[Freevo-users] PAL TV interlaced

2005-08-21 Thread Ilan Barak

HW: PVR-150 and 
TV-out NV FX-5200 based.
I use an external 
satellite STB with analog video/audio connected to the PVR-150. PVR-150 input 3, 
standard PAL (Israel)

When I pipe directly 
from /dev/video0 to mplayer without any options I get a clear 
However, using 
freevo in TV show mode or record/playback I get what appears to be an interlaced 
I also viewed the 
recorded file on DivX player (on a windows machine) and see the same vertical 

my conf file is 




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Description: 355271940-local_conf.py

[Freevo-users] MPlayer (Keystrokes and Fullscreen)

2005-08-21 Thread David Toy

Hello All,

My first post, so allow me to
explain my situation.

Ive done two or three
fresh installs of Freevo in the past, but there are a
couple of issues I never ironed out. Both are to do with MPlayer.

Firstly, I have never been
able to use the proper (i.e freevo)
keystrokes while MPlayer is showing TV or movies.

When in playing only the MPlayer keystrokes work (i.e. / and *
changes volume rather than m and n).

This is especially annoying
now because I wish to start using a remote with Freevo
and I can not figure out a method of mapping the remote keys as the commands
keep changing.

Has anyone come up with a
solution to this problem? Is there a way to get MPlayer
to pass commands to Freevo, or a way of mapping the
remote keys so that the volume control, for example, works in both

Secondly, when MPlayer exits Freevo is not quite
in fullscreen mode. Freevo
fills the screen, but there are grey borders around Freevo
and the taskbar is visible. After two or three seconds Freevo
usually, but not always, reverts to proper fullscreen

Can anyone make any
suggestions to solve this or give me any hints as to where I might look to
figure it out myself?

Many Thanks, David

[Freevo-users] sqlite DB for album tree plugin

2005-08-21 Thread Chris Phillips


I few weeks back now, someone kindly pointed me towards the album tree
plugin as a better way to handle my 10,000+ mp3 collection. I've got
sqlite installed and all the bindings it requires, but i've not been
able to find any trace whatsoever of this meta-database that it uses.
Nothing actually says how to set it up, other than a note saying it will
already exist if i've used some other plugin already! I know it's not an
offically official plugin, but if anyone can point me in the right
direction, it'd be most appreciated.



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