking for library containing gethostbyname
configure:3789: checking whether ENODEV is defined
configure:3825: checking whether O_BINARY is defined
configure:3834: gcc -c -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include conftes
t.c 1>&5
configure: In function `main':
configure:3830: `O_BINARY' undeclared (first use in this function)  
configure:3830: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
configure:3830: for each function it appears in.)
configure:3830: warning: unused variable `fd'
configure: failed program was:
#line 3827 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
int main() {
int fd; open("dummy", O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
; return 0; }
configure:3867: checking for BSD USB support
configure:3883: gcc -c -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include conftes
t.c 1>&5
configure: In function `main':
configure:3879: structure has no member named `vendorNo'
configure: failed program was:
#line 3875 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
int main() {
struct usb_device_info udi;
 udi.vendorNo = 0x082d;
; return 0; }
configure:3900: checking for socks behind the sofa
su-2.03# locate confdefs

I am wondering if anyone knows what is up here. I have posted this 
on the coldsync list with no results. 
Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome.

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fail on glibc install

2002-11-07 Thread David Banning
===>  Installing for linux_base-7.1_1
kern.fallback_elf_brand: -1 -> 3
execution of glibc-2.2.4-29 script failed, exit status 0
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/netscape48-navigator.

Any idea what to do with this?

I recently upgraded to 4.7 and some linux stuff stopped working.
I have deleted the distfile and downloaded again with no change in

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ucom - kernel, module or both?

2002-11-14 Thread David Banning
I am attempting to setup ucom and uvisor to sync a palm device
via usb port. If I compile the kernel with uvisor and ucom in,
are the ucom and uvisor modules still supposed to be loaded?

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does ucom0 work?

2002-11-20 Thread David Banning
I have been getting the error;

Oct 28 11:51:53 ada /kernel: ucom0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00,
+addr 2
Oct 28 11:51:53 ada /kernel: ucom0: Palm, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00,
+addr 2
Oct 28 11:51:53 ada /kernel: ucom0: init failed, STALLED
Oct 28 11:51:53 ada /kernel: device_probe_and_attach: ucom0 attach returned 6

in the log when I attach and hit the hotsync on my palm device.

one of the developers at pilot-link had mentioned this as an unfixed 
error on getting pilot-link working with FreeBSD's USB port.

Is this error a FreeBSD error? Is there FreeBSD'ers using ucom0 successfully?

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No USB host controllers found

2002-11-26 Thread David Banning
I was compiling my kernel with different usb options, trying
to get a usb option working and I not get this error whenever I 
try to run usbd;

No USB host controllers found

I have restored my previous kernel settings, even tried to build
a kernel with GENERIC. I have cvsuped stable-supfile and even
done a "make world" followed by a new kernel.

Any idea what is causing my problem?

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Re: No USB host controllers found

2002-11-26 Thread David Banning
On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 02:04:30PM -0500, David Banning wrote:
> I was compiling my kernel with different usb options, trying
> to get a usb option working and I not get this error whenever I 
> try to run usbd;
> No USB host controllers found

I found the problem. I deleted usb0 and usb1.  

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glibc-2.2.4-29 script failed, exit status 0

2002-11-27 Thread David Banning
while trying to install netscape for linux I got this error from the

===>  Installing for linux_base-7.1_1
kern.fallback_elf_brand: -1 -> 3
execution of glibc-2.2.4-29 script failed, exit status 0
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/netscape48-navigator.

I have deleted the rpm and started again. I wonder if it
could be loading a broken rpm from the same site over and over?

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Re: FreeBSD-Stable + apache13 + mod_frontpage

2002-12-08 Thread David Banning
> Will chown web to www as part of install.
> Will chgrp web to www as part of install.
> /usr/libexec/ /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol

Does /usr/lib/ exist?

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Re: squidGuard & starting squid

2002-12-08 Thread David Banning
On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 04:40:35PM -0500, Bob Hall wrote:
> I'd like to automatically start squid with the -D option. Can 
> someone tell me what I have to edit to do this?
Couldn't you just edit /usr/local/etc/rc.d/  ?

> Also, I'm using Sleezeball to block banner ads. I'd like to use 
> squidGuard, because of its other capabilities. With Sleezeball, I 
> can tell it to look for any URL containing, for example, '/advertisers/', 
> and Sleezeball blocks it. SquidGuard seems to block entire sites, or 
> nothing. It doesn't seem to have any effect on just banner ads. Is there
> a way to get squidGuard to remove just the ads? 

