Re: DRI for Radeon HD5450 on FreeBSD 9.0

2012-02-23 Thread Michael Grünewald

Hi Adam,

Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
Neither 2D nor 3D acceleration are supported on any HD5xxx or higher 
GPU. Nor will they be supported till radeon KMS is implemented.
Thank you for pointing this out… it is actually stated on the relevant 
wiki page

but I overlooked this many times. Luckily, I also have an ATI Radeon HD 
4250, that works like a charm!


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DRI for Radeon HD5450 on FreeBSD 9.0

2012-02-15 Thread Michael Grünewald

Dear list,

I own a radeon HD5450 and I would like to know how well it is supported 
by freeBSD 9, in partocular DRI and 3D accelaeration.

I have a fresh 9.0/amd64 on my machine and Xorg fails to initialise the 
DRI.  It says (from Xorg-0.log):

(II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable
(II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable
(II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/local/lib/dri/
(II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
(II) RADEON(0): Setting screen physical size to 338 x 270

As the last line of the snippet displays it, I use radeon(4x) as driver.

I used the page

to try to diagnose the problem and it seems that none of the driver agp 
radeondrm and drm is able to initaialize correctly.

Can you enable DRI for HD5450 on FreeBSD 9.0 ?
Do you have some useful documentation to show me?

In any of these cases, I would say ``thanks!''
Best regards,
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Re: Subversion over SSH works through GIT but not with SVN

2011-04-22 Thread Michael Grünewald

Hello Greg, hello list,

thank you very much for your answer, it was very useful!

Greg Larkin wrote:

On 4/20/11 7:21 AM, Michael Grünewald wrote:

I have recently discovered that by subversion client (1.16_2) is not
able any more to access my subversion accounts over svn+ssh (with key
based authentication).  It seems very odd to me, because in the same
time git can access these accounts (with the git svn command) and commit
to these repositories!

Finally, if all else fails, I run commands through truss or strace to
see if there are any strange errors generated by system calls, like a
missing library or config file, or an unexpected chdir() or chroot().
I feel here a bit ashamed: I plainly forgot to inform subversion that my 
login name on the remote machine is not the same as on the local, what 
git has been told years ago.  Your clue to use ssh instead of the svn 
put me on the right track. To my defence, the login name that ssh uses 
during its conversation is not printed on the diagnostic line when 
verbose output is enabled.  While this information is very basic and 
elementary, it maybe would be useful to debug a connection (I admit, 
``login name'' should stand quite high on the list of things to check 
when something goes wrong!)  In my case, if the login names had been 
present in the verbose output os SSH ,I woud have spotted it by diff'ing 
the outputs of the successful and unsuccessful transactions.  Maybe I 
should file a PR for this?

Why do I instantly think ``login name'' when I hear ssh and not when I 
hear svn?  Well, I hope my therapist will be able to help me sorting it 
out :)

Thank you very much,
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Subversion over SSH works through GIT but not with SVN

2011-04-20 Thread Michael Grünewald

Hi all,

I have recently discovered that by subversion client (1.16_2) is not 
able any more to access my subversion accounts over svn+ssh (with key 
based authentication).  It seems very odd to me, because in the same 
time git can access these accounts (with the git svn command) and commit 
to these repositories!

I am here absolutely clueless, so I would welcome your insights and your 

I set up `SVN_SSH' to `ssh -vv' in order to get a little more feedback 
than the `connexion unexpectedly closed' that subversion gave me.  Here 
is an exceirpt of the successful svn+ssh authentication achieved by git svn:

debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug2: key: /home/michael/.ssh/id_rsa (0x801a61680)
debug2: key: /home/michael/.ssh/id_dsa (0x0)
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /home/michael/.ssh/id_rsa
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
debug1: Server accepts key: pkalg ssh-rsa blen 277

on the pure svn side I have instead

debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug2: key: /home/michael/.ssh/id_rsa (0x801a61660)
debug2: key: /home/michael/.ssh/id_dsa (0x0)
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /home/michael/.ssh/id_rsa
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey
debug1: Trying private key: /home/michael/.ssh/id_dsa
debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method

(this is the point were the two transcripts start to disagree).  I do 
not know what is the hex value after the name of the file containing my 
private key, but it semms weird to me that the two runs give here 
different results!  Do you see a symptom related to my problem?

