[Full-disclosure] Who's Behind the Koobface Botnet? - An OSINT Analysis

2012-01-09 Thread Dancho Danchev
Hi everyone,

In this post, I will perform an OSINT analysis, exposing one of the
key botnet masters behind the infamous Koobface botnet, that I have
been extensively profiling and infiltrating since day one. I will
include photos of the botnet master, his telephone numbers, multiple
email addresses, license plate for a BMW, and directly connect him
with the infrastructure -- now offline or migrated to a different
place -- of Koobface 1.0.

The analysis is based on a single mistake that the botnet master made
- namely using his personal email for registering a domain parked
within Koobface's command and control infrastructure, that at a
particular moment in time was directly redirecting to the ubiquitous
fake Youtube page pushed by the Koobface botnet.


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats/CyberCrime Analyst | Security Blogger, ZDNet at CBS
Interactive | Securiy Blogger at Webroot
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/danchodanchev
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[Full-disclosure] Exposing the Market for Stolen Credit Cards Data

2011-10-31 Thread Dancho Danchev
What's the average price for a stolen credit card? How are prices
shaped within the cybercrime ecosystem? Can we talk about price
discrimination within the underground marketplace? Just how easy is to
purchase stolen credit cards known as dumps or full dumps, nowadays?

In this intelligence brief, I will expose the market for stolen credit
cards data, by profiling 20 gateways for processing of fraudulently
obtained financial data.

Key summary points:

- Tens of thousands of stolen credit cards a.k.a. dumps and full dumps
offered for sale in a DIY market fashion
- The majority of the carding sites are hosted in the Ukraine and the
- Liberty Reserve is the payment option of choice for the majority of
the portals
- Four domains are using Yahoo accounts and one using Live.com account
for domain registration
- Four of the domains are using identical name servers
- Each DIY gateway for processing of fraudulently obtained financial
data has a built-in credit cards checker or offers links to external
sites performing the service
- Several of the fraudulent gateways offered proxies-as-a-service,
allowing cybercriminals to hide their real IPs by using the malware
infected hosts as stepping stones


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats/CyberCrime Analyst | Security Blogger, ZDNet at CBS Interactive
Personal Blog: http://ddanchev.blogspot.com
ZDNet Blog: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security
Twitter: http://twitter.com/danchodanchev
LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/danchodanchev
Facebook: http://facebook.com/dancho.danchev
Skype ID: dancho_danchev_

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[Full-disclosure] Inside India’s CAPTCHA Solvi ng Economy

2008-08-30 Thread Dancho Danchev

The following article aims to expose a booming CAPTCHA solving economy
in India, employing thousands of legitimate data processing workers,
whose business model is already being abused by cybercriminals paying
pocket money for using it :

"Let's analyze the shady data processing economy of India, discuss
exclusive photos of Indian workers breaking MySpace and Google
CAPTCHAs, and take a tour inside the web applications of several
Bangladesh based franchises, whose team of almost 1,000 international
workers is actively soliciting deals for breaking Craigslist, Gmail,
Yahoo, MySpace, YouTube and Facebook's CAPTCHA, promising to deliver
250k solved CAPTCHAs per day on a "$2 for a 1000 solved CAPTCHAs"
rate. One of the services in question is the India based
decaptcher.com, which will allow you to retrieve its API once you
putIndia CAPTCHA breakers money in their PayPal account."


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

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[Full-disclosure] Coordinated Russia vs Georgia cyber attack in progress

2008-08-14 Thread Dancho Danchev

The following factual analysis is a complete account of the events
that took place during the weekend in regard to Russia's
self-mobilization of Internet users in an attempt to coordinate and
launch a cyber attack against Georgia's Internet infrastructure, and
limit the Georgian government's ability to disseminate information on
the events taking place inside the country.  The attacks are ongoing
despite the ceasefire.