Can't help you here

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Re: FreeBSD-Stable + apache13 + mod_frontpage

2002-12-09 Thread David Banning
> >> /usr/libexec/ /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol
> >
> >Does /usr/lib/ exist?
> seems to:

My only guess would be that some of the dependencies are not
meshing as they should. I would do a cvsup of your ports and reinstall 
the dependencies.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

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web page counter in the ports?

2002-12-10 Thread David Banning
Is there a simple visitor counter that is in the ports?

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signal 12 error means?

2002-12-10 Thread David Banning
I got this error installing both netscape48-navigator and 
netscape48-communicator. Does anyone know what the catch is?

===>   linux-netscape-communicator-4.8 depends on file: 
/compat/linux/etc/redhat-release - found
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/netscape-linux/java/classes
for i in 
 do  /usr/bin/gzip -nf -9 -dc ${i} | /usr/bin/tar -xf - -C 
/usr/local/lib/netscape-linux;  done
install -C -o root -g wheel -m 444 
install -C  -o root -g wheel -m 555 
*** Signal 12

Stop in /usr/ports/www/netscape48-communicator.

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Re: signal 12 error means?

2002-12-11 Thread David Banning
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 01:37:31PM -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:40:52AM -0500, David Banning wrote:
> > I got this error installing both netscape48-navigator and 
> > netscape48-communicator. Does anyone know what the catch is?
> > 
> > ===>   linux-netscape-communicator-4.8 depends on file: 
>/compat/linux/etc/redhat-release - found
> > /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/netscape-linux/java/classes
> > for i in 
> do  /usr/bin/gzip -nf -9 -dc ${i} | /usr/bin/tar -xf - -C 
>/usr/local/lib/netscape-linux;  done
> > install -C -o root -g wheel -m 444 
> /usr/local/lib/netscape-linux/java/classes
> > install -C  -o root -g wheel -m 555 
> /usr/local/lib/netscape-linux
> > 
> /usr/local/lib/netscape-linux/registry 
> > *** Signal 12
> Do you have the linux kernel module loaded (or compiled in to your
> kernel)?

bash-2.03$ kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
 17 0xc010 40ee08   kernel
 22 0xc1367000 a000 ibcs2.ko
 31 0xc1374000 3000 ibcs2_coff.ko
 42 0xc1379000 14000linux.ko
 51 0xc13a8000 3000 streams.ko
 61 0xc13ab000 15000svr4.ko
 71 0xc13d6000 2000 rtc.ko

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sendmail: local mail bounces

2002-12-15 Thread David Banning
After upgrading to 4.7S from 4.5 I now get the error;

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
"| exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"
(reason: 550 Unsafe for mailing to programs)
(expanded from: david)
   - Transcript of session follows -
550 5.7.1 /usr/david/.forward: line 1: "| exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit  
+75"... Address david is unsafe for mailing to programs

I receive fine from the outside world. It is only local mail that
bounces. the permissions for /usr/david and /usr/david/.forward
make no difference.

Any idea what is causing this?

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Re: sendmail: local mail bounces

2002-12-16 Thread David Banning
> > After upgrading to 4.7S from 4.5 I now get the error;
> > 
> >- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
> > "| exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit 75"
> > (reason: 550 Unsafe for mailing to programs)
> > (expanded from: david)
> >   
> >- Transcript of session follows -
> > 550 5.7.1 /usr/david/.forward: line 1: "| exec /usr/local/bin/procmail || exit  
> > +75"... Address david is unsafe for mailing to programs
> >> end of "sendmail: local mail bounces" from David Banning <<
> Dunno offhand, but I use a different line for my procmail forwards.
> monkey@manifold:~% cat .forward
> "|IFS=' ' && p=/usr/local/bin/procmail && test -f $p && exec $p -Yf- || exit 75 

Tried your with no noticable difference. Thanks anyway.

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what is a pps file?

2002-12-19 Thread David Banning
Someone from the Netherlands sent me a pps file. Anyone know what
type of file that is? 

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error on build of jdk13 build

2003-06-11 Thread David Banning

I have been trying to build jdk13 but I get this error;

===>Verifying install for /usr/local/linux-sun-jdk1.3.1/bin/javac in 
===>  Extracting for linux-sun-jdk-
>> Checksum OK for j2sdk-1_3_1_08-linux-i586.bin.
===>   linux-sun-jdk- depends on file: /compat/linux/lib/ - found
Bad system call (core dumped)
*** Error code 140

Stop in /usr/ports/java/linux-sun-jdk13.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/jdk13.

