RE: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +

2004-01-23 Thread free vo
Hi, I've been doing some more searching in the logs and I have discovered I 
have a recordserver-0.log and a recordserver-502.log. The 502 is the user 
and the 0 the root log. In the root log I find the error as reprorted below. 
In the 502 I find some of the succesfull recordings like ..

2004/01/21 13:21 CET [*RecordServer*] Recorder::Record: 2004-01-21 09:00 to 
2004-01-21 17:50 RTL Z Nieuws
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run: mode=record
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run: started recording
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [*RecordServer*] Video Opened at /dev/video0
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [*RecordServer*] Setting Channel to s11+
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [HTTPChannel,2,] - - 
[21/Jan/2004:12:21:02 +] POST / HTTP/1.0 200 2794 - (by
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [HTTPChannel,3,] - - 
[21/Jan/2004:12:21:14 +] POST / HTTP/1.0 200 2794 - (by
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [twisted.web.server.Site] (Port 18001 Closed)
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [twisted.web.server.Site] Stopping factory 
twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x40f87fac
2004/01/21 13:21 CET [*RecordServer*] Main loop terminated.

But in this log I see nothing about the scheduled recordings I have made. 
Those I see only in the 0 log, where mencoder is used what seems to me 

Here is what I do. As root I check if the recordserver has started 
(/etc/init.d/freevo_recordserver restart). I start freevo (as a user), enter 
the tv guide menu, select a program, press f6, choose record, the program 
becomes green, and I wait. Nothing happens, no recording is made. I check 
the logs, there is only an entry in the 0 log (about mencoder) and nothing 
in the 502 logs.

In my I have commented out evertthing to do with VCR_CMD, I 
checked even the freevo.conf. But nothing gives.

Hope someone can help me. Thanks.

From: free vo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 15:50:40 +
Hi, I'm trying to get the recording function to work properly. I have the 
recordserver running, when I'm in the TV GUIDE menu, F6, I can hoose record 
and I get a confirmation. However, I don't see anything happen and in my 
download folder I don't see the mpeg.

In my log I find

2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] Recorder::Record: 
/usr/share/freevo/unmute; /usr/local/bin/mencoder tv:// -tv 
-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200:keyint=30 -oac mp3lame 
-lameopts br=128:cbr:mode=3 -ffourcc divx -endpos 708 -o 
/tmp/freevo/Videos/01-22_16:25_Kinderfilm_theater_-_.avi ; 
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run: mode=record
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run: 
cmd=/usr/share/freevo/unmute; /usr/local/bin/mencoder tv:// -tv 
-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200:keyint=30 -oac mp3lame 
-lameopts br=128:cbr:mode=3 -ffourcc divx -endpos 708 -o 
/tmp/freevo/Videos/01-22_16:25_Kinderfilm_theater_-_.avi ; 
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] RECORDSERVER GOT EVENT NOTICE
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] RECORDSERVER HANDLING EVENT
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] popen  /usr/share/freevo/unmute; 
/usr/local/bin/mencoder tv:// -tv 
-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200:keyint=30 -oac mp3lame 
-lameopts br=128:cbr:mode=3 -ffourcc divx -endpos 708 -o 
/tmp/freevo/Videos/01-22_16:25_Kinderfilm_theater_-_.avi ; 
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run: past wait()!!
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] RECORDSERVER GOT EVENT NOTICE
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] RECORDSERVER GOT EVENT NOTICE
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] RECORDSERVER HANDLING EVENT
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] killing pid 6946 with sig 15
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] recorderver: After wait()
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] RECORDSERVER HANDLING EVENT
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] waiting on pid 6946
2004/01/22 16:25 CET [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run: mode=idle...

but I don't use ntsc and the setting don't look right to me. I have 
commented all the VCR_CMD in the, and the ivtv settings are 


Re: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +

2004-01-23 Thread free vo
Hi Rob thanks for your replies.

this is my list of running processes...

numlock 0:uit   1:uit   2:uit   3:uit   4:uit   5:uit   6:uit
tmdns   0:uit   1:uit   2:uit   3:uit   4:uit   5:uit   6:uit
internet0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   6:uit
mtink   0:uit   1:uit   2:uit   3:uit   4:uit   5:uit   6:uit
cups0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   6:uit
hpoj0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   6:uit
freevo_recordserver 0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   
freevo_webserver0:uit   1:uit   2:uit   3:uit   4:uit   5:uit   

There is 1 entry for recordserver. I tried running is as user because it 
wouldn't work otherwise (and now its not working at all (but tv is working 
great thanks for that again)

You're right about the plugin (and I don't use it) to be sure I didn't use 
the generic one I looked in my but the 2 lines at the top 
plugin_record = plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record') )
are uncommented and under tv-plugins I have the ivtv basic uncommented.

