[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread James
Volker Armin Hemmann  googlemail.com> writes:

> idea: have a look at the websites you visit. Some load&run megabytes of
> javascript which bogs down everything. Nothing you can do about that
> except turning of js.

Well, that was it on the performance (typing latency). Still I find
this very disturbing that I cannot alter some settings and 
"de_tune" javascript in browser windows that are not active?

I had to diable javascript, terminate (with save) and start up seamonkey
again. Obviously, there are too many things I need that use javascript,
so I re-enabled javascript and terminated (a second time, with a save) the
seamonkey application and start it again (now again with javascript enabled).

So the problem is gone; I have seamonkey with tabs aplenty and javascript
enabled again.  Why can't I achieve this without manual intervention?
It's not that I'm doubting what you are saying, it just seems "dumb"
that I cannot have auto_mastery on javascript tabs that are not active.

Maybe a browser plug-in?

Maybe a bug/feature request to the mozilla devs?



[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread James
Volker Armin Hemmann  googlemail.com> writes:

> I am sure there are some plugins to enable js on a per-page basis for
> firefox. If konqueror can do it...

Short term I'll uses this. Long term, I need to learn more about cgroups
and tuning for my clustering ambitions.


[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread James
thegeezer  thegeezer.net> writes:

> > So. Is there a make.conf setting or elsewhere to make the 
> > terminal session response times, in the browsers (seamonkey, firefox)
> > faster?  
> > the typing latency in the browser windows).

> > ideas?

> two things you might like to look into: 1. cgroups (including freezer)
> to help isolate your browsers and also 2. look at atop instead of htop
> as this includes disk io

2. The system rarely uses 8 G of the 32 G available, so disk IO is 
not the problem. No heavy writes. It was the java scripts

1. Ahhh! tell me more. I found these links quickly:



I'm not sure if you've read any of my clustering_frustration posts
over the last month or so, but cgroups is at the heart of clustering now.
It seems many of the systemd based cluster solutions are having all
sorts of OOM, OOM-killer etc etc issues. So any and all good information,
examples and docs related to cgroups is of keen interests to me. My efforts
to build up a mesos/spark cluster, center around openrc and therefore
direct management of resources via cgroups.

The freezer is exactly what I'm looking for. Maybe I also need to read up
on lxc?  What are the best ways to dynamically manage via cgroups? A gui?
A static config file? a CLI tool?


[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread James
thegeezer  thegeezer.net> writes:

> there is a little more here
> http://gentoo-en.vfose.ru/wiki/Improve_responsiveness_with_cgroups
> which will allow you to script creating a cgroup with the processID of
> an interactive shell, that you can start from to help save hunting down
> all the threads spawned by chrome.
> you can then do fun stuff with echo $$ >
> /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/high_priority/tasks

Yea this is cool. But when it's a cluster, with thousands of processes
this seem to be limited by the manual parsing and CLI actions that
are necessary for large/busy environments. (We shall see).

> hopefully this will give you a bit more control over all of that though

Gmane mandates that the previous lines be culled. That said; you have given
me much to think about, test and refine. 

In /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu   I have:

cgroup.clone_children  cgroup.procs  cpu.shares  release_agent
cgroup.event_control cgroup.sane_behavior notify_on_release  tasks

So I'll have to research creating and priotizing dirs like "high_priority"

I certainly appreciate your lucid and direct explanations.
Let me play with this a bit and I'll post back when I munge things
up.   Are there any "graphical tools" for adjusting and managing
cgroups?  Surely when I apply this to the myriad of things running
on my mesos+spark cluster I'm going to need a well thoughout tool
for cgroup management, particularly on memory resources organization
and allocations as spark is an "in_memory" environment that seems 
sensitive to OOM issues of all sorts.


[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread James
thegeezer  thegeezer.net> writes:

> especially for non-local systems.  other distros have apps such as
> "cgclassify" which provides some shortcut to managing cgroups --
> creation / and moving process in and out

Ok. So, if you or anyone else knows of or runs across a robust gui
managment interface for cgroups, please post to this list or drop
me some email. Porting something that is established is my preferred

> you can also have a nohup process that does ps -eLf to search for
> process you want to classify and move them into the appropriate cgroup  
> for default cgroups you can also use inotify
> a quick search shows http://libcg.sourceforge.net/ which daemonises this
> process.