I have tried reinstalling linux_base-7.1_5 but still I get the same error.

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Re: Palm USB Cradle Compatability

2003-06-11 Thread David Banning
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 09:20:05PM -0700, Russ Bernhardt wrote:
> I can't seem to find any recent (anything from 2003) information as to 
> whether or not the current release of FreeBSD supports Palms on USB 
> Cradles running Palm OS 4.0+. I have a Tungsten T with Palm OS 5.0 and a 
> USB cradle and would very much like to merge to BSD, but it's an 
> important aspect as I need a method of backing up my palm short of 
> buying a serial connector.
> I have no idea as to where to start with what software. Any tips would 
> greatly be appreciated!

I have been trying to sync my palm over USB for some time now. It 
doesn't look good. Both coldsync and pilot-link acknowledge there
are FreeBSD-USB-Palm combination problems. The only thing I've seen
that looks promising is a ppp solution which follows. My ucom port errs
as soon as I push my sony clie button so I can't even try the ppp option.

I have been monitoring the coldsync and pilot-link lists, and checking
FreeBSD's list occasionally. If you find anything out that is helpful
please let me know. Here is the ppp solution posted to both the
coldsync and pilot-link lists;

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 13:02:52 -0500 (EST)
From: "David A. Desrosiers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FreeBSD/USB PPP solution (need testers)
To: pilot-link General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   ColdSync Hackers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hash: SHA1

For those wishing to sync their USB Palm devices under BSD, I think
we have a tempoarary workaround that will satisfy your needs for now..

After a great deal of testing, I believe we've worked out a solution
that will enable users to sync their Palm USB handheld devices with FreeBSD
using pilot-link until the pilot-link team and the BSD team figure out what
exactly the issue is that causes this process to fail "natively".

Feel free to email me back privately if you have anything you'd wish
to add or comment on that may not be useful on the lists.

This may also work for ColdSync users who wish to use the same sort
of process. I'm not familiar with the innards of how ColdSync handles the
equivalent of pi-csd for network connections, so I hope someone can fill me
in on that and get back to me with some details.

At this point, we need some testers to verify that this works.

So far we've tested it on both OHCI and UHCI platforms (Intel/Via
and SiS chipsets on both desktop and laptop machines) with systems using
ugen, ucom, and a combination of both of them.
Here's what you'll need to do:
In your BSD kernel config, you'll need at least the following:

pseudo-device   ppp 1   # Kernel PPP
pseudo-device   tun # Packet tunnel.
device  uhci# UHCI PCI->USB interface
device  ohci# OHCI PCI->USB interface
device  usb # USB Bus (required)
device  uvisor  # For Palm->USB interface
device  ucom# Generic serial layer

Rebuild your kernel with that, using 'make buildkernel' and then
'make installkernel' and make sure you 'make world' to ensure that your usbd
and other userland tools are current with the changes in your kernel.

Now, in /etc/ppp/ppp.conf, add the following:
 set device /dev/ucom0
 set cd off
 set dial
 set speed 230400
 set timeout 300
 set redial 5 0
 set reconnect 3 5
 set ctsrts on
 set ifaddr
 enable dns
 add default HISADDR
 bg "/usr/local/bin/"

Note that in ppp.conf, is my actual BSD machine's IP
address, and is the IP I wish to assign to my Palm when it
connects to the BSD machine using ppp.

The last line of the 'palm' section in ppp.conf references one
script, This script consists of the following two lines:

/usr/local/bin/pi-csd -H ler -a -n

This roughly translates to

pi-csd -H  -a  -n

In my case 'ler' is the hostname of the BSD machine and is
the IP of the interface on this machine. This is NOT the hostname of the
Palm or the IP of the Palm device.

NOTE: The hostname you present here with pi-csd with -H must match
*EXACTLY* what the hostname you use in the "Primary PC Setup" section on the
Palm below. If you use 'ler' with pi-csd, you must use 'ler' on the Palm,
not ''.

On the Palm itself, you'll have to make some changes as well.

Follow these steps exactly:

- Tap the HotSync icon in the application launcher.
- Select [Modem] from the two options above the center icon
- Tap 'Select Service' below the icon, and pick an unused one or
  create a new one.
- Servi

Re: Procmail isn't handing off mail like it should.

2003-06-15 Thread David Banning
> user2 and user3 in an effort to filter their mail as well, then forward it 
> off to each one's respective mail accounts.  The process is being run as 
> user1 from cron rather than as root.  All works fine except no mail is 
> being filtered for either user2 or user3.  It's basically coming in, and 
> then immediately going out again to another location.

