Fwd: [Gimp-developer] Re: whishes for Gimp

2004-11-23 Thread Laxminarayan Kamath
-- Forwarded message --
From: Laxminarayan Kamath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:41:01 -0800
Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: whishes for Gimp
To: Sven Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 00:32:23 +0100, Sven Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Seriously, if you have an idea for a new paint tool, tell us about
 it. With a little help from me and Mitch you or anyone else should
 have the new paint tool added to the GIMP core in less than a day.

I would like an interpolate brush. wherever you paint, it
interpolates from the *REST* of the image or selection what the
brushed part must look like.
Laxminarayan Kamath Ammembal
+91 98450 61385

Laxminarayan Kamath Ammembal
MithraKoota, Bhoja Rao Lane,
Mangalore 575003
(+91) 9845 061385
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] autogen.sh on msys

2004-11-23 Thread pvt . benkovsk
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 08:59:59PM +0100, Michael Natterer wrote:
 What version of GIMP is this?
 (assuming this is CVS HEAD, it looks like there is something wrong
 with expr and the test fails because of that, rather than because of
 too old automake).
 What does /bin/sh point to?

And also, do you run it as
  someshell ./autogen.sh

I got burnt in similar way (in another project) by using sh instead of bash, 
for example


GCM/IT d- s:+ a- C++(+++) ULOI$ P++ L+++ E+ W++
N w--- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP R+ tv- b+++ D+ e+++ y+

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: whishes for Gimp

2004-11-23 Thread William Skaggs

Sven wrote:
 You obviously didn't understand me. Adding such an API would be a
 major undertaking and we are not going to add such a framework for
 anyone unless that someone has at least built a prototype in the
 core. I do simply not believe that there is serious interest for
 developing other paint tools. People toss these ideas (see above) back
 and forth. If you look at them closely, you notice that they are vague
 and that the changes that are needed to make them possible are huge. 

A few months ago I had the idea of trying to develop a paint tool that 
would work like the ink tool but would use modules to generate the
paint patterns -- this would be a sort of compromise version of a 
pluggable paint tool.  As a step toward this goal, I thought I would
try to modify the ink tool so that it would spray paint blobs in a
semi-random pattern.  This seems like it ought to be pretty straightforward,
and in principle I believe it probably is, but a few hours of code
study left me completely bewildered.  The root problem is that I
don't understand the basic philosophy of code organization in GIMP,
and without such a framework it is very difficult to understand the
function of any given code fragment.  And unfortunately these sorts of
high-level abstractions are the most difficult things to figure out
by reading the source code.

Let me give a specific example.  I know by this time, having worked with
GIMP for months, that drawing tools are tools that make temporary marks
on the image display (as opposed to the image itself), and that all such
drawing is done in XOR mode so that it can be erased by redrawing.  But
these very basic facts are not written down anywhere, to the best of
my knowledge.  And how could anybody unfamiliar with the GIMP code,
even being a brilliant programmer knowing everything about C, Glib, Gtk+,
etc, make any progress on tool development without understanding them?
To derive them from the GimpDrawTool code is by no means straightforward.

And I can tell, just by the feel of the code, that there are 
many more such basic facts that I haven't yet been able to figure out.
If you don't understand the basic principles, all of the code just looks
like obfuscated gibberish, no matter how clear and simple the code is
in reality.  

I might be interested, once 2.2 is out, in taking another shot at this,
since you are Mitch are showing so much willingness to be helpful.  But
it will certainly involve asking a lot of stupid questions.

 If you had serious interest for developing other paint tools, you
 would develop them in the core. There you find a complete and simple
 framework for developing your ideas. The fact that you don't use it or
 not even ask about how it can be done, clearly shows that your
 interest isn't serious. Why should we go through the hassle of adding
 the framework for pluggable tools then?

There are two rather obvious difficulties in working in the core.  First,
(and less importantly), each change requires recompiling the main GIMP
app, which takes a lot longer than recompiling a plug-in.  Second, it
means either putting highly speculative code into CVS head or else
creating a branch and then facing the challenge of keeping it consistent
with head.  

Also, it is my impression that coders are often reluctant to ask what
seems like very basic questions, because they know how much effort you
and Mitch are already putting into GIMP devlopment, and know that basic
questions are often the kind that take the most effort to answer.

In my opinion, anyway, the most useful thing you (and Mitch) could do, in terms 
of encouraging this type of development, would be to write a tutorial showing
the steps involved in creating a new painting tool, and explaining the
reason for each step.