Yes well this is fantastic information. I've read dozens and dozens
of things about cgroups, but none more useful than what you have 
stated here. So now I'm on the path to finding something to port to
gentoo/openrc/cgroups or something to hack to fill this void().
The only FSM (Finite State Machine) development software I see in
portage is qfsm. I'm off to look for a new FSM design software package;
as an 'old_fart' it seems logical that limited physical resources
should have finite states and therefore be first designed as a FSM.
I feel 'cheated" that after quickly looking at about a dozen books on
deep issues with 'C" on unix, that none mentioned cgroups. I feel,
stupid and ignoranat and orphaned because this wonderful technology,
cgroups, has been pretty well hidden?  A gui interface to a FSM instantiated
control system for cgroups, appears to be to be a very cool idea. It's going
to be a prerequisite for robust linux clustering, imho. FSMs are the best
way to manage finite hardware resources and they are the mainstay of
traditional device (hardware) driver codes. [1]

> all this is a bit hack'n'slash though i appreciate, so if anyone else
> knows of suitable tools i'd also be interested to hear of them   

I've done quite a bit of reading and research. There is much "high_brow"
talk (chatter) about cgroups but very little on a practical, useful basis. 
I sense there are many more folks just like us that need a robust,
easy to follow methodology to learn about, setup and master cgroups.
Even if we all end up migrating to systemd (which from plentiful complaints
from many very bright folks about  the net and the lack of a clean, useful
documentation on systemd, it's likely to be a decade before systemd
stablizes and folks produce sufficiently useful documentation and examples)
cgroups does illuminate how things should work in a complex environment so
it still is worth it's weight in gold, before one attempts to master the
(systemd) beast. 

Your information about cgroups is WONDERFUL!


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine#Software_applications

[2] http://sourceforge.net/projects/fsmdesigner/

[3] http://www.typesafe.com/activator/template/akka-sample-fsm-scala

[4] https://wiki.python.org/moin/FiniteStateMachine

[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread James
Dale  gmail.com> writes:


At the very least it has educational value.  I'll have to test this
and some other codes


[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread James
Rich Freeman  gentoo.org> writes:

> So, I realize there are many strong opinions regarding systemd, but
> this comes across a bit like, "one should be well-accustomed to
> building and operating a Linux-From-Scratch installation before one
> attempts to master the (Ubuntu) beast."

Rich, embedded is my background. I'm more of an EE
over the years. so YES, to me it is very important to
understand hardware and the firmwares that allow all
of the OO-gui stuffage that exists (and is wonderfull).

I remember when CS was a group of wacko's down the hall in a closet..

> Sure, all that auto-magic stuff does add complexity, but it does so
> with the goal of standardizing and automating this so that you can use
> the system without having to worry about all the details.  If you are
> running a systemd service you can set the various cgroup controls like
> IO and CPU class/priority in the unit and it will take care of
> managing the cgroup for you.

You have an idealized view of what is going on in the cluster code spaces.
(systemd issue abound aplenty). Folks are  just loading binaries on top
of binaries and look for salvation via config files. As a hardware engineer,
you must have a firm (solid) foundation. Opaqueness does not equal solid.
What linun had  was firm and scope_able. With systemd, I'm not so sure,ymmv.

If the systemd devs and perveyors feel pressure to make systemd a
superior technology; what's wrong with that? I like the promise
of systemd; I *hate* the way it has been jammed down on everyone. That 
sort of approach is certain to illicit a nasty response. Really, we have to
abondon what has worked reasonable well, whilst we tweak something that
is still morpologically a mystery? Now that I'm finally getting around to
learning deeply about cgroups, I like that very very much too. Despite
what many "experts" have said, I think the traditional approach has
a very long life ahead.

OK? so, we do not have to go any deeper into this, do we?

> Certainly learning the nuts and bolts of how it all works is
> worthwhile - I wouldn't be running Gentoo if I felt otherwise.
> However, you really don't have to know how to build your own service
> manager to use one.

