1.1.x branch versus the 2.x branch

2008-03-28 Thread Info
Greetings, just a simple question for the developers: Why is the  
1.1.x version still around? I ask because I'm working on porting  
submissions for MacPorts and the maintainers are asking--

1) why the change in name to freeradius-server and,
2) should the 2.x replace the 1.1.x version all together, or is there  
reason to keep a port of 1.1.x around?

Thanks for your insights!

James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

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Re: rlm_perl build on mac osx

2008-01-18 Thread Info


Thanks for your quick response! Yes, I'm aware that apple has  
included FR into Leopard and am curious to see how it works in that  
version of the OS once I move to it eventually. However, for the  
Tiger users of which I'll remain for a while, I'd like to provide  
ease of installation via macports.

Though a build-able 1.1.7 is available via macports right now, it  
needs a patch -- which may be a moot point now that 2.0 is here and  
it fixes the trouble that stripping the binaries (i.e, the  
INSTALLSTRIP -s switch) caused.

I'll look more into the PATH setting for building against 5.10.  
Perhaps adding the PERL5LIB variable in my env will do the trick.


James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

On Jan 18, 2008, at 3:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


several folk run FreeRADIUS on MacOSX already - and Apple even
have added code themselves - I believe FR is the fundamental
EAP system in eg latest airport/timecapsule product (though
I may be wrong on that aspect of usage! ;-) )

2] Is perl only a build dependency for rlm_perl, or does the module  

runtime calls to external perl libs?

correct. its only for rlm_perl

3] I've discovered with an install of perl 5.10 that, during  
configure (of
freeradius 2), the linker chooses the /System/Library/5.8.6... over  
the new
perl ( at {prefix}/lib/perl/5.10.0 ). The only thing I can guess is  

when searching for perl libs/includes, the linker only expands to seek
version n.n.n and does not recognize a two digit subversion n.nn.n. If
that's what's happening, is that patchable?

or likely its a PATH problem and you have to tell it where your 5.10.0
is living.

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rlm_perl build on mac osx

2008-01-18 Thread Info


Quick disclaimer: Though I've been working on my unix chops for the  
last year (intermittently), I still consider myself a bit of a  
newbie, so I apologize for any questions that might have obvious  
answers. That said:

I'm working on a port of FR 2.0 for macports.org and had a couple  
questions about what appears to be the main stumbling block when  
building it on the mac (both ppc and intel, in this case under osx  
10.4.11). The problem, as those familiar with installing this on the  
mac, has to do with linking to the apple build of perl under /System/ 
Library... Bug #471 shows this, and an example of my initial attempts  
showed much the same:

(cd .libs && rm -f rlm_perl.so && ln -s rlm_perl-2.0.0.so rlm_perl.so)
ar cru .libs/rlm_perl.a /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- 
multi-2level/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a  rlm_perl.o /System/Library/ 
ranlib: archive member: .libs/rlm_perl.a(DynaLoader.a) fat file for  
cputype (7) cpusubtype (3) is not an object file (bad magic number)

ar: internal ranlib command failed
gmake[6]: *** [rlm_perl.la] Error 1

Mind you, I've found a way to get past this by simply installing my  
own build of perl (5.8.8). Regardless, I have these questions:

1] Is it at all possible for rlm_perl to build against apple's  
install of perl?
2] Is perl only a build dependency for rlm_perl, or does the module  
make runtime calls to external perl libs?
3] I've discovered with an install of perl 5.10 that, during  
configure (of freeradius 2), the linker chooses the /System/Library/ 
5.8.6... over the new perl ( at {prefix}/lib/perl/5.10.0 ). The only  
thing I can guess is that when searching for perl libs/includes, the  
linker only expands to seek version n.n.n and does not recognize a  
two digit subversion n.nn.n. If that's what's happening, is that  



James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

Re: Building FreeRadius 2.0 on Mac OS X fails

2008-01-21 Thread Info


I've overcome these problems on Tiger and offer these points in hopes  
it works on Leopard as well:

1] in my experience, rlm_perl doesn't like apple's perl install -  
haven't had the time to really figure out why, but installing my own  
build (tested with threaded/shared and w/o threads/static versions)  
of 5.8.8 and pointing to it does the trick. Once you've got your own  
perl installed, add this in your ./configure flags :

PERL5LIB={your prefix}/lib/perl5/5.8.8/darwin-*

2] on linking to mysql, assuming you have a version 5.x.x install try :
--with-mysql-lib-dir={your prefix}/lib/mysql5/mysql
--with-mysql-include-dir={your prefix}/include/mysql5

Note, my installs of perl and mysql have been done via the macports  
system, so you'll want to double-check your paths against what i've  
shown here.

Hope this helps!


P.S.: Another important thing, freeradius' default configure is set  
up to try to install all stable modules, but without strict  
dependencies. So modules that aren't necessary for basic  
functionality will fail (to build) silently if you're missing  
libraries they need (including, unixodbc, postgresql, mysql, kerberos).

James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

On Jan 21, 2008, at 7:32 AM, Walter Krivanek, VividVisions wrote:


I'm trying to build the current version of freeradius on my Mac OS X  
10.5 Intel 64bit computer.

First, I have troubles with the configure script. Even if I show the  
script my exact location of the MySQL include files using --with- 
mysql-include-dir and similar, I'm getting warnings that mysql.h has  
not been found and that the MySQL module will be disabled. BTW: This  
also happens on my Debian server, where MySQL is installed in the  
standard directories.