  -- Bill


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Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: whishes for Gimp

2004-11-23 Thread William Skaggs

Sven wrote:
 If you had a look at the Ink tool you would have noticed that all
 paint tools are extraordinarily simple. I agree that other tools
 (those that draw to the display) are a lot more complex but all paint
 tools are identical except that they register different GimpPaintCore
 objects. So you don't even need to deal with tools at all (which is
 admittedly one of the most complex and least cleaned up parts of the
 Gimp code).
 All you need to do is to derive a new GimpPaintCore, either directly
 from GimpPaintCore or (in case you want to make use of brushes) from
 GimpBrushCore. This is all nicely abstracted in the app/paint folder
 and you basically don't need to worry about anything outside this
 directory. All you need to do is to implement a couple of methods.
 Just take an existing paint core as an example to copy from. 

Thank you.  This is already very helpful.  So in the spirit of
trying to figure things out for myself, let me try to figure out how
to make a tool register a different GimpPaintCore object.

Let's see -- nothing useful in tools/gimpinktool.c, which as you
say is very simple.  

So let's look at the code for the parent class, tools/gimppainttool.c.
Yes, here it is, line 230:

  paint_tool-core = g_object_new (tool-tool_info-paint_info-paint_type,

A bit daunting, but obviously what I need to do is set the paint_type.
So let's figure out where that is done.  Grepping for paint_type
in the tools directory gives nothing.  Grepping in the entire
code base gives about a dozen hits -- core/gimppaintinfo.c looks
most promising.

Okay, here it is, I think, line 145:

  paint_info-paint_type = paint_type;

This is in the code for gimp_paint_info_new(), and paint_type
is one of the arguments to the function.  So the next step is to figure 
out where gimp_paint_info_new() is called.

Grepping gives only one hit, fortunately, in paint/gimp-paint.c,
line 109:

  paint_info = gimp_paint_info_new (gimp,

This occurs in the code for the function gimp_paint_register(), which
is declared static void, so it must be used in gimp-paint.c; let's
find it.

Okay, here it is, line 77:

  for (i = 0; i  G_N_ELEMENTS (register_funcs); i++)
  register_funcs[i] (gimp, gimp_paint_register);

This is kind of scary looking, but fortunately the array
register_funcs[] is created directly above, and I see that
one of its entries is gimp_ink_register.  I make a mental
note that I will at some point need to add my new tool to
this array, and then go on to look for gimp_ink_register().

Okay, here it is, in paint/gimpink.c:

gimp_ink_register (Gimp  *gimp,
   GimpPaintRegisterCallback  callback)
  (* callback) (gimp,

So finally I see that paint_type is GIMP_TYPE_INK, which is defined 
in paint/gimpink.h as: 

paint/gimpink.h:#define GIMP_TYPE_INK(gimp_ink_get_type ())

And now I see that to create my new spew tool, I need to do the
following things:

1) In app/paint, cp gimpink.c gimpspew.c and then edit gimpspew.c
   to s/ink/spew/g  (don't take this literally).

2) Handle gimpink.h similarly.

3) in paint/gimp-paint.c, add an include for gimpspew.h and add
   gimp_spew_register to the register_funcs array.

4) in app/tools, copy gimpinktool.c and gimpinktool.h to gimpspewtool.c
   and gimpspewtool.h, then change ink to spew everywhere in the new

5) in app/tools, handle gimpinkoptions-gui.c and gimpinkoptions-gui.h the
   same way.

6) Add the new files to Makefile.am in the appropriate places.

7) In tools/gimp-tools.c, add gimpspewtool.h as an include, and add 
   gimp_spew_tool_register to the register_funcs array.  (I found 
   this by sheer luck.)

8) (The hard part)  Edit paint/gimpspew.[ch] and tools/gimpspewoptions-gui.c
   to give the desired new functionality.  The code from gimpink.c is
   rather complex and will no doubt give rise to more questions.

Does that look right?

No, I see that I haven't created an icon yet.  Fortunately I think I more
or less know how to do this:

9) Create stock-tool-spew-16.png and stock-tool-spew-22.png and place them
   in themes/Default/images/tools.  As I understand it, the appropriate
   line in libgimpwidgets/gimpstock.h will be autogenerated if in the 
   themes directory I then do make -C clean; make.

How about that?

 That is void as well. A paint core is easy enough to be understood
 quite easily and since the code is in a single file, there is no risk
 at all that such problems could arise.

Well, I think I have demonstrated that I need to create or modify at
least 10 files to produce a new paint tool, and I have probably missed
something along the way.  But I will admit that the 

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: whishes for Gimp

2004-11-23 Thread Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris
Ok, for those who are wondering,
this is discussion is tied with what I've requested in
[Bug 140165] A Paint Tool that allows stroke events to callback
plug-in procedures

My initial wriitng in there was:

I know it had been thought before, but anyway could not find it in
bugzilla. So here it comes:

GIMP should implement a Generic Paint Tool that would not affect
 the image, but rather provide a callback with each stroke/pointer
 movement parameters. This would allow plug-ins to implement a lot of
 functionality currently only available to things implemented
 directly on the core (therefore clugging the UI).