Your talking to a guy that used punch cards, wire_wrapped boards
and used seven-segment-LEDs. You sure you want to go this route?
Another old fart I know, build chips that support things that go
beyond mach 7. The old ways are the best ways and one day they
will be "re-discovered", imho. As an embedded-old-fart, I have
boards running 2.2 based linux kernels. I wish LFS had been around
back then. I got stuff that "bootstraps" a microP with assembler code.

> As far as docs go - what specifically is unclear?  Systemd is rapidly
> evolving so things do get out of date, but for the most part stuff
> like this can be found in man systemd.exec and such.  Lennart's series
> of blog posts on system administration using systemd is a very good
> place to start.

I think once Lennart moves on to something else (as many have pondered)
systemd will become more attractive.   In my youth, I did not understand
'good manners' and lennart epitomizes some episodes in my tempetuous youth I
regret. Somebody needs to leash that guy, imho. He's not great or wonderful.
He is a loose cannon at best. Nothing anyone is going to say, write, or do
will replace the harm he has sowed with his rude manners. HE does not have
the right to play god with the linux kernel. Neither does that idiot Linus,
imho. The kernel belongs to *everyone*.

You and the other systemd (herd/project) dudes are wonderful. Right now, 
I just like openrc/cgroups/assembler and stories from other old_farts.
You young whipper_snappers should be very glad us old farts still hack
and hang out like we do. Kids might look at him and say "Wow". Older folks
just murmur under their breath that this snot_nosed_kid should have been
bitch_slapped by that idiot Linus. He failure to reign in that looser
cannot be white_washed by anyone; so let's just let this go...
The more I read about the entire affair the more pissed I get. 

peace (at least inside my faraday_cage),

[1] http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Systemd

[gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-21 Thread Nikos Chantziaras

On 18/10/14 18:49, James wrote:

Often the latency is minimal and the system response (as guaged)
from the keyboard is fine (quick). Other times the active terminal
session is a pig mostly in the web browser windows.

Try different browsers. See for example if Chrome (or Chromium) behaves 
better than Seamonkey or Firefox.

Since different browsers use different javascript implementations, you 
could be getting rather large performance differences. Worth a try.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread Philip Webb
141018 James wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann  googlemail.com> writes:
>> Some websites load & run MB of javascript which bogs down everything.
>> Nothing you can do about that except turning of js.
> Well, that was it on the performance (typing latency).
> I had to diable javascript, terminate + save and restart Seamonkey.
> Obviously, there are too many things I need that use javascript,
> so I re-enabled javascript and terminated (a second time, with a save)
> the seamonkey app and start it again (now again with javascript enabled).

Perhaps you could use Lynx for those items which don't need JS
& reserve Firefox for those which do.

SUPPORT ___//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT`-O--O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread Volker Armin Hemmann
Am 18.10.2014 um 21:27 schrieb Philip Webb:
> 141018 James wrote:
>> Volker Armin Hemmann  googlemail.com> writes:
>>> Some websites load & run MB of javascript which bogs down everything.
>>> Nothing you can do about that except turning of js.
>> Well, that was it on the performance (typing latency).
>> I had to diable javascript, terminate + save and restart Seamonkey.
>> Obviously, there are too many things I need that use javascript,
>> so I re-enabled javascript and terminated (a second time, with a save)
>> the seamonkey app and start it again (now again with javascript enabled).
> Perhaps you could use Lynx for those items which don't need JS
> & reserve Firefox for those which do.

I am sure there are some plugins to enable js on a per-page basis for
firefox. If konqueror can do it...

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread Neil Bothwick
On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 22:24:43 +0200, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

> I am sure there are some plugins to enable js on a per-page basis for
> firefox. If konqueror can do it...

There are several for Chromium, I think the favourite for FF is noscript.