I thaught and you confirm it that ivtv doesn't use mencoder so somewhere the 
record function gets the wrong command. I have my places in 
/.freevo and I have gone through the whole thing at least 3 times but I 
can't find anything.

# XXX Recording is still work in progress. You need to change
# XXX the entire string below to fit your local settings.
# XXX Eventually TV norm (PAL/NTSC) etc will be taken from the
# XXX other flags. VCR_xxx and TV_REC_xxx is not used yet!
# XXX You also need to have the recording daemon running, see
# XXX the website docs or the mailing lists if that fails.
# XXX Example cron script:
# XXX * * * * * /usr/local/freevo/freevo execute src/tv/
# if using record_daemon from cron
#REC_SCHEDULE_FILE = '/tmp/freevo_record.lst'
# if using the persitant recordserver
TV_RECORD_SCHEDULE = '%s/record_schedule.xml' % FREEVO_CACHEDIR
TV_RECORD_SERVER_IP = 'localhost'
# start every recording X minutes before scheduled,
# and stop X minutes after scheduled - default to zero minutes.
# This must be a value in seconds although at the moment only has
# the percision of one minute.
#if os.uname()[0] == 'FreeBSD':
 # FreeBSD's bsdbt848 TV driver doesn't support audio settings?
#  VCR_AUDIO = ''
#  VCR_AUDIO = (':adevice=%s' % AUDIO_DEVICE +
#   ':audiorate=32000' + # 44100 for better sound
#   ':forceaudio:forcechan=1:' + # Forced mono for bug in my 
#   'buffersize=64') # 64MB capture buffer, change?

# TV capture size for viewing and recording. Max 768x480 for NTSC,
# 768x576 for PAL. Set lower if you have a slow computer!
# For the 'tvtime' TV viewing application, only the horizontal size is used.
# Set the horizontal size to 400 or 480 if you have a slow (~500MHz) 
# it still looks OK, and the picture will not be as jerky.
# The vertical size is always either fullscreen or 480/576 (NTSC/PAL)
# for tvtime.
#TV_VIEW_SIZE = (640, 480)
#TV_REC_SIZE = (640, 480)

# Input formats for viewing and recording. The format affect viewing
# and recording performance. It is specific to your hardware, so read
# the MPlayer docs and experiment with mplayer to see which one fits
# your computer best.
#TV_VIEW_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'   # Better quality, slower on pure FB/X11
#TV_REC_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'
# XXX Please see the mencoder docs for more info about the settings
# XXX below. Some stuff must be changed (adevice), others probably
# XXX should be (Change), or could be in some cases (change?)
#VCR_CMD = ('/usr/share/freevo/unmute; '+
#	CONF.mencoder + ' ' +
#   'tv:// ' +  # New mplayer requires this.
#   '-tv driver=%s:input=%d' % (TV_DRIVER, TV_INPUT) +
#   ':norm=%s' % +
#   ':channel=%(channel)s' +# Filled in by Freevo
#   ':chanlist=%s' % CONF.chanlist +
#   ':width=%d:height=%d' % (TV_REC_SIZE[0], TV_REC_SIZE[1]) +
#   ':outfmt=%s' % TV_REC_OUTFMT +
#   ':device=%s' % TV_DEVICE +
#VCR_AUDIO +# set above
#   ' -ovc lavc -lavcopts ' +   # Mencoder lavcodec video codec
#   'vcodec=mpeg4' +# lavcodec mpeg-4
#   ':vbitrate=1200:' + # Change lower/higher, bitrate
#   'keyint=30 ' +  # Keyframe every 10 secs, 
#   '-oac mp3lame -lameopts ' + # Use Lame for MP3 encoding, 
must be #enabled in mencoder!
#   'br=128:cbr:mode=3 ' +  # MP3 const. bitrate, 128 kbit/s
#   '-ffourcc divx ' +  # Force 'divx' ident, better 
#   '-endpos %(seconds)s ' +# only mencoder uses this so do 
it here.
#   '-o %(filename)s.avi ' +	   # Filled 

Re: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +

2004-01-23 Thread Rob Shortt
free vo wrote:
I found in the main log this WARNING..