On the latest post in there, Sven wrote:

Well, some description files isn't very descriptive. Nor is a
string of operators. And you could certainly not do anything like
Iwarp based on such an infrastructure. Joao, this report is void.
It's a loose collection of buzzwords, nothing else. Either you come
up with a reasonable description of what you want
or we will have to close this report.

What I want here is to build such a reasonable request - bugzilla
doesn't serve as a scratch.

Willian had shown us that:

On Tuesday 23 November 2004 21:15, William Skaggs wrote:
 And now I see that to create my new spew tool, I need to do the
 following things:

 1) In app/paint, cp gimpink.c gimpspew.c and then edit gimpspew.c
to s/ink/spew/g  (don't take this literally).

 2) Handle gimpink.h similarly.

 3) in paint/gimp-paint.c, add an include for gimpspew.h and add
gimp_spew_register to the register_funcs array.

 4) in app/tools, copy gimpinktool.c and gimpinktool.h to
 gimpspewtool.c and gimpspewtool.h, then change ink to spew
 everywhere in the new files.

 5) in app/tools, handle gimpinkoptions-gui.c and
 gimpinkoptions-gui.h the same way.

 6) Add the new files to Makefile.am in the appropriate places.

 7) In tools/gimp-tools.c, add gimpspewtool.h as an include, and
 add gimp_spew_tool_register to the register_funcs array.  (I found
 this by sheer luck.)

 8) (The hard part)  Edit paint/gimpspew.[ch] and
 tools/gimpspewoptions-gui.c to give the desired new functionality.
 The code from gimpink.c is rather complex and will no doubt give
 rise to more questions.

 Does that look right?

 No, I see that I haven't created an icon yet.  Fortunately I think
 I more or less know how to do this:

 9) Create stock-tool-spew-16.png and stock-tool-spew-22.png and
 place them in themes/Default/images/tools.  As I understand it, the
 appropriate line in libgimpwidgets/gimpstock.h will be
 autogenerated if in the themes directory I then do make -C clean;

What I do want is that one doesn't need to recompile the GIMP for
playing with paint variations.

When I first reported I was thinking of being able to write such
callbacks in Python language, so that changes on the paint behavior
would not require any compiling at all. Moreover, parameters for a
painting tool would be added at will - since python plug-ins can
combine the ease of script-fu with the power of C plug-ins.

I was pointed that it is technically difficult to write such a
callback, since the plug-in runs in a separate process.

So the suggestion taht arised is to have a paint tool that reads what
it will do from plain text files. These plain text files will be
stored in a collection in their own directory, just like script-fus
have one, brushes have one. curves have another.

Each of these plain text files, which I've called procedural brush
should provide a way to calculate parameters of painting based on
other painting variables. Existing variables I can think of right now
are: Image coordinates - relative and absolute, painting speed,
stroke angle, pressure, tilt, time of stroke event, stroke length,
and paint color - and more date to work is available on the pixels
that are already on the drawable. (The smudge tool makes use of them,
for example).

Such  a procedural brush could be able to specify  something as
trivial as: the radius of the stroke should vary linearly in the Y
direction, being wider at image botton, and 0 at image top.
So, a procedural brush file describing this could just be something

out_radius = in_radius * (in_y / in_height);

So - it would be something fun to try, and skecth. If one would like
to make it wider to the left, instead of to the botton, all taht
would be needed would be to change taht line to:
out_radius = in_radius * (in_x / in_width);

Something obviously with to few  serious uses to go into the core as
 a new tool.
But just the other day one guy was asking for somthing just like that
in GUG (hewanted the stroke radius to vary with stroke length).

The same file could specify more parameters, that would be made
available for the user to config, just like script fu - The
procedural brush could ask for a color gradient, a fixed radius, an
starting angle, a pattern or drawable from were to clone data, and so

A more complex brush behavior I can think of right now, would be one

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: whishes for Gimp

2004-11-23 Thread Sven Neumann

William Skaggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Well, I think I have demonstrated that I need to create or modify at
 least 10 files to produce a new paint tool, and I have probably
 missed something along the way.  But I will admit that the danger of
 code collision does not seem all that large.

Thanks for setting up that list. I am afraid though that you missed
the point I was trying to make. There is always about this amount of
hazzle to integrate things into GIMP, whether you need to do a couple
of registration calls in a plug-in or module or touch a couple of
files to register it with GIMP.

It is however very easy for us to help a newbie with this 10 steps you
listed than to sit down and design and implement a plug-in API for
it. Such an API would have to be flexible enough to deal with all
sorts of ideas that people might come up with and so far we have no
clue what that could be. So instead of discussing this API, I want
people to realize that the code in app/paint already offers an API
that should fit their needs.  So all they need to do is to ask for a
little help with integrating the new paint-core. It is easy for me or
Mitch to set up the framework you need to start experimenting. Now
that you have explained it in your mail, people would probably not
even need this help any longer.

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