Neil Bothwick

Top Oxymorons Number 17: Clearly misunderstood

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-18 Thread thegeezer
On 18/10/14 22:51, James wrote:
> thegeezer  thegeezer.net> writes:
>>> So. Is there a make.conf setting or elsewhere to make the 
>>> terminal session response times, in the browsers (seamonkey, firefox)
>>> faster?  
>>> the typing latency in the browser windows).
>>> ideas?
>> two things you might like to look into: 1. cgroups (including freezer)
>> to help isolate your browsers and also 2. look at atop instead of htop
>> as this includes disk io
> 2. The system rarely uses 8 G of the 32 G available, so disk IO is 
> not the problem. No heavy writes. It was the java scripts
> 1. Ahhh! tell me more. I found these links quickly:
> https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroups/freezer-subsystem.txt
> http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LXC#Freezer_Support
> I'm not sure if you've read any of my clustering_frustration posts
> over the last month or so, but cgroups is at the heart of clustering now.
> It seems many of the systemd based cluster solutions are having all
> sorts of OOM, OOM-killer etc etc issues. So any and all good information,
> examples and docs related to cgroups is of keen interests to me. My efforts
> to build up a mesos/spark cluster, center around openrc and therefore
> direct management of resources via cgroups.
> The freezer is exactly what I'm looking for. Maybe I also need to read up
> on lxc?  What are the best ways to dynamically manage via cgroups? A gui?
> A static config file? a CLI tool?
> curiously,
> James
the thing with cgroups is that you can choose to create a hierarchy of
what _you_ want to have as your priority
unfortunately you need to tell the machine what it is you want, it can't
really guess granularly iuc
e.g. your favourite terminal / ide etc you want high prio   and your
favourite file mangler to be low prio ( assuming you want compiling to
take precedence over bit munging to usb etc)

there is however cgroup support in htop, and i thought that you could
adjust cgroup in stead of nice but a quick google is showing that i
dreamed it as a nice feature; that would be super slick as you can
easily adjust all parts of program demand -- io / memory / cpu

using openRC you can start services i.e. apache to have a certain
priority, and ssh to have another

the reason i suggest freezer is that you can more easily "pause" or
CTRL-Z something that would otherwise be in a GUI and maybe not respond
on my laptop :-

# mount | grep freez
freezer on /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer type cgroup
# cd /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/

call the folder something meaningful
# mkdir investigate
# cd investigate

you can use the following, i just did echo $$ for local bash pid... make
sure to get all threads especially something like chrome spawns many
# ps -eLf | grep mybadapp

note the single > actually concatenates
# echo $PID > tasks

to remove you actually have to "move" the process into a different
cgroup i.e.
# echo $PID > /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/tasks

ok so once you have all your tasks in there just make sure you are in
# echo FROZEN > freezer.state

to thaw
# echo THAWED > freezer.state

there is a little more here
which will allow you to script creating a cgroup with the processID of
an interactive shell, that you can start from to help save hunting down
all the threads spawned by chrome.
you can then do fun stuff with echo $$ >

but for your original point of maybe it's not an issue with something
like IO it could still be a very high number disk reads -- low actual
thoughput but the demand on the io system was high, i.e. 6zillion reads
hopefully this will give you a bit more control over all of that though

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Dale
James wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann  googlemail.com> writes:
>> I am sure there are some plugins to enable js on a per-page basis for
>> firefox. If konqueror can do it...
> Short term I'll uses this. Long term, I need to learn more about cgroups
> and tuning for my clustering ambitions.
> thx,
> James

If I understand the issue correctly, I have used adblock to block all
sorts of things that annoy me.  That includes scripts. 


:-)  :-)

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread thegeezer
On 19/10/14 04:15, James wrote:
> thegeezer  thegeezer.net> writes:
>> there is a little more here
>> http://gentoo-en.vfose.ru/wiki/Improve_responsiveness_with_cgroups
>> which will allow you to script creating a cgroup with the processID of
>> an interactive shell, that you can start from to help save hunting down
>> all the threads spawned by chrome.
>> you can then do fun stuff with echo $$ >
>> /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/high_priority/tasks
> Yea this is cool. But when it's a cluster, with thousands of processes
cgroups are hierarchical, so for example if you start a bash script
which is in cgroup "cpu/high_prio" which then starts your processes, all
called programs go into the same cgroup which makes it a bit simpler.
also openrc will start your services in the correct cgroup too
> this seem to be limited by the manual parsing and CLI actions that
> are necessary for large/busy environments. (We shall see).
>> hopefully this will give you a bit more control over all of that though
> Gmane mandates that the previous lines be culled. That said; you have given
> me much to think about, test and refine. 
> In /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu   I have:
> cgroup.clone_children  cgroup.procs  cpu.shares  release_agent
> cgroup.event_control cgroup.sane_behavior notify_on_release  tasks
> So I'll have to research creating and priotizing dirs like "high_priority"
> I certainly appreciate your lucid and direct explanations.
> Let me play with this a bit and I'll post back when I munge things
> up.   Are there any "graphical tools" for adjusting and managing
> cgroups?  
i thought that htop did this but i was wrong.. it only shows which
cgroup processes are in. that would be a killer feature though.
> Surely when I apply this to the myriad of things running
> on my mesos+spark cluster I'm going to need a well thoughout tool
> for cgroup management, 
especially for non-local systems.  other distros have apps such as
"cgclassify" which provides some shortcut to managing cgroups --
creation / and moving process in and out
you can also have a nohup process that does ps -eLf to search for
process you want to classify and move them into the appropriate cgroup  
for default cgroups you can also use inotify
a quick search shows http://libcg.sourceforge.net/ which daemonises this
all this is a bit hack'n'slash though i appreciate, so if anyone else
knows of suitable tools i'd also be interested to hear of them
> particularly on memory resources organization
> and allocations as spark is an "in_memory" environment that seems 
> sensitive to OOM issues of all sorts.
> thx,
> James