WARNING: duplicate plugin activation, ignoring:
tv.ivtv_record None None
I have only the 'plugin_record = plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record')' 
uncommented and not the '#plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record')' (but I have 
tried with uncommenting that line, didn't work) so I have no idea what 
the duplicate plugi activation is
Make sure you do:


first, and also make sure you didn't modify (just making 


The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +

2004-01-23 Thread free vo
 [HTTPChannel,86,] removed recording: 
2004-01-23 19:27 to 2004-01-23 20:00 Missie Warmoesstraat
2004/01/23 19:39 CET [HTTPChannel,86,] - - 
[23/Jan/2004:18:39:03 +] POST / HTTP/1.0 200 256 - (by
2004/01/23 19:39 CET [HTTPChannel,87,] - - 
[23/Jan/2004:18:39:03 +] POST / HTTP/1.0 200 628 - (by

It seems the settings are overriding the ones in the What can I do about this???

reevo start at Fri Jan 23 19:24:06 2004
ROM_DRIVES: Auto-detected and added ('/mnt/cdrom', '/dev/scd0', 'CD-1')
Trying to autodetect type of /dev/hdd
/dev/hdd is a cdrom drive
ROM_DRIVES: Auto-detected and added ('/mnt/cdrom2', '/dev/hdd', 'CD-2')
WARNING: no pre-cached data
Freevo will cache each directory when you first enter it. This can
be slow. Start ./freevo cache to pre-cache all directories to speed
up usage of freevo..
But I still get no recording but I have a different error message in the 

From: Rob Shortt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:41:33 -0400
free vo wrote:
I found in the main log this WARNING..

WARNING: duplicate plugin activation, ignoring:
tv.ivtv_record None None
I have only the 'plugin_record = plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record')' 
uncommented and not the '#plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record')' (but I have 
tried with uncommenting that line, didn't work) so I have no idea what the 
duplicate plugi activation is
Make sure you do:


first, and also make sure you didn't modify (just making 


The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
Freevo-users mailing list
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The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
Freevo-users mailing list

Re: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +

2004-01-23 Thread free vo
Thanks, I checked and found several copies, I removed them all but nothing 
gives. Because Rob talked about running the recordserver only as roor and I 
had some difficulty in getting the thing op and running I uninstalled freevo 
completely, removed all folders and files and did a clean install. That gave 
me the following error when I tried ro record:

ROM_DRIVES: Auto-detected and added ('/mnt/cdrom', '/dev/scd0', 'CD-1')
Trying to autodetect type of /dev/hdd
/dev/hdd is a cdrom drive
ROM_DRIVES: Auto-detected and added ('/mnt/cdrom2', '/dev/hdd', 'CD-2')
freevo: unexpected token in line 102
freevo: unexpected token in line 125
freevo: unexpected token in line 186
freevo: unexpected token in line 254
WARNING: no pre-cached data
Freevo will cache each directory when you first enter it. This can
be slow. Start ./freevo cache to pre-cache all directories to speed
up usage of freevo
Om audio cd covers op te zoeken heb je een
Web Services license key nodig. Je lan zo'n key verbrijgen op:
plugin audio.coversearch deactivated, reason: no amazon key
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/tv/, line 
105, in scheduleRecording
   (status, message) = server.scheduleRecording(marmalade.jellyToXML(prog))
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 1029, in __call__
   return self.__send(self.__name, args)
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 1316, in __request
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 1062, in request
   self.send_content(h, request_body)
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 1176, in send_content
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 712, in endheaders
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 597, in _send_output
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 564, in send
 File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 548, in connect
   raise socket.error, msg
error: (111, 'Connection refused')

It's a different error. I checked if my recordserver was running

mtink   0:uit   1:uit   2:uit   3:uit   4:uit   5:uit   6:uit
cups0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   6:uit
hpoj0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   6:uit
freevo_recordserver 0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   
freevo_webserver0:uit   1:uit   2:aan   3:aan   4:aan   5:aan   

It is.

I checked the recordserver IP, it's localhost, thats' ok. Port is 18001, ok 
to. That's all I can think of to check
Hope you can help.

From: Michael Ruelle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Recording + WinTV pvr 250 +
Date: 23 Jan 2004 14:15:09 -0500
freevo looks for in several places. make sure you don't
have multiple copies running around. try this as root:
updatedb; locate


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The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
Freevo-users mailing list