[fw-general] Problem with themes in ZF

2006-10-28 Thread Darek
Hi, i'm writing CMS system in ZF and I've got problem with my themes.The structure of my sysem is:./application./liblary./site    ./themes ./default     ./gfx     ./js
     ./languages     ./style  (styles)     ./view      (files with view scripts called from Zend_View, index.php, page_content.php etc.) .htaccessAnd i've got problem when I want load css styles and graphics putted in themes directory from my scripts (in ./view direcory)
For exaple in my main view script  (./site/themes/default/view/index.php) I'vo got anchor to my css file in style ()
but my site doesn't see it, that same is for image files.My .htaccess files are in main directory and in "site" directory .htaccess in main directory:        RewriteEngine On        RewriteBase /site/
        RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$ index.phpand in "site" directory:        RewriteEngine On        RewriteBase /        RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$ index.php
Thank's for help and sorry for my language ;)

[fw-general] Re: Zend_Cache_FileBackendTest failing

2006-10-28 Thread Sebastian Nohn
Fabien MARTY wrote:

> Zend_Cache tests are ok for me with latest SVN.
> May you open a bug report with your exact configuration (OS, versions...) ?