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

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[Full-disclosure] Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail’s CAPTCHA broken by spammers

2008-07-03 Thread Dancho Danchev

Breaking Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail's CAPTCHAs, has been an urban legend
for over two years now, with do-it-yourself CAPTCHA breaking services,
and proprietary underground tools assisting spammers, phishers and
malware authors into registering hundreds of thousands of bogus
accounts for spamming and fraudulent purposes. This post intends to
make this official, by covering an underground service offering
thousands of already registered Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail accounts for
sale, with new ones registered every second clearly indicating the
success rate of their CAPTCHA breaking capabilities at these services


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

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[Full-disclosure] ICANN and IANA’s domains hij acked by Turkish hacking group

2008-06-27 Thread Dancho Danchev

The official domains of ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers, and IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
were hijacked earlier today, by the NetDevilz Turkish hacking group
which also hijacked Photobucket's domain on the 18th of June.


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

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[Full-disclosure] Who's Behind the GPcode Ransomware?

2008-06-10 Thread Dancho Danchev

The following is an OSINT analysis aiming to assist in tracking down
the malware authors behind GPcode who seem be to be building custom
decryptors, next to issuing a universal one which can be used to
decrypt anything ever encrypted by them.

Who's behind the GPcode ransomware? It's Russian teens with pimples,
using E-gold and Liberty Reserve accounts, running three different
GPcode campaigns, two of which request either $100 or $200 for the
decryptor, and communicating from Chinese IPs. Here are all the
details regarding the emails they use, the email responses they sent
back, the currency accounts, as well their most recent IPs used in the


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Assessing the Flash Zero Day Malware Campaign

2008-05-28 Thread Dancho Danchev
In regard to the currently active malware campaign exploiting a zero
day vulnerability in Adobe Flash player, the following assessment
provides a detailed analysis of the situation, including malicious
domains to block, detectio rates for the exploit, and the passwords
stealers served on behalf of Chinese blackhats, as well as
establishing the connection between this incident and several of
domains used in the ongoing SQL injection attacks :


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

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[Full-disclosure] Redmond Magazine SQL Injected by Chinese Hacktivists

2008-05-17 Thread Dancho Danchev

It appears that Redmond - The Independent Voice of the Microsoft IT
Community, formerly known as Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine
is currently flagged as a badware site, and third-party exploit
detection tools are also detecting internal pages as exploit hosting
ones, in this particular case Mal/Badsrc-A. Redmond Developer News and
Redmond Channel Partner Online are also affected.

An analysis is available at :


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Major career web sites hit by spammers attack

2008-05-12 Thread Dancho Danchev

This assessment will provide more insight into a recently discovered
in the wild, do-it-yourself proprietary email and personal information
harvesting tool, outline its functions, list the career web sites
targeted, and emphasize on how this attack would ultimately result in
far more successful spamming, and targeted malware campaigns :


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] The DDoS Attacks Against CNN

2008-04-23 Thread Dancho Danchev

This is a complete account of the events, statements, attack
techniques and actual tools used in the recent attacks against CNN.com
on behalf of Chinese hacktivists.


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Massive IFRAME SEO Poisoning Attack Continuing

2008-03-28 Thread Dancho Danchev
Following last week's, massive SEO poisoning combined with IFRAME
injections due to input validation flaws at sites with high pageranks,
these are the very latest high profile sites successfully injected
with IFRAMES forwarding to the rogue security software and Zlob
malware variants like the one in the previous campaigns are :

USAToday.com, ABCNews.com, News.com, Target.com, Packard Bell.com,
Walmart.com, Rediff.com, MiamiHerald.com, Bloomingdales.com,
PatentStorm.us, WebShots.com, Sears.com, Forbes.com, Ugo.com,
Bartleby.com, Linkedwords.com, Circuitcity.com, Allwords.com,
Blogdigger.com, Epinions.com, Buyersindex.com, Jcpenney.com,
Nakido.com, Uvm.edu, hobbes.nmsu.edu, jurist.law.pitt.edu,

And this is the latest assessment of the situation in terms of the
malware served and the domains/IPs involved :


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] More High Profile Sites IFRAME Injected