Then, when running make, I'm getting the following error:
ranlib: archive member: .libs/rlm_perl.a(DynaLoader.a) fat file for  
cputype (18) cpusubtype (0) is not an object file (bad magic number)

ar: internal ranlib command failed

Any thoughts?

Thanks for your help!

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rlm_opendirectory (FR 2.0.0)

2008-01-22 Thread Info

Hello all,

Quick Qs about the experimental rlm_opendirectory module:

* Has anyone built in this module successfully?

* Is it possible to add this in without the other experimental  
modules and, if so, what is the proper flag? (Note, I've tried on  
separate runs --with-rlm_opendirectory, --enable-rlm_opendirectory,  
and --with-modules="rlm_opendirectory" seemingly to no avail.)

* Does the module need to be built against a server version of the  
Framework or should I be able to build this from the libraries on any  
os x workstation?



James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

Re: rlm_opendirectory (FR 2.0.0)

2008-01-22 Thread Info

Thanks, Steven ... I'll give that a try!

James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

On Jan 22, 2008, at 1:18 PM, Steven Simon wrote:

I build it by adding rlm_opendirectory to the ./src/modules/stable file.
Then, run:
make distclean

Everything you need should be on the desktop OS. Let me know if that  
is not the case.

If you are on desktop, you'll probably want to set up a service  
access list.
The magic group name that gets set up by the admin tools is:  

- Steven

On Jan 22, 2008, at 7:54 AM, freeradius-users- 

Date: January 22, 2008 7:50:57 AM PST
To: FreeRadius users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: rlm_opendirectory (FR 2.0.0)
Reply-To: FreeRadius users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all,

Quick Qs about the experimental rlm_opendirectory module:

* Has anyone built in this module successfully?

* Is it possible to add this in without the other experimental  
modules and, if so, what is the proper flag? (Note, I've tried on  
separate runs --with-rlm_opendirectory, --enable-rlm_opendirectory,  
and --with-modules="rlm_opendirectory" seemingly to no avail.)

* Does the module need to be built against a server version of the  
Framework or should I be able to build this from the libraries on  
any os x workstation?



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Setting radiusd user/cert permissions in Mac OSX

2008-01-30 Thread Info

Good afternoon,

When setting user/group to "nobody" in radiusd.conf, I get some  
permissions problems with loading the certs and just wanted to know  
how to properly set them to avoid this:

rlm_eap: SSL error error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied
rlm_eap_tls: Error reading certificate file /opt/local/etc/raddb/ 

rlm_eap: Failed to initialize type tls

Thanks for answering the, no doubt, simplest of questions !


P.S: The above output is from testing with radiusd -X

James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

free radius eap sim

2005-05-09 Thread info

How do I install on a win 2000 server. in command 
prompt or like in linux in a browser window. or do I pull up terminal 
Please advise
thank you kindly

how to NOT expand varaibles in a sql-query

2006-11-08 Thread info

i need to pass the string '%d %b %Y %T' inside a query to mysql (as a
date format). Unfortunately this gets expanded to
'07 0 2006 2006-11-07-'
which leads to an sql error and crashes freeradius with a
segmentation fault.

I found a post from Nicolas Baradakis who advises to double the
I tried this too, but this creates a string like this
'%0d %0b %0Y %0T'
which again leads to a sql error (but without crash)

How can i pass this string literaly without any variable-substitution?
I'm running "FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.0"

Thanks in advance for your help...

Olaf Kolling


   W³Welt Web-Entwicklung

Olaf KollingeMail: info#w3welt.de
Mörikestraße 67 Tel.: +49 711 9-200
70199 Stuttgart   Fax: +49 711 9-201

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2007-04-24 Thread info
Hello list

Have anybody of you manage to configure freeradius to pull authorization
iformation from MySQL and MSSQL (via ODBC/freetds) at the same time??

I have presently a working configuration

Freeradius + Mysql + passwd + userfiles + NIS (via PAM)

And I'm actually able to do 

Freeradius + MSSQL + passwd + userfiles + NIS (via PAM)

But I'm not able to do all of them at the same time

Freeradius + MSSQL + Mysql + passwd + userfiles + NIS (via PAM)

Only switching lines in the radius.conf file

#$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql.conf
#$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/mssql.conf

But, is there a way to configure a failover to ask MSSQL and then MySQL and
have both modules running at the same time??

Thank in advance list users, any help will be appreciated!

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2007-04-25 Thread info

Thanks a lot, my erroe was thay I was still using "sql" for mysql as soon as
I define mysql and mssql separetely it worked, now I have

mssql + mysql + userfiles + password + NIS

all 5 methods working at the same time

Thanks a lot!

-Mensaje original-
nombre de Alan DeKok
Enviado el: Miércoles, 25 de Abril de 2007 02:40 a.m.
Para: FreeRadius users mailing list
Asunto: Re: MySQL & MSSQL

> Have anybody of you manage to configure freeradius to pull authorization
> iformation from MySQL and MSSQL (via ODBC/freetds) at the same time??

  Have you listed two instances of the SQL module?  See
doc/configurable_failover for examples.

> But, is there a way to configure a failover to ask MSSQL and then MySQL
> have both modules running at the same time??


  Configure the modules as:

  sql mssql {
... configuration ...
  sql mysql {
... configuration ...

  And then refer to them as "mssql" or "mysql", and never "sql".

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com   - The web site of the book
  http://deployingradius.com/blog/ - The blog
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