[Freesurfer] how to generate statistics after segmentation of hippocampal subfields

2014-06-27 Thread kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
Hi experts,
   After segmentation of hippocampal subfields,  how to generate statistics of 
the subfield regions, such as volume? 
 Thank you

Wang Kangcheng
Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, China
Email: kangchengwang0...@gmail.com / wangkangcheng@163.com
Address:  No.2 Tiansheng Road, BeiBei District, Chongqing, 400715,P.R.China 
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[Freesurfer] meaning of foldind

2014-06-25 Thread kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
Dear experts,
   In the Group stats files, there is a file of lh.a2009s.foldind (or 
rh.a2009s.foldind). What's the meaning of foldind?
Thank you

Wang Kangcheng

Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] Problem of VolumeRoiCorticalThickness

2014-06-16 Thread kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
Dear Bruce,

Now, I change the standard atlas to avg152T1.nii.gz which was included in the 
FSL and make a mask of superior frontal gyrus  (Harvard-Oxford Cortical 
Structural Atlas). I can map the ROI-mask to the fsaverage surface to create an 
fsaverage-ROI surface overlay. But when I map one subject thickness data to the 
fsaverage subject  using the following command:

  mri_surf2surf --s s12129 --trgsubject fsaverage --hemi lh --sval 
s12129/surf/rh.thickness --tval ~/Desktop/mask/rh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh 

it said:

 Reading source surface reg 
Loading source data
ERROR: dimension inconsistency in source data
   Number of surface vertices = 146027
   Number of value vertices = 145656 

How could solve this problem?

Thank you  
Wang Kangcheng

Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] Problem of VolumeRoiCorticalThickness

2014-06-16 Thread kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
Dear Bruce,
   I try to extract freesurfer cortical thickness valunes for a ROI defined in 
volume space (avg152T1.nii.gz). I try a lot and have extracted the values 
successfully now. Thank you very much. I suggest the experts can change opition 
--reshape of mri_vol2surf and mri_surf2surf into --noreshape.  If I use 
opition of reshapre, it always report the errors of dimension. 

Thank you 

Wang Kangcheng
From: Bruce Fischl
Date: 2014-06-16 21:04
To: kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
CC: freesurfer
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Problem of VolumeRoiCorticalThickness
Hi Wang
you can't change the atlas that way. We extract a ton of information and 
store it in what we call an atlas, and what we require isn't in the 
harvard-oxford one. What are you trying to achieve?
On Mon, 16 Jun 2014, 
kangchengwang0...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear Bruce,
 Now, I change the standard atlas to avg152T1.nii.gz which was included in
 the FSL and make a mask of superior frontal gyrus  (Harvard-Oxford Cortical
 Structural Atlas). I can map the ROI-mask to the fsaverage surface to create
 an fsaverage-ROI surface overlay. But when I map one subject thickness data
 to the fsaverage subject  using the following command:
  mri_surf2surf --s s12129 --trgsubject fsaverage --hemi lh --sval s12129/sur
 f/rh.thickness --tval ~/Desktop/mask/rh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh --reshape
 it said:
  Reading source surface reg /Users/wangkangcheng/Desktop/dataplus_60/s12129
 Loading source data
 ERROR: dimension inconsistency in source data
Number of surface vertices = 146027
Number of value vertices = 145656 
 How could solve this problem?
 Thank you  
 Wang Kangcheng

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Re: [Freesurfer] Problem of VolumeRoiCorticalThickness

2014-06-16 Thread kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
Dear Douglas Greve,
  Thank you very much. I change it and change the option of reshape into 
noreshape. Then, it could be sucessful. 

Freesurfer mailing list

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[Freesurfer] How to extract significant result for each subject

2014-06-12 Thread kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
Dear freesurfers,
   I contrast depression and control and find that patients have a lower 
thickness in region of inferior frontal gyrus. Now, I want to extract the data 
of thickness for each subject. Could you tell which command could do this?
Thank you

Wang Kangcheng ( New learner of freesurfer )

Freesurfer mailing list

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[Freesurfer] 回复: Re: LGI error

2013-12-07 Thread kangchengwang0...@gmail.com
Hi Marie Schaer, Thank you very much.  I hope other experts could help me. 


Wang Kangcheng 
Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, China
Email: kangchengwang0...@gmail.com / wangkangcheng@163.com
Address:  No.2 Tiansheng Road, BeiBei District, Chongqing, 400715,P.R.China 

发件人: Marie Schaer
发送时间: 2013-12-07 02:46
收件人: 王康程
抄送: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] LGI error

Hi Kangchen,

I also had the same error recently on a unix machine, but I unfortunately did 
not find the solution and some help would be greatly appreciated.

I think that the bug is due to the fact that make_outer_surface.m calls 
MRIread.m, which calls load_mgh.m and that something gets wrong at the point of 
reading the file (and removing temporary files). But I'm afraid I can't help 
more, I tried to edit load_mgh to add -f after rm and it didn't help.

Nick or Doug, any idea?

Many thanks in advance!


On Dec 6, 2013, at 5:31 AM, 王康程 kangchengwang0...@gmail.com wrote:

Dear all,

When I run recon-all -s ${subject} -localGI, it appear rm: remove regular 
file `/tmp/tmp4653077.mgh'? . Then, I write yes, however, it didn't response 
anyway. How shold I do next? Thank you!

The echo for the process is followed

running subject Emotion_xunlian_s12002
Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0
Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /home/fmri/desktop/test
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root 544815 Dec  6 20:54 
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 16 
18:37:12 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
#@# Local Gyrification Index lh Fri Dec  6 21:07:40 CST 2013

 mris_compute_lgi --i lh.pial 

rm -Rf 
mkdir -p 
mris_fill -c -r 1 lh.pial 
reading surface from lh.pial...
writing filled volume to 
conforming output volume
setting resolution for intermediate calculations to 1.
Warning: Unable to open display 'iconic'.  You will not be able to display 
graphics on the screen.

 M A T L A B (R) 
  Copyright 1984-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2012a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
  February 9, 2012

  Toolbox Path Cache read in 0.02 seconds.
MATLAB Path initialized in 0.79 seconds.
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.
 reading filled volume...
Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer/fsfast
SUBJECTS_DIR  /home/fmri/desktop/test
MNI_DIR   /usr/local/freesurfer/mni
FSL_DIR   /opt/fsl
Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME   /usr/local/freesurfer/fsfast
SUBJECTS_DIR  /home/fmri/desktop/test
MNI_DIR   /usr/local/freesurfer/mni
FSL_DIR   /opt/fsl
rm: remove regular file `/tmp/tmp4653077.mgh'?

kangcheng Wang
Freesurfer mailing list

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