Figured out what it was. It was just a stick of RAM that went south.
On Jan 7, 2006, at 11:19 PM, Garrett Cooper wrote:
Hello again,
I've reinstalled FreeBSD 6.0 on my celeron box recently, and after
a kernel upgrade my system seems to be segfaulting a lot during
compilations and has panicked quite a few times. First thing that
pops into my mind is bad RAM, but I also changed the CPU arch to
pentium3 (which I thought was valid for my Tualatin 1.2 GHz
Celeron), and upped the optimization level to -O2. Could that
possibly have anything to do with the issues I am seeing? I also
added quite a few modules to WITHOUT_MODULES, which I didn't think
would cause a problem, but I'm not a pro at maneuvering around the
FreeBSD kernel yet...
Thanks in advance,
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