Thanks a lot,
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Re: Place to install library of shell functions

2011-04-07 Thread Michael Grünewald

Chris Rees wrote:

2011/4/5 Jerry McAllister:

I would go with /usr/local/lib

I'd rather agree with the OP; shell functions are arch-independent,
and are DATADIR suited IMO.

Thank all of you for your feedback!

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Place to install library of shell functions

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Grünewald

Dear FreeBSD users,

today I come to you with what seems to be somehow pedantic question:  
where is the best place to install libraries of shell functions.

I read hier(4) carefully and it seems the correct place for this would 
be somewhere under `/usr/local/share':

share/architecture-independent files

On the base systems, many macros (make templates and groff macros) are 
actually installed under /usr/share.  However, the only library of shell 
functions I am aware of is `/etc/rc.subr', that landed on this funny 
location, probably to be pretty sure that this library is on the same 
filesystem as the scripts under /etc/rc.d.

Several of the ports install shell scripts under `/usr/local/lib' that 
hier(4) devotes to  ``shared and archive ar(1)-type libraries''.  These 
shell scripts are:

> find /usr/local/lib -name '*.sh'

Two files (the `/usr/local/lib/tcl8.5/' one and the 
`s/tcl/tk/g' one) are actually shell script libraries (defining a bunch 
of variables), and all the others are ancillary scripts, that would 
maybe better fit in `/usr/local/libexec'.

So, practical experience does not really second my a priori that these 
files sould go under the `share' hierarchy and I would like to have your 
opinion on this question.

Best Regards,
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Re: libm alternative in ports

2010-11-25 Thread Michael Grünewald

Hello all,

Anonymous wrote:

Alexander Best  writes:

does anybody if there's an alternative for libm in the ports dir? i need it,
because the newest snapshots of mplayer require log2() and log2f(), which the
base libm doesn't support.

for mplayer I'd suggest using code from x264 because both projects use GPLv2+

   #if !HAVE_LOG2F
   #define log2f(x) (logf(x)/0.693147180559945f)
   #define log2(x) (log(x)/0.693147180559945)

In `math.h', there is the following definition:

#define M_LN2   0.69314718055994530942  /* log e2 */

of which you can take advantage for your definition of log2f and log2. 
Note that this macro is not described in math(3).

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Re: Tips for installing windows and freeBSD both.. anyone??

2010-11-12 Thread Michael Grünewald

Hello Rob,

Rob Farmer wrote:

Most general computer users will never give up the GUI, because it
involves investing in computer skills and they don't see that as
terribly worthwhile - they just want to get started on their work. I
think some UNIX fans are reluctant to accept this, and in doing so
limit its ability to grow. That's my reason for preferring GUI in most

I share your observation of user behaviour, and it is probably 
appropriate:  although there is many _funny_ways to use computers, most 
of us just want to have some work done and GUI sometimes provide a quick 
way to put our hands on it.

But in my opinion, a complete GUI software should also provide some 
command line facilities.  I mean, for instance, a word processing 
software could be shipped with command line tools that could be used to

 * inspect document properties (word count, meta information fields);
 * convert the document to a publishable form such as PostScript;
 * do field replacement for mailings;
and many less elementary treatments could also be useful!  Some software 
comes with a scripting language, but for simple operation and batch 
processing, this may not be so convenient as a command line tool.

This kind of functionnalities could be a bridge from the GUI to the 
command line for some users:  I feel these worlds are so separated, 
while they do not have to.  I sometimes feel that this separation is 
precisely the wall that keep many computer users to develop their 
computer skill, despite they use one all day long.  This ``computer 
illiteracy'' is very dommageable, not only because it makes it hard for 
the average user to learn from more experienced users, but also because 
it let software editors be economically successful while selling 
incomplete, crippled, software.

