Re: telnet connection refused from IP outside subnet

2000-08-02 Thread Tim Zingelman

> : comment out the PARANOID line in /etc/hosts.allow?
> : #ALL : PARANOID : RFC931 20 : deny
> Yes.  This PARANOID option is really quite silly since RFC 931 is
> useless outside of your own administrative domain and off dubious
> value inside it.  Best to leave it commented out.
> Warner

The RFC931 part may be silly, but the PARANOID part keeps out any ip
address that does not reverse DNS to a name.  We find that useful.

  - Tim

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Re: telnet connection refused from IP outside subnet

2000-08-02 Thread Mike Hoskins

On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, [gill] wrote:

> check ps -ax to make sure the daemon is up

They are (syslogd and sshd).

> run the daemon  /usr/local/sbin/sshd -d and watch the debug info
> run the client ssh -v for verbose

I'll try this and play around a little more tonight.

> are you running 4.0-RELEASE, 4.1-RELEASE, or -STABLE?  


Oh, and for anyone else who wonders (already received a few helpful emails
;), yes I did HUP the daemons after making configuration changes.



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Re: telnet connection refused from IP outside subnet

2000-08-02 Thread Mike Hoskins

On Tue, 1 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Actualy, I don't have 'login failers'. I just can't
> connect! "Connection refused", not login failer! I do not get login
> prompt at all!

Correct...  However, per inetd(8), wrapped services log failed attempts
using the auth syslog facility.

> 'host' is ok in both directions (host  and host  gives the
> same name/IP). Can I assume resolving is ok ?

You did this from your server, not your home system, correct?  Just
checking, since inetd will obviouslly be using the DNS of your server to
see if a given host is allowed.  Do you have the same problem if you
comment out the PARANOID line in /etc/hosts.allow?

#ALL : PARANOID : RFC931 20 : deny

What's a traceroute look like from the disallowed connection to the
server, and from the server to your disallowed IP?

> If i could force things to be logged somehow :-) I can send my
> /etc/syslog.conf if it will be of help ?

Hmm, I understand your pain...  I just attempted to make sshd log failed
attempts and...  I must be overlooking something really simple, because
it's not working.

I looked at inetd(8) and sshd(8).

I have the following in /etc/ssh/sshd_config by default:

SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel INFO

So I created the following in /etc/syslog.conf (Yes, those are tabs):

auth.*  /var/log/auth.log

In sshd_config I even tried bumping LogLevel up to VERBOSE.  I touched
/var/log/auth.log and it is writeable by syslogd.

I then removed an allow rule for one of my boxes, ssh'd in, and got denied
without anything being logged to auth.log.  Sshd is standalone...  So
logging behavior relating to inetd shouldn't matter, but I noticed mention
of daemon.* being used by inetd so tried logging those too...  Still



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Re: telnet connection refused from IP outside subnet

2000-08-01 Thread plamendp

>In that case it should log failure using the auth service...Try creating
>the file /var/log/auth.log and adding a line into /etc/syslog.conf:

Actualy, I don't have 'login failers'. I just can't connect! "Connection refused", not 
login failer! I do not get login prompt at all! I even do not get any message from 
telnet-client! Just 'connection refused'. Currently I use ssh to log-in. I did what 
you suggest in /etc/syslog.conf. ssh logins are logged now, etc. But nothing else! 

>On your server use the host command. Type "host " where 

'host' is ok in both directions (host  and host  gives the same name/IP). 
Can I assume resolving is ok ?

If i could force things to be logged somehow :-) I can send my /etc/syslog.conf if it 
will be of help ?
Plamen D. Petkov, ICQ# 2214327
First Bulgarian Internet Store

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telnet connection refused from IP outside subnet

2000-08-01 Thread plamendp

Given this example IPs:

My Home PC: /dynamic IP from ISP, dial-up/
My Server:

I can telnet /and pop3 server is ok, popper/

Now, with this:

My Home PC: /dynamic IP from another ISP, dial-up/
My Server: 

I CAN NOT telnet /pop3 server connection refused  as well/

Why that ? /etc/hosts.allow 's first line is

ALL : ALL : allow

I have root privileges on my server! Actualy, this is my server plugged in the first 

please give some help!
Plamen D. Petkov, ICQ# 2214327
First Bulgarian Internet Store

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