2008-03-12 Thread Dancho Danchev
The ongoing monitoring of this campaign reveals that the group is
continuing to expand the campaign, introducing over a hundred new
bogus .info domains acting as traffic redirection points to the
campaigns hardcoded within the secondary redirection point, in this
case radt.info where a new malware variant of Zlob is attempting to
install though an ActiveX object. Sample domains targeted within the
past 48 hours :

lib.ncsu.edu; fulldownloads.us; cso.ie; dblife.cs.wisc.edu;
www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk; ehawaii.gov; timeanddate.com;
boisestate.edu; aoa.gov; gustavus.edu; archive.org;
gsbapps.stanford.edu; bushtorrent.com; ccie.com; uvm.edu; thehipp.org;
mnsu.edu; camajorityreport.com; medicare.gov; usamriid.army.mil


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Wired.com and History.com Getting RBN-ed

2008-03-11 Thread Dancho Danchev
Monitoring last week's IFRAME injection attack at high page rank-ed
sites, reveals a simple truth, that persistent simplicity seems to
work. The attack is still ongoing, this time successfully injecting a
multitude of new domains into Wired Magazine, and History.com's search
engines, which are again caching anything submitted, particularly not
validated input to have the malicious parties in the face of the RBN
introducing a new malware, in between the pharmaceutical scams that
they serve on the basis of an affiliation model.


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] More CNET Sites Under IFRAME Attack

2008-03-06 Thread Dancho Danchev
With the recent IFRAME injection attack targeting ZDNet Asia, by
abusing the site's search engine caching capabilities in a combination
with the lack of input sanitization, several more CNET Networks' web
properties besides ZDNet Asia, namely, TV.com, News.com and
MySimon.com are currently getting targeted using the same technique to
inject the IFRAMEs and have the sites cache and locally host the
results. The following assessement outlines the IPs and domains used
in the IFRAMEs, the domains and IPs hosting the rogue anti-virus and
anti-spyware applications, as well as the detection rates of the


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] ZDNet Asia and TorrentReactor IFRAME-ed

2008-03-04 Thread Dancho Danchev
An in-depth overview of a currently active malware IFRAME campaign,
that's targeting ZDNet Asia and TorrentReactor's search engine
optimization practices of generating, and locally caching the search
queries pages, thereby positioning the now cached popular keywords
with the IFRAME between the first ten to twenty search results, taking
advantage of the sites' high page ranks. The current state of the
exploitation technique used, allows the malicious parties to basically
inject as many, and as diverse keywords, presumebly taking advantage
of today's world events. Sample redirects, lead me to known Russian
Business Network netblocks and ex-customers in the face of rogue
anti-virus and any-spyware applications, as well as fake codecs.


Dancho Danchev
Cyber Threats Analyst/Blogger

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[Full-disclosure] Malicious Advertisements Serving Domains

2008-02-21 Thread Dancho Danchev

These are some of the domains behind the recent malicious advertising
campaigns pushing rogue SWF ads. Besides being connected, the majority
of ad campaigns point to RBN's customers' base as well.


Here's another such malicious ecosystem based on an affiliate model,
where participating sites serve malware on behalf of the fake
advertising agency :



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[Full-disclosure] Phishing Metamorphosis in 2007 - Trends and Developments

2007-12-12 Thread Dancho Danchev
During 2007, phishers demonstrated for yet another consecutive year
their persistence and creativity on their way to socially engineer as
many people online as possible, into believing they are who they
pretend to be. Why did phishers embrace economies of scale during
2007, what factors contributed to the constantly shrinking period of
time it takes for the phishers to come up with a fake email, and how
come that despite all the public awareness put into the problem,
people still fall victim to phishing scams? This article aims to
provide an overview of the key factors that contributed to the growth
and evolution of phishing during the year.


Dancho Danchev
Security Consultant/Blogger

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[Full-disclosure] Large Scale MySpace Phishing Attack

2007-11-19 Thread Dancho Danchev
In need of a "creative phishing campaign of the year"? Try this,
perhaps the largest phishing attack spoofing MySpace and collecting
all the login details at a central location, that's been active for
over a month, and continues to be. A Chinese phishing group has come
up with legitimate looking MySpace profiles (profile.myspace.com) in
the form of subdomains at their original .cn domains, and by doing so
achieve its ultimate objective - establish trust through
typosquatting, remain beneath the security vendors radar by comment
spamming the URLs inside MySpace, and obtain the login details of
everyone who got tricked.