Best regards,
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Re: Resetting the sound system

2010-10-29 Thread Michael Grünewald

Dear Mark,

Liontaur wrote:

2010/10/28 Michaël Grünewald


the audio software I use sometimes seems to handle unappropriately its
input and leave the sound system in a strange state.  When this happens, the
lowest frequencies of the played sound are very attenuated and what is still
audible sounds unpleasantly metallic.  Rebooting the machine immediately
brings up the sound system in shape again, but it would be nice if they were
a more sensible way to reset it!

Not sure if there's an easier way, but if you've got the audio driver
kldloaded then just unload and reload it. If it's compiled in your kernel
then I don't know.

thank you very much for your answer.  I have got the audio driver 
compiled in the kernel, so I can not use your tip unless I remove this 
module of the kernel.

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Re: __FreeBSD__ not available and unsigned long type

2010-10-13 Thread Michael Grünewald
dear Chetan,

Chetan Shukla wrote:

> I have two doubts working further ion FreeBSD.

> In my machine (8.0-RELEASE) I am not getting the macro __FreeBSD__.
> As a workaround I have to conditionally define it in makefile.
> Could someone define what is missing in this case.

For this one, I do not have any clue.

> Moreover when I have to use unsigned long and signed long the only
> Options that I have are to write "unsigned long " and "signed long"
> Nothing more specific like uint64_t?Or are there any special header files 
> that need to be included.

The type uint64_t is indeed defined by the header stdint.h (mnemonic:
standard integer types).  This seems to suit the requirements of C99.
Try `man stdint' at the command line.

Best regards,

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Re: sudo -K/-k ineffective

2010-08-01 Thread Michael Grünewald


Lowell Gilbert wrote:

me  writes:

Upon doing sudo  as a normal user (non-root), sudo asks for
password only once, subsequent invocations of sudo doesn't ask for password
- even though I do sudo -k or sudo -K in between.
Although sudo starts asking for password after the time stamp expiry.

I don't think sudo even knows about pam(3), so I'm not sure what could
be happening here...

Maybe there is something funny with sudo's timestamp directory?  If it 
is mounted with option `noatime' it may have consequences similar to 
what you discribe.

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Re: PDF storage software recommendations?

2010-06-20 Thread Michael Grünewald

Hi all,

Polytropon wrote:

On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:24:52 -0700 (PDT), Bill Tillman  

But put me
down for a vote on this method using simple text files and awk.

It JUST WORKS - that's the goal. It can be developed and configured
very fast, can easily be extended (or limited), and data is stored
in a STANDARD (!!!) format which allows you to do ANYTHING with
it. You can even provide a web-driven interface for the database,
even that is possible.

I use for my work a solution matching Polytopon's suggestion, it sounds 
very to natural to the UNIX user in me :)  I am a scientist and have to 
daily deal with an increasing amount of electronic papers, made 
available in PDF, DJVU, PostScript or even Tiff.  I organised my library 
so that each document get its own directory. Each directory then 
contains the document file(s) per itself and meta information,  stored 
along in files whose names are fixed (for instance +INDEX for general 
information, +BIBTEX for BibTeX fata, etc.).

I only need a couple of hours to write a program easing the addition of 
a document to the library and another one generating a HTML index out of 
the meta informations, and while my system is far from perfect, it 
exists, and helps me every day.

I also had to help colleagues in various ways with their computer, 
sometimes giving them some (seemingly) very unfriendly scripts I wrote. 
My experience with this, is that, provided I show these people how it 
works and supervise their first steps with the program, they can 
actually use it and like it, despite the fact that the experience 
offered by the program is at first not as nice to them as the one 
offered by a GUI.

However, being a scientist, I would not consider my working environment 
as `standard', whatever it means!

We have a Windows based system at my current job which uses
FileMaker Pro. It's amazing what we can do with this and it's
like having a gigantic electronic filing cabinet.

Oh, the paperless office... an utopia - at least in Germany,
bureaucracy's home country. :-)

I thought France was that :)  Rules are sometimes changing so often that 
administrative staff does not always has time to catch up them all! 
Nevertheless all of this bureaucracy is sometimes very useful too---but 
it is always a bit annoying ;)

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