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Dale
James wrote:
> thegeezer  thegeezer.net> writes:
>> especially for non-local systems.  other distros have apps such as
>> "cgclassify" which provides some shortcut to managing cgroups --
>> creation / and moving process in and out
> Ok. So, if you or anyone else knows of or runs across a robust gui
> managment interface for cgroups, please post to this list or drop
> me some email. Porting something that is established is my preferred
> modis_operandi.
> <<>>
> thx,
> James 

I'm not sure about robust but I did find this little bread crumb. 


It has a few links and it could lead to a gold mine or some fake gold. 


:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Rich Freeman
On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 12:41 PM, James  wrote:
> Even if we all end up migrating to systemd (which from plentiful complaints
> from many very bright folks about  the net and the lack of a clean, useful
> documentation on systemd, it's likely to be a decade before systemd
> stablizes and folks produce sufficiently useful documentation and examples)
> cgroups does illuminate how things should work in a complex environment so
> it still is worth it's weight in gold, before one attempts to master the
> (systemd) beast.

So, I realize there are many strong opinions regarding systemd, but
this comes across a bit like, "one should be well-accustomed to
building and operating a Linux-From-Scratch installation before one
attempts to master the (Ubuntu) beast."

Sure, all that auto-magic stuff does add complexity, but it does so
with the goal of standardizing and automating this so that you can use
the system without having to worry about all the details.  If you are
running a systemd service you can set the various cgroup controls like
IO and CPU class/priority in the unit and it will take care of
managing the cgroup for you.

Certainly learning the nuts and bolts of how it all works is
worthwhile - I wouldn't be running Gentoo if I felt otherwise.
However, you really don't have to know how to build your own service
manager to use one.

As far as docs go - what specifically is unclear?  Systemd is rapidly
evolving so things do get out of date, but for the most part stuff
like this can be found in man systemd.exec and such.  Lennart's series
of blog posts on system administration using systemd is a very good
place to start.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Alan McKinnon
On 19/10/2014 22:40, James wrote:
> You and the other systemd (herd/project) dudes are wonderful. Right now, 
> I just like openrc/cgroups/assembler and stories from other old_farts.
> You young whipper_snappers should be very glad us old farts still hack
> and hang out like we do. Kids might look at him and say "Wow". Older folks
> just murmur under their breath that this snot_nosed_kid should have been
> bitch_slapped by that idiot Linus. He failure to reign in that looser
> cannot be white_washed by anyone; so let's just let this go...
> The more I read about the entire affair the more pissed I get. 

Relax James, it's all good and the wheel turns.

I'm an old fart too, the first computer I ever owned was a Sinclair Mk
14 and I built it by hand from a kit. I've met 3 people who even know
what it is :-)

Anyway, all the lessons of the past are never truly forgotten, and most
of us do know how to pick the right tool for the job. These young
whipper-snappers think that cloud is the bestest and most awesomest
thing ever, folks over 35 know that this is the THIRD time we've gone
through this evolution (had stuff in a "data centre" and now farming it
out to a "cloud"). In 5 years from now it will all consolidate and we'll
be pulling the cloud back into data centres. It will look different, but
the principle will be the same.