I do exactly what you want on my machine. We need to see your
.procmailrc file.  What spam filtering program are you using?  I
use spamassassin which works really well, and you can change recipes
to catch any that was not caught.

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finding out version of sendmail I have

2003-06-16 Thread David Banning
How do I find out my sendmail version? I seems silly to ask the question,
but I have looked at the files in /etc/mail, I have looked for a version
option in the sendmail 'man page'. I have used 'locate' to find sendmail
files on the system, and then viewed them for any clues. I have done
a quick search on google. There must be a simple answer..


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getting to stop spam with sendmail

2003-06-16 Thread David Banning
I am interested in getting my server to bounce mail from open relays.

I have been to the site. I have added the suggested line
to my mc files;

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', ` "550 Email rejected due to sending server
misconfiguration - see\#why_rejected";')dnl

I am using sendmail 8.12.9/8.12.6
I of course recompiled the .mc files, and restarted sendmail.

I have tried to test that it is working by adding;
to my /etc/hosts file, as my ip address is

I am still not getting a bounce. I am not seeing anything in /var/maillog

I am looking for a clue as to how to get more info to get this working,
either via a tip from someone, or how I can crank up my logging
to maillog to give me more info. A website that goes into
more depth would be helpful, if anyone knows one. 


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Re: getting to stop spam with sendmail

2003-06-17 Thread David Banning
> > 
> > I am using sendmail 8.12.9/8.12.6
>  ^^
> > I of course recompiled the .mc files, and restarted sendmail.
> I don't think your got updated, or you would now be running
> sendmail 8.12.9/8.12.9

yes, it did - I looked in the file just to confirm that
the entries were there;

# DNS based IP address spam list
R$* $: $&{client_addr}
R$-.$-.$-.$-$:  $(dnsbl $4.$3.$2.$ $: OK $)
R$+ $: TMPOK
R$+  $#error $@ 5.7.1 $:  "550 Email rejected due to sending
server misconfiguration - see\#why_rejected";

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Re: getting to stop spam with sendmail

2003-06-17 Thread David Banning
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 11:19:40AM +0200, Ruben de Groot wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 10:06:22AM +0300, ODHIAMBO Washington typed:
> > 
> > I believe the ordb dnslists are not free anymore, but that is upto you to
> > go and find out. Perhaps you already did.
> is free and AFAIK they have no intention to change that policy.

Yes, it looked that way to me when I checked too.

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Re: getting to stop spam with sendmail

2003-06-17 Thread David Banning
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 09:13:46AM -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Jun 17), David Banning said:
> > I am interested in getting my server to bounce mail from open relays.
w do I test if my mailserver is actually using

> > 
> > I have been to the site. I have added the suggested line
> > to my mc files;
> > 
> > FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', ` "550 Email rejected due to sending server 
> > misconfiguration - see\#why_rejected";')dnl
> > 
> > I have tried to test that it is working by adding;
> > 
> >
> >  
> > to my /etc/hosts file, as my ip address is
> /etc/hosts is not examined for DNS lookups.  You'll have to set up a
> fake zone in named if you want to test it on your own
> IP.

Dan, your advice seems to contradict the website which reads;

How do I test if my mailserver is actually using

On Unix based systems:

Become the root user:

$ su - Edit /etc/hosts in your favourite editor: # vim /etc/hosts
Add the following line, substituting for your your local systems
inverted IP address:

Local system, in this case, refers to the host from which you will
be sending the test email.  You build an inverted IP address by
taking your real IP address (e.g. and inverting the
octets. (e.g.  Once you have accomplished this,
sending email to your protected mail server from your local system
should result in a rejection notice, or whatever you have configured
your system for.

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Re: laptop install problem - usb cd drive

2003-06-27 Thread David Banning
On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 08:04:15PM -0400, William O'Higgins wrote:
> The Challenge:
> An old laptop, with no OS that can only boot from a floppy.  I want to
> install FreeBSD.
> I have a USB CDROM, but I cannot make it bootable at the BIOS level.
> I have a network card (PCMCIA) but no knowledge of how to get drivers
> for it on a FreeBSD install floppy.
> I'm pretty sure I'll have to either install entirely from floppies (not
> worth the time) or from the CDROM or network, but I don't know how to
> make those devices work from a blank hd and a floppy.

Couldn't you install with the two floppys, then download the rest
via ppp or pppoe?

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question on .mail_aliases

2003-07-01 Thread David Banning
Is there a way to put the actual name in the .mail_aliases file?
I sometimes forget the the abbreviation that I used.


