Re: User authentication on Linux with FreeBSD OpenLDAP backend fails: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user/Failed password for

2011-03-19 Thread O. Hartmann

On 03/18/11 17:02, Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Mar 18), O. Hartmann said:

I try to use a FreeBSD OpenLDAP (FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE/amd64, most recent
OpenLDAP/openldap-sasl-server-2.4.24) as an authentication backend for an
UBUNTU 10.10 server (using openldap 2.4.23).

Most of the installation on the Ubuntu server has been successfully done
(I'm not familiar with Linux, but it seems that things like pam and ldap
are quite similar to FreeBSD's installation).

  From the Linux/Ubuntu server, I'm able to get all users and groups via
'getent passwd' and 'getent group', even 'id' on an OpenLDAP backed up
user is successfully.

But when it comes to a login via sshd, login fails with this error
(loged on Linux Ubuntu in /var/log/auth.log):

Mar 18 12:01:00 freyja sshd[26824]: Failed password for testuser from port 40734 ssh2
Mar 18 12:01:23 freyja sshd[26854]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user 
uid=testuser,ou=users,dc=geoinf,dc=freyja,dc=com (Confidentiality required)

Confidentiality required means that the server is refusing to authenticate
over a non-encrypted connection.  Try switching pam_ldap to ldaps (in your
pam ldap.conf, either change your uri lines to ldaps:// or add the line
ssl on) and see if that works.

I tried several things now and I do not understand this world anymore :-(

For short again: The conceptional setup I use is a working concept 
within all FreeBSD boxes around here autheticating users via our 
OpenLDAP server, also ran by FreeBSD (8.2-STABLE/amd64).

On the Linux/Ubuntu 10.10 server I tried the following:

ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Confidentiality required (13)
additional info: TLS confidentiality required

ldapsearch -xZ:
...listing of the DIT of the LDAP server

looking up an user ID definitely within the DIT: positive response from 
the LDAP server.

I also can obtain passwd/group informations via
getent passwd/group.

I also checked the connection to the LDAPserver with the SSL credetials by

openssl s_client -connect LDAPserver:636 -showcerts

and receive a lot of informations
depth=1 /C [...]

verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify return:0
Certificate chain
0 s:/C=DE/ST [...]
MIIDljCCAv+gAwIBA [...]
 1 s:/C [...]
i:/C=DE [...]
Server certificate
subject=/C [...]
issuer=/C [...]
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 2175 bytes and written 421 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
Protocol  : TLSv1
Cipher: AES256-SHA

Master-Key: X
Key-Arg   : None
TLS session ticket:
 - b5 48 c7 cc 09 99 fb a5-0e 1e 75 1b 4f aa a1 69 

0010 - 37 a5 4f c7 [...]
Start Time: 1300547707
Timeout   : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)

I guess this signals everything is all right with the certificate 
connecting via SSL/TLS.

I'm not familiar with Linux/Ubuntu's PAM setup, the setup has been done 
via apt-get/installation of the appropriate tools and facilities (ldap, 
pam_ldap, nss_ldap). I've no idea what's going wrong ...

There is also some kind of weirdness around here. While login in via ssh 
(or better: trying to login via ssh), I received this:

Mar 19 16:44:39 freyja sshd[1625]: Did not receive identification string 
Mar 19 16:44:40 freyja sshd[1623]: Failed password for ohartmann from 
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port 52686 ssh2
Mar 19 16:45:01 freyja CRON[1626]: pam_unix(cron:session): session 
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Mar 19 16:45:01 freyja CRON[1626]: pam_unix(cron:session): session 
closed for user root

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Re: User authentication on Linux with FreeBSD OpenLDAP backend fails: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user/Failed password for

2011-03-19 Thread O. Hartmann

On 03/18/11 17:02, Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Mar 18), O. Hartmann said:

I try to use a FreeBSD OpenLDAP (FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE/amd64, most recent
OpenLDAP/openldap-sasl-server-2.4.24) as an authentication backend for an
UBUNTU 10.10 server (using openldap 2.4.23).

Most of the installation on the Ubuntu server has been successfully done
(I'm not familiar with Linux, but it seems that things like pam and ldap
are quite similar to FreeBSD's installation).

  From the Linux/Ubuntu server, I'm able to get all users and groups via
'getent passwd' and 'getent group', even 'id' on an OpenLDAP backed up
user is successfully.

