Re: re-attaching STDOUT

2006-04-05 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
 Can I re-direct the output of a given command so a specific
 ttyv on the machine itself from a remote command; ie redirect
 stdout for a given command to ttyv2 ?

sysutils/screen in the ports collection is very convenient for
this sort of thing.

 -Jan Christian Meyer
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Re: sshd

2005-03-02 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
 [...] I can not close myself out with a firewall. I need the
 access to my system over the internet. Am I right that in this case, only
 a good password is protecting me?

If you have a way of transporting a private key file to wherever you need
to log in from (removable media, one last password login, whatever is
secure enough for your satisfaction), you can use public-key cryptography
and disable password based logins altogether.

Take a look at the man pages of ssh-agent, ssh-add, ssh-keygen, and
google around a bit - it is not too hard to set up.

 -Jan Christian
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Re: fdisk/bsdlabel: cannot write to disk

2005-01-25 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Norbert Koch wrote:
 Sysinstall reported that it cannot write to the hard disk.
 Next I only tried to create a new partition inside an
 existing slice. The same again. I tried the same manually
 with fdisk/bsdlabel and the same happens. I tried it in
 single user mode and even booted FREESBIE. Always the same

 I must be doing something simple very wrong.
 But what? What f*cking manual did I not read?

man atacontrol?

I don't know if your problem is the same as mine, but I recently
had a similar issue trying to partition a disk which came up in
UDMA100 mode; it wouldn't work until I forced it to UDMA66.

I think my problem came from the disk being attached with a
less-than-optimal cable, but I haven't researched it further, as
I don't need it to be particularly fast.

Just a suggestion, though - all standard disclaimers about
variations in your mileage apply.

Good luck,
 -Jan Christian
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Re: RTL8139 Carbus Card fails to activate

2004-12-10 Thread Jan Christian Meyer

 I have a 10/100 fast ethernet carbus card that uses the realtek 8139
 chipset that I'd like to use with FreeBSD.  I have 5.3-RELEASE
 installed on a PIII Celeron in a Compaq Presario Laptop.
 The card is reconized and the rl driver seems to load, but fails to map
 the card's memory or i/o ports.  Here is the appropriate kernel

 cbb alloc res fail
 cardbus0: Can't get memory for IO ports
 cbb alloc res fail
 re0: couldn't map ports/memory
 cbb alloc res fail
 rl0: couldn't map ports/memory
 cardbus0: network, ethernet at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
 cbb0: CardBus card activation failed

I upgraded my laptop (Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook C4355) to 5.3 this week,
and had the same problem. My card started working when i disabled ACPI. I
don't have a sufficiently pointy hat to tell you _why_ this happened...
It shouldn't be like that, separate parts of the system, mumble grumble,
but in the spirit of empirical observation: It Worked For Me.

YMMV, disclaimer, small print, etc.

 I think rl is the one I need.

I think you're right.

Good luck,
 -Jan Christian
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Re: RTL8139 Cardbus Card fails to activate

2004-12-10 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

 Jan Christian Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I upgraded my laptop (Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook C4355) to 5.3 this week,
 and had the same problem. My card started working when i disabled ACPI. I
 don't have a sufficiently pointy hat to tell you _why_ this happened...
 It shouldn't be like that, separate parts of the system, mumble grumble,
 but in the spirit of empirical observation: It Worked For Me.

 Separate parts of the system?  Hardware discovery and Cardbus?

As stated, I'm not deeply into how it all fits together, so I'm
observing purely as an end-user. The separate parts I was referring to
are the state of ACPI and whether or not the rl driver sets my card up to
shovel packets.

The network card does not fail without ACPI, and ACPI does not miss the
network card when it isn't there. Under 5.1 and 5.2.1, I could switch
either of these on and off without the other emitting any distress
signals, and there was no problem.

Together with the facts that they have separate on/off toggles, and that I
perceive them to do different things for me, this makes me consider them
functionally independent features, whether or not their implementations
are related on a lower level of abstraction. (They apparently _are_ related,
as one makes the other fail.)

 Those seem about as closely related as any two features could be...

I don't find this to be obvious at all, but it's good that someone does.
May I trouble you to shed some light on the matter, or provide me with a

 -Jan Christian
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Re: problems with 'burncd'

2004-11-29 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED],com wrote:
 If anyone knows how I can get 'mkisofs', please reply.

You can install it from the ports tree. It's under

 -Jan Christian
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Re: ad0: WRITE command timeout...

2004-11-04 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, Nelis Lamprecht wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 14:10:42 +0100 (CET), Are Bryne wrote:

 After upgrading a computer from FreeBSD 4.8-something to 
 4.10-RELEASE-p3, I'm getting lots of the following:
 ad0: WRITE command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
 ata0: resetting devices .. done
 Seen this once before and in my case it was a faulty hard drive 
 cable. [...] It may also be caused by an incorrect DMA setting if 
 memory serves me correct.

I've seen these come as symptoms of a worn-out drive.
Evidently that's not the only possible cause, but if I were you, 
I'd back up my stuff as soon as possible.

 -Jan Christian
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Re: Winmodem (was: no subject)

2004-10-20 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, metallarch wrote:
 I have win modem on my comp. can i use it with freebsd, maybe i have to 
 download some driver? 

It depends on the chipset of your modem. If it's using a Lucent chip, 
you may get it working by installing the /usr/ports/comms/ltmdm port.

 -Jan Christian
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Re: Sound problem, help.