Like splitting the CPU & GPU, I lose count of the number of times we've
done this too (think math co-processors and mainframe front-end
controllers and DMA).

And so it is with systemd, right now it is the buzz word because it's
declarative, easy to maintain and simplifies keeping control of complex
systems with gobs and gobs of RAM (RAM is cheap, dev and sysadmin time
is very expensive). Embedded: ah, that's another story. RAM is very
expensive there and in short supply. If it hasn't already been done,
someone will write an init system for constrained embedded devices that
has no need of systemd, and it will be better than SysVInit

Systemd will never take over the world - as soon as it causes too much
pain for someone who doesn't need it, they will find a way to get along
without it. And those who do need/want it can still have it.

This is just how things work, and you've seen it all play out before :-)

Alan McKinnon

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Rich Freeman
On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 4:40 PM, James  wrote:
> Rich Freeman  gentoo.org> writes:
> Rich, embedded is my background. I'm more of an EE
> over the years. so YES, to me it is very important to
> understand hardware and the firmwares that allow all
> of the OO-gui stuffage that exists (and is wonderfull).

Again, I wasn't bashing anybody for having a desire to understand
cgroups.  I just didn't want to suggest that it was necessary to have
this knowledge to actually use systemd.

Of course, if you're in an unusual niche (embedded, clusters, etc)
then systemd is going to be less mature, and since you're blazing a
trail the additional knowledge certainly wouldn't hurt.  And of course
you don't have to use systemd to benefit from cgroups.

> You have an idealized view of what is going on in the cluster code spaces.
> (systemd issue abound aplenty). Folks are  just loading binaries on top
> of binaries and look for salvation via config files.

You certainly have more firsthand perspective there than I do.
Systemd has plenty of issues in any configuration - it is very new,
and VERY susceptible to race conditions with its dependencies.  When
you run it on a box that provides core services (dhcp, dns, nfs, etc)
as well as consuming those same services you can run into a lot of
unspecified dependencies.  For example, systemd tends to assume that
if the network is up, DNS is up, but that doesn't work so well for
your DNS server.

None of these are insurmountable design issues, they just point to the
immaturity of the project.

But, like many here that aspect of systemd doesn't really scare me off much.

> If the systemd devs and perveyors feel pressure to make systemd a
> superior technology; what's wrong with that? I like the promise
> of systemd; I *hate* the way it has been jammed down on everyone.

Well, certainly on Gentoo it hasn't been jammed on anybody per-se.
About the closest to that in Gentoo has been the fact that they took
over udev maintenance, but that is an upstream issue (and nobody can
prevent anybody from forking it/etc).  Within Gentoo there was some
controversy when some package maintainers wanted to prevent others
from adding systemd units to their packages, and from that standpoint
there is a policy that forces maintainers to stay out of the way if
somebody else wants to do the work to adapt a package for systemd (or
for openrc for that matter).

Most other distros only support a single init, and for whatever reason
they've decided to switch.  That is really their business, but it is
hard to say that anybody is forcing anybody to do anything.  Gnome is
obviously a factor, but again nobody HAS to use Gnome, and it is a bit
like complaining about having to have Java installed in order to play
minecraft or use some features in openoffice (granted, Java isn't
/quite/ as invasive though sometimes it feels that way).

> I think once Lennart moves on to something else (as many have pondered)
> systemd will become more attractive.   In my youth, I did not understand
> 'good manners' and lennart epitomizes some episodes in my tempetuous youth I
> regret.

Welcome to the FOSS community, where principle and idealism trumps
relationships every day.  In the end we tolerate contributors because
they contribute.  We could always choose to not use their stuff, but
for the most part we're too lazy to re-implement everything.  With
FOSS people only have power over you if you give it to them, but not
giving it to them comes with a price.

> Older folks just murmur under their breath that this snot_nosed_kid
> should have been bitch_slapped by that idiot Linus. He failure to
> reign in that looser cannot be white_washed by anyone; so let's just
> let this go...

Just what would you have Linus do?  Other than criticize publicly,
there isn't much Linus can do about systemd, since he maintains the
kernel and systemd isn't part of the kernel.  Linus has about as much
power to change systemd as anybody does.