But when it comes to a login via sshd, login fails with this error
(loged on Linux Ubuntu in /var/log/auth.log):

Mar 18 12:01:00 freyja sshd[26824]: Failed password for testuser from port 40734 ssh2
Mar 18 12:01:23 freyja sshd[26854]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user 
uid=testuser,ou=users,dc=geoinf,dc=freyja,dc=com (Confidentiality required)

Confidentiality required means that the server is refusing to authenticate
over a non-encrypted connection.  Try switching pam_ldap to ldaps (in your
pam ldap.conf, either change your uri lines to ldaps:// or add the line
ssl on) and see if that works.

I managed it!

My FreeBSD OpenLDAP-server have had in it's config DIT (cn=config) the 
follwoing entries, which seems to confuse Linux (but not the FreeBSD 
clients, no matter why):

olcSecurity: simple_bind=256

After reducing this security strenth value down to

olcSecurity: simple_bind=128

everything works fine so far.

At the moment, I have no explanation for this. Either FreeBSD clients 
are always binding with a higher security strength level or ignoring this.


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Re: User authentication on Linux with FreeBSD OpenLDAP backend fails: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user/Failed password for

2011-03-18 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Mar 18), O. Hartmann said:
 I try to use a FreeBSD OpenLDAP (FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE/amd64, most recent
 OpenLDAP/openldap-sasl-server-2.4.24) as an authentication backend for an
 UBUNTU 10.10 server (using openldap 2.4.23).
 Most of the installation on the Ubuntu server has been successfully done
 (I'm not familiar with Linux, but it seems that things like pam and ldap
 are quite similar to FreeBSD's installation).
  From the Linux/Ubuntu server, I'm able to get all users and groups via
 'getent passwd' and 'getent group', even 'id' on an OpenLDAP backed up
 user is successfully.
 But when it comes to a login via sshd, login fails with this error 
 (loged on Linux Ubuntu in /var/log/auth.log):
 Mar 18 12:01:00 freyja sshd[26824]: Failed password for testuser from port 40734 ssh2
 Mar 18 12:01:23 freyja sshd[26854]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user 
 uid=testuser,ou=users,dc=geoinf,dc=freyja,dc=com (Confidentiality required)

Confidentiality required means that the server is refusing to authenticate
over a non-encrypted connection.  Try switching pam_ldap to ldaps (in your
pam ldap.conf, either change your uri lines to ldaps:// or add the line
ssl on) and see if that works.

Dan Nelson
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Re: User authentication on Linux with FreeBSD OpenLDAP backend fails: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user/Failed password for

2011-03-18 Thread O. Hartmann

On 03/18/11 17:02, Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Mar 18), O. Hartmann said:

I try to use a FreeBSD OpenLDAP (FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE/amd64, most recent
OpenLDAP/openldap-sasl-server-2.4.24) as an authentication backend for an
UBUNTU 10.10 server (using openldap 2.4.23).

Most of the installation on the Ubuntu server has been successfully done
(I'm not familiar with Linux, but it seems that things like pam and ldap
are quite similar to FreeBSD's installation).

  From the Linux/Ubuntu server, I'm able to get all users and groups via
'getent passwd' and 'getent group', even 'id' on an OpenLDAP backed up
user is successfully.

But when it comes to a login via sshd, login fails with this error
(loged on Linux Ubuntu in /var/log/auth.log):

Mar 18 12:01:00 freyja sshd[26824]: Failed password for testuser from port 40734 ssh2
Mar 18 12:01:23 freyja sshd[26854]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user 
uid=testuser,ou=users,dc=geoinf,dc=freyja,dc=com (Confidentiality required)

Confidentiality required means that the server is refusing to authenticate
over a non-encrypted connection.  Try switching pam_ldap to ldaps (in your
pam ldap.conf, either change your uri lines to ldaps:// or add the line
ssl on) and see if that works.


in /etc/ldap.conf there is ssl start_tls and this should do the thing. 
I use nearly exact the same configuration as I do on all the FreeBSD 
boxes connecting to the same OpenLDAP server.

I tried issuing 'ldapsaerach -xZZ -h hostIP' and I get

ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)
additional info: (unknown error code)

looking deeper into the debug stuff with

'ldapsaerach -xZZ -h hostIP' I receive at the end

TLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked (0x42)
TLS: can't connect: (unknown error code).
ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)
additional info: (unknown error code)

Obviously, my certificate (self signed, openssl verify cacert.pem gives:
OK) isn't found or there is something wrong with it. The certificate is 
located in /usr/local/etc/cacerts/cacert.pem and in Ubuntu's 
/etc/ldap.conf there is this line:

tls_cacertfile usr/local/etc/cacerts/cacert.pem

is referring to the certificate.

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