Complete assessment in the form of domains and URLs participating, as
well as the message used per domain for the internal comment spam
campaign, is available here :



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[Full-disclosure] Popular Spammers Strategies and Tactics

2007-11-16 Thread Dancho Danchev
During 2007, spammers on a worldwide basis demonstrated their
adaptability to the ongoing efforts anti-spam vendors put into
ensuring their customers enjoy the benefits of having a spam-free
inbox. What strategies do spammers use in order to achieve this? What
tactics do they use in order to obtain email addresses, verify their
validity, ensure they reach the highest number of receipts as possible
in the shortest time span achievable, while making sure their spam
campaigns remain virtually impossible to shut down?

The articles details strategies and tactics such as :
Redirectors/doorway pages; Rapid tactical warfare;
Verification/confirmation of delivery; Consolidation; Outsourcing; and
Affiliation based models.



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[Full-disclosure] Dissecting The Electronic Jihad v3.0

2007-11-08 Thread Dancho Danchev
Screenshots, checksums, detection rates, main campaign URL, and target
synchronization URLs -- now offline -- included. Key point : "the
central update locations at the al-jinan.net domain are down, and so
are the several others included, so you have a situation where forums
and people start recommending the tool, they obtained it before the
site was shut down, but couldn't get the targets to be attacked list"

Electronic Jihad v3.0

Electronic Jihad v2.0


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[Full-disclosure] Assessing Malware Embedded Attack Campaigns

2007-10-30 Thread Dancho Danchev
The following assessments of recent cases of malware embedded attacks
can come very handy for cyber forensics training purposes, and
hopefully provide further clues in ongoing CYBERINT investigations
related to malware embedded attacks.

Possibility Media's Malware Fiasco

A Portfolio of Malware Embedded Magazines

Compromised Sites Serving Malware and Spam

U.S Consulate in St.Petersburg Serving Malware

CISRT Serving Malware

Bank of India Serving Malware

Syrian Embassy in London Serving Malware


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[Full-disclosure] Google Hacking for MPacks, Zunkers and WebAttackers

2007-09-10 Thread Dancho Danchev
The following are IPs and domain names currently or historically used
to host MPack, WebAttacker and Zunker control panels as well as live
exploit URLs within the packs. Some are down, others are still
accessible, the rest are publicly cached. If index.php doesn't exist,
admin.php or zu.php act as the default admin panel.



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[Full-disclosure] Graphs of Storm Worm's Fast Flux Networks

2007-09-05 Thread Dancho Danchev
Here are some handy graphs of Storm Worm's use of fast-flux networks
generated during the last several hours acting as great examples of
how diverse malware C&C has become :



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[Full-disclosure] Popular Malware Kits and Tools

2007-08-22 Thread Dancho Danchev
The following are links to some of the currently popular malware kits
in action, as well as several misc tools, with assessments of the
malicious URLs, detection rates, and related screenshots that were
obtained :

The Nuclear Malware Kit

The IcePack in Action

The WebAttacker in Action

Massive Embedded Web Attack in Italy - MPack

The RootLauncher Kit

DIY Phishing Kit

A Cyber Jihadist DoS Tool

A Commercial Click Fraud Tool

The BlackSun Bot - Web based Bot

The Cyber Bot - Web based Bot

The RAT- DIY Keylogger

A Malware Loader for Sale

Yet Another Malware Cryptor In the Wild

DIY Malware Droppers in the Wild

More Malware Crypters for Sale

A Multi-Feature Malware Crypter


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[Full-disclosure] Analyses of Cyber Jihadist Forums and Blogs

2007-08-19 Thread Dancho Danchev
Where are cyber jihadists linking to, outside their online
communities? Which are the most popular file sharing and video hosting
services used to spread propaganda, training material and communicate
with each other? What are their favorite blogs, and international news
sources? How does the Internet look like through the eyes of the cyber
jihadist? This post will provide links to cyber jihadist communities,
with the idea to aggregate a decent sample of how cyber jihadists use,
and abuse the Internet to achieve their objectives. It is based on
external URLs extraction of over 5,000 web pages directly related to
cyber jihadist communities.



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