Re: [fw-general] Zend_Filter_Input and messages

2008-03-09 Thread Paul Fitzpatrick


The intention is to create a custom message template for missing input 
values for Zend_Filter_Input.  I would hope to set the 'notEmptyMessage' 
meta attribute in the $options array getting fed to Zend_Filter_Input.  
I thought the meta attribute would have allowed me to create default 
messages for every missing input value, but it did not work, I kept 
receiving default messages from some validators.

Some validator types (Digits, Alnum) have a notEmpty validator whose 
message is used instead of the notEmptyMessage message template I 
defined in the options array.

After a few hours of puzzlement, I checked the bugs affecting 
Zend_Filter_Input and yes there is a bug report for it.
I should have checked the outstanding bugs, something I will remember to 
do next time because I did spend a chunk of time wondering if I was 
doing something wrong.

The bug:

The workaround is to set each message type manually, a bit of pain and 
extra code but the fix in the Zend framework should be coming soon I hope.

//  Works.
$validators = array(
   'month' => array(
   array('Between', array(1, 12)),
   'messages' => array(   
   array( Zend_Validate_Digits::STRING_EMPTY => "A month 
value is required", Zend_Validate_Digits::NOT_DIGITS => "Month must only 
consist of numbers or letters" ),   
   'Month must be between 1 and 12'   



Lepidosteus wrote:

I did not fully understand what you are trying to achieve here ?

Do you try without success to change an error message ? To allow an
empty value ? To disallow an empty value ?


Re: [fw-general] Zend_Filter_Input and messages

2008-03-06 Thread Paul Fitzpatrick

I know its bad discussion etiquette, but does anyone have a possible  
solution to my problem below?  I have tried it with 1.5 RC 1 and still 
have the same issue.

fugazied wrote:
I am having some issues with the custom messaging and Zend Input Filter. 
Probably something obvious I am missing, but a search couldn't help me find

a solution.  Some Code:

$validators = array(
'email' => array('EmailAddress', 'presence'=>'required',
,'allowEmpty'=>false ),
'month' => array('Digits', 'presence'=>'required', ,'allowEmpty'=>false,
array('Between', 1, 10) )

$options = array(
'missingMessage' => "Field '%field%' is required",
'notEmptyMessage' => "A non-empty value is required for field '%field%'"

$input = new Zend_Filter_Input(null, $validators);


if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
  $invalidFields = $input->getInvalid();

Produces - 
array(2) {

  ["email"] => array(1) {
["emailAddressInvalid"] => string(71) "'' is not a valid email address
in the basic format [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  ["month"] => array(2) {
["stringEmpty"] => string(21) "'' is an empty string"
["notBetween"] => string(43) "'' is not between '1' and '10',

I was under the impression that my custom messages would replace the " '' is
an empty string ".
And to avoid the other error messages appearing, display empty ' ' field
values I need to chain the validators correct?