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tmda problems - anyone using it?

2003-07-02 Thread David Banning
I installed tmda from the ports. It is not working, and as I am 
looking into why, I found a number of peculiar things.

It doesn't work with sendmail so well becuase certain variables have
to be passed on to tmda. They suggest procmail can be used to do this and
they provide a script for that purpose.

Part of that script is ;
SENDER=`formail -x Return-Path | sed 's/[<>]//g;s/^[ ]*//'`

which in my case does _not_ get the sender address. I had to modify
that script somewhat to work. Once that is fixed, the program still does
not seem to run. It will not send mail back for confirmations, at least.
There are no errors in the logs, and tdma does acknowlege receiving the
mail and keeping it, presumably waiting for confirmation before putting it
in my box.

I have detailed my logs and problems to the tmda list and have received
no reply. I don't know how busy that list is, but at this point I am 
just wondering how many fbsd'ers are using tmda.   

If anyone has an alternative suggestion it would be great. I notice we 
have qconfirm in the ports but on looking at the installation instructions
it appears that it only works with qmail.


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getting sendmail to add Return-Path: header

2003-07-04 Thread David Banning
I need to have the Return-Path: header to added to my emails.

Any idea what is needed to configure sendmail to do that?

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Re: getting sendmail to add Return-Path: header

2003-07-04 Thread David Banning
> Return-Path: is meant to be inserted into the message headers by the
> sendmail that does final delivery -- it's not something you should set
> on all of the e-mail you send out.  The machinery to handle all this
> should already be in your -- if there's a line:
> H?P?Return-Path: <$g>
> in the 'Format of Headers' section, then any delivery mailer with 'P'
> in the F= flags (which is the default for the local and prog mailers)
> will insert the Return-Path: header -- eg.
> Mlocal, P=/usr/libexec/mail.local, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPSXfmnz9, 
> S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,

OK. I've got the same entries as you, but I am not getting the 
Return-Path: put in the header. Now I am reading my mail -on- the server.
Since it is mail.local or in my case procmail that reads it, it -should-
put it in before depositing it in /var/mail for pickup, shouldn't it?

I have tried compiling with the procmail option out, like yours and it
makes no difference.

My shows;

Mlocal, P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=EnvFromL/Hdr
FromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u
Mprog,  P=/bin/sh, F=lsDFMoqeu9, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, D
A=sh -c $u
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Re: getting sendmail to add Return-Path: header

2003-07-04 Thread David Banning
> Actually, I use procmail as the default delivery agent myself --- that
> example came from /etc/mail/ --- but even so, the
> Return-Path: stuff is inserted correctly.  How are you checking for
> the presence or absence of the header?  Most mail applications will
> weed it out of what they display to you -- bouncing on the 'h' key in
> mutt shows it, generally as the 2nd line of header right underneath
> the 'From ' line.  Otherwise, grep'ing the mbox file directly is
> probably the thing to do.

There's no mistaking it. I've used vi and grep.
Here, is the message as I received it from you;

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jul  4 16:40:08 2003
Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by (8.12.9/8.12.9) id h64Ke8IG019663
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Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 21:38:35 +0100
From: Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Banning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: getting sendmail to add Return-Path: header
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On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 04:28:48PM -0400, David Banning wrote:
> > Return-Path: is meant to be inserted into the message headers by the
> > sendmail that does final delivery -- it's not something you should set
> > on all of the e-mail you send out.  The machinery to handle all this

and so on...
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Re: getting sendmail to add Return-Path: header

2003-07-04 Thread David Banning
Now it seems to be working. I inserted it in the "F" section of the 
settings below the one we discussed and it seems to work.

> > Mlocal, P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=EnvFromL/Hdr
> > FromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
> > T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
> > A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u
> > Mprog,  P=/bin/sh, F=lsDFMoqeu9, S=EnvFromL/H...

I am not sure what I did, or what the purpose of Mprog is.
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Re: getting sendmail to add Return-Path: header

2003-07-05 Thread David Banning
> > > I am not sure what I did, or what the purpose of Mprog is.
> > 
> > The prog mailer is generally for aliases that pipe mail into programs
> It also applies to pipes in .forward files, so if David has a
> "|procmail" entry in his .forward, that will force sendmail to use the
> prog mailer instead of local.  FEATURE(local_procmail) in your .mc is a
> better solution, which will tell sendmail to use procmail as the local
> delivery agent, so you don't need .forward at all.

Yes, I tested that. So the mystery is solved, it seems. Thanks Matthew and 
Dan for your help -
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