Again, with FOSS YOU choose who gets the power, since you choose what
software you use.  If you run xfce then there is nothing the gnome
developers can do to touch you.  Now, if all the xfce maintainers get
bored and quit you're stuck, but that is true of anything in FOSS.
You get what you pay for.  :)


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Volker Armin Hemmann
Am 19.10.2014 um 20:56 schrieb Rich Freeman:
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 12:41 PM, James  wrote:
> As far as docs go - what specifically is unclear? Systemd is rapidly
> evolving so things do get out of date, but for the most part stuff
> like this can be found in man systemd.exec and such. Lennart's series
> of blog posts on system administration using systemd is a very good
> place to start. -- Rich 

and you are fine with that? That the package that becomes Pid1 is such
an unstable, ever involving mess that not even the docs are keeping up
with it?

You just gave me another reason not to use systemd.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Rich Freeman
On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann
> Am 19.10.2014 um 20:56 schrieb Rich Freeman:
>> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 12:41 PM, James  wrote:
>> As far as docs go - what specifically is unclear? Systemd is rapidly
>> evolving so things do get out of date, but for the most part stuff
>> like this can be found in man systemd.exec and such. Lennart's series
>> of blog posts on system administration using systemd is a very good
>> place to start. -- Rich
> and you are fine with that? That the package that becomes Pid1 is such
> an unstable, ever involving mess that not even the docs are keeping up
> with it?

If I wasn't fine with it I'd hardly be running Gentoo.  :)  You just
described half of the distro, though it isn't changing as rapidly as
it used to.

Most of the issues are in the init scripts, which technically aren't
really part of systemd.  It is fairly immature everywhere.  If you
want a really stable experience then you should probably stick with
RHEL or Debian Stable.  :)

> You just gave me another reason not to use systemd.

Sounds like you didn't really need one.  It is a free country - you're
no more required to run systemd than any Gentoo developer is required
to fix openrc init scripts or systemd units...


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-19 Thread Dale
James wrote:
> Dale  gmail.com> writes:
> https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/cg-manager-
> developers/2011-July/02.html
> At the very least it has educational value.  I'll have to test this
> and some other codes
> Thx,
> James

Hi James,

I did some more digging later on and it seems it may have died.  I found
a thread where it seems devs were of the opinion that normal users
shouldn't manage this to much so a tool like this was not needed.  At
least that was the impression I got but the thread was a bit dated so
who knows what else may have changed.  They may have slapped a new name
on it and it may be very much alive, somewhere out there.  If it is tho,
I couldn't find it, yet. 

I been following this thread just to see how this cgroup stuff works. 
I'm just curious.  I to was hoping for a GUI tool to manage this sort of
thing.  Heck, I might would even set it up and play with it a bit.  I
run multiple Firefox profiles here and this could help with a few issues. 

If you do find something, please share what you find.  I am interested
for sure even if I don't post much. 



:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: gigabyte mobo latency

2014-10-21 Thread Volker Armin Hemmann
Am 20.10.2014 um 01:34 schrieb Rich Freeman:
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann
>  wrote:
>> Am 19.10.2014 um 20:56 schrieb Rich Freeman:
>>> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 12:41 PM, James  wrote:
>>> As far as docs go - what specifically is unclear? Systemd is rapidly
>>> evolving so things do get out of date, but for the most part stuff
>>> like this can be found in man systemd.exec and such. Lennart's series
>>> of blog posts on system administration using systemd is a very good
>>> place to start. -- Rich
>> and you are fine with that? That the package that becomes Pid1 is such
>> an unstable, ever involving mess that not even the docs are keeping up
>> with it?
> If I wasn't fine with it I'd hardly be running Gentoo.  :)  You just
> described half of the distro, though it isn't changing as rapidly as
> it used to.
> Most of the issues are in the init scripts, which technically aren't
> really part of systemd.  It is fairly immature everywhere.  If you
> want a really stable experience then you should probably stick with
> RHEL or Debian Stable.  :)
>> You just gave me another reason not to use systemd.
> Sounds like you didn't really need one.  It is a free country - you're
> no more required to run systemd than any Gentoo developer is required
> to fix openrc init scripts or systemd units...
> --
> Rich
> .

you make that sound like a threat. But that does not work with me ;)

I have dealt with Slackware in the past. Had no probs back then, why
should I be scared now?