2004-09-17 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
[...] so i recompiled with options pcm!
I trust that this is *device* pcm you are referring to...
[...] when i startx my kde, there is NO sound and it gives me an
error  says aRts controll error, or aRts server error.
Could you please post the entire and exact error message(s) you are 
getting? Also, what happens if you try to run artsd from a shell?

 -Jan Christian Meyer
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Re: Terminal Display Size?

2004-09-10 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
[...] I now have a wide screen display,  What tool 
can be used to change the number of characters wide and the number
of lines high the terminal will display?
Run 'man vidcontrol', be enlightened.
Is there also a way to have this new setting to be the default
terminal display for all virtual terminals also (i.e. alt+F2 ...).
The allscreens_flags variable in /etc/rc.conf sets this.
 -Jan Christian
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Re: keyboard history buffer setting

2004-08-18 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
It doesn't work for me when placed in rc.conf, with either
a direct command or attempting to use allscreens_flags.
I run 5.2.1 myself, but if anything I write is incorrect
for 4.10 someone will surely correct me shortly.
It looks to me like you've been putting your parameter in
the wrong string; as far as I understand, allscreens_flags
is sent to vidcontrol, while allscreens_kbdflags goes to
Putting plain commands into rc.conf is unlikely ever to
accomplish much. Peek in /etc/defaults/rc.conf for a lot of
interesting stuff which will work, though.
If you still need to do shell stuff on startup, slapping
together a script and putting it in rc.d is the way to go.
The man pages of rc explain the works, and include a
template script which you can copy and fill in.
 -Jan Christian
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Re: Lucent LT modem under FreeBSD

2004-07-10 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
 I've read that the proper drivers are in the ports collection, but
 there's one big problem. The only way I'd be able to access the ports
 collection is with an internet connection, and to have an internet
 connection I need the Lucent winmodem drivers for FreeBSD.

Someone can probably suggest something more optimal, but FWIW, here's my 
tedious manual procedure for installing ports without a network connection:

1. Try to compile the port, up to the point where it complains
2. Press Ctrl-C, interrupting the compilation
3. Make a note of the name of the missing file
4. Go to different computer with network connection, carrying floppy or CD-R
5. Download missing file from
6. Transfer it to /usr/ports/distfiles on target machine using floppy or CD-R
7. Lather, rinse, and repeat from step one until compilation no longer 

For only the ltmdm port (Lucent winmodem driver), this should not be an 
astonishing amount of work, and afterwards you can install your ports in 
style like the cool kids do. :)

Good luck,
 -Jan Christian

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Re: kernel

2004-05-12 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
 MYKERNEL is name of the custom kernel. If you want to build a new
 kernel, you must give it some name, for example MYKERNEL. In
 handbook you are advised to create a kernel MYKERNEL as a copy of
 kernel GENERIC:
 # cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
 Then you should edit MYKERNEL and so on as described in handbook.

Just to add a little something for flavor, I've found it useful to 
keep my config file elsewhere and use a symbolic link from 
/usr/src/sys/i386/conf, i.e.

# cd /root
# mkdir kernel-config
# cd kernel-config
# cp /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC ./MYKERNEL
# cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
# ln -s /root/kernel-config/MYKERNEL

Thus, editing, config and compilation works perfectly by the book, but 
if I feel like it, I can nuke /usr/src/sys entirely and reinstall the 
kernel sources without losing the precious customised config file.

Of course it is no different from backing up the config file before 
reinstalling, but I've found it convenient a couple of times when 
noodling with my kernels.

 -Jan Christian

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Re: MIDI (and audio) on freeBSD

2004-05-03 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
 Thanks a lot for answering my question. I tried to instruct KDE to look
 for some other devices (audio0.0? dsp0.0, 0.1,0.2? There is a lot...).
 Nothing happened as you have foreseen.
 The weird thing is that it seems that GNOME sounds: it starts playing
 some chords, and sounds are associated with some events (clicks, open
 windows etc.)

With KDE, do you get any error message boxes from artsmessage during the 
Initializing peripherals step on the splash screen, or does it just fail 
quietly? Also, what happens if you try to run artsd from a shell?

Yours sincerely,
 -Jan Christian

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Re: MIDI (and audio) on freeBSD

2004-04-23 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
 After some troubles, and a Kernel recompilation with the option device
 pcm, I found in /dev directory lots of devices related to sound. KDE
 still does not sound at all: it looks for a /dev/dsp device that does
 not exists; a /dev/dsp0.0 exists instead, but I haven't found the way to
 instruct KDE to load the right device.

Even if /dev/dsp does not appear when you list the contents of /dev, under 
FBSD 5.X it should still magically appear when something tries to access it, 
if I've understood correctly. That is how my 5.1-machines behave anyway. With 
this in mind, something is apparently fishy in your sound system - without 
being wizardly enough to say what is up, I would not bet on it working out 
even if you reconfigure the device.

If you still want to try, though, you can point the KDE sound system (aRts) to 
a specific device by enabling the Use custom sound device setting in the 
KDE control center. It can be found under the Sound I/O tab in 
Sound  Multimedia - Sound System.

Good luck,
 -Jan Christian

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Re: 5.2.1 can't find sound card

2004-04-21 Thread Jan Christian Meyer
 snd_emu10kx.ko has copied to /boot/kernel.
 Next we rebooted and tried to load the module with kldload snd_emu10kx
 but it says there is no such file, even though we can see it in /boot/kernel

 So now what?

That should have been kldload /boot/kernel/snd_emu10kx.ko, I imagine...

 -Jan Christian

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